My Playboy Fiance

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My Playboy Fiance Page 36

by Katerina Cole

  Dylan lowered my legs to the bed. “So fucking perfect,” he whispered.

  And just like that. I’d had my first three-way.



  I was exhausted. Sated. Satisfied like I’d been with three women instead of one. But Vanessa was amazing. Unbelievable. Something about her innocence undid everything in me. She had a thirst for something darker, something richer that her body could do. She just hadn’t figured out what that was yet.

  Somehow Isaac and I had taken that project on. We were going to be the ones to help her explore. To coax her. To teach her. To take her places she needed to go.

  I hadn’t brought myself to look at him on the other side of her yet. She was nestled between us. Her soft body still warm and glowing.

  I had done a lot of weird sex shit in my life. I’d been with lots of women. Hell, yeah, I’d been with two at once. But I swear, I’d never considered a three-way like this. It seemed right at the time. It seemed fair to everyone involved when we were standing in Vanessa’s kitchen.

  Taking her the way we did felt natural. As if our true primal needs were being met. As if I could enjoy a woman in an entirely different way. Watching her move and quiver because someone else was deep inside her. I didn’t know it would turn me on. I didn’t know I would fucking love it. And I never knew Isaac could be in that equation.

  I pushed off the bed, grabbed my boxer briefs, and walked out to the kitchen. I left the two of them wrapped in a cocoon of scattered sheets. I opened the fridge. Where was the damn beer?

  I held up a bottle of wine. It would have to do. I twisted the cork from the mouth and poured a glass.

  I leaned against the counter, taking big gulps. I couldn’t believe what had happened.

  I knew tonight would go down as one of the most epic sexual nights of my life. I looked toward the hall when I heard footsteps.

  I let out a breath when I saw Isaac.

  “You drink that stuff?” He pointed to the wine.

  “I couldn’t find any beer.”

  He shook his head. “She doesn’t have any.”

  “That would explain it. Want some?” I offered him the bottle.

  He strolled toward me, taking the bottle. He knocked it back, not bothering to use a glass.

  He lowered the bottle. “Are we good, brother?”

  “It was about Vanessa. This whole thing.”

  “I agree, but I—fuck, Dylan. We fucked the same woman. I don’t think we can pretend we didn’t.”

  I shifted on my feet. “My cock didn’t go anywhere near your dick. I think we’re good.”

  Isaac snorted. “Should it feel weird? Because, I thought it was fucking insane. Hottest thing I’ve ever done.”

  I yanked the bottle from his hand to refill my glass. “It was fucking incredible. It doesn’t feel weird. Just don’t think about it. Get it out of your head. We did it for her.”

  “Right.” He grimaced, chugging the last drops of wine. “It was all about her. It has to stay that way.”

  Tomorrow was the big announcement. Steve had planned a press conference. There was going to be a ring. Vanessa and I had to answer questions about the proposal. How long we dated. How our romance started. I should have been scared as shit. I wasn’t the right candidate for that job. I had it because I out-bid everyone. And now, I couldn’t be happier about it.

  Something in me was shaking loose. Something that made me run, was fading. I wanted her again.

  “It could have been a one-time deal.” I looked at him.

  Isaac rubbed the back of his head. “It’s up to her. But I hope like hell it wasn’t.”

  “I know what you mean.” I couldn’t believe I said the words. I lived for one-time fucks.

  This was usually the part where I split. I fucked, made sure the girl was asleep, and I left. But I headed back to the bedroom. It was as if I were drawn to her. Knowing Vanessa was sleeping alone in that big bed, called me. It pulled me.

  Isaac was close behind. I knew we wouldn’t discuss it again. There wasn’t anything else to say. He wanted her. He had since he met her. I was getting ready to be publicly engaged to her, so I wasn’t going anywhere.

  But somehow we had both ended up in her bed. We both claimed a spot. And neither was about to give her up.



  I opened one eye and then the other. Maybe if I took my time, the fantasy would stay around a little longer. I could hold onto it and lock it in the deepest parts of my memory. I’d never dreamed anything so amazing. I’d never felt like a goddess. I’d never felt so worshipped and adored. And holy shit, I’d never had an orgasm that consumed my entire body from fingertips to toes.

