Z-Day Chronicles (Book 1): Genesis

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Z-Day Chronicles (Book 1): Genesis Page 2

by Williams, Kameron

  One of the group of four friends leaned in towards the man in hopes of aiding him. He felt the man's forehead. He was cold as ice, and he smelled worse than spoiled milk. The man turned his head towards the good Samaritan. His eyes were bloodshot red and his pupils were dilated. His face was completely covered in blood, as if he was mugged and beaten up. He looked like he had some pieces of meat and skin in his mouth. Out of the corner of her eye, one of the girls in the group saw one of the partiers just a few feet away from the old man. He was laying face up, and his neck was oozing with blood. His entire throat was completely severed.

  Just as the girl started to scream, the old man started to sink his teeth into the helper's shoulder, crushing his jugular vein. The guy started screaming in agony when the second girl was shoved in the sand and disemboweled by another person, who looked to be in the same condition as the old man. The remaining two started running away from that shack, when the old man grabbed the boy's arm, wringing and scratching it. The boy kicked the old man in the face, and he and the co-ed girl started running and screaming back to the party.

  The other partiers started looking into the direction the screaming was coming from. There were more than the two crazy people at that party. There were more than fifty at that party, scratching and biting the college students. Those that were severely injured were rushed to the hospital by the medical teams that were present. Everyone else that didn't seem to have but minor injuries rushed to their cars and drove as far away from Chic's Beach as they could.

  Jake's car was the closest, so he, Cassandra, Dylan, Julio, and Selena ran to his car before the cannibals could get to them. Jake started speeding away from the party and to his house.

  "What is going on?!" Selena shouted.

  "I don't know!" Jake answered.

  "Who were those guys?! They on drugs or something?!" Dylan added.

  "I don't know! I don't know who they are, what their problem is, or what's going on! I just don't know!"

  "These guys are everywhere! Did anyone call the cops?!"

  "I tried already," Cassandra answered. “There’s a busy signal on the other end.”

  “That’s impossible!” Julio replied. “Even with everyone at the beach calling, there wouldn’t be a busy signal.”

  “Unless the beach wasn’t the only place,” Jake finished. “Cassandra, turn on the radio and switch it over to the Emergency Broadcasting Station.”

  Cassandra turned to the local news station on the radio. This is what everyone heard:

  "...Being reported at every local police station in the Hampton Roads area. Many people with serious lacerations and fatal injuries are being rushed to the hospitals. There are reports of people in an aggressive and cannibalistic behavior coming out of hospitals and mortuaries and running all over the area. No one knows what is causing this to happen, but anyone who is not injured should head to their homes as soon as possible and lock their doors. We ask that people stay tuned in to this radio station and do not leave their homes until we get reports saying otherwise".

  "What’s he talking about, man?!" Julio started asking.

  "I don't know," Jake answered. "Look, I haven’t seen anything like this before. I have absolutely no idea what’s going on, how bad this situation is, or how long it will last. But what I do know is this: You guys aren't going to your houses tonight. We'll all be much safer at mine and Cassandra's place ."

  The group arrived at Little Creek Cove. They looked around and saw puddles of red liquid covering the grass and sidewalks. There were also bodies of neighbors scattered around in the streets, some being dragged into houses by other neighbors. There was nothing but carnage. The five hurried into the house and Jake locked the front and back doors and all of the windows. Selena was shocked to the point where she was nearly hyperventilating. Everyone was shaken up. Cassandra was calming Selena down, preventing her from fainting, while Julio and Dylan brought blankets and pillows into the living room, where everyone agreed to sleep for that night.

  Jake went to his bedroom closet and unlocked a large safe. Inside of it was all of Jake's police tactical gear, taser and all, a bulletproof vest, a modified M4 carbine, a K-Bar, and his uniform from when he was in the Navy. The safe also carried ammo boxes and cartridges, and some rifles and shotguns for when Jake would leave Norfolk to go hunting. He took everything out of the safe, save for the apparel, and carried it to the living room.

