Seducing the Dragon: Part One

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Seducing the Dragon: Part One Page 5

by Jessie Donovan


  Bram’s ire at the dragon hunter remaining silent for the entire interrogation vanished as soon as he approached his cottage. Despite the darkness of the night, his vision was keen and he could see one of the hinges of his door was hanging on to the doorjamb by one screw. Someone had broken in.

  Fuck. Had the captured dragon hunter been a decoy?

  His dragon snarled. Check on the human female. The hunters want to hurt her. We must protect her.

  Bram was on the same page, but instead of wasting time talking to his dragon, he sent a quick text message to Kai before he crept up to his cottage and took a closer look.

  The light still glowed from the two front windows, neither of which was broken. Taking a deep inhalation, he didn’t scent blood in the air, which was also good. Since his cottage was soundproofed to keep delicate clan matters away from supersensitive dragon-shifter ears, he couldn’t hear anything. He needed to check the inside.

  Dragon-shifters rarely used guns, and Bram was no exception. His dragon’s reflexes had never failed him before, and he would trust them now.

  Gripping the doorknob, he twisted it bit by bit until the latch clicked softly. On the count of three, Bram inched open the door and was greeted by the sound of Evie’s voice. “The rivalry between the Carlisle and Edinburgh hunters is something to keep an eye on. Pitting them against each other might help loosen their defenses enough to attack.”

  Some of Bram’s tension eased at the lass’s voice, and he pushed the door wide open. Evie was standing behind Arabella, who was sitting and typing on the laptop before her. Without thinking, he demanded, “What’s going on here?”

  Both females turned to look at him. Neither one looked surprised to see him. If anything, they looked irritated.

  Evie was the first to speak up. “Doing what you asked me to do—typing up information for you.”

  Bram decided to take the easier route and looked to Arabella. “Explain.”

  The dragonwoman shrugged one shoulder. “I was tired of trying to decipher her typos, so I offered to type for her.”

  “Yes, but why, exactly, would you do that, Arabella? Humans and kindness don’t usually go together for you.”

  Evie spoke up, “Leave her alone. You sent her here, so my guess is that you trust her. I see no reason for you to be upset at her typing for me. If you’d allowed me time to fetch my glasses, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.”

  Losing his cool in front of Arabella was not on his list of things to do, so he focused on his clan member and said, “Arabella, you can go now.”

  “But we’re not done. All of this information about the Carlisle dragon hunters is fascinating.”

  Oh, fuck. Arabella didn’t need inside information about the Carlisle hunters. She’d made great strides in her PTSD recovery over the last eight months, and he wouldn’t put it past her to try to attack the hunters alone. After all, they were the ones responsible for both her mother’s death and her scars.

  Forcing every bit of dominance he could into his voice, Bram said, “Go home, Arabella. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  Ara looked about ready to argue, but then clenched her jaw and nodded. She’d never been tempted to outright disobey him before. He blamed the human’s influence.

  He waited until Arabella stood up and walked out the door before he pinned his best stare on Evie Marshall. “How in the world did you get Arabella MacLeod to not only work with you, but to almost appear to be on your side? And in just under two hours, no less?”

  The human female straightened her shoulders. “I know a trick or two when it comes to working with dragon-shifters. Pretty much all of Clan Skyhunter detests humans. My first year was hell until I learned to use their other hatreds to my advantage. I did the same with Arabella. She hates the dragon hunters, and so do I. That hatred was stronger than what dislike she held for me.”

  Shaking his head, Bram moved to stand next to Evie and instantly regretted it as her womanly scent filled his nose. Just one whiff made his dragon growl. Kiss her again. She cooperated. Arabella does not hate her. She is good.

  He sent a mental scowl to his dragon. You are too trusting.

  His inner beast hissed, but Bram ignored him and spoke to the human, “Your cleverness is going to be a pain in my arse.”

  Hope lit her eyes. “So you’re letting me stay?”

  The way Evie looked at him, as if he were the only one who could save her life, went straight to his heart. He still couldn’t fathom why anyone would want to kill the lass.

  It was time to find that out. “Not yet.” Her hope died, and he resisted putting a hand on her shoulder to comfort her as he continued, “First, I need to take a look at your information and see if it really is worth the hunters killing you over.”

  Her expression returned to one of part irritation and part impatience as she gestured toward the laptop. “Be my guest.”

  Just as he moved in front of the laptop, he heard the human’s stomach rumble and his dragon jumped to the forefront of his mind. Feed her.

  Even Bram felt a little guilty at her hunger. “While I do this, there are some leftovers in the refrigerator you can eat. I hope you like curry.”

  Raising an eyebrow, she said, “Are you sure it’s not poisoned?”

  Despite himself, one corner of Bram’s lip twitched. “Aye, I’m sure. Now eat before I tie you to a chair and force feed you.”

  The human looked like she was about to say something, but then shut her mouth and nodded. He motioned to the doorway off to the side. “The kitchen is in there. Come back as soon as you’ve heated your food.”

