Curves & Alphas: A Paranormal Box Set: (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance)

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Curves & Alphas: A Paranormal Box Set: (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) Page 20

by Willow Brooks

  Then, all of a sudden, goose pimples flew up her arms as the air became charged with electricity. Her ears vibrated with it, the humming growing louder and louder until she fell to her knees and clamped her hands over them. On the rock, Van’s whole body seemed to be infused with the energy. He was stiff with it, his ordinarily large muscles protruding in a grotesque way, his neck swollen and engorged. His face was beet red and he seemed completely unable to draw breath. Sophia began to feel desperate, as if she should rush forward and help him somehow. What if he died right in front of her? But she forced herself to stay back, telling herself that he’d probably done this a thousand times; it was her who was the newcomer.

  He was definitely changing now. It seemed slow, but each time Sophia’s eyes flicked to one part of his body or another, something had altered. She watched, fascinated, as a long tail sprouted from the base of his spine. When she looked back at his face, his nose had lengthened, and his ears were pointed and positioned at the top of his head. The lustrous fur that sprouted all over his back caught her attention for several seconds, and next thing she knew, his limbs were now legs and his body was curved and powerful. His eyes were the last thing to change, growing further apart and slanted, yet retaining that intense blue color that Sophia found so irresistible.

  The whole process took perhaps three minutes, but it was the most entrancing three minutes of Sophia’s life, so much so that by the time wolf-Van climbed down from the rock and made his way over to her, she was totally entranced.

  ‘You’re beautiful,’ she breathed.

  He was. With his shoulders standing at Sophia’s chest’s height and his body rippling with bound power, he was an imposing creature. But Sophia found herself utterly unafraid. What struck her was his magnificence, his splendor, his grace. He looked at her with those blue, blue eyes, which only seemed bluer against his midnight face.

  ‘Your eyes,’ she whispered. ‘They’re so clear. It’s like they’re unfiltered. Like I can see straight into your soul.’ She reached out, hesitant at first, and grazed her fingers over his head, between his ears. The fur was thick and silky, and begged to be touched again. ‘Do you mind?’ she asked. His eyes said no. She ran her hands first over his shoulder then down his back, burying her fingers in the lustrous pelt. She could feel his body, warm and firm beneath. It was so sensual she couldn’t resist bending her head and allowing her cheek to rest on his beautiful coat. There was that smell: that fresh, outdoors scent she already associated so strongly with Van.

  ‘Can you talk?’ she whispered.

  He shook his head. But he didn’t need words to communicate what he wanted her to do next. He knelt down and presented his broad back to her.

  ‘You want me to climb on?’ Sophia wasn’t sure. ‘What if I hurt you?’

  He remained in position, clearly unfazed by the prospect of carrying her. In truth, he was such a hefty beast, he could probably manage a rider twice her size. She took a deep breath and threw her leg over. When he stood back on all fours, she wobbled about, unsure where to place her hands. She remembered how wolf-mothers carry their cubs by the scruff of the neck. With a little cringe, she grasped the thick fur at his neckline, while gripping with her thighs at the same time.

  ‘Is that okay?’ she asked, leaning over to see his face.

  He turned his head. Ready? His eyes asked.

  She nodded. Then they were off.

  Chapter 12

  Nothing could have prepared Sophia for that first journey. With the thrilling vigor of wolf-Van surging through her, they set off, away from the lake and into the woods. Van started at a gentle pace, allowing her to become accustomed to this novel form of transport. Then, with a thrilling burst, he took off. They flew through the trees, bounding from fallen log to rock, barely seeming to touch the ground in between. He was faster than any regular wolf could possibly be, using his strength and size along with his enchanted powers to move at a phenomenal pace. Sophia clung on for dear life and marveled at the nocturnal wildlife that scattered from side to side in alarm. She saw mice, bobcats, and raccoons, and when they rounded a large fir, they came face to face with a giant black bear.

  Sophia screamed as it reared up on its hind legs and bared its teeth. Van swiftly dodged past it and continued on. Sophia peeked behind them to see the bear looking after them with what looked like confusion on its face. She giggled, imagining what the bear must have thought, to encounter such a wolf. He had probably thought he was in for the fight of its life.

  Before long, they’d passed through the forest and begun climbing a craggy hill on the far side of the lake. The sky was blanketed with twinkling stars above, and when they reached the summit, the most spectacular scene came into view. Crystal Lake shone like a silvery mirror in front of them, the details of all her inlets and bays were revealed at this height. The lights of Fir Lodge twinkled through the trees in the distance. In the other direction, Lake Christine and Winter Lake shimmered in a similarly beautiful display. The glow of the city was just visible beyond, but city life seemed so removed from this place, this moment, that Sophia could scarcely believe that place of bustle and machines existed anymore. The full moon was so large and bright above, with its shadows and craters, that Sophia felt as if she could reach out and touch it.

