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Dathrow Page 15

by Leora Gonzales

  “Is that how you view our baby? As a mess?” Tamin asked in a sad voice.

  “Of course not! You get that hurt look right off your face, Tamin,” Andi said quickly. “I’m just saying it’s nice to be able to settle a bit before the brides have to worry about pregnancy right off the bat.”

  “You’re pregnant?” Poppy’s excited voice interrupted the triad’s tense moment.

  Andi beamed and rubbed her nonexistent belly. “Yeah, from what we gather it happened the first time we…” Andi’s voice trailed off as she blushed.

  “Had intercourse,” Rodin finished in a matter-of-fact voice.

  “Congratulations,” Pixie said to the trio. “I agree with Andi by the way. Being a new bride I can tell you that it’s a tough adjustment. I can’t even imagine how much harder it would be if I was alone and didn’t have Pops. It would be overwhelming.”

  Poppy reached for another donut before pointing out the obvious. “Plus, we know why we’re here. I’m sure not one of the brides would argue against getting pregnant but it would be helpful to have a little bit of a grace period. We have to deal with a lot of shit, guys.”

  “I understand, Poppy,” Tamin said. “We know the sacrifice that our brides have made. I just do not know if the senior councilmen will agree with it.”

  “The least we can do is suggest it as an option to give to the new couples,” Rodin suggested.

  “Then that is what we shall do.” Tamin pointed his finger at Rodin and stared him in the eye. “Just do not take it out on me if the idea is rejected.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “I can’t believe it worked,” Poppy said in a stunned voice that held a tiny bit of jealousy.

  The group was walking back from the medical center after spending the entire day speaking with the doctors and Andi. Eating lunch, they’d spoken of Finch’s suggestion for how to work on construction for family friendly apartments. Both the doctors and Andi had been surprised and impressed by the idea.

  “I know,” Pixie admitted out loud. “Hey, you’re not upset about being pregnant. Right?”

  Poppy rubbed her belly. “No, I love this baby already. I admit it would have been nice to wait a little bit but I’m happy with the way things have turned out. How long are you going to use them?”

  “I don’t know.” Pixie peeked into the bag Andi had given her. “It looks like they gave me four boxes and each of them are twelve packs. Honestly? I want to talk it over with Dath to make the decision. I know it’s my body but having kids is a joint decision and I want him to have input before I make up my mind.”

  “Yeah, I know Wheaton wouldn’t have been too keen on the idea,” Poppy said as they walked behind Finch back to her apartment. “I’m not gonna lie though. It’s a relief knowing I can space out the babies a little. Part of me was worried I was going to have back-to-back pregnancies.”

  “No joke,” Pixie muttered.

  Poppy bumped her sister’s hip as they walked. “I saw your face when they said your scan was negative for pregnancy. Everything okay?”

  Pixie thought for a moment, “Yeah, I think so. I mean, I would have been okay with being pregnant. I guess there’s a part of my mind that worries I won’t be able to have a successful pregnancy since I lost that baby a few years ago.”

  “Pixie, it could have happened to anyone. Fuck, don’t you remember the statistics that we found. It literally happens all the time and women are able to have healthy pregnancies and babies following it. Don’t stress about it,” Poppy argued.

  “What you’re saying is something I’ve said to myself a million times. I just can’t help but be a little freaked out about it. It’ll always be in the back of my mind,” Pixie explained. The heartbreak and emotional roller coaster she’d gone through with her previous miscarriage were still fresh in her mind.

  “You know you’ll need to talk to Dathrow about your fears, right?”

  Pixie nodded at her sister as they approached the door to Poppy’s apartment.

  “Ladies, your husbands messaged that they will be finished in meetings within the hour and should be able to share the dinner meal,” Finch said as they walked through the opening.

  “Awesome. Are you staying for dinner, Finch?” Poppy asked as she kicked off her shoes, not caring where they ended up.

  “I would be happy to if it is not an unwelcome intrusion.”

  “Not at all. We can eat hamburgers tonight if that’s okay. Have you tried those yet?”