  I sighed as my vision came into focus. I saw the smooth lines of Dylan’s back. I reached forward, letting my fingertips graze over his skin. He was warm. He was real. Just then, I felt the tug of a hand on my hip.

  My eyes widened. Isaac.

  His thumbs pressed into the flesh of my thigh. My body was slowly waking up. Isaac’s lips moved from my neck to my shoulder.

  I moaned lightly, opening my legs for him. His fingers settled between my folds, flicking and teasing my clit.

  “Ohh,” I whimpered.

  The sounds awakened Dylan. He rolled onto his back.

  “Good morning, darlin’.” He smiled.

  I could barely make out words. Isaac swirled and dipped, plunging a finger inside me.

  I rocked into the sensation, jutting my naked breasts forward. I caught the devilish grin on Dylan’s lips before he descended on my nipple, biting and sucking.

  Again. This was happening again. Although, this time I didn’t feel the hesitation or nagging doubts that had attacked me last night. I was completely in. I wanted this. I craved it. The disbelief was gone. They both wanted me, and I wanted them.

  “Ohh, Isaac. Dylan.” My head rolled back, taking Isaac’s mouth as his tongue plunged inside.

  “I have to fuck you, baby.”

  I nodded eagerly. I loved how he felt inside me. How in command he was. Dylan grinned.

  “I have something planned for that sweet ass of yours.”

  My eyes widened, as Isaac rolled me, pulling me on top of him. Dylan tossed him a condom. I was already wet and hot, trying to process what was coming next.

  Within seconds the condom was on and I slid back and forth over his erection until Isaac thrust inside me.

  “Oh shit,” I moaned.

  “Fuck me, Vanessa.” His dark eyes penetrated something in my soul. I began to rock back and forth. Sinking deeper until I could feel his cock hit my back walls.

  Suddenly, Dylan was behind me, pushing my back forward. Isaac drew my lips toward his, throwing my ass in the air.

  “Fuck, such a perfect rosebud,” Dylan growled.

  My knees were spread wide as Isaac pumped inside me. Just then I felt it. The fiery sensation as Dylan breached my backside. His thumb pushed deep inside as I hissed.

  It was intense and little shockwaves of pain spilled to my core. But then he pried my hole farther as his hot tongue dipped inside.

  “Oh God.” I broke the kiss with Isaac. “Yes. Oh yes, Dylan.” My head flew backward as I wiggled my ass toward his lips. I’d never been so dirty in my life. Dirty was fun. Dirty was good.

  “Fucking incredible.” Isaac’s fingers reached between my legs, prying my folds wider so I sank deeper on his cock. The wider I was, the more exposed I was to Dylan. His tongue was inside my ass, thrusting and twirling in circles.

  I couldn’t control the wild rock of my hips. I couldn’t rein in the way my body wanted this. Being filled in two holes at once by heat and strength. Isaac’s hard cock seared into me while Dylan’s tongue gave me sensations I’d never experienced.

  “Fuck my cock, baby. Fuck me so hard,” Isaac growled.

  “I can’t stop,” I whimpered. “I’m going to come.”

  Dylan’s moans were muffled behind me. He sucked hard, plunging his tongue in
the most guarded part of my body, but I wanted him to have it. I loved it. It was wicked and sinful, but it felt so good. Like fire emanated through my body. The flames licked my pussy and my ass as each man gave me pleasure.

  The wall I created started to crack as the orgasm began to rise. I couldn’t stop it. It forced its way to the surface. There was no holding it back.

  I convulsed and vibrated, shaking in Isaac’s arms as he pumped harder in my swollen pussy. Everything was so raw and beautiful. Dylan held my hips tightly, his tongue disappeared and was replaced by thick fingers that began to fuck me from behind. His free hand fisted his cock and I heard his breathing ramp up.

  “Oh fuck, baby.” Isaac lost it, releasing himself inside me. He rocked me while I heard Dylan preparing the condom over his erection.

