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Dathrow Page 4

by Leora Gonzales


  It’s over. Please do not contact me again. I’m moving on with my life and leaving the area.

  Have a good life,


  That should at least get the point across. Pixie reread the email once before hitting the Send button.

  Letting out a loud sigh, she checked the clock. It was past dinnertime and she didn’t have any food except ice cream in the tiny refrigerator at her disposal. Pixie pulled out a Chinese delivery menu from the drawer on the desk and studied it before ordering her usual meal. Chinese food was a cure-all and Pixie was looking forward to indulging in the comfort of her favorite dishes. As she waited for her order to arrive, she went over her calendar. From what Val had said in the email, Poppy wouldn’t be able to call her for over a month.

  Well, this sucked. How was she supposed to stay sane for that long without talking to her sister? There was really nothing she could do about it, which made it that much worse. Pixie knew she was somewhat of a control freak. She was unable to help it. It was in her blood. The best thing for her to do would be to stay busy. Problem was that she was unable to think of ways to do that. With no job, no house and no desire to pick up new hobbies, she was at a loss. Movie marathons and shopping seemed to be her best bet for the next month or two. After all, she really didn’t have a choice. Time to start the countdown until she could talk to Poppy again, and hope that she wasn’t loony by the time it rolled around.

  Chapter Five

  Pixie had been pacing off and on all day long. Emails from her sister had stopped during the time Poppy was on Phaeton’s home planet and those three weeks had seemed like years. A few days after the ship had started its journey back to Earth, Pixie had received her first email in weeks from Poppy. A week after that and they were able to talk over the phone. The signal was scratchy and cut in and out but it worked.

  They kept things light by talking about everything Poppy had been able to see and do on the alien planet. Poppy had explained that not only was she pregnant, but her pregnancy was gestating at an advanced rate. The information had thrown Pixie for a loop. She’d only just gotten used to the idea of being an aunt and now she had half the time to prepare before it happened.

  When her sister had asked she was doing, Pixie avoided bringing up work or Brian. She talked about the weather in Florida and new movies that were out…anything that stayed far, far away from the mess that had been her life for the past few months. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to tell Poppy what was going on; she just figured it would be better to do it semi face-to-face. There was a lot to go over with her leaving her almost-fiancé, quitting her job and then signing up to be a bride. She was partly scared of the reaction Poppy would have.

  On one hand, Poppy had never been a fan of Brian. She’d pointed out many times how much Pixie had changed once she’d started dating him. There was quite a bit of truth there even though Pixie didn’t want to admit it. Second thing was Poppy knew how much Pixie had liked her job. Pixie’s goal had been to move up the management ladder and someday buy into the business. Pixie was also extremely nervous about Poppy’s reaction to her decision to sign up for the Bridal Pact. Pixie knew Poppy could go one of two ways. She would either think Pixie was crazy and needed to be committed. Or she would be excited and happy Pixie was going to be located on Squadron One and be there for the birth of her niece. Pixie had her fingers crossed it was the second one.

  Yesterday she’d received a quick phone call from Poppy that they should be able to video call soon and she would try today at noon. Keeping one eye trained on the clock, Pixie walked back and forth in the small space of her rented room. She was getting pretty tired of this place. Every meal she had was normally something she ordered in because of the size of her refrigerator. She knew she was lucky to have a kitchen, but the small area wasn’t one she wanted to cook in. Add that to the fact that whatever she did make seemed to linger for days and she’d quickly given up trying to make her own food. Ordering out was just easier all around.

  Hearing her computer ping, Pixie practically tripped trying to get to the desk where it was set up.

  Sitting down, she took a few breaths in and out to calm down before accepting the call. The minute her sister’s face appeared on the screen, Pixie felt an immediate sense of relief.

  “E.T. phone home… E.T. phone home,” Pixie teased, trying to keep a straight face.

  “That’s still not funny, Pixie.” Poppy stuck her tongue out at the video monitor.