  She felt the howl building in his body before he even lifted his head to the moon. The energy built and built until he raised his head, opened his mouth, and released it into the sky. Sophia was once again filled with glorious energy, but this time it was even stronger as she sat astride him. The vibration of the howl ran up her legs, up her belly, and exploded out of her throat. All at once, she realized that she was howling, too; an unconscious moment of connection with the night and with the ecstasy that filled her. It felt so incredible, so natural, that she at once understood wolves on a whole other level.

  As they both fell silent once more, Sophia wondered how on earth Van could give up the ability to run like this, to live this fantasy life in order to be mortal, merely human. Was eternal life really so terrible that he’d give all of this away?

  The ride back down the hill felt a little perilous, but Van handled it with ease. They trotted back to the lodge via the south end of the lake, making a full circumference of its shores. A couple of hundred yards from the lodge, Van slowed his pace suddenly. They emerged into a clearing with a huge rock in the middle. It was milky white in color, quite different from the grey stone typical of the area. It was taller than a man and the top arched over so you could shelter underneath it. Indeed, something about the rock drew Sophia strongly towards it. Van circled around it and then came to a stop directly in front. She climbed off and approached it slowly.

  In a night that was filled with other-worldly delights, this place was enchanting on a whole other level. The rock glowed as if saturated by moonlight. When Sophia touched it, it felt smooth and warm. Surely the heat of the day should have gone by now? She tiptoed under the arch, at once feeling enveloped by the stone and the mysterious power that surrounded it. As she returned to Van’s side, she knew that he’d shown her the rock for a reason. There was more to this place than a beautiful landmark.

  Sophia walked beside him for the remainder of the journey, her hand resting easily on his back. They returned instinctively to the lake shore, where Sophia stood aside and allowed Van to transform back to human form. One thing was certain; it wasn’t an easy or pleasant process. He groaned and cried out with each major change, and when it was over, he laid still and twitching until he was able to build up enough strength to climb down and pull on his clothes. Sweat poured off him, and his muscles continued twitching, as they had when he’d confronted her in the entrance way earlier. His eyes were also filled with the same wild adrenalin, and he clenched his jaw, perhaps to prevent any harsh word or sound from emerging.

  Sophia allowed him to calm down in silence, recognizing that this phase must be part of the process. Sure enough, by the time they reached the house and he’d taken a shower, the f
amiliar gentleness had returned to his eyes and his jaw was soft once more.

  Sophia was waiting on the end of his bed. She’d turned all the lights off so the moonlight could spill through the open window unobstructed. She had no idea what the time was, but she felt it must be close to dawn. She stood up to meet him and they joined hands in the middle of the room. For a moment, Sophia was lost for words. How could words possibly explain what had just happened and how she felt? Then she realized that this wasn’t a time for talking anyway. They looked into each other’s eyes and understood.

  Chapter 13

  Van slowly peeled her blouse off, letting it float gently to the ground. He circled her waist with his enormous hands before softly stroking up and down her back. He was naked aside from a towel slung loosely around his hips. Sophia traced her hands over his dark chest hair, still damp from his shower, and over his defined stomach, marveling at each firm ripple in turn. She could see the shape of his erection under the towel and feel it pressing into her, but she forced herself to hold back instead of racing straight to it. Anticipation is two-thirds of desire, after all.

  He seemed to have the same idea. He didn’t rush to unfasten her bra, instead taking time to admire the lacework and tease her nipples through the flimsy fabric. He kissed her neck and collarbone, and nibbled gently on her ear. When he did come to undo her bra, he fumbled a little with the hooks. Sophia graciously turned around and swept her hair aside to make it easier for him, finding his inexperience endearing and reassuring, given her own lack of sexual expertise. He gave a little sigh as her bra fell to the floor, spinning her around and burying his head in the soft pillows of her bust.

  They fell onto the bed, kissing passionately, warm bodies pressed into each other. Sophia lifted her hips as Van slid her jeans off. They joined the growing pile of clothing on the floor, along with Van’s towel. Just Sophia’s underwear was left, a pretty pink pair, but Van didn’t rush to remove them either. He drew a teasing line with his finger from her belly button all the way down over the elastic, down over her clit and through the cleft of her pussy. She closed her eyes with bliss. Next, he pulled the lower edges up and away, letting his fingers touch her labia just a little. Then he retraced the line he’d made with his finger, but used his mouth instead, kissing all the way down until she could feel his hot breath on her pussy, through her underwear. It was too much; she had to feel his tongue on her, now.

  She tugged her underwear urgently down and now he was glad to help her. He lay flat on his stomach between her legs, offering an enticing view down over his head to his bare butt, and buried his face in her pussy.

  In Sophia’s limited experience (and through her discussions with Jane, drawing on her much vaster experience), there were three types of men when it came to giving oral sex. There was the type that flat-out loved it and couldn’t get enough of it. Jane said she would only agree to marry a man who fit into this category. Then there was the type that did it because they knew that women loved it. This type always left you feeling a little guilty because you knew his heart wasn’t in it. And finally there were those who wouldn’t even go there. Jane thought there was little in life more disappointing than discovering an otherwise ideal man was one of those types.

