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Sexcapades Page 3

by Christine d'Abo

  Forcing herself to move deeper into the crowd, Petra smiled at several people. Many people smiled and nodded and she could have joined them. But as she drew closer, all thoughts of what she would say to the group evaporated. She cut away at the last minute and continued to weave her way through to the back of the room.

  Petra found the bar. She was already eyeing the exit. Yes, she was here, but so was the chest-clenching panic. Backtracking around the edges of the room would get her out of having to deal with the groups again. She’d finish her drink in the next five minutes and bolt, nomination reading or not.

  What was she doing here?

  She wasn’t really PC—sex queen and advice superstar. She reached up and tucked a curl behind her ear. Every time Petra tried to pretend she was someone else, things ended badly. It was one of the reasons she’d stopped listening to what other people said about her in high school. It was easier to ignore everyone else when she was comfortable in her own skin. And to Petra that had meant jogging pants and T-shirts instead of jeans and skirts. An event like this put her so far out of her element her parents would have laughed had they seen her.

  Screw it. Five minutes is up. Time to get out of here.

  “Well, isn’t this a surprise.”

  Petra snapped her head around, ignoring the pulse of want in her pussy when she spotted her caffeinated mystery man. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  He stood three feet away, hands in his pockets, suit jacket unbuttoned to reveal a formfitting navy blue shirt and black tie. Holy crap he cleans up nice. Not that he doesn’t look good all the time...but damn.

  “I was about to ask you the same thing.” He came closer, snatching up a glass of white wine when one of the servers strolled past. “It took me a minute to recognize you. That’s a much different look than the denim and tank top.”

  She should be freaking out being this close to him, but if nothing else her mystery man was a friendly face in a hostile environment. God, Alice would be laughing her head off if she could see Petra now. Squeezing the stem of her wine glass, she tried to relax, ignoring the way his gaze dipped down to her cleavage.

  “I didn’t think they would appreciate shorts in a place like this. Alice took me shopping.”

  “Alice is your friend from the coffee shop?” He sipped his wine, but his gaze drifted to her left ear. “You seem to have lost an earring.”

  Shit, not again. “Yes, the one with a sense of fashion.” She took off her lone earring and shoved it in her purse.

  Petra forgot how to breathe as he reached out and freed a curl from behind her ear. “That’s better,” he said as a lazy smile stretched his full lips. “Are you here as a nominee or as part of the committee?”

  “Nominee.” Petra swallowed and hoped her lips didn’t shake as she tried to smile. The skin where his fingers had brushed against her tingled from the brief contact. “You?”

  “Nominee.” He held up his wine glass and clinked it against hers. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks. You too.” They both took a sip, giving Petra several precious seconds to beat down her rapidly growing lustful thoughts.

  Like what he’d look like without his shirt.

  Picturing how big his cock would be.

  Whether or not he’d let her tie him up. Or the other way around.

  She wasn’t picky.

  Shit. Back to reality, Pet.

  She looked around the crowd, trying to determine what group he’d abandoned to save her from her solitude. No one seemed to be glaring at her, and she hoped that meant there wasn’t an annoyed date who would come rushing over to beat her about the head with a shoe. When she looked back, Petra realized he’d been staring at her the entire time.

  Ignoring the fluttering in her stomach, she seized the chance to ask the one question she’d been dying to ask for months now. “This is a bit silly. I see you all the time at the coffee shop and yet I still don’t know your name.”

  He cocked his head to the side, took a step back and held out his free hand. “I’m Darcy.”

  A shiver traveled up her arm. “Petra. Nice to meet you, Darcy.”

  “Likewise.” Darcy held her hand a few moments longer than was strictly necessary, giving it a gentle squeeze before finally releasing her. “And for the record, while the shorts and T-shirts are a good look on you, you’re absolutely stunning in this dress.”

  Her pale face was probably deep red by this point. “Thank you. I feel naked in it.”

  “Trust me, you’re amazing.” His smirk should have warned her. “No breasts or vaginas showing.”

  Petra straightened. “There’s no reason to make fun. I feel enough of an idiot.”

  Darcy held up his hand. “Sorry. But it was really cute. It kept me smiling all day.” he didn’t think she was an idiot. Smiling was a good thing. “It did?”

  “I’d had the crappiest day at the office. That’s why I was at the coffee shop in the first place.” Darcy took a step closer, forcing Petra to look up at him. Damn, he was taller than she remembered. “I should be thanking you for making my day better.”

  “You’re welcome.” Because she had no idea what else to say to that.

  “I had no idea you were involved with blogging. Though I guess that makes sense.”


  “You’re clearly a thinker and not really comfortable in big crowds like this.” He looked around the room, nodding at the throng. “I thought for a moment you were going to bolt.”

  She hated that he could read her so effortlessly. It wasn’t fair that he had charm and an easygoing nature wrapped up in a package that was far too handsome to be legal. Petra didn’t want to be under his microscope any longer than necessary. “So what category are you nominated in?”

  Darcy opened his mouth to answer when the tapping of a microphone cut through the din of the room, silencing everyone with an electronic buzz. “Hello, everyone. Can I have your attention please?”

