Remember Love

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Remember Love Page 8

by Ginny Sterling


  Colin pulled out his phone and nearly overturned the table as he tried to stand up. He’d begun to doubt that she would text him when she got home, yet the message on his phone said that he’d gotten a photo. Looking up, he saw the shocked expressions of his friends at his reaction to the text message he’d just received.

  “Excuse me for a minute.”

  Walking outside of the restaurant, he opened the message and held his breath. Her face appeared on his screen and he couldn’t help but admire the way her soft smile illuminated her face. He just wished the smile reached her eyes. He knew she was scared – but she’d taken the first step.

  Utterly breathtaking – thank you.

  I’m still frightened and this is way out of my comfort zone. Just FYI.

  I know that is why this is so very precious to me.

  Don’t make it romantic – just be a friend right now. That’s not as scary.

  Sounds like a plan.

  So, what now?

  Do you like to picnic? How about I meet you for lunch tomorrow? We can eat together and there is a little pond nearby.

  I like that place – there are ducks to feed and I go there often.

  Perfect. Can I see you about noon?

  If I change my mind – I will text you.

  Fair enough.

  Colin couldn’t help the grin on his face. He high-fived a perfect stranger walking into the restaurant, causing the other people to stare at him in confusion. He felt like he was on cloud nine right now. Walking back to the table, Colin slid into his seat happily, smiling like a complete fool.

  “What’s gotten into you?” John asked, laughing.

  “Yeah really? You’ve gone from moping to looking like you won the lottery in two minutes flat.”

  “I’ve got a date tomorrow.”

  “Well that was fast,” Daisy said sarcastically. “You already moved on?”

  “If you really must know – my date is with Ava.”

  Everyone at the table gaped at him in surprise, including Daisy. She looked at him and cocked her head to the side, as if she was considering something.

  “Just be careful, okay?” Daisy finally said, lacing her fingers with Ethan’s on the table. “We don’t want either of you getting hurt.”

  “Neither do I,” Colin admitted truthfully. “Things are on her terms. I want her to be comfortable with meeting me and I simply want a chance to get to know her.”

  “You never struck me as the type of guy who wanted a family,” John admitted. “She’s got a kid- are you going to be okay with that?”

  “I don’t think I realized what I wanted until I met her – and yes. I know about Aurora. The two are a package deal and I think I’m ready to handle it,” Colin said softly. “I can’t explain it, but she struck a chord in me from the very beginning. I genuinely like who she is on the inside.”

  “We understand that better than most, don’t we John? We all wish you both the best of luck,” Lily announced with a knowing smile towards John. Colin knew that Lily was the mysterious woman who’d been corresponding with Griffin before he’d left Afghanistan. He’d been lucky enough to be a part of the group that got to share the care packages she’d sent him. Lily raised her own cup of water and held it high, silently encouraging the others to follow her lead. “Sometimes things work out in the best way possible. To happiness!”

  The four other adults at the table held up their individual sodas, coffee cups, and water glasses – clinking them together and cheering Colin on.

  “To happiness,” Colin repeated, praying that tomorrow went smoothly and Ava didn’t cancel on him.

  Chapter 11

  Ava backed out mentally at least five times this morning. She’d almost texted him to cancel repeatedly with everything from feigning an illness to her stroller was broken. She changed clothing twice, afraid to wear anything too hot – then scared to wear anything too revealing. She’d settled on a blouse and jeans, trying to look nice yet casual. She braided her hair to keep it out of her face before yanking it out and starting over again.

  Aurora had already had her morning nap and would be good for at least an hour or two before she got cranky. Dressing her in a little pink gown, she hoped the baby would remain cool enough as they tried to picnic at the very start to the hot Texas summer. She knew her time at the park would be limited, as she would stop coming once the heat got to be intolerable.

  Today would be iffy already and she hoped that Colin settled down in the shade somewhere underneath a tree. Gathering up her diaper bag, she dropped a cold pack beside it and several burp cloths. Throwing her wallet and car keys inside the diaper bag, she headed out the door – and then walked back inside the house.