  “Oh c’mon, it is totally funny.” Wiggling her eyebrows back at Poppy, she gave her a pointed look. “How is my future alien niece or nephew? And tell me again why Wheaton didn’t want to know the sex of the baby?”

  “He or she is perfectly fine and you can blame it on watching too many movies. Apparently he wants the full ‘surprise’ experience. Tamin and Rodin have been sworn to secrecy to anyone and everyone who tries to weasel it out of them.” Poppy rubbed her stomach and leaned back so Pixie could get a glimpse of her rounded belly. She smiled. “By the way, it is so nice to see your ugly mug again. I was getting really tired of just hearing your voice.”

  Pixie grinned back at her sister, happy to see she was doing well. “I know. Being able to see and talk to you makes a big difference. Almost like we aren’t too far apart. Oh and let me see that ring now!”

  Waving her hand in front of the screen, Poppy showed Pixie the ring Wheaton had put there not too long ago.

  Pixie gave the appropriate “oohs” and “aahhs” until Poppy laughed and gestured for them to move on.

  “So, what’s been happening in your neck of the woods?” Poppy asked.

  “Well…a lot actually,” Pixie answered, feeling nervous at what was about to come. Pixie watched Poppy’s face, noticing that her sister had gotten a faraway look in her eyes.

  “Hey, you still with me?” Pixie waved at the monitor to catch Poppy’s attention.

  “Sorry, baby brain has settled in. So what’s so important that we had to wait for video chat for you to talk to me about?”

  “I’m just going to start at the beginning and I don’t want you to get mad, okay?”

  Pixie began and waited for Poppy to nod before continuing.

  “I broke up with Brian,” Pixie blurted out. Closing her eyes, she waited for Poppy to start with the questions.

  “Ummm, okay…why?” Poppy’s voice sounded as stunned as she looked.

  “Well, here’s the kicker. Remember Brenda?” Pixie asked.

  At Poppy’s nod, Pixie continued, “He was fucking her. He. Was. Fucking. Her.”

  “No!” Poppy’s shocked voice came clearly across the speaker.

  “Yes! Not only that, but the woman who I thought was a friend and assistant was messing with my work to make me busier so she could get me out of the way so they could meet!” Pixie spoke as if she could truly murder someone.

  “When did you find out?” Poppy asked, obviously stunned, her mouth hanging open.

  “I noticed mistakes that even an idiot shouldn’t be making with the bookkeeping. One night, I decided to take home the extra work that she’d been making for me and found Brenda in bed with Brian apparently doing her extra work. Well, technically they were on the couch.”

  “No! Fuck! I loved that couch.” Poppy made a disgusted face at the camera. “Now I feel the need to go and dip myself in antibacterial soap.”

  “Yeah, needless to say that is one piece of furniture I didn’t take with me when I left.” Pixie rolled her eyes at the camera.

  “Fuck. Me.” Poppy reached for one of the donuts that were sitting at her side. As she stuffed her face, she waved her hand to get Pixie to keep spilling the beans.

  “Nope, it was Brenda fucking Brian. Plain as day,” Pixie deadpanned sarcastically.

  “What did you do?” Face stuffed with a donut, Poppy’s words came out mumbled, but Pixie got the drift.

  “Well, I told her she was fired and I told him to fuck off.” Pixie kept to herself
that she technically wasn’t the one to fire Brenda. That tidbit didn’t really matter much.

  “Wait…you asked me not to be mad earlier. What would I be mad about that for?” Poppy asked.

  Watching her sister closely, Pixie knew it was now or never. Taking a deep breath she spoke calmly. “After I cleaned house at work and at home, I realized I was going to follow in my sister’s footsteps.” Pixie grinned, keeping her fingers crossed Poppy didn’t lose it.

  “I don’t get it.”

  “I walked my happy ass down to the Intake Center and filled out a bridal application.” Recoiling back from the screen as if she were waiting for Poppy to reach through and strangle her, Pixie waited a minute before opening her eyes to see what her sister’s reaction was.

  “You what!” Poppy yelled, causing a piece of donut to fly out of her mouth.

