Cancer Genome Atlas, 450-54
Cancer Genome Atlas consortium, 450-51
cancer patients:
access to experimental therapies demanded by, 319, 321-23, 423-26
doctors' relationships with, 199, 202, 209, 306-8, 449
identity of, as obliterated by cancer, 4, 398
and Internet chat rooms, 438, 467
"seventh sense" of, 2
side effects and, 209, 305-6
stigmatization of, 126, 316
cancer prevention, 229-30, 233-34, 238-39, 242, 281, 455-58
Ames test and, 278, 303, 455-56
Auerbach's research and, 258-59, 284, 286, 289
primary vs. secondary, 290
risk factors and, 44, 276, 303, 445-46, 455-57
screening in, see screening
smoking and, see tobacco-cancer link
social networks and, 445-46
understanding of carcinogenesis as critical to, 284-85, 303
cancer registry, 227-28
cancer research:
boldness vs. caution in, 130, 137-38, 139, 140, 144, 164, 166, 167, 208, 310
clinical trials in, see protocols
clinical vs. laboratory-based, 337, 339, 354-55, 375, 402, 404, 455-56
Congress and, 24-25, 113-14, 122, 150, 177, 184-89, 455
effect of AIDS crisis on, 319
as historically underfunded, 23-25
"one cause, one cure" approach in, 93, 155, 173, 223, 332-33, 342-43, 403
relevance of past in, 466
understanding of carcinogenesis downplayed in, 304
World War II and, 26
see also specific cancers, researchers, and therapies
Cancer Research, 254
"cancer stem cells," 458-59
"Cancer Undefeated" (Bailar and Gornik), 330-32
Cancer Ward (Solzhenitsyn), 4, 181, 316, 461
Canellos, George, 159, 162, 163, 164, 207, 220, 312, 313
Cantor, David, 235
Cantor, Eddie, 94
carbolic acid, 57-58, 62
Carbone, Paul, 219-20
Carboplatin, 403-4
carcinogenesis, 285
Auerbach's research on, 258-59, 284, 286, 289, 384-85, 386
chromosomes and, 341-42, 343, 348, 365-66, 402
as downplayed by researchers, 304
epidemiology and, 276
genetic mutation as mechanism of, 6, 39, 176, 278, 357, 362, 364-69, 370, 380-83, 384-88, 390-92, 403, 406, 449-50, 462, 464-65
internal vs. external agents in, 342, 349, 350
molecular model of, 388-90
premalignant stages of, 385
prevention as dependent on understanding of, 284-85, 303
risk factors and, 44, 276, 303, 349, 445-46, 455-57
somatic mutation hypothesis of, 173-74
two-hit hypothesis for, 367-69, 376, 377, 380
unitary cause of, 342, 347, 348, 390
Varmus/Bishop (proto-oncogene) theory of, 361-63, 364, 369, 370, 375, 380
bacterial, 281-84, 303
chemical, 276-77, 388, 446
DNA as damaged by, 75, 77, 122, 351, 406, 462
environmental, 173-74, 176, 238, 349, 388, 446, 456-57
genes as, see oncogenes; tumor suppressor genes
genetic mutation caused by, 278, 362, 364
inflammations as, 281, 284, 303, 340, 388, 456n
mutagens as, 278, 303, 347, 348, 362, 364, 406, 456
radiation as, 77-78, 347, 349, 364, 389
tobacco as, see tobacco-cancer link
viral, 173, 174-76, 278-81, 303, 342-43, 349-50, 351-56, 357, 362
Carey, William, 180
Carroll, Lewis, 357, 360, 362, 441, 443
Carson, Rachel, 199-200, 456
Carter, Paul, 419, 420, 427
case-control studies, 245, 246-47, 276, 280, 294
Castle, William, 11
in disease, 253-56, 290
Hill's postulates for, 255-56
Koch's postulates for, 254, 382
see also carcinogenesis; carcinogens
Cautions against the Immoderate Use of Snuff (Hill), 239-40, 276
Cavenee, Webster, 376, 377
cell death (apoptosis), 391, 402, 407
cell growth:
hyperplastic, see hyperplasia
hypertrophic, 15
neoplastic, see neoplasia
cell phones, glioma and, 446-47
membranes of, 410-11
normalcy vs. abnormalcy of, 449, 459
cellular theory of disease, 14-16
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 315