  Poppy flopped down onto the couch in a sprawl and Pixie sat beside her, smiling at the picture her sister made.

  “Geez, Pops. Take up the whole couch, why don’t ya?” Pixie teased.

  “Shut your face, bish.” Poppy blew a raspberry at her. “Wanna watch a movie?”

  “Sure.” Pixie curled her feet up under her. “That reminds me, Dathrow has a ton of movies. As in more than I think we’ll ever be able to watch in our lifetime.”

  Poppy giggled. “I know. He wanted to have a list of all of the movies you liked and then went from there to finding movies similar. I think he was up to six hundred the last time he told me about his collection.”

  “Poppy, he had Lord of the Rings labeled ‘Small Men, Hairy Feet’.” Pixie laughed, recalling his system.

  “Is he still doing that?” Poppy asked, trying to control her own laughter. “I told him to just use the titles but apparently he doesn’t listen. Do you know he labeled Star Wars as ‘Unrealistic Representation’?”

  “I agree with that label,” Finch said seriously, giving them somber looks when they laughed. “It is unrealistic,” he defended.

  “If that’s the case then almost all sci-fi movies would have the same label,” Poppy pointed out.

  “Spaceballs, Star Trek, Firefly…” Pixie gave examples and then flinched when Poppy smacked her arm.

  “Don’t you dare tell me Firefly is not realistic! Mal can do no wrong,” Poppy said, offended.

  “I love that show more than you do,” Pixie said, rubbing her arm. “I’m just pointing out that to these guys, all space-themed movies would fit into that category.”

  “Okay, I forgive you,” Poppy sighed. “Firefly is still a touchy subject.”

  “What is Firefly?” Finch asked innocently.

  “Only the best show ever!” Poppy said, getting worked up again.

  “Sweet Jesus in a manger.” Pixie dropped her head back onto the couch at the argument she knew was coming.

  “I have never heard of it.”

  “You also didn’t know what the fuck sausage was until this morning and it’s the most delicious thing in the world!” Poppy argued hotly. “Am I right?”

  “It was delicious.” Finch’s voice was startled as he watched Poppy closely.

  “That’s it. Firefly marathon. STAT.”

  “Poppy, it is not good for you to get so emotional. It is only a show,” Finch said in a calm voice.

  Oh shit. He said it. The absolute worst thing that you could say to a fan obsessed with a rabid cult following show canceled before its time. Pixie cringed, knowing what was coming.

  “Only a show?” Poppy yelled, her face red. “Get out.”

  “What?” Finch asked, startled at her reaction.

  “Get out. And no more sausage ever!” Poppy said in a final voice.

  Finch sat stunned at her reaction, unsure what to do.

  “Quit acting crazy,” Pixie ordered Poppy before turning to Finch. “She didn’t mean it. She’s just a little touchy about that show.”

  “He said—” Poppy argued in a whiny voice.

  “Poppy.” Pixie said it sternly. “Calm your shit down. He doesn’t know how batshit crazy you are about it. Give him a break.”

  “Fine.” Poppy tossed a glare at Finch before turning her face away and ignoring him.

  “And don’t threaten to cut someone off pork products. That’s just not nice.”

  “He’s not nice,” Poppy grumped.

  “You are such a lunatic,” Pix
ie said, tossing a pillow at Poppy’s head.

  “Nobody fucks with my Firefly and lives to eat sausage.” Poppy laughed as she caught the soft square coming at her face.

  “That needs to be on a pillow,” Pixie joked as her sister calmed down.

  When Poppy turned around to get the pillows situated behind her back, Pixie turned and gave Finch “the look”. It was a cross between “this bitch is crazy” and “I’m sorry”. Finch nodded at her with wide eyes while still keeping an eye on Poppy.

  As they got comfortable, Poppy gave them no choice but to watch the pilot of her favorite show. A show Finch would know never to speak ill of if he valued his life in the future.

  As the three watched the show, Pixie tried not to snicker as Finch watched Poppy closely. When he got up to use the restroom, Poppy had insisted on pausing the show so he wouldn’t miss even a second of the story. Pretty soon, Finch seemed just as entranced as Poppy was.

