Seti's Heart

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Seti's Heart Page 17

by Kelly, Kiernan

  “NO!” Seti cried. Logan felt his pain as if it was his own, white-hot and crippling. Seti pushed himself up and threw himself sideways across Logan’s lap, as if to protect him from Setekh’s curse. “Osiris!” he cried. “I beg you, help me! My soul for his! My allegiance, my life, my eternal servitude for your protection!”

  “Osiris will not help you, you ungrateful son of a jackal! You turned your back on my blessings for want of this pathetic mortal! You have damned yourself and him along with you!” Setekh roared. “I am master here, not that sniveling coward, Osiris! He turns a deaf ear to those who walk my lands!”


  The word was softly spoken, and yet cut through the din raised by Setekh’s storm and howls. Immediately the thunder ceased and the lightning dissipated, the room falling ominously silent.

  Turning his head toward the sound of the new voice, Logan saw a tall, bearded man, his skin an impossible shade of green, standing framed in the doorway. On his head he wore a conical crown flanked by two large black and white ostrich feathers, which Logan immediately recognized as the atef crown of Egyptian royalty. He carried a shepherd’s crook in one hand and a leather flail in the other.

  “Osiris,” Setekh hissed, snapping his jaws at the new arrival. “This is none of your concern!”

  “Enough,” Osiris repeated. His voice was rich with authority; the air seemed to crackle with its power. “Setekh, you are a total pain in my ass. Dude, you really need to get a life. Metaphorically speaking, of course.”

  Logan blinked, staring slack-jawed at Osiris. The contrast between his ancient Egyptian appearance and his use of curiously modern slang was incongruous. Logan liked him on sight. For the first time since he’d found himself in Setekh’s palace, he dared feel a glimmer of hope.

  “Stay out of this!” Setekh bellowed, raising his arms threateningly.

  “Bite me,” Osiris snorted, pointing his crook at Setekh. A blindingly bright flash erupted from it, sizzling through the air, hitting Set squarely in the chest. “What part of ‘enough’ didn’t you understand?”

  Setekh flew backwards, his body hitting the wall behind him with such force that he cracked the sandstone. A shower of dust and debris fell with him as he crumpled to the floor. A smoldering, black scorch mark marred the skin of his chest where Osiris’ bolt had hit him.

  “You need to learn to play nice with the other kiddies,” Osiris chided, shaking his head. “And don’t think I’m going to forget the ‘coward’ crack, either. You are so on my shit-list.” He turned his kohl-rimmed eyes toward Logan, smiling. He cocked his head, looking at the fang that protruded from Setekh’s sac. “Ooh…got him right in his moneymaker. Nice shot, kid,” he said, winking at Logan.

  Behind Osiris, Setekh wailed, cupping his sac, his body undulating and shimmering, slowly disappearing until nothing was left but the dent his bulk had put in the wall of his palace.

  Osiris smiled at Logan. “I’ll deal with him later. Honestly, sometimes I don’t think he has the brains Geb gave to a slug. Now, I’ll just bet that you’ve had your fill of the fun and games down here, huh? Ready to go home?”

  Logan grinned in spite of himself. “You can say that again. You’re Osiris, aren’t you? The All-Father, god of the Underworld-”

  “Lord of the Sky, god of fertility, yada, yada, yada. I’ve read the press releases, kid.”

  “Great Osiris,” Seti moaned. He tried to sit up, but Logan kept him from moving, wrapping his arms around him tightly. “I humbly beg you to send Logan back to the mortal realm. He was stolen by Setekh. He did not pass through the Veil willingly.” It was obvious to Logan that speaking was taxing what little strength Seti had left, and that worried him.

  “Shh. Rest, Seti,” he admonished, laying his hand against Seti’s cheek. Unshaved, the bristles of Seti’s scruff tickled at his palm. Turning back to Osiris, Logan said, “How about it, your…er…godship? Can you send us back?”