cervical cancer, 381n
Pap smears and, 288-90, 331, 385, 401
premalignant stage of, 385
CGP57148, see Gleevec
Chabner, Bruce, 304, 405, 439
Chappaquiddick scandal, 179
Charlotte's Law, 325
"chemical castration," 213, 215
chemicals, synthetic, 81-86, 91, 277
medicine and, 83-84
chemical stains, 84-85
Chemical Warfare Unit, 90, 92
chemotherapy, 7, 114, 304, 355, 448
adjuvant, 219, 220-21, 222, 223, 320, 400, 464
bone marrow transplants in, see bone marrow transplants
for breast cancer, 122-23, 162, 232, 306, 308-9, 427-28
"cancer stem cells" and, 458-59
cure rates for, 228, 231; see also specific cancers
as cytotoxic, 43-44, 143n, 162-63, 165, 168, 176, 207, 208, 220, 223, 305, 309, 312, 320, 405, 427-28, 452
dose limits of, 309
Ehrlich and, 84-88
fixed percentage of cells killed by, 141
high-dose multidrug regimens in, 132-34, 135, 140-43, 162, 163, 166, 167, 172, 173, 176-77, 204-5, 207-9, 216, 232, 305, 306, 308-9, 329, 389, 400, 443, 452; see also bone marrow transplants; specific regimens
for Hodgkin's lymphoma, 163-66, 208, 308, 315, 401
immune system compromised by, 165, 315
indiscriminate use of, 210
for leukemia, 19-20, 21, 27, 29-30, 31, 33-36, 92, 100, 101, 103-4, 122, 132-34, 135, 140-42, 167-70, 308, 339, 401, 443
for lung cancer, 308-9, 389, 403-4, 443
for lymphomas, 90-91, 96-97, 122, 132-34, 135, 162, 401, 443
nontoxic, 439
radiation in combination with, 123-24, 154, 168-70, 400
secondary cancers as outcome of, 165, 306, 312
side effects of, 18, 96, 123, 165, 205-6, 209, 226, 305
specific affinity in, 80-81, 84-88, 90-92, 433, 434, 439
sterility caused by, 165
surgeons' hostility to, 219-21
targeted, see targeted therapies
for tumors, 122-23, 154, 207, 308-9
as universal cure, 93
white blood cells and, 127, 315
Chesterfield cigarettes, 268
Chiari, Hans, 62
Chicago Tribune, 187, 189, 235
chickens, sarcomas in, 173, 174
child labor, 239
cancer in, 123, 331
leukemia in, 7, 12, 17, 19, 32-36, 92, 96, 101, 103-4, 123, 133, 139, 163, 166, 170, 179, 231, 232, 401
Children's Cancer Research Fund, see Jimmy Fund
Children's Hospital (Boston), 11-12, 19, 22, 27, 29, 30, 33, 34, 94, 95-96, 97, 99, 101, 387
Children's Hospital (Buffalo), 133
chimeras, 366, 409-10, 430-31
Chimney Sweepers Act (1788, British), 239
chimney sweeps, 173, 237-39, 241
China, cigarette consumption in, 273-74
Chiribaya mummies, 42-43, 45
chloramphenicol, 22
cholesterol, 444
choriocarcinoma, 135-36, 139, 168, 228
choriogonadotropin (hcg), 136, 137, 138
Christakis, Nicholas, 445
Christie, Agatha, 444
Christie Hospital, 216-17
chromosomes, 340
in cancer cells, 341-42, 343, 348, 430-31
genes as carried on, 344
pairing of, 377
staining of, 340, 365
translocation of, 365-66, 402, 409-10, 430-31
chronic myeloid (myelogenous) leukemia (CML), 365-66, 430-31, 433, 444
bone marrow transplants and, 434-35, 437
drug resistance in, 441-43
Gleevec trial for, 436-38
remissions of, 437-39, 441, 443, 465
Ciba-Geigy, 431-32, 433-34, 436
consumption of, see smoking
filter tips on, 263, 268
warning label on, 264-65, 267, 273, 401
see also nicotine; tobacco; tobacco industry
Cipollone, Anthony, 268, 270
Cipollone, Rose, 267-72, 273, 401
cirrhosis, chronic, 279
cisplatin (cis-platinum), 203-4, 205, 208, 406, 421
nausea from, 205-6
cis-retinoic acid, 408-9
c-kit gene, 467-68
Claire-King, Mary, 381
Clauson, Phyllis, 395-96, 397
Cleland, John, 204-5
Clements, Earle, 264
Cleveland Clinic, 196
clinical trials, see protocols
clones, 39
clotting factors, 415
CMF regimen, in adjuvant chemotherapy, 220-21