  As they finished up the episode, Pixie heard the door beep.

  “Hey!” Pixie jumped up and went to hug Dathrow before he made it past the entryway.

  “You are making him watch this?” Wheaton’s voice was amused as he leaned over to kiss Poppy’s head where she sat on the couch.

  “Making him? No. I’m giving him the privilege,” Poppy snapped and took a swat at Wheaton. “Don’t act like you don’t love this show.”

  “I know,” Wheaton replied, winking at Pixie across the room.

  “Your sister is a little scary,” Dathrow whispered into her ear as he hugged her close.

  “No shit,” Pixie answered while making a face. “So, do you have tomorrow off?”

  “I am hoping so. I will find out later this evening if they need my assistance on the security level.”

  “Can you tell me what’s going on?” Pixie whispered. Their private conversation wasn’t as private as she wanted because Poppy chose that moment to jump in.

  “Yeah, what the hell is going on?” Poppy asked loudly.

  “Poppy,” Wheaton started.

  “What? Don’t give me that look.” Poppy crossed her arms over her belly and sent the men a pointed glare. “What’s going on? Dath had multiple days off cleared with the council and then all of a sudden he was called into work at the same time you were. I messaged Hannah earlier and she said Behyr disappeared too. Something’s happening and I want to know what it is.”


  “Don’t you ‘well’ me, Wheaton! What’s happening?” Poppy snapped.

  “The Verge who were detained have given us new information,” he said quickly, trying to calm down his pissed-off wife. Holding out his palms, he moved to sit next to her. “They have been in isolation these last few weeks but one of them said to a security officer that he would like to bargain for a lighter sentence.”

  “How light of a sentence?” Poppy asked. “Andi lost her best friend in that attack. She won’t be happy if he goes on his merry way after everything that happened.”

  “He wouldn’t be released. The council is considering giving him a smaller duration on the mining planet if the information that he releases is accurate.”

  “Wheaton—” Poppy started but was cut off quickly.

  “We all suffered a loss that day, Poppy,” Wheaton said in a somber voice, his expression showing his exhaustion. “If the information that he has will prevent another attack then it is a bargain we must consider.”

  “We are flying blind, Poppy.” Dathrow joined in the conversation. “Before your kidnapping, we were under the assumption that the Verge was an ally. The warriors that defected had extremely high security clearance and know our protocols and procedures. They are a very dangerous threat to not only the Phaeton race but Earth as well.”

  “I get it. It just chaps my hide that he may get off easy,” Poppy muttered.

  “His sentence will not be an easy one, little flower.” Wheaton pulled Poppy onto his lap and rested his large palm on her middle. “The mining planet is a harsh life. Most of the prisoners do not live past ten cycles and those who do are grateful to be alive.”

  “It still makes me twitchy.” Making a face at her husband, she reached up and cupped his cheek. “Is the information he has really worth it?”

  “If it saves lives, yes. If it takes away a threat against our brides, absolutely. I would do anything to keep you safe. Even allow a warrior responsible for my brothers’ deaths a lenient sentence.” Wheaton’s voice was serious as he watched her with honesty shining in his eyes.

  “I trust your judgement,” Poppy admitted. “How long are the bad guys on the ship?”

  “They will not be transferred until it is time for us to refuel,” Dathrow answered. “On our journey to the home planet, they will be shuttled to a ship closer to their final destination.”

  “What’s it like?” Pixie asked, curious to hear about the mining planet that served as a death sentence to most.

  Dathrow moved them further into the room. Lowering himself down onto the couch, he pulled Pixie into his lap. “The mining planet is an area we control and monitor closely. The Phaetons have maintained the penal colony on it for many cycles. It has evolved into a planet completely run by prisoners from different sectors.”

  “They run the planet?” Pixie asked, confusion filling her voice.

  “There is currently one docking bay that is heavily guarded and monitored by our warriors. No one is allowed onto the planet without clearance,” Finch said.