  Petra rolled her eyes, silently thankful for the distraction, and turned toward the slightly balding man who now stood front and center on the stage. Darcy shifted closer beside her, enough that she could feel his body heat warming her chilled skin.

  The man on stage held his arms wide open and grinned down at them. “Thank you, everyone, for coming tonight. My name is Malcolm Robins, and I’m this year’s chairman of the Toronto Web Awards.”

  Polite applause from the crowd rolled across the room. Darcy leaned in so his hot breath tickled her neck. “I think his face is going to fall off if he smiles any harder.”

  Surprisingly, Malcolm’s smile did widen and Petra found herself covering a giggle. Maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as she thought.

  “Tonight is your opportunity to get to know each other. Take advantage of the media here tonight and get some positive PR for each of your sites. Every year our nominees see a significant jump in their web traffic, which will equate to dollars and cents for many of you.”

  “And dildos for others.” Darcy chuckled.

  Petra’s snort drew the attention of the couple standing in front of them. She swallowed down a large gulp of wine to hide her embarrassment. When had the crowd gotten so heavy back here?

  She purposely kept her body facing the stage and did her best to ignore the way her chest tightened. Robins was still talking, thanking faceless people for their efforts in pulling together this year’s Web of Excellence at a breakneck pace and under budget. The rest of the MC’s words were lost on her as another group of people came up beside them.

  Petra cleared her throat and tried to move back, but there were several of the wait staff standing along the wall. She’d somehow gone from being a wallflower to standing in the middle of a group.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Darcy’s hand on the small of her back should have been comforting. Instead her heart threatened to pound through her ribcage.


  “Petra? You’re looking a bit pale. Do you want to s
it down?”

  Laughter rolled through the crowd, filling the room and hurting her ears. She couldn’t see the exit anymore, nor could she make out an easy path to get there. Her stomach soured and her legs itched to move.

  Shit, she had to get out of here.


  “I have to leave.” She didn’t wait to see his reaction and pushed her way through the group.

  The sea of bodies refused to part even as she barreled through the throng. Petra bumped into them, muttering apologies as she went. Her head had grown light and black spots started to dance in her field of vision. If she didn’t get out of here soon she was going to pass out.

  A strong hand wrapped around her biceps, while another one pressed against the small of her back. “Let’s get you some fresh air.”


  He’d come after her.

  Oh good.

  Petra couldn’t focus enough to see if Darcy was giving everyone the evil eye or if it was his presence alone that parted the sea of people. Either way, in the space of a few moments they popped out of the crowd and into the main lobby. He kept her moving until they were by a side door, where he helped her to a seat. When he propped the door open, a light breeze from outside blew over her.

  Darcy squatted in front of her, rubbing her knee with his hand. “Are you okay?”

  She was so far from okay it might as well be in another country. “Peachy.”

  “Why did you come if you’re not good in crowds?”

  “Alice keeps telling me the only way I’m going to get better with this stuff is to keep putting myself out there.” And weren’t they going to have a serious conversation about that later. “It sounded like a good idea at the time.”

  Petra’s head was spinning from the rush of blood pounding through her, though it had nothing to do with her panic attack. The scent of his cologne together with her adrenaline sent a wild buzz out to every cell in her body. Having Darcy this close to her was a fantasy come true. Well, half a fantasy if she was being honest with herself.

  Stripping him naked and finding out if a man’s entire body really was an erogenous zone was the other half.

  “Do you want me to call Alice and get her to come get you?” He was really cute when he was worried. “Or I can call you a cab? I’d offer to drive you, but I booked a room here so I wouldn’t have to worry about having a few drinks.”

  The breeze had her nipples standing up and goosebumps rising on her skin. It certainly wasn’t a result of his touch on her knee. Nope. No way. She wouldn’t let herself get turned on by the whole knight in shining armor routine.

  Even if it was sexy as hell.

  “No, I’ll be fine. Do you mind talking to me for a little bit? That usually works.”

  They were complete strangers for the most part. And while Petra didn’t have a clue what to say to him, she got the impression Darcy was good at small talk.

  Instead of brushing her off or looking annoyed that she’d dragged him from the party, Darcy grabbed another seat and pulled it closer. “Let’s see, what can I distract you with?”

  She could think of half a dozen topics, but was scared to open her mouth for fear of having a repeat dirty-talk performance.

  There’d already been enough penises between them.

  “Did you know that I’ve wanted to talk to you and your friend for a while now?” Darcy shook his head, his smile lighting up his eyes. “From the second I heard you discussing the various uses for personal lubricant, I knew the two of you would be a hoot.”

  Petra remembered that day vividly. It had been the first time D. Williams posted a comment on her blog, over a year ago. He’d scoffed at her idea that a woman should use lube to masturbate, even if she had a man who could help her get off. Sure it’s fun to play with yourself, sexy too. But if you’re with a guy and he’s not giving you what you need, that’s plain wrong. Speak up and tell him! We’re not mind readers. Two weeks later Mantastic had gone live.