  "Jake," Cassandra started. "What do we need all of those for?"

  "Like I said in the car,” Jake answered. "I don't know how bad this situation is. This is a precaution. We don't need some drugged-up maniacs breaking into this house and hurting any of us."

  Everyone set up some pallets on the floor and attempted to get some sleep, not knowing whether or not they would be able to. Everyone laid down right beside each other; Julio holding on to Selena and Jake holding on to Cassandra on one side and his M4 on the other side. Jake was the last one to fall asleep. All he could hear was sirens coming from all over the city and the moaning and groaning coming from outside of the house.

  Chapter 4

  Early in the morning, before the sun was up, Jake and Cassandra woke up, thinking that the carnage from Chic's Beach was just a dream. Dylan woke up as well, with Julio and Selena following him. They quickly heated up some oatmeal for breakfast, then got cleaned up.

  Everyone started hearing the same noise that they slept through. Jake picked up his rifle and walked over to the window next to the front door. He peeped through the curtain and witnessed what was once thought to be a nightmare, now a grim reality.

  Outside the house was a lot of bloodied people staggering around the street. Some were the same neighbors they saw laying on the ground dead the night before. Some were digesting the entrails of some corpses that were still lying around. The group saw something like this in a horror flick they all watched at the movies together a week prior, but nobody expected to see this kind of brutality in real life.

  While Jake kept watch at the door, Cassandra turned on the television set and turned it to the local news station, hoping that some light would shine upon this new-found reality. The reporters were repeating what was said the day before in the car radio. However, they added this:

  "Reports are now coming in that people who were pronounced dead approximately five hours ago were re-animated early this morning and in the same cannibalistic state as many are still in today. There are also 911 calls of many that had minor injuries feeling sick and becoming highly aggressive. The local police and the military are getting involved with evacuating civilians. Planes have already evacuated and many of the roads have been blocked off to contain the area. There are cruise ships being used as evacuation vessels for civilians at Chesapeake Bay, Willoughby Bay, Elizabeth River, James River, and the Atlantic Ocean."

  “Now the military is getting involved,” Jake reiterated. “That’s not good. With what’s going on, I don’t blame ‘em.”

  "We're about a couple miles away from Chesapeake Bay," Selena replied. “People are probably gonna be fighting each other to get on those ships."

  "I worked on cruise lines over the summer,” Dylan added. “They're big enough to fit a few hundred people on them. The fact that there are five ships means that we could have a chance."

  "All the more reason we need to hurry,” Jake stated. “Like Selena said, the closest ship is on Chesapeake. Worst case scenario is that some will be left behind. I say we pack up some supplies and a weapon or two and head there."

  Everyone started packing up some canned food, bottled water, clothing, and other necessities. Jake loaded his sidearm and holstered it as a precaution.

  "Crap!" Jake shouted.

  "What is it?" Cassandra asked.

  "The car's gone! So is the motorcycle!"

  Everyone looked out the window and saw the driveway where Jake's car and Cassandra’s Harley used to be. There were no other vehicles in sight.

  "If we're going to get to that ship, we're gonna
need to hurry by foot," Jake decided. "You guys are gonna need to follow my lead and do not look back. Don’t stop for anything. Understood?"

  The rest agreed and they hurried out the the comfort of the house, with Jake leading the way. His pistol was loaded and his K-Bar was tightly gripped.

  The group continued to sneak past hungry cannibals. They hid behind shrubbery and buildings as they swiftly passed from street to street. While running through an alleyway, one cannibal snuck up behind them and started attacking Jake, almost scratching him. Jake reacted quick, pushing the man back and shooting him twice in the chest, startling the group.

  Why won’t he fall?! Jake thought.

  Jake has done this many times in the Navy. He was trained to kill when he needed to, and has killed people many times in his line of work; but this was much different. The man had fatal bullet wounds in the chest and was not wearing a vest, and all he did was stumble a little due to the blast.