  It took her several tries and a pep talk in the parking lot to finally get out of the car with Aurora. She was meeting a man, for an actual date! He’d said it was up to her. She felt like she was soaring over mental hurdles right now… and not just trying to get over them. Putting Aurora in the stroller, she focused on what was normal around her. The warmth of the sun, the sounds of the ducks nearby, the water lapping on the banks of the pond, children laughing.

  “I wasn’t sure if you would come,” Ava heard Colin’s voice just to the left of her. She glanced over and saw that he had spread out a small coverlet in the shade of a pecan tree near the bank of the pond.

  “I didn’t text you to say that I wouldn’t meet you.”

  “No, but I couldn’t help but worry. I’m really glad you came.”

  Ava was surprised to hear that he’d been concerned. Colin stood to the side and held out his arm, silently inviting her over into the shade. She was thankful that her stroller had the large wheels on it as she managed to push it through the grass towards the picnic area he had set up.

  “This is really nice,” she admitted, seeing the sandwiches and cans of soda waiting and feeling nervous.

  “I will tell you that this is the fourth spot that I put the blanket down. The first couple of spots had me attacked by the ducks quickly once I got out a sandwich. The last spot had fire ants and I got stung a few times. How do you get by down here in Texas when you get bombarded by nature at every turn?”

  She saw his smile and the bemused look in his eyes, realizing he was trying to engage her in conversation. “You are really trying, aren’t you?”

  “Very much so,” he confessed earnestly with an impish smile. “Is it working?”

  Ava felt herself giggle like a schoolgirl as she saw the hopeful look in his eyes. She was surprised by the kindness she saw there and encouraged. Nodding, she moved to take her seat on the blanket. Before she sat down, she picked up Aurora and lay her down on the blanket nearby. Her large eyes stared upwards in awe at the trees above them and then darted around until she saw Ava sit down beside her.

  “Wow,” Colin admitted softly, taking a seat on the blanket. She noticed that he didn’t sit too closely. He was trying to give her space and she really appreciated it. “She’s so small and inquisitive, isn’t she?”

  “She’s a little over eight weeks old now and realizing things around her. I had no idea that their world expanded exponentially from birth. Apparently when she was born, everything is blurry to an infant so in the last week or so it’s become really fascinating to watch her develop. She’s seeing things and focusing on items. Last night, she stared at my face for about a half hour when I rocked her to sleep.”

  “I’ll admit that sounds like a good pastime.”

  “What? Rocking her to sleep?”

  “No, staring at your face for hours.”

  “Wow. This got awkward fast,” Ava said quietly, feeling a burst of nervousness and need in her stomach. The idea of this handsome man being interested in her sent a burst of joy racing through her veins.

  “Sorry,” Colin said gingerly. “I’m not trying to pressure you. I just can’t get over how lovely you are. If it makes you uncomfortable for me to tell you that I think you are incredibly pretty- we can tal
k about the weather or maybe sports?”

  “How ‘bout them Cowboys?” she joked and saw his surprised expression.

  “You like football?”

  “No, I was only teasing.”

  “Well you got me on that one,” he confessed, his face alight with a smile and his blue eyes gleaming from his tanned skin. “Let’s talk about anything you feel like. Then we can just sit here eat like a normal couple. Shall we?”

  “Why wouldn’t we be a normal couple?” she asked curiously.

  “If we were normal, I’d be sitting right next to you so I could breathe your perfume or kiss your cheek whenever I wanted. We’d have Aurora tucked between us so we could both keep her occupied and enjoy the afternoon.”

  “So being a normal couple is our goal?”

  “Whatever version has you sitting beside me comfortably, I’m good with.”

  “You are pretty intense, aren’t you?” she admitted shyly. “You don’t mince words and just go after what you want. I admit I’m a little intimidated but also envious.”

  “What are you envious of?”

