The Emerald Staff

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The Emerald Staff Page 11

by Alison Pensy

  Rowan interrupted her thoughts. Reluctantly she turned to face him. “I’m sorry. Were you talking to me?”

  Rowan gave her an impatient look, “I said that Mrs. Forbes has been packing up some high energy food and drink for you to take with you. You may want to go and see if what she is doing will suffice. You will need to be able to use your power to maximum effect, I feel you will only have one chance.”

  Faedra tried to push the anxious knot tying itself in her stomach to one side. The last thing she felt like doing was eating. She had no appetite, but if their plan had any chance of succeeding, she needed to rely on being ‘fully charged’ and would have to force the food down if need be.

  “Thank you.” She turned to head out the door, but when she got there, she realized she had no idea where the kitchen was in this labyrinth of a house. “Err, where can I find the kitchen?”

  After Rowan gave her the necessary directions, she headed out the door and strode off to find Mrs. Forbes. She was actually quite relieved to be given an excuse to leave the room, knowing Rowan was not the least bit happy with her. Not quite the first impression she wanted to give Faen’s parents, endangering their son for her own agenda. She sighed and picked up her pace trying hard to shake the guilty feeling and leave it in her wake, but it had set up camp and wasn’t about to go anywhere anytime soon. She didn’t want to put her Guardian in danger, but could think of no other way to get her dad back. One thing was certain, there was no way she was giving up on her dad. So far, this was the only way forward.

  Her boots clunked with every footfall and reverberated off the cold stone walls lining the long flagstone corridor that led to the kitchen. In stark contrast to the décor upstairs, this corridor was painted plain white, the flagstone floor adding just a hint of neutral color to the otherwise sterile environment. She could hear Faen’s mother and another woman’s voice echo up the corridor before she reached the kitchen. They both stopped and turned to face her when she made her appearance in the doorway.

  Instead of looks of disapproval, as she had prepared herself for, she was greeted by two warm smiles.

  “Faedra, Rowan passed on my message, I see. Please, come sit and eat. We have to build up your energy.” Janessa gestured to a place beside her.

  Faedra’s stomach growled but it was involuntary on her part. She had never felt less hungry in her life, the inner workings of her digestive tract had other ideas though. She gave them a half-hearted smile in return and wandered in, taking a spot on one of the long benches near the two women who were seated towards the end of the huge table that stretched almost the length of the kitchen.

  Faedra saw her backpack on the table. It had been half-packed with different kinds of food that she recognized as being high in energy. The rest of what would become the contents of her backpack were still gathered around it on the table. Lots of sugary stuff for the quick burst she often needed and others high in carbohydrates used to sustain her energy over longer periods of time. The two women knew their stuff, she had to give them credit for that. How did they know what was needed to sustain the power she possessed? She only figured it out by trial and error over the past few months since gaining it.

  “How are you faring, my dear?” Janessa asked, placing a hand on Faedra’s forearm that was now resting on the table. Her voice was full of compassion. Faedra wondered how this woman could be compassionate towards the person who was about to put her son in mortal danger for her own selfish reasons.

  “As well as can be expected under the circumstances, I suppose.”

  “Here, drink this. It will make you feel better.” Mrs. Forbes placed a mug of steaming brew in front of her, the twisting curls of vapor rose up to waft a pleasant flowery scent under her nose.

  Faedra took a couple of deep sniffs, letting the aroma envelope her like a warm blanket. “What is it?”

  “It’s herbal. Go on take a sip, it will make you feel better,” Janessa encouraged.

  Faedra did as she was instructed. The flavor was unusual but not unpleasant. She took another, sip then another. With each one the feeling of trepidation that had her wrapped in its tendrils, slowly receded. Calmness washed over her and she let out a deep relaxed sigh.

  The two women looked at each other and exchanged knowing smiles.

  “Wow, this is good. I’m starting to feel relaxed for the first time since the party. What is in this?” Faedra asked.