  “Okay, I thought this through. I’m single. I knew that with the Brenda-the-bitch fiasco at work, my boss was not going to be okay with me staying on since I let her get away with fucking up for so long. The biggest thing though is…I missed my sister.”

  Pausing for a moment, Pixie felt as if she were going to cry. “Poppy, I want what you have. I’ve never seen you happier than you are right now. You have a gorgeous man who adores you, a baby on the way, and you’re living a life I’m truly jealous of.”

  “I don’t know what to say, Pixie.” Poppy sat quiet on her end of the video, obviously taking in what was happening. She cocked her eyebrow in question before saying, “But, Pixie, I thought Earth received the press release from Phaeton that there would be a halt on bride matching. With the system down, they’re working hard to get it going as soon as possible but it could be a while before you’re selected.”

  “Actually the whole Brian/Brenda clusterfuck happened a while ago and my application was matched before that asshole kidnapped you.” Seeing Poppy wasn’t understanding what she was saying, Pixie smirked and explained, “I was one of the matches that was pulled before the system went down.”

  “Oh. Do you know who your future husband is?”

  “Yes I do, and the good thing is you know him too.” Pixie was excited to tell Poppy to whom she was matched. Hoping her sister remembered him from their very first meeting on Earth, Pixie decided to tease her little sis a bit.

  “Oh really?”

  “Yep. We would have already started our trial period, but he’s been too busy to come to Earth to fill out paperwork.” Grinning widely, she clapped her hands together. “This means I’ll be on Squadron One once you get close enough to Earth.”

  “Who. Is. It?” Poppy asked, obviously annoyed Pixie wasn’t getting to the point as quickly as possible.

  “Okay, okay, okay, keep your ass calm before you go into labor.” Pointing her finger at the screen, Pixie gave the order. “You’d better not have that baby until I get there, bish. I mean it!”

  “Pixie! Who the fuck is it?” Poppy scowled at her through the screen.

  “My future loving, gorgeous husband is…drum roll please…” Pixie drummed her hands on the desk in front of her.

  By this time, Poppy had folded her arms across her chest. “Piiiiiiixiiiiiie.” Raising her eyebrows, she leveled Pixie with a glare.

  “Jesus, Pissy Poppy, you take all the fun out of things. I was matched with Dathrow.” Pixie watched Poppy closely for a reaction. Her sister seemed stunned.

  “Oh fuck.” Poppy stuttered, “I… I… I mean…ummm… Dathrow? Really?”

  Not knowing what was running through Poppy’s head, Pixie nodded. “Yeah, you remember him, right? He was here with Wheaton when you first met.”

  “Of course I remember him,” Poppy said quickly. “Well, I can’t wait to see you. I better get going since I have to pee again and I can’t deal with any more of your surprises on a full bladder. I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”

  Pixie stared at Poppy for a moment, wondering what caused her mood to shift so quickly. Blaming it on the alien baby she was incubating, Pixie blew kisses at her sister before logging off.

  Sitting back in the chair, Pixie twirled around a few times. Well, that went better than she’d expected. In fact, she’d been waiting for her sister to ask a million and one questions and instead Poppy had only asked a few. Regardless, having told her sister what was going on had taken what felt like a huge weight off her shoulders.

  Pixie stood up smiling. Time to celebrate with a nice dinner for one and the newest movies on cable.

  Chapter Six

  Aboard Squadron One…

  Poppy was flipping the fuck out. There was no other way to describe what she was feeling right now. Waiting for Wheaton to get back from one of his many meetings, she paced their apartment on the ship. She took small breaks to rub her growing belly as she muttered to herself. Talking to herself was comforting and right now she needed that…no matter how crazy she sounded.

  “Pixie and Dathrow.”

  More pacing followed then she stopped in her tracks, “This could be a baaaaad idea…”

  Walking the small room, she turned and once again stopped, “Or…maybe this could be a good idea, right?” Rubbing her belly as if her unborn child would give her some sign of agreement, she smiled. “Aunt Pixie and Uncle Dathrow. It could work.” Shaking her head as if to clear the thoughts running through them, she finally muttered, “Or, it could really not work…in a bad way. Should I have said something, Nugget?”