  “That you can just blurt out whatever is on your mind.”

  “So try it and see what happens,” Colin reach over and quickly grabbed a napkin, wiping Aurora’s mouth. “Sorry, she spit up.”

  “Oh, she’ll probably do it again if I don’t set her a little upright. Let me put her back in the stroller.”

  “Can I hold her for you for a bit while we eat?”


  “I haven’t held a child in years, not since my cousins were little and before I went in the military. I’m not any good at it, but I’m not opposed to trying either.”

  Ava hesitated and then found herself picking up Aurora. As she did, the baby gave a soft burp that made her coo in delight. Smiling, Ava met Colin’s eyes and her heart flipped over nervously in her chest. He sat back against the tree behind him and Ava put the baby in his arms. She was keenly aware of his eyes watching her and the scent of his cologne. Glancing down at him, she met his gaze and backed away. Her heart thumped nervously as she saw the disappointment quickly masked on his face.

  “If you’ll hand me a sandwich then we both can eat peacefully until this little one is ready for more attention than I can give her,” he asked, talking to the baby but addressing Ava.

  “Colin, I can put her in the…”

  “Ava, I’m okay right now and so is she,” he interrupted, with a soft smile at Ava. “Unless you’d rather me not hold her – and that is okay too. She’s your daughter and I want you comfortable but I can help with the baby.”


  She handed him a sandwich and peeled back the paper it was wrapped in. Grabbing one herself, she opened the diaper bag and got out a burp cloth just in case. She surprised herself sitting a little closer to Colin than she had originally. Thankfully, he didn’t say a word, only smiling as she took her seat. The breeze through the trees made the warmth tolerable and they spent almost an hour just chatting amicably about his time in Afghanistan and what she did for a living.

  Aurora started to get a little fussy and Ava quickly started to get up.

  “I can get it if you’ll hand me her bottle.”

  “You don’t have to do this.”

  “Do you mind me helping?”

  “No, it just feels weird- like I should be doing it. You know?”

  “If we were a normal couple or in a serious relationship, would you want me to help or expect me to help with Aurora?”

  “I… uh…” Ava stammered, feeling nervous at his question.

  “If it was my child, I would insist on helping and not expect you to do everything alone. That is what friends, partners, and family does for each other. So, as your friend – let me help while I can. I’ll be gone in a week and you can feed her anytime you want then,” Colin said quietly, extending his hand for the bottle Ava held.

  She handed it to him and saw him begin to croon softly at Aurora as he fed her. The little traitor seemed to be infatuated with Colin and latched onto the bottle immediately, not screaming or crying out. He looked up from the baby and had a content look to his face that made heat pool in Ava’s stomach. She stared at the two of them and felt an intimacy in that moment the way he held her gaze.

  “I can’t think of a more perfect afternoon than right now,” he admitted, watching her. Ava simply nodded quietly, feeling at a loss for words as she realized that she agreed completely with him and treasured this very moment.

  “Do you work tomorrow?”


  “Can we see each other again?”

  “I don’t have any plans,” she admitted.

  “Ethan and Daisy are grilling tomorrow. They invited me over with John and Lily. I’d like you to be my guest. We are supposed to watch a movie and just hang out. Come with me- no pressure.”

  “Should I bring a dish or something?”

  “That’s completely up to you,” he admitted, and then raised an eyebrow. “How do I know when it’s time to burp her?”

  “I’d go ahead so she doesn’t spit up. Do you want me to do it?” Colin smiled and looked at her through his lashes, making her toes curl.

  “You really have a hard time letting anyone in, don’t you?” He quickly put the baby up on his shoulder like a pro, and gently patted Aurora’s back. A loud belch quickly followed by a sound from her diaper, had him laughing softly.

  “That a girl… whoa! Phew! Now it’s time for you, lil’ momma,” he grinned, making a face. “I don’t mind feeding but I can’t help with diaper-duty. I think she’s done a number in there.”