CML, see chronic myeloid (myelogenous) leukemia
c-myc (myc) gene, 382-83, 384, 391, 410, 412, 453-54, 458
cocaine, 62-63, 225
Cochran, William, 259, 261
Codman, Ernest, 30n
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 403
Cold War, 182
Cole, Mary "Moya," 216-17, 218-19, 221
Coley, William B., 30n
Coley's toxin, 30n
Collett, Mark, 358
Collins, Francis, 450
colon cancer, 59, 116-17, 208, 331, 381, 401, 443, 450, 451
colonoscopy, 331, 401
Commission on the Conquest of Cancer, 184
"compassionate use" issue, experimental therapies and, 423-26
complexity, 20
compound 606 (Salvarsan), 86
Comprehensive Cancer Centers, 208
Conant, Marcus, 317
concentration camps, 397
"Concerning the Origin of Malignant Tumors" (Boveri), 342
Congress, U.S.:
antiregulatory posture of, 262
cancer research and, 24-25, 113-14, 122, 150, 177, 184-89, 455
tobacco industry and, 260, 264
Congress for Internal Medicine, 86
Conquest of Cancer Act (Kennedy/Javits bill), 185-86, 187
Cooper, Geoff, 374
Cooper case, 258
cotton, 81
cowpox, 342, 343
creatine, 31
Crick, Francis, 345
Crile, George, Sr., 196
Crile, George Barney, 68, 196-97, 198, 199
Crimean War, 240
cryptococcal meningitis, 316
CT scans, 389, 422
Cullman, Joseph, 262
Cummings, Karen, 396
Curd, John, 418, 424, 426
cure, patients' expectations of, 22
Cure for Cancer: A National Goal (Garb), 177-78, 234
Cure of Childhood Leukemia, The (Laszlo), 21
Curie, Marie, 74-75, 76, 77
leukemia of, 78, 347
Curie, Pierre, 74-75, 76, 77
Cushing, Harvey, 65, 71-72
Cyclophosphamide, 127
Cyrus, King of Persia, 41
cytarabine, 127
cytotoxic drugs, 43-44, 143n, 162-63, 165, 168, 176, 207, 208, 220, 223, 305, 309, 312, 320, 405, 427-28, 452
Cytoxan, 162, 220, 427-28
Dakhleh, Egypt, 43
Dameshek, William, 146
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, 153, 190, 310-14, 374, 433-34, 468
Institutional Review Board at, 312
D'Angio, Giulio, 123
Darius I, King of Persia, 41-42
dasatinib, 442-43
David, Ed, 186
Davis, Marvin, 171
DDT, 457
death, oncologists and, 4, 306-8, 337-38
decoy molecules, 31, 87
Degos, Laurent, 408-9, 410
de Gouvea, Hilario, 347, 366, 367, 381
de Koning, H. J., 128
Delbruck, Max, 345
Democedes, 41-42
De Morbis Artificum Diatriba (Ramazzini), 238
deoxyribonucleic acid, see DNA
DES (diethylstilbestrol), 213, 277, 278
developing countries, tobacco-industry targeting of, 273-74
DeVita, Vincent, 151, 163-65, 171, 172, 220, 315
diabetes, 284, 414, 415
Diamond, Louis, 34
Dick, John, 458
Dickens, Charles, 239
Dickersin, Kay, 426
Dictionary of Practical Surgery, A, 55
Didion, Joan, 420
diethylstilbestrol (DES), 213, 277, 278
diphtheria, 84
Galen's theory of, 48-50, 52-54, 55, 79, 90, 214, 238, 281
naming of, 14, 46-47
risk factors for, 444-45
Virchow's cellular theory of, 14-16
Djozer, King of Egypt, 40
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 360, 455
in cell division, 28-29, 75
as damaged by carcinogens, 75, 77, 122, 351, 406, 462
folic acid and, 28-29
inhibiting formation of, 91-92
mutations of, 6, 406, 462
nitrogen mustard as damaging to, 163, 406
reverse transcription from RNA to, 352-54, 371
transcription to RNA of, 352
transfer of, 372-74
see also genes, genomes
dogs, prostate cancer in, 212-13
Doisy, Edward, 213, 215
Doll, Richard, 243, 244, 273, 462, 465
lung cancer studies of, 245-49, 250-51, 253-54, 260, 262, 263, 276, 294, 350, 401, 455
Donne, John, 51
Dorchester, Mass., 32
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 9
Drebin, Jeffrey, 411n
Drew, Elizabeth, 265
Druker, Brian, 433-40
drug resistance, 132, 441-43