  Waiting for a kick or something to show her the baby was listening, Poppy jerked her head toward the door when she heard the familiar tone of someone entering.

  “Wheaton! Where the fuck have you been?” Poppy propped her hands on her hips and glared at her husband with what could only have been exasperation.

  “What do you mean? I told you I had a meeting today, Poppy,” he asked, confused.

  Wheaton answered her so calmly that Poppy was sure he didn’t understand the clusterfuck that was about to descend upon their happy little world.

  “I sent you a message hours ago.” Getting huffy that he wasn’t reacting the way she thought he should be, she made a face at him. “We have a situation.”

  “Are you referring to Dathrow being matched to your sister?” Wheaton asked the question with such nonchalance Poppy’s mouth fell wide open.

  Smiling, he walked toward where she’d stopped pacing. He tapped her chin with his finger and lifted her face up for a kiss. As he gave her a sweet kiss on her stunned mouth, she almost forgot what had her so worked up.

  Putting her hands on his chest to hold him back slightly, she leaned back further to look up into his handsome face.

  “Fuck yeah, I am.” Cocking her eyebrow at him, she asked, “When did you find out? How long have you known? What are we going to do? Should we tell Pixie?”

  Firing questions at her husband, she walked away to start pacing again only to stop when she felt his arms come around her from behind and pull her into a hug.

  “I found out today at my meeting. I have known for a few hours. We are not going to interfere, and no, we should not tell your sister that Dathrow may have been a possible match for you,” Wheaton rumbled behind her as he tightened his arms.

  Poppy immediately relaxed into his embrace. His presence had the ability to calm her almost immediately. Feeling his hands come down her front to cup her solid baby belly, she felt Nugget give a kick, welcoming Daddy home.

  “Are you sure, babe?” Poppy asked, unsure if that was a good idea. “I don’t want to feel like I’m lying to her…it feels a little skeevy. I know there was never anything between me and Dathrow, but what if she finds out he requested a transfer because there was attraction on his part? I can’t imagine how Pixie would react. It could be bad. Really. Really. Bad.”

  “I am sure, little flower. Dathrow asked for a transfer to avoid the temptation. He has not kissed you. Has not lain with you. Has not loved you. There was potential there on his part, but I believe it was more from the idea of having a bride, any bride, not you.”

sp; “Gee…thanks.” Giving him a sigh of disgust, she turned around and glared at Wheaton. “You realize you sounded like an asshole, right?”

  His hands held out in front of him in surrender, he smiled at his emotional wife. Wheaton had become well acquainted with the roller-coaster ride a pregnant human could put him through the last month. His wife’s emotions were as out of control as her strange craving for ginger snaps.

  “I meant no offense, little flower. You know I love you and would fight to the death for you. All I am saying is Dathrow recognized what a wonderful person and friend you are. He told me himself that he was jealous of what we have and that most likely clouded his feelings toward you. He realizes now that what you have given me, in action and emotion, would never have been the same toward him.”

  Slightly pacified, Poppy walked back into his arms and laid her head on his chest. Breathing in the wonderful scent that seemed to be exclusively Wheaton, she smiled against his leather shirt. “Well, okay then.”

  Rocking her back and forth while rubbing her back, Wheaton kissed the top of her head. “When I saw Dathrow, he had a surprise for me.”

  “What was it?” Poppy asked when she caught the sexy grin on his face.

  Her husband reached down to palm her ass and he pulled her closer, “Dathrow ran some missions into the Pleasure Sector recently and I requested an item that they are known for…”

  Her eyebrow cocked in question, Poppy grinned at Wheaton. Rubbing her body against his, she asked, “And what are they known for?”

  Wheaton reached into his pocket. Pulling out a small glass vial, he tapped it against her nose while smiling and winking.

  “It is called pleasure oil. It is infused with different chemicals to make you more…sensitive.” Leaning down to kiss her, he was disappointed when she pulled back with a frown.


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