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Dathrow Page 26

by Leora Gonzales

  “I know. Believe me. I know. You’re not saying anything I haven’t already said to myself,” Pixie admitted.

  “Well then follow your own advice. Do you believe he loves you?”

  Pixie nodded.

  “There is your answer. Stop beating it to death. He wanted you all along. I was the stand-in. Not you.” Poppy rolled her eyes at Pixie.

  “Okay, okay. Stop lecturing me.” Pixie held up her hands in defeat.

  “We cool?” Poppy asked, holding out her hand with a peace offering.

  Pixie took the cookie Poppy magically produced out of nowhere.

  “Was that in your pocket? Never mind, I don’t want to know.” Taking a bite of the chewy goodness, Pixie nodded her head. “We’re cool. I just needed someone to say everything out loud I’ve been going over in my head for the past few days.”

  “Good. Now eat your cookie.”

  Pixie stared at her sister for a few moments. It was true what she’d said. Pixie had needed a sounding board regarding her situation and her sister was the best one to use. Apparently the two thought alike as well as everything else.

  “I’m going to tell Dathrow about the baby tonight,” Pixie said firmly.

  “Good.” Poppy spoke the one word with cookie crumbs falling out of her mouth.

  “Jesus, Pops. Do you have no control over your mouth anymore?”

  “Shadafukup.” Poppy glared at her and swallowed. “I’m starving. When are we going to eat lunch?”

  “Well, I had a message Hannah was going to be by for lunch so I figured we would do the polite thing and wait for our guest to arrive,” Pixie said sarcastically.

  “We are gonna need more cookies then.” Poppy stood up to move to the kitchen. “Hey, has Dathrow said anything to you about the prisoners lately? Wheaton has been acting twitchy.”

  “Not really, although he hasn’t exactly been talking to me much. For the past few days he’s been gone before I wake up, and not coming home until I’m already asleep. I swear, if I didn’t smell him on the pillow next to me, I’d think he was staying somewhere else.”

  “In his defense, I’m sure you haven’t been making it easy to be around you.” Poppy acted as if she were going to duck, when Pixie picked up a pillow from the couch. “Hey, don’t kill the messenger. I’m just saying that when you go into ‘think mode’ you shut down for a little while. Remember when you were figuring out a major your first year? I don’t think you talked to me for a solid week.”

  “It was a hard decision to make! I needed to weigh all the pros and cons,” Pixie argued.

  “I know but still…he probably thought that staying out of your way was the best option.” Poppy handed Pixie another cookie.

  “And Wheaton hasn’t said anything about work?” Pixie asked, now worried Dathrow was dealing with something that was stressing him out.

  “Wheaton just mumbles and taps on his tablet all night long. I couldn’t even distract him last night with a zombie movie.”

  “Well, maybe it has to do with the one prisoner who was giving them information. Dathrow seemed to think he was playing them from the beginning. It could be they found out he was lying the whole time,” Pixie offered as an explanation.

  “I don’t know…something just doesn’t feel right,” Poppy replied, her voice heavy with worry.

  “I’ve said that from the beginning.”

  Before Pixie could reach for another cookie, the tone at the door sounded.

  “That must be Hannah,” Poppy said out loud as she walked toward the opening.

  Pixie took a swig of her tea to wash down the rest of her cookie and smiled at Hannah. “Hi.”

  “Hello. Are you sure I’m not bothering you?” Hannah directed the question toward Poppy but looked back and forth between the sisters as she spoke.

  “Why would you be bothering us?” Poppy asked, confused.

  “Behyr mentioned what was going on and I didn’t know if you needed ‘sister time’.”

  “What exactly did Behyr say?” Pixie demanded, propping her hands on her hips.

  Hannah’s eyes widened and she moved toward Poppy. “Oh, well, he mentioned you and Dathrow were having some…issues.”

  “And how did he know that?” Poppy asked, her voice curious.