  “Every time I heard you two whispering, I couldn’t help but think you’d been dating the wrong men if they were leaving you so unfulfilled. It’s crazy because you’re both stunning and should be fighting the men off with a stick.”

  “Alice, maybe. Men usually go on one date with me and then forget to call back.” Her last boyfriend had made the parting a bit harsher than that, not that she was about to tell Darcy the details.

  “Like I said, the wrong men.”

  “And you’re the right man?” The question was past her lips before she could stop it. Dear God, was she flirting? Maybe the lack of oxygen had caused some brain damage.

  “Maybe.” He sat back further in his chair, but not before she noticed his labored breathing. “I didn’t think you’d want to find out. You don’t seem the type to chase a stranger.”

  Twice now, this man made her want to do things she would normally never even consider. She had no doubt he’d be able to keep up with her active sexual imagination and wouldn’t make fun of her if her ideas tanked. She’d be able to try things with him she’d never have the guts to with any other man.

  She was tired of being quirky yet reliable Petra. Maybe D. Williams was right about needing the right man to look after her in bed. Darcy might be a stranger, but she couldn’t deny the undercurrent running between them.

  Licking her lips, she looked into Darcy’s eyes. “Normally I’m not. You make me want to do crazy things.”

  Petra couldn’t be certain, but she swore he made a soft growl. “You can’t be serious. I’m a stranger to you.”

  “Deadly.” Great, her fantasy man offered to have sex with her and he didn’t believe her when she took him up on it.

  Darcy closed his eyes and she could almost hear him counting to five in his head before returning his attention to her. “Just to be clear, what are you suggesting? And please feel free to use penis and vagina if necessary.”

  “I’m not sure what’s on the table, but I’d like to go someplace and get to know you better.”


  Fine. She could be blunt. “I want to have sex with you.”

  “Damn.” He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “What about the nomination reading?”

  “I know I’m nominated. I can find the rest out in the morning.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “I’m sorry. This is new for me. Want to call anyone with a safe word and check-in time?”

  Shit, could she really do this? Have sex with a man she only knew by sight and had barely spoken to?

  “I’ll set something up with Alice.” Apparently so. She pulled her cell phone out of her too small purse. “Will four hours be long enough?”

  Darcy grinned. “God help me if it isn’t.”

  “It damn well better be. I want orgasms. Multiple.”

  “I live to serve.”

  He got to his feet and stared down at her for a moment before shaking his head. “Room 409. Take the East elevator. I’ll give you fifteen minutes to make that call. If you change your mind, no hard feelings. Well, maybe one.”

  His unmistakable erection was a definite presence filling out the front of his pants. He buttoned his suit jacket to hide the bulge and with a wink, he turned and strode toward the elevators.

  Holy. Shit.

  Petra pressed the heels of her hands to her eyes. So this was different. Crazy and different. Her palm was sweaty as she picked up her phone and dialed her friend’s number.

  “Don’t tell me you’ve bailed already?” Alice’s amused voice was dampened slightly by poor reception. “I figured an hour at least—”

  “Alice, I need you to talk me out of doing something dumb.”

  “Okay... Dare I ask what this is, or should I start rattling off all possible reasons to say no?”

  Petra let out a shaky laugh. “I’m not sure yet.”

  “Spill it, Pet.”

  “You know our mystery man from the shop?”


  “He’s here.” Petra cringed as Alice’s squeal filled the ear piece.

  “Has he talked to you? Oh my God, this is fate.”

  “He’s talked to me. And a bit more.” A whole lot more if her imagination wasn’t playing tricks on her. “Basically, I had a panic attack and he helped me out. Then I kind of propositioned him for a one-night stand. He said yes.”

  Petra was ready for the squeal this time. When she put the phone back to her ear, Alice was already talking. “...the hell are you talking to me for?”

  “He suggested I set up a safe word with a friend. He left to give me time.”

  “See, that just proves that he’s going to be awesome in the sack.”

  She frowned. “What?”

  “He actually gives a shit about you! Pet, get your ass up there and call me in the morning with the details. In inches and diameter if possible.”

  Desire throbbed. “So, I’m not an idiot for doing this? I mean, I’ve never had a one-night stand.”

  “Petra...this is that whole doing thing we talked about.”

  Decision made, her body actually relaxed. “His name is Darcy and I’ll be in room 409. I’ll call you in four hours. If there’s a problem, I’ll ask you to go check on my dog.”

  “Got it. Oh sweetie, have fun.”

  The trip up the elevator and down the convoluted hallway to Darcy’s room was far faster than Petra would have liked, giving her little time to come up with a game plan. This was her chance to do something wild and crazy, but it was so far outside her comfort zone she didn’t have a clue how to do it right. Not that there was a wrong way to have wild sex with a stranger—at least not that Petra could think of.

  Damn, she should have checked out the protocols before she came up here.

  Too late for that now.

  She smoothed her hands down the front of her dress and patted the side of her hair as she stood outside his room. She prayed she didn’t look as desperate as she felt. Nothing turned a guy off faster than a woman who was needy. This was about sex and nothing more. For once, Petra was going to take advantage of the situation and enjoy herself.


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