  “Oh shit, let me have her pussy,” Dylan commanded. “I’m ready. And she’s so fucking ready for me.”

  “Yes,” I moaned. “I need you, Dylan.” I didn’t know I could ache for two men at once. It was as if my body couldn’t be soothed until they had both penetrated me in every possible opening.

  Isaac scooted back on the bed as Dylan’s hands wrapped around my breasts and he pulled me onto his cock.

  “Oh shit,” I screamed. He stretched and pulled me in a new way.

  “Fuck me like you did Isaac. Fuck me, Vanessa. Me,” he demanded with primal urgency.

  “Yes, yes,” I whimpered, riding up and down his shaft. He twisted and pinched my nipples.

  Isaac leaned forward, catching my lips as the next orgasm ripped through me. I moaned into his mouth as Dylan took my knees wide, searing his dick inside me.

  The orgasm tore through me like lava spilling from a high peak.

  “Oh fuck, I’m coming so hard. So hard inside your sweet pussy.”

  I’d never felt anything like it. I was sandwiched between the two of them. Dylan’s mouth on my neck. Isaac’s tongue twining with mine, as my orgasm bounced through my body.

  With one final thrust Dylan exploded inside me and the three of us collapsed in a heap on the bed.

  I didn’t want to move. I didn’t want to breathe. I wanted this moment to last forever. I wanted to feel like I did with Dylan inside me and Isaac’s eyes boring into mine.

  “You ok, baby?”

  I nodded. “I feel incredible.”

  He kissed my forehead. “You are incredible.”

  “Fuck yeah,” Dylan breathed. “Can we call in sick, boss?” he teased.

  I nuzzled into the warmth of Isaac’s hard chest. “I wish we could.”

  I didn’t want to face the day. I didn’t want to attend Steve’s stupid press conference. I wanted to spend my day right here. Warm and safe. Protected by two men who had made me feel like the sexiest woman in Texas.



  The fucking world was upside down. I tugged at the white collar on my dress shirt. It was tight. Too damn tight. It was hot in the press room. It didn’t help I had to wear a jacket and a tie. The other guys did too. We were lined up like a bunch of ponies. Part of Steve’s plan to show just how united the team was about this engagement. The chairs were too close together. The rows were spaced far enough apart for guys who were over six feet tall. No one here weighed under 200 pounds, except the kicker. That dude was a shrimp compared to the rest of us.

  It was going to be hard to sit here, knowing what I did about Vanessa. It was only one night, but I had a bond with that woman that I didn’t know could exist. We experienced something together that wasn’t grounded in gravity. It wasn’t the kind of thing I could put in words or explain. Not even to my best friend.

  The jealous surges I’d had yesterday every time I thought about him being engaged to Vanessa had disappeared overnight. I woke up with her in my arms. The smell of her hair surrounded me. The sound of her whimpers filled my ears. She was mine now. She was ours. Somehow in this twisted scenario it took the competition out of it. Dylan and I shared her this morning and it was the hottest fucking thing I had ever experienced.

  Steve walked out from behind the corridor door and tapped the mic. There was a new print of the Warriors logo behind him.

  At least they had thought to start with a cleaned-up version of the team.

  “Good morning,” he greeted the team and the press.

  Coach Applewhite was in the front row. He placed his visor in his lap.

  Other than the guys who had attended the auction, the rest of the team didn’t know the plan. It was better that way. They would have to buy into the legitimacy of the relationship just like the fans.

  “Thank you for being here.” Steve straightened his tie before he continued.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off Vanessa. She wore a pale pink suit. It made her look like a fucking angel. I swallowed hard.

  “As you all know, it’s been a rough time for the team. We are still coming to terms with the passing of Mr. McCade. You’ll notice the team uniforms this season will be embroidered with a patch carrying the initials MC. To his friends he was known as Mac. It’s the way his team has decided to honor him as we start the season.” Steve took a sip of water. He looked more nervous than usual. “It’s going to be a tough season without our leader. But, I asked you here today to share some happy news.”

  He glanced at Vanessa. “You’ve probably noticed our new owner, Vanessa McCade has joined me, along with star wide receiver Dylan James.”