  The person continued to make an attempt at Jake. Jake then deflected the man's swings with his knife, swung him around, then started thrusting his knife in the person's back. The man still continued to attack; he was not falling down. Jake tackled the man to the ground, and the group started hurrying away from the man and towards Chesapeake Bay.

  The group finally made it to Lesner Bridge, where hundreds of others were waiting to get on the cruise ship as well. There were ten lines where the National Guard had set up checkpoints. Some people would attempt to break through, but end up apprehended in handcuffs. Jake and his group were close to the last ones there, but Jake kept hoping that they would be allowed on the ship.

  Jake was the first of his group to pass through the checkpoint. One of the National Guardsman proceeded to scan him with a wand when he saw Jake's sidearm holstered and K-Bar attached to his belt.

  "Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to show me a permit and some I.D. before I let you on this ship with those weapons," the guard ordered.

  Jake was hesitant, but complied to the guard's orders and pulled out his concealed weapons permit and his I.D.

  "You were in the military?" the guard asked.

  "Petty Officer Second Class." Jake answered. "United States Navy. Master-at-Arms."

  The guard continued looking at Jake's credentials. "Says here you were discharged. May I ask what for?"

  Jake didn’t want to think of the matter. “Is that a requirement?"

  The guard skimmed over Jake's credentials, then looked up at him briefly.

  "Nah, just curious,” The man said. “But you're cleared. Move along."

  Sure, Jake thought. Curious in a hostile environment. Idiot.

  Jake proceeded to move onto the ship, with Cassandra, Dylan, Julio, and Selena following, being the last people on the ship. As the gate was closing, A middle aged man, his wife, and a teenage boy ran up behind the group. The woman was holding a toddler in her arms. The guard blocked the family, preventing them from getting on.

  "There's too many on this ship," the guard stated. "I'm sorry, but we can't allow any more civilians aboard. I'm going to have to ask you to step back."

  Tension started rising, and more guards made their way towards the family, armed and ready. Jake reacted quickly before the family was detained or worse.

  "Take me off the ship," Jake asserted. "Let one of them take my place."

  "Are you sure about this?" the guard asked. "If I allow one of them on, there's no turning back. You will be left behind."

  "Let them on the ship, Sir!"

  "If Jake's staying, then so am I," Cassandra said.

  "Count me in," Dylan replied.

  "Might as well," Julio added.

  The guard looked at the family, then looked at Jake, who was staring him down.

  "Let them on," the guard ordered. He turned to Jake. "God be with you."

  The family thanked Jake and switched places with him, Cassandra, Dylan, and Julio. Selena started to follow them, but Julio stopped her.

  "I'm coming, too," Selena replied.

  "No!" Julio exclaimed. "I'm not gonna argue with you. You'll be much safer on this boat with these soldiers than you would with us. I don't know what I would do if something bad happened to you."

  Julio kissed his girlfriend goodbye and left with Jake and the rest, leaving Selena behind on the cruise liner with the soldiers and the other civilians that were on that ship. Jake turned his head and watched as the ship started sailing out to the Atlantic Ocean.

  Chapter 5

  As the remaining group watched the cruise liner sail away on the Atlantic, they overheard a reporter on a nearby radio:

  "I repeat: We have just received word that the last cruise ship evacuating civilians has left Chesapeake Bay and heading out to the Atlantic Ocean. If you are still in the Hampton Roads area, we advise you to get to a safe place until we receive word saying otherwise."

  "I knew we should've stayed on that ship!" Dylan shouted.

  "Keep it together, Dylan!" Jake exclaimed. "What we need to do now is find a place to set up shop for tonight. We need to stay somewhere we can hold our ground that's high enough for these people not to find us."

  "What about the Cape Henry Lighthouse?" Cassandra suggested. "We're not that far from it, and it's high enough to not be seen, but see a good area of Norfolk."

  "Let's go there, then."

