Curves & Alphas: A Paranormal Box Set: (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance)

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Curves & Alphas: A Paranormal Box Set: (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) Page 28

by Willow Brooks

  “Absolutely. I’ll call for the car and then wait by the far door,” he said, pointing through the crowd to a door off to the side, one that said “No Exit.” I was sure such rules didn’t apply to him. In fact, they were probably made so that only men like him could break them.

  “Sure,” I breathed out as the loss of his arms around me hit me in some sort of profound way.

  It felt like I stumbled back over to the table, but no one made mention of it as I got back to it, all eyes on me.

  “That was some dancing out there,” Ava said ecstatically, practically jumping out of her chair. “I could see him whispering in your ear, not that I was watching. Well yeah, I was, we all were. What did he say?”

  “He asked me to leave with him,” I said, grabbing my purse, trying to remain cool though nothing about me felt that way. I’d regressed, not just back to sweet and quite, but back to adolescence. I felt like I had a school-girl crush on some television star.

  “He what?” Brittany chimed in. “And you said yes, right?”

  “Yes,” I said with a laugh and a grin so big my eyes squinted. “So, if you don’t hear from me by tomorrow morning, and I don’t answer my cell, call 911.”

  I took off for the door then, barely hearing them gasp, comment, and lecture as I made my way through the crowd toward him. All eyes still on me, I only had eyes for him. I felt the same way on the back stairs that he led me down, surprised I didn’t miss a step. Now, I felt like Cinderella leaving the ball, only if I lost my shoe I was sure he would have stopped and gotten it and put it back on me, not letting me run off given the grip he had on my hand. By the time we hit the street, a Rolls Royce Phantom Limo waiting, I figured I’d better pinch myself in case I’d fallen asleep at the table and was making a fool of myself by dreaming and probably drooling.

  A driver, fully dressed as such, tux and all, opened the door as Logan guided me onto an L-shaped leather couch that could seat five comfortably, and which sat across from a fully stocked bar. The beauty of the warm wood grains and off-white leather gave the vehicle a warm, inviting feeling, which was further enhanced when he took one of my hands in his again.

  “I’m so glad you agreed to come. Would you like a drink?” he asked.

  “I shouldn’t. I had enough at the party, but I guess another sip of something would be all right. I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I’m a little nervous,” I said with a hard swallow, suddenly shaking so much that I had to look down at my legs to make sure that fact wasn’t visible. A mix of being in unfamiliar surroundings, a unique situation, and his fingers laced with mine, were taking their toll.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Do you want to go back?”

  “No. No, it’s not you making me uncomfortable, it is the trappings. Again, I’m probably saying too much, and you will want to take me back, but this is my first time in a limo. I grew up on the poor side of town. Very poor side, like not always knowing if there would be food, poor. And I probably shouldn’t have admitted that. But, even having gotten used to business dinners and all, I’m still not sure I have the skill set for all of this.”

  “You are fine,” he said right away, a smooth, steady cadence to his voice that held not even a hint of being forced or uncomfortable himself.

  I’d finally become bold, a real go-getter, in my job, but yes, I was so out of my element here that I felt I’d traveled into another realm. All I was promising myself was that I would be real, true to myself, and not someone I though he wanted me to be. I wouldn’t have a clue as to what that would entail, anyway. Regardless, I was going to be me, and thus I would only ride this out as long as it genuinely lasted. I hated fake girls that lost themselves trying to land a rich guy. As much as I couldn’t explain the attraction, there was no point in changing myself to make it last longer. I could protect my heart. At least, I hoped I still had that ability.

  “Really?” I asked, not for approval, but for confirmation that this evening was not going to be ending anytime soon. I was more than curious about him as well. I met wealthy business owners daily, and most didn’t have half the personality he had shown in less than an hour.

  “Really. I want you to be you. I want to get to know the woman you are. I love how open and honest you are, including telling me what is making you uncomfortable. That is rare, and something I value highly. I’m taking you to one of my nightclubs. We will have the VIP treatment all the way, including a private booth all to ourselves. I want to know all about you.”

