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Dathrow Page 19

by Leora Gonzales

  “I remember her situation.” Dathrow leaned his face into her touch, rubbing his cheek into her palm.

  “I never did thank you for that.” Pixie leaned forward and caught his firm lips in a soft kiss.

  “For what?” Dathrow asked, seeming confused by her words and distracted by her kiss.

  “For being a good friend to my sister. I know you helped her out and kept her company when Wheaton was being a douchebag and dealing with Hannah.”

  Pixie felt Dathrow stiffen up underneath her legs and was unsure what she’d said to make him uncomfortable. Maybe he was one of those guys who didn’t do well with praise?

  “I mean it, Dath.” Pixie mentally gave him the kudos she felt he deserved. “She was going down fast and I wasn’t able to be here. You really helped distract her and gave her someone to talk to. I’ll never forget that.”

  Dathrow shifted until he could slide her off his lap. Sitting next to him now, Pixie put her arm around his middle and hugged him close.

  “It was nothing, sweet one,” Dathrow said quietly, staring across the room at the TV screen. “Do you want to watch a movie while we eat our evening meal?”

  “That sounds good. I organized some of the movies today, by the way.” Pixie held out her hand to him to hold as they moved to the kitchen. “You had the Wizard of Oz labeled as ‘Bad Witch Steals Shoes’,” she said with a giggle.

  “What is wrong with that?” Dathrow said with laughter in his voice.

  “Everything.” Pixie let out a startled squeal when he smacked her ass at her answer.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Pixie stretched the next morning as she woke up. Feeling across the covers, she found the bed was empty and cold. She sat upright and glanced around the room for a moment. Where was her husband? Letting the cover drop, she felt her nipples pucker at the cold air that hit them.

  Last night, Dathrow had simply cuddled her close as they went to sleep. She’d been slightly sore from the previous night and he’d quickly picked up on it. After assuring him over and over he hadn’t hurt her, she was able to talk him out of a trip to the medical center. She couldn’t imagine that medical visit. Hi Docs, my husband broke my vagina last night and now he wants to make sure I’m okay. The thought made her want to simultaneously giggle and bury her head in embarrassment.

  It had taken a good twenty minutes but she’d explained the combination of not having sex for a while plus his size had made her sensitive. Once his size had been mentioned, Dathrow had puffed up like a bird strutting around. She’d rolled her eyes at his posture more than once the evening before.

  “Dath? You still here?” Pixie called out, her voice breaking the dead silence that encompassed the apartment.

  Pixie grimaced at the quietness that followed her words. She needed to get a sound machine or something. Having always slept with a fan on in her bedroom, the lack of noise was unsettling.

  Moving the blankets on the bed, Pixie searched the fabric to see if Dathrow had left her a note. Not seeing a piece of paper, she grumped as she jumped off the bed.

  “What happened to not leaving without saying goodbye?” she muttered.

  In the bathroom, Pixie stopped in front of the mirror. She pushed her hair back from her face and twisted it behind her head to hold it out of her way. Glancing down at her body in the reflection, she saw two bruises from Dathrow’s hard loving a few nights before. Both of them were where he’d gripped her hips as he was moving her. Pushing her finger down onto one of them, she was relieved when she didn’t feel any soreness.

  Pixie smiled at the memories of their lovemaking and got into the shower. The egg-shaped feature was actually something she enjoyed. The top of the shower had multiple streams of water that poured out, giving the feeling of a rainstorm. A small button on the inside of the pod allowed the user to pause the water flow so they could soap up. The shell itself was cloudy so it maintained privacy although she could make out the shadows and shapes of the sink and toilet in the room.

  Pixie rinsed her hair, using her fingers as much as she could to untangle the knots that had crept in. Smoothing it back from her face, she opened her eyes and noticed a shape moving on the other side of the shower wall. She gasped and almost choked on the water she sucked into her mouth.

  “Madonna on a moped!” Instances like these were what nightmares were made of. Hitting the button to stop the water flow, Pixie squinted at the shadow.

  “Hello?” Pixie asked the question loud enough to penetrate the pod but it still sounded weak to her own ears. Jesus, now she sounded like the stupid chick who always died in the movie. “Good job, Pix,” she muttered to herself.

  “Good morning, sweet one.” Dathrow’s voice came muffled through the thick polycarbonate material.

  His voice both calmed her nerves and pissed her off a little bit. Didn’t he know not to stand outside a shower like a creeper? Pixie had seen too many scary movies to not have her mind immediately go to the worst-case scenario when there was a shadow on the other side of a shower curtain…or in this case, weird space egg.

  Hitting the button for the door to lift open, Pixie stood naked, glaring at Dathrow.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked as his gaze moved up and down her slick body. Licking his lips, he held out the towel from the vanity to help her dry off.

  “Yeah, we need to watch Psycho.” Pixie moved into his arms, relishing the feel of his hands moving the towel up and down her form.

  “Why is that?” Dathrow’s voice was muffled by her skin as he nibbled and pecked his way across her shoulders.

  “Because that’s where my mind automatically goes when I see someone outside the shower and I have no idea who it is. For my sanity, can you call out and warn a gal next time?” Pixie wiped her face on the corner of the towel wrapped around her and moved to grab one for her hair.