  “Ah, now that would be telling. It is Mrs. Forbes secret recipe, not even I know the ingredients.” Janessa said.

  “Thank you,” Faedra said to Mrs. Forbes, who acknowledged her with an incline of her head.

  “How do you know so much about the foods I need to eat?”

  “You are not the first energy manipulator I have come across.” Mrs. Forbes replied.

  “Really?” Faedra asked, wanting to know more.

  “Really.” Mrs. Forbes responded but did not divulge any more than that. “Besides, if you are to be of any use to Master Faen, you need to be calm, clear-headed and fully charged. It is my job to oversee the well being of all those who are under this roof.”

  “I do not know what I would do without her.” Janessa said in response to Faedra’s raised eyebrows. The guilty feeling surged back into Faedra’s gut. They were being so nice to her, and she didn’t deserve it. She averted her eyes and stared into her mug.

  “I’m sorry I dragged your son into this. If there was any other way…”

  Janessa put her hand up to silence Faedra. “My dear Faedra, my son is a grown man, he is also a Guardian. Just like his father before him. Believe me, in the days of Savu I was scared for Rowan’s life every minute of every day, but it is something you have to accept when married to a Guardian. It is no different as a mother. Faen knows what he is doing.”

  “It doesn’t make me feel any better though,” Faedra lifted her gaze to face Janessa, needing for Faen’s mother to see the sincerity in her eyes.

  “He cares for you, you know. More than he should as a your Guardian.”

  “Yes, I know. And I know that makes things complicated for him, too.”

  “He is like his father, noble to the core. I can see history repeating itself there, but that is another story for another day. Do not feel guilty, Faedra, you have no reason to.” Janessa gave Faedra a reassuring smile. “Now, please go and tell my husband and son to come and join us, we will be dining here tonight. You both need to eat and rest before your journey tomorrow and I feel a less formal atmosphere would be appropriate under the circumstances. I always did feel more relaxed here in the kitchen than in the dining room.”

  Janessa patted Faedra’s arm when the young Custodian gave her an unspoken thank you.

  Faedra looked down at her plate a while later and a pang of guilt shot through her. Mrs. Forbes cooked an unbelievable meal for them and Faedra had done little more than push the contents of it around for the past half hour.

  “Faen, Faedra can have Jocelyn’s room,” Janessa said when everyone was finished with their dinner. “It is made up and I am sure Jocelyn would not mind.”

  Faedra looked down at the table, ashamed. She wasn’t sure about that statement, considering what she’d done to her friend the last time she’d seen her.

  “Thank you, Mother.” Faen stood up and held his hand out for Faedra. She dare not glance around the table before she took it, she couldn’t handle another disapproving look. Instead, she looked up into the unfaltering eyes of her Guardian and smiled. He was her island in a stormy sea.

  “Come, we need to rest before our long journey tomorrow.”

  Faedra stood up and faced Janessa and Mrs. Forbes, doing her best to avoid Rowan. She didn’t need to look at him to know he was giving her a disapproving stare; his energy was shouting it from the rooftops. “Thank you for a wonderful dinner.”

  “You are welcome, my dear.”


  Faen came to a stop halfway down a long, carpeted corridor. Walls adorned with portraits a
nd tapestries underlined the sheer elegance of the house. The light from ornate sconces threw a soft glow over his features, highlighting just how handsome he was.

  “This is your room.” He gestured to the door they were now standing next to.

  Faedra turned her gaze to the closed wooden door and puffed out a breath. She knew all too well she was not going to be getting a good night’s rest.

  For goodness sakes, Faedra, pull yourself together. You have survived a redcap attack, slayed half a dozen of them. You beat an evil princess in a sword fight, and you’re about to go ask a dragon for help. You can flippin’ well sleep on your own for once. She waited a few heartbeats hoping her inward brow beating would work. It didn’t.

  She turned back to Faen, “Well, goodnight, then,” she said as she reached for the door handle and turned it.