  “You, Logan. Not me,” Seti whispered. “I cannot return.”

  “What do you mean? Of course you can. You did it before. You’re not even mummified this time.”

  “No, I cannot.” Seti’s skin paled further, dark circles discoloring the flesh beneath his luminous black eyes, the lines on his face cutting deeper into his skin. He seemed to age before Logan’s eyes, wrinkles forming, gray streaking through his black braids.

  “What he means is that the big lug committed hari-kari to come down here after you,” Osiris said, clucking his tongue. “That’s a big time sacrifice. Assures him of brownie points at the weigh-in center.”

  “No!” Logan cried, as the truth hit him with the force of a sledgehammer. Seti had killed himself? Over him? “Why, Seti? Why would you do something like that?”

  “I swore to protect you. I failed.”

  “You didn’t fail, Seti,” Osiris said, walking – or rather gliding, over to where Logan sat cradling Seti’s head. His feet never seemed to move or leave the ground. “You did protect him. If it wasn’t for you, Setekh would have killed him a few minutes ago.”

  “He would not have been taken had it not been for me, my lord,” Seti said, his eyes drifting closed. “And I have pledged you my servitude.”

  “No! Seti!” Logan cried. He looked up at Osiris, frantic. “Please, don’t let him die!”

  “Technically, he’s already dead,” Osiris said with a shrug. “His ka is disintegrating, assuming its spirit form. It’s preparing to travel to my palace, to be weighed against the Feather of Life to determine if Seti gets the all-inclusive vacation in Paradise, or the one-way ticket to the Damnation Plantation.”

  “Please,” Logan begged. “None of this was his fault! He deserves better than this! Didn’t he suffer enough for five thousand years? Take me instead!”

  Osiris rolled his eyes. “You humans are so melodramatic. Personally, I don’t want either one of you. Look, I’ll give you one more chance, and Seti? Don’t screw it up this time.” He pointed his crook at Seti and another dazzlingly brilliant streak of light poured from it. The light enveloped Seti’s body from head to foot in a golden glow. It felt warm under Logan’s hands, like an electric blanket set to high.

  When the light faded away, Seti’s color had returned, the strain and age that had shown on his face vanishing along with the heat. He took a deep breath, slowly sitting up. When he turned toward Logan, his lips curled in a warm smile that spoke volumes.

  Logan grinned, his eyes burning with feeling. “I didn’t mean it,” he said. “What I said to you back in the apartment. I don’t blame you for Jason’s death. It was Gator-boy’s fault, not yours.”

  “Gator-boy?” Osiris laughed. “Oh, I’m going to have to remember that one. That’ll get his breechclout in a twist, for sure. Speaking of whom, you’d better get going. I can’t hold him forever, and he’s going to have a bitch of a headache when he gets loose. You really don’t want to be here for that.”

  “Jason,” Logan said, suddenly feeling the pain of his friend’s death return to weigh on his shoulders. He’d nearly forgotten. “Is he…is he here?” he asked Osiris. “He got to Paradise, right?”

  “Now, that’s privileged information, kid. But I suppose you deserve something for the trouble my brother caused you.” Osiris smiled. “Yeah, he’s made the “A” list. He’s living it up big time with the party crowd in Paradise.”

  Logan felt a painful twinge in his chest, thinking of Jason. But at least now he knew that his friend was happy. It was more than most people got when they lost someone they’d loved.

  “But, my Lord…my pledge… “ Seti said, looking up at Osiris. “I traded my servitude for your help. I do not forget my oaths so easily.”

  Osiris laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to forget that either. Someday I’ll give you the chance to make good on it. Until then, have a nice life. You’ve earned it.”

  The next thing Logan knew, the world was again spinning away.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Logan sc
rewed his eyes shut as his stomach roiled with the sensation of spinning, wind howling in his ears. His arms clung to Seti, aching from fighting the nearly irresistible centrifugal force that pulled at him.