  “I assumed you would know it was me since I told you that I wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye.” Dathrow watched her closely as she bent over to wrap the towel around her head. Twisting it to wring out her tresses, she tucked the end into the back of the towel.

  “Well, from now on let’s assume that any person outside a shower who doesn’t identify themselves is a crazed killer with a fetish for stabbing.”

  Pixie watched as Dathrow tried to process the way her mind worked before he simply nodded and agreed. Unwrapping the towel, she reached for her deodorant on the counter.

  “Did I do this?” Dathrow grabbed her arm and raised it to inspect the set of bruises on the side of her hips. “That’s it. We are going to medical this morning.”

  “Dath, they’re just a couple bruises. They don’t even hurt. See?” Pixie tugged her arm away to push at the dark marks.

  “Do not do that. You will further injure yourself.” Dathrow pulled her fingers away from the area in a panic.

  “Sweet Coco Puffs,” she said under her breath, looking up at the ceiling in exasperation. “They’re just a couple bruises. You need to chill out.”

  “Get dressed. I will message Rodin immediately.” Dathrow moved to leave but Pixie reached out and gripped his tunic. His movement halted, he turned around to stare at her in confusion.

  “I will request a leave today to spend it with you recovering.”

  “Are you serious? Never mind, by the look on your face I can see that you are.” Pixie tightened her hold on his leather shirt. “We are not going to medical. I am fine. I promise.”

  “But you—”

  “I have a couple bruises that don’t even hurt. It will most likely happen again…hopefully.” Pixie tugged him forward until she could lean up to give him a quick kiss. “I thought you’d left already.”

  “Are you trying to distract me?” Dathrow pulled her close, his hands avoiding the darkened skin at her sides.

  “Maybe,” Pixie admitted with a sexy smile. “Where were you?”

  “I went next door to Councilor Kaine’s apartment to speak with him before he left for Squadron Two. You were sl
eeping so I had the apartment monitor set to message me when there was movement.”

  “Wait, the apartment can let you know when I move around?” Pixie made a face at him. “That’s all sorts of creepy.”

  “It has a setting that will let me know when lights or the shower is activated.” Dathrow held up his wrist, pointing to the two blue blinking lights. “I programmed it let me know if the bathroom sensors were triggered. It buzzed the moment that you started your shower.”

  “Still creepy,” Pixie pointed out as she moved out of his embrace and toward the bedroom where she’d left her clothes. As she walked, part of her was amazed at how comfortable she was parading around naked in front of Dathrow. This was a feeling she’d not had when dating Brian. A part of her knew there would be no harsh judgement coming from Dath. She couldn’t say the same if she was in this situation with Brian. Shaking the thoughts from her head, Pixie knew she needed to let go of the insecurities Brian had drilled into her.

  “When do you have to leave today?” Pixie straightened the band of her underwear, watching as Dathrow’s gaze traced the movement.

  “Shortly. I was given time to have breakfast with you today, but then I need to report to security.”

  “Anything happen yesterday with that prisoner you were going to question?” Pixie asked as she pulled on her yoga pants over her underwear.

  “He gave us some information, not nearly as much as the councilors would have liked, but still some. We are interrogating him again today, hoping that more information is released.” Dathrow sat on the bed, watching her as she put on her bra. “Is there not an easier way to put that on?”

  “My bra?” Pixie finished twisting around and pulled the cups up and over her boobs. “Not really. Some women can fasten them in the back with their hands. I’ve never been able to reach and do it. I feel like a T. rex if I try. If you think this is hard then you should see me struggle with a sweaty sports bra after a workout… On second thought, I wouldn’t wish that view on my worst enemy. I’m sure I look like a crazy person.”

  Pixie pulled the shirt over her head, causing the towel to dislodge and temporarily blind her. “I’m thinking of getting my hair cut.”

  “I love your hair,” Dathrow protested.

  “Nothing extreme. I just need to do something with it and this shit is heavy.” Lifting the heavy mane of curls off her back, she ran her fingers through the damp strands. “I was thinking trimming it up to where Pops has hers at. Long enough to put up but still short enough take off some weight.”

  “Whatever you do with it, it will be lovely.”

  “Thanks, babe.” Pixie walked over to sit on his lap. “Do you still have time to eat if I do my makeup and stuff? If not, then I can wait until you go.”

  At that moment, the orange light on his bracelet started blinking. Dathrow groaned out loud and leaned his forehead against hers. “I have a feeling that I will be missing breakfast all together now.”

  “Is that what that light means?” Pixie turned the bracelet around on his strong, thick wrist, studying it to see if it was any different than her own. They were almost identical except his had more colored areas for the lights.

  “Orange means I have an emergency notification from my superior and need to log into the system to check my messages immediately. If I chose not to answer the summons, then it will vibrate until I do so.”

  “Damn, talk about a short leash,” Pixie teased as she moved off his lap. “Why hasn’t mine lit up yet?”

  “I message your escort if I need to get word to you,” Dathrow said without further explanation.