  Faen could see the anxiety shining in her eyes, there wasn’t much he missed when it came to his charge.

  “Would you like me to stay with you tonight?”

  Faedra’s look must have been one of surprise as Faen added quickly. “Just to sleep, Faedra.”

  “What about your parents?” Faedra couldn’t imagine his parents, particularly Rowan, being too happy about him sleeping in her room, especially after the conversation she’d overheard just a short while ago.

  “Faedra, it is my duty to care for your well being both physical and emotional.”

  “Just your duty?” The words came out before she realized she’d even said them. Warmth flooded her cheeks; she pulled her gaze away and looked down at her feet.

  Warm fingers lifted her chin, coaxing her head up until she met Faen’s intense gaze. What she saw there stole her breath away.

  “No, not just duty,” Faen whispered as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Eyes full of emotion, he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to her lips.

  Electricity flowed from the heat of his lips on hers, sending liquid warmth to her core, melting away all the fear and anxiety that was building there.

  She leaned into him, tangling her hands in his silken blond hair. Faen deepened their kiss, and Faedra thought her legs were going to give way. Faen must have felt it, too, and he scooped her up.

  “I will take that as a yes then,” he said, voice slightly ragged. A smug grin was pulling at the corners of his mouth.

  When no objection came, Faen pushed the door open with his foot and walked them inside, closing the door behind him.

  The next morning came around far too quickly for Faedra’s liking. Just for one second between her eyes opening and her consciousness waking, she was in heaven. Still snuggled in her Guardian’s arms, warm and safe. His even breaths fanning over her neck told her he was still asleep. She smiled, remembering the previous evening. He got into bed with her after she’d changed into the pajamas Janessa left for her, tucked himself around her and held her all night. She had slept like a log.

  She wished it could be the same every night, but when in her home, it was too risky for him to sleep in his fae form in case her father walked in for any reason while they were sleeping. So Faen spent his nights in her bedroom as her lovable dog, although he graduated to sleeping on her bed after the ball, but it wasn’t quite the same.

  Unfortunately, this moment couldn’t last. Her dad needed her.

  A little while later, Faedra was dressed and waiting for her Guardian to finish in the bathroom.

  She stood by the bed and stared down at the time-pebble nestled in the flat of her palm. The color was encroaching further towards the center, and the familiar knot made its presence known in her stomach.

  “Hang on, Dad. We’re coming,” she whispered.

  She squeezed it in her hand before shoving it back in the front pocket of her jeans.

  Faen emerged from the bathroom a moment later. “Ready?”

  Faedra gave the room a sweeping gaze and sighed. It was a heavy-hearted sigh, as if she’d never again spend another night in the safety and comfort of a bedroom. With a brief closing of her eyes to calm her nerves, she bent down to grab her backpack and swung it over her shoulder as she turned and strode towards her Guardian.

  “About as ready as I’ll ever be.” She tried to hide the defeated undertone in her voice but it sneaked out.

  “Come now,” Faen walked past her and opened the bedroom door. “We will be fine, you will see. And we will get your father back.”

  The sound of determination in Faen’s voice gave Faedra some much-needed hope. She gave him a weak smile.

  “Now let us go and talk to Draconis.” He scooped up her hand and held it tight. She could feel his support seeping into her blood.

  Janessa, Rowan and Mrs. Forbes were waiting for them in the magnificent marble entrance hall to the house. Janessa was doing a very poor job of hiding her worry but Rowan’s face was stoic, unreadable.

  They walked outside into the bright morning sunshine, which momentarily blinded Faedra after being in the much darker innards of the house. But a moment later her sight adjusted and she didn’t feel the need to squint anymore.

  “Do you have everything?” Janessa asked, concern seeping into her voice.