drugs, definition of, 413-14
Dryja, Thad, 376-80, 415
DuBridge, Lee, 183
Duesberg, Peter, 358
Duke University, 315, 319, 325, 326
Dulbecco, Renato, 350, 351, 371
dwarfism, 415
dye industry, 81-86
dyes, synthetic, 81-86, 278, 340
E. coli, 20
Edell, Marc, 269-71, 272
Edinburgh, Scotland, 298, 302
Edson, Margaret, 205, 209
Edwards, Ralph, 97-99, 396
Egan, Robert, 291
Egypt, ancient, 39-41, 463
Ehrlich, Paul, 80, 84-88, 237, 340, 432, 439
magic bullets of, 86-88, 222, 234, 304
Einhorn, Larry, 204-5, 208, 228
Einstein, Albert, 370
electrometer, 74
Eli Lilly, 31, 139
Elion, Gertrude, 91-92
Eliot, T. S., 191
"Ella" (VAMP protocol survivor), 148-50
Ellie: A Child's Fight Against Leukemia (Tucker), 21
embryonic stem cells, 458
Enders, John, 22, 94
Endicott, Kenneth, 162, 171, 177, 260
environmentalists, 456
enzymes, viral, 352-53, 354
epidemiology, 238, 243, 245
case-control studies in, 245, 246-47, 276, 280
causality and, 253-56, 276, 290, 350
Framingham longitudinal data and, 444-45
meta-analysis and, 261
molecular, 457
medicine and, 290, 457
recall bias in, 446
tobacco-cancer link and, 241-42, 247, 248-49, 250, 261
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), 175
Erikson, Ray, 358, 361, 368, 375
Erk protein, 387, 454
Erwin, Bob, 429
esophageal cancer, 274, 305
estrogen, 211, 213, 456
breast cancer and, 215, 221, 222-23, 456, 464
receptor in, 215, 216, 217, 464
etoposide, 206
Evans, Audrey, 123
evolution, 39, 247-48
Ewing, James, 30n
extended field radiation, 159-61, 163
extirpations, 23
Faget, Max, 178
fairness doctrine, 265-66, 267
"Fall, The" (Milosz), 116
false positives, false negatives, 291-92
Farber, Emmanuel, 259, 261
Farber, Norma, 30
Farber, Sidney, 129, 162, 286, 395
as advocate for cancer research, 100, 171-72, 189
background of, 18-19
cancer research hospital project of, see Jimmy's Clinic
cancer research of, 122-23, 126-27
chemotherapy regimens devised by, 103
chemotherapy seen as universal cure by, 93, 155, 403
colostomy of, 118
death of, 189-90, 193, 461
as fund-raiser, 102
isolation of, 27, 35, 101-2
at Jimmy's Clinic, 125-26, 153, 189-90
leukemia research of, 19-20, 21, 27, 29-30, 31, 33-36, 92, 100, 101, 114, 121, 122-23, 130, 132, 136, 158, 309, 338, 433, 439
M. Lasker and, 114-15, 116, 122, 171, 177, 190
as pediatric pathologist, 11-12, 19
VAMP survivors and, 149-50
viral origin of cancer advocated by, 175
in War on Cancer, 114, 118, 122, 150, 155, 178, 184, 188, 190, 234
Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act (FCLAA; 1965), 264-65, 267, 273
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 265-66
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 263-64, 401
feminism, doctor-patient relationship and, 199
Fidler, Isaiah, 173
Fieser, Louis, 260-61
Figuoeroa, Rodolfo, 60
Fisher, Bernard, 198-99, 200, 219-20, 221-23, 228
Fitz, Katherine, 307-8, 400
5-fluorouracil, 154
Fleming, Alexander, 465-66
Flemming, Walther, 340, 341, 344, 364, 365
fluorouracil, 154, 220
foci, of cancer cells, 351, 372, 373-74, 376, 384
folic acid (folate), 28, 29, 31, 406
Folkman, Judah, 387
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 262-63, 319, 322, 423, 429, 455
Foote, Emerson, 112, 113, 185
Ford, Edmund, 247-48
"Forsaken Garden, A" (Swinburne), 461
Fortas, Abe, 264
Fortune, 23-24, 25, 227
fossil record, 248
Fowler, James, 445
Fox, Nelene, 321-24
Fox Chase Cancer Center, 279
Framingham, Mass., longitudinal studies of, 444-45
Frankfurter Anilinfarben-Fabrik, 85
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