  “Yeah, but why? I’m a big girl. I can check my own messages.”

  “It is not that. I do not want to bother you when you are with your sister. It is easier to send word to your escort so he can speak to you when you are free.”

  “So sexting will pretty much never happen?”

  “I do not know what that means.” Dathrow was reading the message as he replied to her question. “I have to leave immediately. It appears as though the prisoner has information that he wants to turn over this morning instead of waiting.”

  Pixie nodded and followed him to the door. “Have a good day. I’ll see you for dinner?”

  Dathrow hugged her quickly before giving her a sweet kiss on the lips. “I hope so. If not, then I will let Finch know.”

  “Gotcha. Be safe,” Pixie said before he was out the door faster than she could blink. “Well, I guess it’s time to organize some more movies.”

  Sitting down on the couch, Pixie began going through the lists of films Dathrow had watched already. Laughing every now and then at the names he’d chosen, she was lost in her current task when the door tone sounded, indicating she had a guest.

  “Hey, Finch,” Pixie greeted as he walked in.

  “No food today?” Finch sounded disappointed as he walked through the kitchen.

  “Actually, I haven’t eaten yet. Wanna have brunch?”

  “What is that?”

  Pixie moved toward the kitchen. “It’s a combo of breakfast and lunch foods. Since it’s ten o’clock, this is the perfect time for it. I feel like chicken and waffles. Wanna try some?”

  “That sounds interesting. Make me double the amount that you would eat.” Finch pulled up a chair to the small seating area.

  “Sure thing. What’s on the schedule for today?” Pixie asked as she carried his plate to him.

  “Dathrow wanted to me to ask once more if you would like to visit medical for an exam. Is something wrong?” Finch inquired as he started digging into his food. Nodding his head, he made noises to show how much he liked the dish.

  “No, everything is fine.” Pixie felt her face turn red at the thought of explaining to Finch why her spaceman wanted her to go to medical. “I already told him I didn’t need to visit medical for an exam…although I did want to talk to Andi sometime today and ask her a few questions.” Pixie dug into her own food, the salty crunch of the chicken blending perfectly with the soft sweet waffle.

  “He said that you would most likely say no but wanted me to ask again regardless.”

  “Is Poppy up yet?” Pixie asked, changing the subject quickly.

  “Her guard said that she was starting to get ready for the day. We can head that way once we have finished with our brunch.” Finch was already halfway through his portion.

  Pixie took her time in between bites to ask him questions. His likes and dislikes. Finch didn’t have anything he considered a hobby. When she asked the question, Pixie was met with a confused expression. After her digging a little bit, he revealed he enjoyed sparring in his downtime but that was about it.

  These men needed hobbies. No wonder they were all going crazy without women. They didn’t have anything to keep them distracted except for beating up on each other.

  * * * * *

  “Are you listening to me?” Poppy’s annoyed voice broke through the trance Pixie had fallen into.

  “Sorry, bish.” Pixie tossed her a grin in apology. “My brain is going over everything I need to do and the best way to approach it.”


  “Shut it. I’m mentally organizing my tasks, which would be easier if I didn’t have to listen to you chomp on that cookie like a cow.”

  Poppy tossed the remainder of her cookie at Pixie who caught it and popped it into her own mouth.

  “When are we going to see Andi?” Pixie asked, chewing.

  “I figured we’d go after lunch.”

  Pixie gave her sister a pointed look. “Pops, we just had a late breakfast and you’ve been eating cookies like they’re going out of style. You seriously want to eat lunch?”

  “I’m growing an alien!” Poppy yelled before she started laughing hysterically. “Oh my God, I’m growing an alien. That’s something I never thought I’d say.”

  Pixie couldn’t help but giggle with her sister, the laughter catching them both. Finch sat quietly in the chair, once again shaking his head at the sisters
’ antics.

  “The two of you are crazy,” he said with a smile.

  “Might as well get used to it, Finch. You may soon have a crazy lady of your own,” Pixie pointed out to him.

  “That would be interesting indeed,” he murmured.

  Pixie turned to her sister, who put the cookies she’d been about to shovel into her mouth down onto the table. “Do you think you can trim my hair today? Maybe just dry cut it a little to the length of yours?”

  “You trust me with scissors?” Poppy asked in a shocked voice.

  “You trust her with scissors?” Finch echoed.

  “It’s just hair. If you fuck it up, it’ll grow back.” Pixie nudged her sister with her toes, poking at her thigh. “Plus, it’s not like I’m asking for bangs. I just need the ends trimmed up.”

  “Oh my God, do you remember the bangs incident of 2001?” Poppy asked in a horrified voice.

  “Why do you think we labeled it the ‘bangs incident of 2001’? Of course I remember. That’s something you never forget.” Pixie shuddered at the memory.

  “Word,” Poppy said with complete seriousness.

  “So, yes or no? This is getting too heavy for me and I want a little change. Nothing drastic, just the ends. Capiche?”

  “Got it. Let’s do it now before we go. That way in case you hurt me, the docs can fix me up before Wheaton gets home,” Poppy joked.

  “It’ll be fine. You’re making me nervous the more you talk about it. Just shut up before I change my mind.”


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