  “I believe we do, Mother.” Faen turned to the housekeeper. “Mrs. Forbes, thank you for doing such a wonderful job packing Faedra’s pack. There is enough in there to feed us for a week.” He leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek and noticed a slight tinge of pink on the usually unflappable housekeeper’s face.

  “You just come back to us safe and sound now, Master Faen.”

  “We will do our best.” Faen gave her a reassuring smile and turned to his father.

  “Thank you for your help and advice, Father. Without your guidance on this, we would not be as well prepared as we now are.”

  Rowan responded with an impassive incline of his head. Faen wasn’t about to accept that and gave his father a hug, whether the stern looking man wanted one or not. Rowan brought one hand up in an uncomfortable gesture of compassion and patted his son on the shoulder. When Faen released his father, he turned to his mother who was trying very hard to bite back her tears. Something she had done countless times before when her husband had left on dangerous missions and she wondered if that would be the last time she saw him or touched him.

  “We will be all right, Mother. Just you wait and see,” Faen responded to his mother’s unspoken words. He wrapped his arms around her and she almost bear-hugged him in return.

  “I am just being silly. I know you will come back to us safely.” Her voice was slightly shaky along with her smile.

  Faen bent a little to plant a kiss on her cheek before turning to face his Custodian.

  “We should be going.”

  Faedra nodded in agreement a few seconds before Faen scooped her up in his arms and beat his wings, lifting them from the ground. No matter how many times she’d flown with him, her stomach still did flip-flops for the first few moments. She couldn’t quite work out if that was from being held against him or from being lifted above the ground; probably a little of both.

  “We will be back before you know it,” Faen said to the departure party before turning and flying in the opposite direction.

  Faedra rested her head against Faen’s chest and closed her eyes, as if that very action would block out all the worry and fear she felt. Although it was a warm day, she felt chilled to the bone and Faen could sense as much.

  Faen had timed their departure according to how long he and his father estimated it would take him to fly carrying Faedra. They wanted to arrive near the mountains at dusk. The plan was to drop Faedra off somewhere safe, a little way from the enclave of redcaps that had taken up residence around the mouth of the mountain. He would then do a surveillance flight under the cover of darkness and from there, try to work out a plan of how to get them passed the redcaps and into the mountain.

  Faedra had been silent for most of the several hours into their flight. At times Faen thought she may be sleeping but each time he looked down to check, her eyes were w
ide open and taking in the surrounding beauty of the countryside they were flying over.

  He had left her alone with her thoughts until now.

  “Penny for them?”

  She twitched a little. She’d been so deep in thought, the sudden break in silence made her jump. She looked up into the aqua gaze of her Guardian. He smiled at the questioning look on her face.

  “I believe, that is a human term: A penny for your thoughts.”

  She gave him a half-hearted smile. “I don’t think they are worth a penny. I was mainly just enjoying the peace and tranquility before what I expect to be all hell breaking loose. A bit like the calm before the storm.”

  “With any luck, we will not need to use too much force. I am hoping we can sneak passed most of them and just have to neutralize the ones guarding the entrance to the mountain.”

  “I hope I don’t let you down.” Faedra admitted.

  “You have never let me down yet; I do not expect this occasion will be any different.”

  Faedra breathed in a deep breath. “Well, you certainly have a lot more faith in me than I do.”

  A few more moments passed in silence, then Faedra’s thoughts took a different turn when she suddenly realized they had been flying for hours.

  “Faen, you must be getting tired. You are not used to flying with a heavy weight. Maybe we should stop and rest for a few moments.”

  Faen looked down to see the concern in his charge’s eyes.

  “Do not concern yourself, Faedra. We go through this in our training. It is always a possibility that Guardians will have to fly their charges to safety, so we have to carry weights for long distances to improve our wing strength. I am fine.” He gave her a reassuring smile to cement the statement.

  Fact was, his wings were starting to wane a little but he was not about to admit it, he had far too much pride for that. And besides, his Custodian was beating herself up quite satisfactorily enough on her own without him giving her any more ammunition to use.


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