  With Jake leading the way, the group made their way to the lighthouse, using the buildings and totaled vehicles as cover. They stayed close to the cove, using the sound of the rippling waves to cover the sound of their footsteps.

  The lighthouse was in the group's view, but there were people bunched around close by. The group started to sneak past them when they heard gunshots and screams coming from the bay. Jake peered over the bay to see where the noise was coming from. It was the cruise ship that left them behind. They were under attack.

  The group just stared in fear as the ship was being overrun. Julio glanced at the ship and saw Selena at the edge of the ship. She was covered in blood, and her left arm and chunks of her torso were gone. Before she could jump overboard, five people grabbed her. She started screaming in torment as they sunk their teeth into her skin.

  All Julio could do was watch in shock as his girlfriend was being mutilated right before his eyes. When they pulled her away from the edge of the boat and away from his view, he lost control of himself.

  "No!!!!" Julio screamed as he fell to his knees. His screaming and wailing caused attention, drawing the others that were near the lighthouse towards the group.

  “Move, now!!” Jake yelled as he began shooting.

  While Jake was firing, Cassandra and Dylan ran to the lighthouse entrance, with Dylan holding on to Julio, who was struggling to run as he was hysterically weeping. When Jake realized that the people he was shooting weren't hitting the floor, he followed the group in the lighthouse and locked the door with the deadbolt installed on it. The group made their way up to the top of the lighthouse where Jake met face to face with the light keeper, who was in same delusional state as everyone else. He started attacking, and Jake deflected his blows and started shooting. Like the others, the light keeper wouldn’t budge. Jake pushed the man back and kicked him out of a glass window. The man's neck snapped when he hit the ground.

  Jake checked to make sure there was nobody else at the top of the lighthouse, then he closed the door to the winding staircase and locked it. Once Cassandra and Dylan unpacked the blankets and food, they turned on the small radio they had in possession. Nobody was speaking; just static noise. Everyone was silent for hours.

  Later that night, everyone started chowing down on some canned food they brought with them to the lighthouse; all except Julio, who sat all alone in one part of the room, leaned up against a wall.

  "Julio," Cassandra started. "Do you want something to eat?"

  "Not hungry," Julio mumbled.

  Cassandra sat down next to Julio and placed her hand on his shoulder. "I am so sorry about what happened to Selena."

  All Julio did was stare at the floor. "This is it, isn't it? We're all gonna die."

  Jake knelt down next to Julio. "Julio, listen to me. We are not going to die. Not you, me, Cassandra, or Dylan. We are going to get through this."

  Julio looks up at Jake. "How do you know that, huh?! We all saw what happened at that beach! We all saw what happened on that boat! We all saw what happened to Selena! I mean, we even saw how those... things... were reacting when you shot them! They didn't fall, Jake! And that tells me one of two things: They're already dead, or they should be! The worst thing about it is that we can try to get out of this; but in the end, we're bound to end up just like them!"

  With that, Julio stood up and proceeded to walk outside on the balcony. Jake stopped him.

  “Julio,” Jake reassured. “I promise you... We’re getting out of here. Trust me on that.”

  Julio quivered and his eyes started watering.

  “They didn’t fall, Jake,” Julio whispered. “They didn’t fall.”

  He stayed on the balcony and was silent the rest of the night. Everyone decided to try and get some rest.

  Jake woke up to the sound of footsteps creeping around inside the room where he and everyone else was residing in. He slowly lifted his head when the door to the balcony opened. Jake grabbed his pistol and stood up to take a look around. He glanced at the balcony and saw Julio standing on the edge. Julio had a makeshift noose around his neck that was fashioned out of some of his shirts and pants. The noose was tied to the balcony.

  "No!!" Jake shouted, waking the others up.

  Before he could stop Julio, it was too late. Julio had already leaped off the building, with the noose trailing behind him. His neck snapped the second that the noose reached full tension. The others ran out to the balcony and saw Julio's lifeless body swaying back and forth as it was dangling from the balcony.


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