  She gave a mock salute and walked toward the door. For the first time, he noticed she wasn’t wearing any shoes. Not only that, her exaggerated hip sway had been replaced with an efficient stride.

  The fake seductress had all but disappeared.

  Not that he was sad about it. But rather than think too hard about why he liked the changes, he sat down in front of the computer screen and read the first sentence:

  At the presend rime, the Carlide hunters numver avout forty.

  Rubbing the late-day whiskers on his face, Bram could see what Arabella had meant about deciphering the typos. Reading Evie’s notes was going to take three times as long as normal.

  With a sigh, Bram went to work.


  As the smell of curry filled the kitchen, Evie’s stomach rumbled and she tapped her spoon against the counter in impatience. By now, Bram had to have noticed the plethora of typos in her document. Would he really make her wait until he finished it all before he told her if he would take her on as his mate or not?

  Uncertainty was not her forte. Since Evie had been a little girl, she’d always planned out her life: earn good marks, go to university, and work her way up the Department of Dragon Affairs until she could be the Director.

  Now, however, all of that planning was irrelevant. All that mattered was staying alive, and everything else would have to wait.

  Living in such uncertainty simultaneously scared and irritated her.

  Get over it, Evie. She’d dealt with plenty of uncertainty in her job as a DDA inspector; she would just have to use those experiences toward her personal life as well.

  The microwave beeped. The sound was a welcome interruption of her thoughts.

  For now, she’d focus on eating. Who knew, maybe by the time she’d finished, Bram might have answers for her. Then she could figure out what to do next.

  She removed the leftover korma curry before carrying it to the kitchen doorway. Pausing a moment, she took advantage of the situation and simply watched Bram at the computer.

  Without his glare or dominance crap, he looked like just a man. Sure, a fit man with broad shoulders, defined muscled arms, and a very lickable-looking tattoo on one of his biceps. Yet with his slightly too long hair brushing against his ears as he leaned over the laptop screen, all she wanted to do was walk over and tuck his hair back behind his ears. She
had a feeling no one ever looked after him; being clan leader was a demanding and lonely job.

  According to DDA records, Bram worked the hardest out of the five dragon-shifter clans in the UK to pass all of their inspections. Stonefire had by far the least amount of sacrifice-related complaints. Yet despite all of his hard work, Bram’s infertility assured that he would never have a female sacrifice of his own. Hell, he might not ever have a mate. Everything he did screamed how he wanted his clan’s numbers to rebuild and his infertility would hinder his goal.

  Of course, Evie would never be able to give him a child anyway since her DNA wasn’t compatible with dragon-shifter sperm. When she’d been nineteen and obsessed with everything dragon-shifter, she’d been tested.

  She hoped that would work to her advantage since Bram wouldn’t have to feel guilty about taking a likely mother-to-be away from his clan.

  At one time, she’d wanted children of her own, but she was far more concerned about living than reproducing.

  She probably would’ve continued staring if Bram’s voice hadn’t interrupted her thoughts. “You’re not eating.”

  Standing back up, she then moved to stand next to him. As soon as his eyes met hers, she raised the spoon to her lips and took a bite.

  Bram’s eyes darted to her lips, and that odd heat and awareness shot through her body.

  Bloody hell. Since when was eating curry a turn on?

  After swallowing the spoonful, she asked, “So? Do you have a verdict yet?”

  The heat vanished from his eyes and was replaced by a wry look. “Where did you learn to type, lass? Even if I were blinded right this instant, I could do better.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “I type fast and make mistakes. It happens. Now, stop trying to change the subject and just tell me straight what you plan to do.”

  He looked pointedly at her curry and she let out a sigh before taking another bite. Only once she swallowed did he stand up and look down at her. Without her heels on, he towered even more over her. The man was huge.

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Bram said, “While I’ve only read about a third of what you wrote, it’s enough for a decision.”

  The dragonman fell silent and she wanted to kick him and scream for him to just tell her already. When he said nothing, she asked, “And?”

  “I want you to pack your things.”

  Evie nearly dropped her bowl of curry. He was sending her away.

  Her heart squeezed and it took everything she had not to start crying. Pull yourself together, Evie. Fight for it.

  She’d come this far. She wasn’t about to give in so easily. Straightening her shoulders, she said, “If you give me a little more time, I’ll provide more information. Seven years has allowed me access to quite a bit about the DDA, the dragon hunters, and the other dragon-shifter clans. With my glasses and another chance, I can prove to you I’m worth keeping.”

  Bram frowned. “What are you talking about? Of course you’re going to help me. I’m not about to mate you just so I can fuck you, although I look forward to that.”

  She blinked. “Fuck me? What? You just told me to pack my things.”

  “Aye, you’re moving in with me tonight.”


  Did you enjoy this story? Then please consider leaving a review. :)

  Part Two will be available mid-to-late November 2014. Please turn the page to find out how you can get an alert for when it’s for sale!