  “I was at the council meeting yesterday. Dathrow spoke to the members and requested mission assignments he’d turned down previously.” At the expressions of confusion the sisters sent her way, Hannah went on, “Every single member was surprised when he declined them before. It would have guaranteed him a council spot had he completed them. For some reason, Councilor Tharon really wanted Dathrow assigned to it. Wheaton objected at first but knew the decision to be Dathrow’s. Anyway, I remember when he declined, Wheaton seemed relieved. Today it was a complete turnaround. During the security briefing Dathrow went over his logs and then asked to speak to Councilor Tharon. He asked if they were still needing warriors and the council assigned him immediately before he could change his mind. When the meeting was over, I cornered Behyr and grilled him about it. He said there seemed to be some personal issues that prompted Dathrow’s decision,” Hannah explained.

  “Fuck,” Pixie whispered, her head aching at the situation they’d worked themselves in to.

  “Don’t worry. I’m sure the first one won’t take more than a month or two,” Hannah said, patting Pixie’s leg.

  “Wait. What?” Pixie asked quickly, her stomach plummeting at what Hannah had said.

  “Ummm…the mission? I’m guessing you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about by your face.” Hannah leaned away from the pair of women. “Oh dear, I have a feeling I just put my foot in my mouth.”

  “Well then take it out and explain what the fuck you meant,” Pixie snapped.

  Poppy stood up and moved to Hannah’s side. Making a face at Pixie that could only be interpreted as “Calm the fuck down”, Poppy spoke softly to their guest. “Let’s pretend we don’t know what you’re talking about. Tell us everything.”

  “From what I could gather, they need a security detail to travel with the prisoners to the mining planet. The council was having trouble getting volunteers because they’ll be taking a single shuttle,” Hannah explained.

  “Why would that make a difference?” Pixie asked, confused.

  “I shouldn’t be telling you this but since it’s concerning Dathrow you have a right to know. In fact, he should have told you this already.” Hannah took a deep breath in and then went on, “Other than your basic weaponry, the shuttle won’t be outfitted with a defense system. If word gets out it’s carrying Verge prisoners, then they’ll have a big target painted on them with no way to fight back. Also, some of the senior councilors didn’t like that Tharon organized the transfer. Behyr said that he was a very close friend of Demascus before he switched sides. Wheaton always looks on edge around him whenever I see them speak.”

  Pixie looked at Poppy in panic. “Fuck.”

  “You have to talk to Dath now,” Poppy said urgently.

  “No shit, Sherlock.” Pixie stood up quickly and moved to the message center on the wall. Trying to remember exactly how to get a message out, she was pushed aside by Poppy.

  “Let me do it. I’m faster,” Poppy muttered.

  Instead of picking a fight as she normally would, Pixie conceded Poppy was right. Watching as Poppy’s fingers flew over the glowing pad, Pixie made sure to track her movements for future reference.

  “I sent him a message you need to talk to him ASAP and you’ll be waiting in your apartment.” Poppy stepped back and hugged her sister. “I had a feeling you didn’t want to do this with an audience. Now get the hell out of here and talk some sense into your husband.”

  Pixie waved at Hannah before passing her wrist over the sensor on the door to open it up.

  “Can you escort me back to my apartment?” The question was asked before Pixie had even looked up to see which warrior was standing guard at Poppy’s door.

  “I should wai
t for my relief before I leave. Is this an emergency?” Taron’s voice asked, causing Pixie to stop in her tracks.

  “Hi, Taron. Sorry, I’m a bit distracted.” Pixie stopped in front of the tall man still standing at attention. “Yeah, it’s an emergency. Can you call backup and then walk me there? Or better yet, just walk me there and come right back. Dathrow is on his way to the apartment so you shouldn’t need to stay anyway.”

  Pixie pouted up at him with what she referred to as her begging expression. She could tell by the gleam in his eyes he was going back and forth between agreeing and saying no. “Please help me out. I don’t want to bore you with the details but I need to talk to Dathrow about our match…”

  Taron nodded grudgingly. “If it will affect your match to my friend, then I will escort you. You are correct. If we hurry, then I will leave you to wait for Dathrow’s arrival and not pull another warrior off duty.”