  Even after the whirling sensation stopped and the world stilled, his stomach protested the journey. Pressing his forehead to Seti’s, he prayed that it was the last time he’d ever have to experience that particular sensation.

  Logan blinked his eyes open and took a moment to take stock of their surroundings.

  Plush carpeting cushioned his bruised body. The air was cool, scented lightly with citrus. They were surrounded on three sides by tall, creamy walls accented with deeply burnished mahogany trim. To his right sat a huge, imposing desk fashioned from the same rich wood.

  Osiris had been true to his word. They were back, right where they’d started, in Wilder’s office.

  “Where did you go?” Wilder’s voice demanded. A quick glance in his direction showed Logan that Wilder hadn’t moved from behind his desk. His bodyguard was still slumped unconscious on the floor.

  Wilder’s voice was imperious, demanding an answer. “You’ve been gone for hours! Seti, come here,” he ordered arrogantly.

  Logan ignored him completely. “Are you okay, Seti? Can you stand?”

  Seti nodded, smiling at him. Together they struggled to their feet, testing muscles that had been abused during their confrontation with Setekh. Logan, for one, felt like a walking black-and-blue bruise.

  “Answer me!” Wilder screeched, “I demand to know where – and how – you disappeared! Who was that monstrous creature that was here? Was that really the god, Setekh? And you, Seti! It’s because of me that you’ve awoken, and yet you dare use my own dagger to end your newly restored life? Come here, I said!”

  “Shut. Up. You’ve caused enough trouble for one day.”

  Logan turned toward the familiar voice. Osiris stood near the immense windows of the office, backlit by the setting sun, staring pointedly at Wilder. “What?” he asked, glancing at Logan, the picture of innocence. “I couldn’t just plop you back up here to deal with my brother’s mess, now could I?”

  “Who are you? I demand some answers before I call the police!” Wilder shrieked. His hand fell on the telephone receiver. “I’ll have you all arrested! I’ll-”

  “Please. I’m shivering in my little pharaoh booties,” Osiris said, waving a dismissive hand at Wilder. “I’d really think twice about making that call. Have you forgotten what you’ve done? Let’s see…kidnapping, conspiring to commit murder…oh, yes, and let’s not forget grand theft on an international scale. After all, the sarcophagus you illegally dug up and smuggled out of the desert fifty years ago was really the property of Egypt, pal. Interpol is going to love that.”

  Wilder’s face blanched an impossible white as he slumped down into his chair. “You can’t prove any of that,” he said weakly.

  “I don’t have to prove anything. I’m Osiris. See-all, know-all god of truth, justice, and balloon artiste extraordinaire.”

  “Osiris…” Wilder repeated, looking wild-eyed.

  “That’s my name, don’t wear it out,” Osiris said flippantly. He turned, looking at Logan. “You two should get going. The investigation is over at the apartment. The cops have split. The two men this asshole sent in there after Seti will be blamed for your friend’s death. Their death certificates will read ‘natural causes.’ Case closed. Consider it a fabulous parting gift for playing.”

  “Osiris, I don’t know how to thank you,” Logan said, smiling.

  “Godiva chocolates. I’m partial to the creamy, truffle ones,” Osiris grinned. “Seriously, don’t thank me yet. I just put you back where you belong. But my brother is going to be seriously pissed off, and, as you know, he’s inclined to hold a grudge.” He turned to Wilder, who looked as though he was going to drop dead from a heart attack at any moment. “You know, I’m inclined to grant you your wish. A little payback for the headaches you’ve caused me.” He waved his crook toward Wilder, who disappeared in a brilliant flash of golden light.

  “What did you do to him?” Logan whispered, staring at the empty chair Wilder had so recently occupied.

  “He wanted to be immortal. I granted him his wish.”

  “But…but he caused all of this!” Logan protested, shaking his head confusedly. “And you reward him by making him immortal? Do you know what kind of grief he’s going to be free to cause now?”