  There was a rumble of questions and speculations that came from the press that flanked us. The cameras were already going off. I didn’t know what kind of hell would break loose when he told them the news.

  “Sometimes in tragedy, we find hope.” I had to keep my eyes from rolling in the back of my head. Since when was Steve a fucking poet? “We find comfort and friendship. And you know that’s true with football. This is a family. A place where people lean on each other. Where the Warriors can count on each other. And in this case, tragedy has turned into love.”

  I closed my eyes. This bullshit was almost too much for me to take. And I knew what was coming. Dylan had to be sweating bullets up there. If there was one word I knew he never used it was love. He never stuck around long enough to know what it felt like.

  “I’m happy today to announce the engagement of Warriors owner, Miss Vanessa McCade to Dylan James.”

  Steve grinned, showing off the gap in his teeth. He turned to Vanessa and Dylan. Dylan leaned over, kissing Vanessa and whispering something in her ear.

  Her eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on me. I nodded, pressing my gaze into her. I wanted her to keep going. I wanted her to pull this off.

  The clicks from the cameras were almost deafening. The reporters ignored that an entire football team was in the center of the room, and rushed to the front tables on the makeshift stage.

  “Miss McCade, how did he propose?”

  “Dylan, does this mean you’ve given up the nightlife?”

  “How long have you been dating?”

  “What does your grandmother think, Vanessa?”

  “When’s the wedding?”

  Steve rose, placing his hand on Dylan’s and Vanessa’s shoulders. “Listen, we’re going to take questions, but this is like any post-game press conference.” He laughed. I could tell he was fucking pleased with himself. The press was eating this up. “Barb, you go first.”

  “Thanks, Steve.” She shooed her cameraman over to her shoulder. “Vanessa, how will this engagement affect your ability to effectively run the team?”

  Fuck. That question had nothing to do with flowers or bridesmaid dresses. I wanted to push my way to the front and shield her. I wanted to tell that reporter to fuck off.

  Vanessa smiled sweetly. “Great question.” Dylan’s heavy hand was slung around her shoulder. “It won’t change any of my day-to-day responsibilities of course. Lots of women have jobs and manage to have fiancés at the same time.” She giggled. “Dylan and I have an understanding. Neither of our careers will be affected. I can assure the Wa
rriors if anything, this will make me a better owner.”

  Barb continued, even though I was pretty sure her turn was over. “Are you saying, you’ll have more of a focus on player interests now? Is that a departure from how your grandfather managed the organization?”

  Damn it, Barb. Who was that woman?

  Steve moved to take the mic, but Vanessa slid it from him. I saw a newfound confidence in her.

  “I loved my grandfather and we’re all going to miss him, but I have to do what’s best for the team going forward. And yes, that means I’m going to have a different focus. Dylan and I have talked about the team. I’m not going to pretend and try to convince you that we don’t discuss player issues. I want the Warriors to lead the AFA. And that means I’m going to have to make some changes to keep the quality talent we have.”

  My jaw almost dropped. Who was this girl? She had changed in front of me. She was on fire. She wasn’t taking any shit. She knew exactly how to answer the questions.

  “Next question.” Steve pointed to one of the Sports Now reporters. “Leslie, what do you have for us?”

  “I’d like to know how you plan on negotiating Dylan’s contract.” The reporter folded her arms.

  Dylan didn’t let Vanessa land in the trap. He swiveled the mic in his direction. “Hey there, darlin’.” He flashed a smile at Leslie. “My contract will be negotiated by my agent, just like every guy here.” He nodded to the team.

  “But don’t you think you have an unfair advantage?” Leslie pressed.

  “I’ll re-negotiate just like my teammates. My biggest concern is having a higher completion rating than Isaac.” He laughed loudly.

  All heads turned to face me. I lifted my chin and tried to smile, but my lips were contorted. Mother fucker. Why did he draw me into this?

  “Is that true, Isaac? Are you and Dylan that competitive?” Leslie shoved her microphone in my face.

  I pressed my palms into my knees. “Sure. We like to compete.”


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