  Happily, Van fitted firmly in the first category. He licked and sucked with considerable enthusiasm, and while his technique was a little raw, Sophia was more than happy to help him refine his skills in the near future. Besides, what he was doing felt perfectly wonderful. His mouth was hot and wet, and his finger inside her was a teasing indication of what it would feel like when he slid that gorgeous cock inside of her, too. Tonight was the night. Van was the one she would lose her virginity to, and she couldn’t wait. Before long, her pussy was so dripping wet she was certain there would be no trouble fitting him inside.

  When Van came up to kiss her, she could taste her desire in his mouth, which made her even hotter still. His rock-hard penis was silky smooth to touch. She grabbed it, opened her legs, and rubbed the head over her clit, easing it down, closer and closer to her hot, wet hole.

  Van’s breathing was ragged.

  ‘I want to be inside you,’ he panted.

  ‘I want it, too,’ she moaned. ‘More than anything.’

  She lay back and he positioned himself above her. Looking up into his eyes, she felt another wave of desire and love, and she arched up to him, inviting him in. He pushed in just a little way, holding back tantalizingly. He hesitated.

  ‘What if I hurt you?’

  ‘Van, I want this. Seriously; you’ve gotten me so wet that I know I’ll easily take you.’

  She reached around and pulled his butt down into her. He pushed gradually inside. There was a moment of resistance as the head of his cock pressed through her opening, but as he explored and filled the depths of her canal, she felt nothing but pleasure. It was like the fiery reaction her body had given when they’d first kissed, except this time the sensations began and remained between her legs. With each stroke, an incredible heat built and built, turning into a whole body inferno when Van kissed her at the same time.

  ‘Oh my God,’ she cried as an orgasm ripped through her, and then another one straight afterwards. By the time Van shot his hot load into her, her body was limp with exhaustion from half a dozen incredible climaxes.

  As the sun began to peek over the horizon, she fell into a dog-tired slumber, filled with dreams of ghostly rocks, naked wolf-men, and full-moon nights that lasted weeks at a time.

  Chapter 14

  When Sophia finally surfaced, it was well after noon and she was almost delirious with hunger. Dinner with her parents the night before seemed eons ago. She gazed at the rain drops that pattered against the window and tried to convince her body to move. Her legs felt weak and shaky, as though all those orgasms last night had robbed her of something. It was strange because, in the past, she’d always felt invigorated after a great orgasm. Surely six in a row should mean she wouldn’t even need her morning coffee that day. She shrugged it away, figuring that her lack of energy was probably due to the long spell without food and all the excitement of the wolf ride.

  The wolf ride. It all came flooding back. Beautiful wolf-Van, the view over the lakes, the eerie white rock in the clearing. It all seemed so surreal and far removed from the solid permanence of Van’s wooden bed and the pat-pat-pat of the rain on the window that she could scarcely believe that it had happened at all. But when Van came into the room carrying a breakfast tray with a tower of pancakes, bacon, blueberries, and syrup, the look on his face told her that it was true. All of it. His eyes said that they shared something now, something beyond important. Something life changing.

  She propped herself up with pillows and Van placed the tray on her lap. He returned to the kitchen for the coffee pot and poured them both a cup. Despite her elation at this gorgeous breakfast, delivered by an even more stunning man, her man, Sophia could barely keep her eyes open. She fought with her eyelids as she took a bite of fluffy pancakes and a large mouthful of coffee.

  ‘Oh, Van,’ she sighed dreamily. ‘It’s absolutely delicious. Just wonderful. Thank you.’

  ‘You’re welcome,’ he replied.

  ‘Will you share it with me?’

  ‘I already ate, thank you.’

  ‘What’s the time?’ she yawned, in between mouthfuls.

  ‘Three o’clock.’

  ‘Three o’clock in the afternoon! I never sleep this long.’

  ‘You looked so peaceful; I didn’t want to disturb you.’

  She ate in silence; it felt too difficult to eat and talk at the same time. She was just too tired. Van seemed content to sit and admire her, although she felt a little self-conscious eating in front of him. When she finished, she thanked him again and then rested her head back on the pillows. Sleep began to wash over her straight away.

  ‘I don’t know why I’m so tired,’ she groaned with her eyes closed. ‘I’m beyond tired.’ She opened her eyes a crack and looked at him enviou
sly. ‘You seem perky enough.’

  ‘Yeah,’ he nodded. ‘I’m practically bouncing off the walls; have been since dawn. Which is also strange because I’m not usually a morning person.’ He brushed her hair away from her forehead with a light touch. ‘You sleep, sweet Sophia. We’ll talk more when you wake up.’

  He needn’t have given her his blessing; she was already fast asleep.

  When she woke, night had nearly fallen once more. She forced herself to get up and take a shower, feeling a little better afterwards. Convinced that she was coming down with something – probably that horrid flu that was going around the office the week before – she made her way downstairs with the intention of snuggling on the couch under a blanket. She could smell something roasting in the kitchen and her mouth began to water. That’s it, she thought. I’m going to do nothing today except eat and sleep. She found Van in a large leather armchair, reading a book. He looked up and smiled.


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