  Pixie gave him a quick hug, startling the large man. “Sorry, I should have warned you I’m a hugger.”

  “Much like your sister,” Taron added dryly.

  “Yep, we are alike in a lot of ways.” As Pixie spoke, she realized for the first time in a few days that the words didn’t make her flinch. Poppy was right. They were alike and would always be alike. She just needed to get over herself and not read more into the innocent observation than what was truly there.

  As they walked quickly down the hallway, Taron kept one hand on her back. “Did Dathrow give you a timeframe for when he would arrive?”

  “No, but I’ll message him once I’m inside and tell him I’m here. That should hurry him up.”

  “I am amazed that he is able to meet with you,” Taron said, surprised.

  “Why is that?” Pixie waved her hand over the door and was ready to step through it when his words stopped her in her tracks.

  “He mentioned earlier that he was guarding a senior council member during questioning this afternoon. I know how important it is for him to achieve his own council seat and leaving his post would not impress the senior members.” Taron bowed quickly, not noticing the panic on Pixie’s face. “Have a good day.”

  When the door swished shut, Pixie moved quickly to the message center. “Holy Moses.”

  Finding the area where she could enter a message, Pixie started typing.

  I’m home. We need to talk but it can wait until you come home tonight. Love you.

  Pixie wanted to add more but the character limit on her message stopped her. Aliens apparently weren’t that much more advanced if they were still at the mercy of texting limits.

  Pixie sat down in the living room. Glancing back and forth to the door, she chewed her nails.

  Dammit. At this rate she was never going to be able to grow them out. After two hours had passed, Pixie started to relax. Thank goodness he’d gotten her message. The last thing she wanted to do was screw up his chance at a promotion.

  Kicking her feet up on the couch, she was startled to see new throw pillows in each corner. She’d been so preoccupied earlier the colorful squares had gone unnoticed until she literally had her feet on one of them.

  Now she’d managed to work out their situation in her head, Pixie realized how freaking exhausted she actually was. Curling up on the couch, Pixie smiled as she snuggled down onto the new pillow.

  * * * * *

  Pixie woke up from a deep voice to someone calling her name. Blinking her eyes open, she realized it was Wheaton she heard. Looking up into his concerned face, Pixie had a moment of confusion trying to remember what had happened before she fell asleep.

  “Why are you here?” Pixie asked, recalling she was back in her own apartment.

  “When I arrived for my evening meal with Poppy, she mentioned that you were here and waiting for Dathrow.”

  “Oh, yeah. Where is he?” Shifting her body so she was sitting, Pixie looked around.

  “He is not here,” Wheaton said softly.

  Something in Wheaton’s voice caused Pixie to snap her gaze back to him. That tone was never a good one to hear coming from someone. It sounded as if he was about to break some bad news.

  “Well, where is he?”

  Wheaton sat on the couch where Pixie’s feet had been earlier. Rubbing his hand over his head, he stared across the room.

  “Hey, at least look me in the eyes if you’re gonna give me some bad news,” Pixie teased, part of her hoping she was wrong.

  “Pixie, Dathrow has gone on a mission. He will not be back for a little while.”

  “He didn’t get my message.” Pixie’s voice sounded hollow even to her own ears.

  “He received your message,” Wheaton said, obviously uncomfortable.

  “He did?” Pixie’s chest felt heavy. The knowledge that Dathrow left even after she’d said she needed to talk hurt.

  “I cannot give you as much information as I would like, but the council decided to move the prisoners tonight. There was intel regarding an attack if we waited. Dathrow was assigned as chief security officer and was leading the group. They are set to leave any moment now.”

  Wheaton jumped back as Pixie stood up in a flash.

  “They’re still here?!” Pixie ran to the door to slip on her shoes. “C’mon, Wheaton. I have to talk to him before he leaves.”

  “We will never make it to the docking bay in time. They were loading the prisoners as I walked to your apartment,” Wheaton argued, following her regardless of his words.

  Pixie turned her head toward him but kept walking as quickly as possible. “If you quit your yapping, we might make it and that’s all that matters. That I try.”