  Ava laughed now as Colin turned away, shielding his eyes from the sight of the diaper being changed. It was almost comical that he was so flirtatious with Ava but balked at seeing the infant getting cleaned up. She quickly wrapped up the filthy diaper and stuck it in an empty grocery bag to keep it from smelling quite so much.

  “You’re safe now,” she teased, watching him uncover his eyes.

  “Thank you for saving me from the little disaster she made.”

  “Now back to work,” Ava joked, testing the waters between them. “There are two ounces left in that bottle, sir.”

  “Yes ma’am,” he mocked, holding up his fingers to his brow as she handed Aurora back to him. She quickly put hand sanitizer on her hands, rubbing them, and saw him hold out his. Putting a dollop on his hands, he grasped her fingers in his. Ava immediately glanced up at him, frozen, feeling a rush of panic at being held.

  “I’m really glad you came today,” he admitted softly, apologizing. He let her hand go, wiping his hands together carefully to prevent him jostling the baby, like nothing had happened. She knew he must have seen it in her eyes that he’s scared her because he looked away.

  “Me too, Colin.”

  “You’ll come tomorrow?”


  Chapter 12

  Ava pulled in to Daisy’s place, parking in the lot out front. The small parking lot had a few cars in it, making her feel a little nervous that there might be more people here than just the ones Colin had named.

  “You can do this,” she whispered aloud and got out of the car. The idea of spending the afternoon with people she barely knew made her a little nervous but it was better than staying cooped up in her home waiting for work tomorrow. She could smell the scent of burgers cooking on the grill already and wondered if she was late. Carrying Aurora in her carrier, she walked up the walkway and saw Colin was there holding the door for her.

  “I’m glad you came.”

  “Me too,”… now, she thought, smiling shyly at him. That was one thing that she really was glad of – that Colin seemed to be approachable and was trying to do his best to make her feel a part of his life. Walking inside, she saw Ethan was sitting on the couch and Daisy perched on the arm of the sofa beside him. John and Lily were sitting beside each other, watching the television. Everyone looked up and waved amicably, welcoming her.

>   “Do you want some tea, coffee, a coke, or water?” Daisy asked politely.

  “Anything is fine,” she replied, nervously taking the first seat nearby. She put Aurora on the couch and groaned as Rags was there almost instantly underfoot.


  Colin laughed and picked up the little dog. Holding it against his chest, he grinned lightly as it tried to lick his chin. “This little gal just wants some attention.”

  “She is a holy terror to my shoes,” Ava groaned.

  “It’s because she’s wanting you to love on her. If you pet her and show her some affection, she’s bound to stop licking you all the time,” he murmured and then smiled playfully at Ava.

  “Remind you of anyone, Wilkes?” John chimed in pointedly, giving Colin a mock salute as Colin laughed good-naturedly. Colin took the verbal jab and grinned in agreement.

  Ava blushed fiercely knowing that they were likening the dog to Colin’s attempts at affection from her. Wordlessly, Ava sat down and picked up Aurora out of her carrier. The baby lay against her chest and tried holding up her head, collapsing against her shoulder weakly. Carrying the puppy, Rags, Colin disappeared and returned with a soda for Ava. He placed it on the end table nearby without asking and took a seat opposite of the carrier between them with the dog.

  “Colin, you can put the carrier down on the floor. The dogs will leave it alone,” Ethan said. “We are going to start the movie in just a few while the coals get good and hot on the grill. We tried cooking earlier but it wasn’t quite time.”

  “It’s okay,” Colin began, but Ava was already putting it on the floor. She could see the surprised look on his face and didn’t say a word. Instead, she simply got comfortable and stretched out a bit, instead of being cramped in the corner of the couch.

  “Both of you have a little one now, huh?”

  “Rags can leave Ava alone for a bit and give her shoes a break. I think she’s got the better deal though,” Colin admitted, smiling at Ava. He got out his phone and leaned towards her as the movie started on the television. “Can I take a photo of us?”


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