  Dear Reader:

  Would you like to know when Part Two of Seducing the Dragon is available? (And receive exclusive goodies and information too?) You can sign up for my newsletter at or by liking my Facebook page at

  Also, I need to ask you a favor. Word-of-mouth is crucial for any author to succeed. If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review. Even if it's only a line or two, it would be a huge help!

  While waiting for the second installment of Bram and Evie’s story, maybe you’d like to check out the first book in my Asylums for Magical Threats paranormal romance series, Blaze of Secrets, or the first book of my Cascade Shifters series, Reclaiming the Wolf. (And just in case you haven’t read Sacrificed to the Dragon, I’ll include some information about that too.) Turn the page for a look into my other works.

  With Gratitude,

  Jessie Donovan

  Sacrificed to the Dragon: Boxed Set

  Parts #1-4

  (Stonefire Dragons)

  In exchange for a vial of dragon’s blood to save her brother’s life, Melanie Hall offers herself up as a sacrifice to one of the British dragon-shifter clans. Being a sacrifice means signing a contract to live with the dragon-shifters for six months to try to conceive a child. Her assigned dragonman, however, is anything but easy. He’s tall, broody, and alpha to the core. There’s only one problem—he hates humans.

  Due to human dragon hunters killing his mother, Tristan MacLeod despises humans. Unfortunately, his clan is in desperate need of offspring to repopulate their numbers and it’s his turn to service a human female. Despite his plans to have sex with her and walk away, his inner dragon has other ideas. The curvy human female tempts his inner beast like no other.


  Sacrificed to the Dragon: Boxed Set is now available on all major online retailers.

  Blaze of Secrets

  (Asylums for Magical Threats #1)

  Kiarra Melini overhears the dangerous secrets of her blood and decides that if Feiru elemental magic is to survive, she needs to die. However, before she can finish the deed, a strange yet determined man shows up in her cell, throws her over his shoulder, and carries her right out of the prison for elemental magic users.

  Jaxton Ward is ordered by his superiors to train the stubborn elemental fire user he rescued. There's only one problem—she claims her magic is gone and he has no idea how to train a woman who spent the last fifteen years inside a prison cell. He's determined to keep his relationship professional, but as the danger amps up and they're forced to go on the run, he starts to fall for the newly confident woman who ignites his temper like no other.

  Kiarra's final secret is the key to them staying alive, but can they outrun the prison enforcers long enough for her to embrace her unique magical talents and finally learn to love again?


  Available now at all major online retailers.

  Reclaiming the Wolf

  (Cascade Shifters #1)

  Female wolf-shifter clan leaders are rare, but Kaya Alexie thrives on the challenge and can handle anything the men of her pack throw her way. However, when the male cougar-shifter who broke her heart ten years ago shows up on her doorstep with a dead wolf-shifter in tow, her whole world goes off-kilter. She’s determined to ignore him, but when a virus threatens to decimate her clan, she has no choice but to work with her ex and his brother to survive.

  Sylas Murray is sent by his brother to ask for the wolves’ help in solving the mystery of a recent wolf-shifter attack. There are a few problems, however. Not only is he a cougar-shifter among a pack of wolves, the clan leader is also his ex-girlfriend. To say they had a bad break-up would be putting it mildly—Sy’s actions nearly destroyed the truce his clan had with the wolf-shifters. But as a virus threatens the GreyFire wolves, Sy and Kaya must put aside their past to find a cure.

  As they work together and race against the clock, Sy starts to wonder why he let Kaya go in the first place. Despite their past, will he be able to reclaim the wolf that captured his heart and start over?


  Reclaiming the Wolf is now available on all major online retailers.

  Books by Jessie Donovan

  Asylums for Magical Threats

  Blaze of Secrets (AMT #1)

  Frozen Desires (AMT #2)

  Shadow of Temptation (AMT #2.5)

  Cascade Shifters

  Convincing the Cougar (CS #0.5)

iming the Wolf (CS #1)

  Cougar’s First Christmas (CS #1.5, November 2014)

  Stonefire Dragons

  Sacrificed to the Dragon: Part One

  Sacrificed to the Dragon: Part Two

  Sacrificed to the Dragon: Part Three

  Sacrificed to the Dragon: Part Four

  Sacrificed to the Dragon: Boxed Set (Parts 1-4)

  Seducing the Dragon: Part One (October 28, 2014)

  Seducing the Dragon: Part Two (November 2014)

  Seducing the Dragon: Part Three (December 2014)

  Seducing the Dragon: Part Four (January 2015)

  About the Author

  Jessie Donovan wrote her first story at age five, and after discovering The Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne McCaffrey in junior high, she realized people actually wanted to read stories like those floating around inside her head. From there on out, she was determined to tap into her over-active imagination and write a book someday.

  After living abroad for five years and earning degrees in Japanese, Anthropology, and Secondary Education, she buckled down and finally wrote her first full-length book. While that story will never see the light of day, it laid the world-building groundwork of what would become her debut paranormal romance, Blaze of Secrets.

  Jessie loves to interact with readers. When not reading a book or traipsing around some foreign country on a shoestring, she can often be found on Facebook and Twitter. You can email her at: [email protected].


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