  “Just like your sister,” Wheaton muttered.

  “Damn right. Now get me to the docking bay.” Pixie smiled as she agreed with his accusation. It was getting easier and easier the more she heard it.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Pixie scanned the docking bay, unsure which shuttle she was looking for. Wheaton pulled her arm, leading her to the far edge of the large area.

  “They were over here…” Wheaton’s voice trailed off as he and Pixie walked toward an empty space amongst the sea of spacecraft.

  “No,” Pixie whispered the single word. Her mind went over the conversation from earlier with Hannah. “Wheaton, how dangerous is this mission?”

  She stared up at her brother-in-law. The fact that he wouldn’t make eye contact gave him away. “Really? That bad?” Pixie didn’t resist when Wheaton pulled her into his arms, hugging her close.

  “I am sorry, Pixie. I was unaware he had volunteered until it was too late. I tried to talk him out of it but he was determined to follow through with it.” Wheaton’s voice was full of regret.

  “Why? I just don’t get it. Did he really want to get away from me so bad he’d rather take a mission that could get him killed instead of staying with me?” Pixie sniffed her tears back, rubbing her face on the leather of Wheaton’s tunic.

  “Of course not. Dathrow wants to become a council member and this was one way to guarantee that he will be considered. It is what he has always wanted.” Wheaton drew her away from his chest and put his hands on her shoulders. Leaning down to make sure he had her attention, he caught her gaze. “If anything, he thought he was giving you the time that you needed.”

  “But…” Pixie started to argue and then realized she didn’t have any more words.

  “Let me take you to Poppy. She would not want you to be alone right now.”

  “No.” Pixie stopped walking and shook her head. “I want to go home.”


  “Wheaton, I need to be alone for a bit. And I want to be around Dathrow’s things.” Pixie wanted nothing more than to cling to his pillow and breathe in the scent of him before it faded.

  Wheaton sighed but nodded. “Poppy will not be happy but I will do as you ask.”

  “You are totally whipped, man,” Pixie observed as they walked out of the docking bay.

  “I am beginning to realize that,” Wheaton agreed, appar
ently not bothered by the observation at all.

  Before they cleared the large doors leading into the base of the ship, a loud screeching alarm sounded. Pixie immediately thrust her hands over her ears. The din was almost unbearable.

  “Wheaton?” Pixie shouted his name as he grabbed her arm in a tight grip.

  “Over here!” Wheaton pulled her toward the large communications panel by the doors. Tapping frantically on the keypads, he read the screen.

  “What’s happening?” Pixie yelled, trying to be heard over the sirens blaring.

  “We have been attacked. The defense system is locating the hit and assessing damage,” Wheaton shouted.

  Pixie became aware of a large group of warriors surrounding her. Glancing around, she realized she was the only one who seemed to have a problem with the sirens. None of the men were covering their ears or even wincing at the blaring noise.

  “Councilor Wheaton, I have my men posted at the docking entrances and they are sealing the doors now,” one of the officers said. He was holding a tablet similar to the one Wheaton carried around and was moving his stylus over the surface at a surprising speed.

  “But what about Dathrow’s shuttle? If there was an attack, wouldn’t he turn around?” Pixie voiced the question even as she was met with a sympathetic look from Wheaton. “What?”

  “Pixie…the system is showing his shuttle as being destroyed as it left our shield range.”

  “No…that can’t be right.” Pixie’s voice sounded weak even to her own ears. “I didn’t get to tell—”

  “Pixie, you are completely white.” Wheaton moved quickly to her side. Putting his hand on her back, he steadied her. “You need to breathe.”

  “I can’t seem…to catch…breath.” The words came out garbled as Pixie tried to pull in air. Her lungs froze up on her, the task of breathing causing a sharp spike of pain in her chest. Dathrow couldn’t be gone. They hadn’t had their forever yet.

  Wheaton swept his arms under her legs as they gave out. Pure panic was what she felt as she pulled at the collar of her shirt as if it were strangling her.


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