  “Same goes for leaving,” Wheaton added. “The port is secured so the prisoners are unable to leave.”

  “But how does that work? If it’s a planet full of criminals, wouldn’t it be like that one movie?” Poppy snapped her fingers, trying to remember the film she was thinking of.

  “Escape from L.A.,” Pixie answered. “Is it complete chaos with people killing each other?”

  “Not at all.” Wheaton shook his head. “They have established a hierarchy in their society and the new prisoners follow it for fear of death. It sounds harsh but they live by a system that works for them. The deaths that are recorded are from mining accidents.”

  “Very few of the men are violent,” Finch tossed in.

  “Enough of this talk.” Wheaton stood up from his seated position, still cradling Poppy. “It is time for our evening meal.”

  Pixie stared wide-eyed as Wheaton carried her sister into the kitchen area. “Holy shit.”

  “What?” Dathrow whispered the question into her ear as he nuzzled her hair.

  “He stood up with her in his lap as if she weighed nothing.” Pixie made a noise of disbelief. “I know that bitch is heavy…and he didn’t grunt or nothing.”

  Dathrow shook his head at her smiling, “You realize that we are stronger than Earth males, correct?”

  Pixie smacked his shoulder, “I know that. It just still catches me off guard.”

  Dathrow tightened his arms around the bundle in his lap. Watching her closely, he stood up in the same manner his friend had, causing Pixie to laugh and kick her feet.

  “That was the sexiest thing ever,” Pixie said in a breathy voice.

  “Hey, you two, keep the shenanigans to a minimum until you get home,” Poppy butted in from the table where Wheaton had set her down.

  “You heard your sister. Control yourself until we get home,” Dathrow teased as he placed her next to her sister.

  “Let’s eat so we can get this show on the road.” Snagging the front of his tunic, Pixie pulled him down for a quick peck before winking at him.

  “Food,” Dathrow said quickly. “Food and then home.”

  “Deal.” Pixie sat and watched the men move quickly around the small kitchen area.

  Chapter Twenty

  Arriving back in their apartment, Pixie kicked off her shoes at the door.

  “Your sister does the same thing.” Dathrow’s voice startled her.

  “Uh?” Pixie asked confused, her mind still mulling over the prison planet and trying to understand the logi

  “Your shoes.” Dathrow pointed to the floor where they were resting in the corner of the entry. “Poppy kicks hers off the minute she gets into their apartment as well. Is this a human custom?”

  Pixie thought for a moment before answering. “A custom? Not really. Some people are weird about shoes on their carpet. I never really cared. It just was more of a habit than anything else. I hate shoes.” Pixie shrugged her shoulders. “When Poppy and I were little, our mom always had a hard time keeping shoes on us. We were barefoot most of the time and don’t even get me started on wearing socks.”

  “What about socks?” Dathrow made a funny face, already stumped at what she was talking about.

  “I hate socks. As in hate hate. I can’t stand the feel of them on my feet unless I’m wearing sneakers.” Pixie tilted her head the side, thinking for a moment. “I can’t even stand to share a bed with someone wearing them. If I feel them against my legs or feet, it gives me the heebie-jeebies.”

  Dathrow interrupted her before she could go on. “No socks in bed. You need not say any more.”

  “Sorry. It’s a pet peeve of mine so you might as well know it now. Socks in bed and people who whistle. I can’t stand either one.”

  “I will bear that in mind,” Dathrow teased as he walked toward her to wrap his arms around her waist. “Shall we pick up where we left off before I had to leave this morning?”

  Pixie tipped her head back to stare up at him. Giving him a sexy smile, she ran her hands up his chest to rest on his wide shoulders. “And where was that?”

  “Right about here…” Dathrow whispered as he leaned in for a kiss.

  “Wait!” Pixie blurted out, startling Dathrow to the point where he stepped back quickly.

  “Sorry, I just remembered something.” Pixie reached into her bag that she’d slung over a hook by the door. Searching in it, she located the paper bag the doctors had given her. “We need to talk about something before this goes any further.”


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