  “Nah. I made him immortal, sure…but I don’t think he’s going to cause anybody any more problems. Let’s just say that when the museum finally returns Seti’s sarcophagus to Egypt, it won’t be empty,” Osiris grinned mischievously. “Now, I’ve got to get going. Got an Underworld to run, you know. Have a nice life, you two. See you…eventually.”

  He winked out, leaving Logan and Seti alone in the office.

  Groaning, Logan twisted his head from side to side, trying to work out the kinks in his neck. “I am going to seriously need a massage. I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus.”

  Seti smiled at him. “You will heal. You are strong, Logan. Stronger than I ever thought you would be. You stood against Setekh for me. I will never forget that. Although you should be thrashed for running away and leaving me behind when you came here after Wilder.”

  “Me? You fucking killed yourself to follow me!” Logan replied, giving Seti a slight push. “What were you thinking? Don’t ever do that again, okay?”

  “I would have walked through fire to get to you,” Seti said earnestly. “But that is as it should be. You belong to me.”

  “That’s something we need to work on,” Logan said, folding his arms across his chest. The movement hurt too much and he let them fall back to his sides. “This whole ownership thing has got to go.”

  “You do not wish to be mine?” Seti asked. His smile crumpled into a heartbreaking hound dog expression that made something hot flare deep inside Logan’s chest.

  “I think that I want to be with you, Seti. Just not owned by you. There’s a difference, you know?” Logan said, cupping Seti’s cheek. “I’m not sure what I feel about you. Other than wanting to jump your bones as soon as the thought of moving doesn’t make me cringe,” he chuckled. “Maybe we can take it one step at a time, okay?”

  “I cannot help feeling this way, Logan. When I look at you I see a beauty in your eyes that I am lacking in myself. A gentleness. A sweetness. Your ka burns brighter than the sun, and I ache to bury myself in its warmth. It is why I claimed you as mine,” Seti said softly. Seti’s arms wrapped around Logan, pulling him in close.

  As sore as he was, being held in Seti’s arms felt good to Logan. Better than good. It felt right. He slid his arms around Seti’s neck, reaching for a gentle kiss. “Let’s go home, Seti. We’ll stop at Jason’s apartment first,” he said, feeling the now familiar pang at the mention of Jason’s name, “and then go over to my place. I think I need to sleep for a week.”

  Seti kissed him again, warm, lush lips pressing against his own. Seti’s tongue swept over Logan’s lips, tempting him to open. He did, and this time when the world spun away it was because Logan had lost himself in the taste of Seti, in the feel of those hands skimming soothingly over Logan’s his back, in the hard muscles that pressed against him, and in the evidence of Seti’s desire that ground into his hip.

  “Not here, Seti,” Logan whispered against Seti’s lips. He leaned his forehead against Seti’s, struggling for control. “I hate this office as much as I hate the man who owned it. I want to go home, to my own bed. It’s not much, but it’s big enough for two,” he smiled.

  “Then, we fly,” Seti said, scooping Logan up into his arms. Logan protested, but secretly he admitted to himself that he sort of liked it when Seti went Tarzan on him. Made him feel wanted. Desired. Cared for. He wrapped his arms tightly around Seti’s neck and squeezed his eyes shut.

  As much as he trusted Seti, he didn’t want to see what happened when Seti stepped out of the broken window on the 72nd floor o
f the Wilder Executive Tower and into thin air.

  The wind bore them up, carrying them along cupped in its invisible palm, over the tops of the skyscrapers of Manhattan, affording them a spectacular view of the city. Or it would have, had Logan cracked his eyes open long enough to appreciate it.

  Maybe someday he would, after he was more accustomed to riding the Seti Wind Express. For now, he was content to bury his face in Seti’s neck and hold on for the ride.

  They arrived at the apartment building in a much more sedentary fashion – through the back door. Seti had set them down in the alley behind the building. Taking a deep breath, Logan led Seti into the elevator for the long, creaking ride up to the fifth floor, and Jason’s apartment.


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