  “There isn’t much to tell. I work for a computer company, setting up new accounts. I got a business degree in college, a way to escape the poverty I grew up in, not just for me, but I wanted to get my family out of it as well. So I work hard all day, and at night. And here is the kicker, I give in to my true inner geek and I design video games. So, during the day I slay real dragons, and at night I create fake ones and take them down too. Still want to know more about me?” I half laughed, half held my breath for his answer.

  I didn’t get one save for a slight nod of his head before he leaned over and kissed me. His lips fell gentle upon mine at first, and the temperature in the vehicle must have rose a hundred degrees. My entire body ignited under the gentle crush of lips against lips. He had to have felt it too, as soon, both of his hands came up to cradle my face, and for one brief moment he pulled back to look into my eyes before his lips hit mine again, hard this time.

  He guided my head to give him better access before his tongue swept across the seam of my lips, asking permission to enter. I gave in without a thought. Not only did I allow him entrance, my tongue seemed to war with his, to taste, to tangle, to get all the knowledge of him I could from just a kiss. My hands rose to his dark hair, finding it as soft and silky as it looked, with no heavy products.

  Maybe I had consumed too much alcohol and not enough food, but I also wanted to feel my body against his. When I leaned into him, his arms separated, letting me push my generous breasts against all that hard muscle he had going on. Our chests heaved, fighting for air, but not parting. He continued to kiss me as his hands roamed down my back, pulling me into him, closer and closer. I knew I was an armful, but he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he growled, a sound from deep in his chest that sounded much more animal than man.

  The sound was so feral it sent shivers down my spine, turning shakes into quakes as he continued to explore my body. The more he took, the more I let him, giving him free reign to touch me wherever he liked. He kept it decent, staying away from my breasts or between my thighs, those exact parts which ached for him. I wasn’t like this. Not with any guy. Though comfortable with my curves after all these years, still, I was a take-it-slow girl. Apparently except with him. With Logan, I became a bundle of need that screamed to be satisfied. I’d never had a one-night stand, or even first-date sex, but tonight just may be the night. I wasn’t in a mind to say no, not to anything, I feared, and that fear excited me even more.

  With another deep growling moan this time, he pulled back away from me, saying through hard breaths, “I’m sorry. Though you will have no reason to believe me, I am not the sort of guy to use my wealth and position to take advantage of a woman. I like to take things slow. In fact, I’m usually overly cautious, given most only want me for my money. With you though, it feels different, and this attraction is making me lose my head. I don’t mean to scare you, but I want to be honest, like you were with me. I had an instant attraction to you from the moment I first saw you across the room. I could hardly wait to make my way to you, to get to hear your voice, then to touch you. Sorry. I should really shut up now.”

  “No. I’m glad you said all of that. I am usually cautious of men like you, well of any man really these days, always assuming the worse. But, with you, not that I hadn’t already heard you were different, but you are different, genuine, real, not at all like the guys my friends consistently go after, or that I have dated myself.”

  “I’m so glad to hear you say that. I don’t
want this night to end. And I want you all to myself.”

  A voice came through the area, the driver announcing our arrival at the club. Again, when the driver opened the door, Logan slid out and offered me a hand to do the same. I did my best to do so gracefully, but it was hard with a silky dress against leather, deep bucket seats and all of my weight to move from them. My dress, from the instant heat between us, felt like it clung to my body. Although, apparently that wasn’t a bad thing, as his grin became a full-blown smile that lit his eyes when he looked me over as I unfurled from the limo.

  A girl could get used to such attention. Learn to crave it actually. I became a tad uncomfortable as we walked through the crowded club, all heads turning to us, the murmur getting louder as we went. I was sure they were all wondering what he was doing with the likes of me. I didn’t have a modal’s body, nor did I wear a designer dress. Maybe they wouldn’t know it came from a department store clearance rack, but they would know I didn’t fit in and that I didn’t have the gym body of the rest of them.

  Every time Logan glanced back at me though, I lost the ability to care. I got lost, in fact, in his eyes, at the task of memorizing his face, his body, as he seemed to do the same with mine. No man had ever looked at me this way, as if I were prey to devour. More miraculous, I wanted to be devoured.

  While the club was dimly lit with a warm light, all rich colors along with wood and soft lighting, Logan led me to a table high up in a loft, circular staircase and all to get there. From our perch, we could see the entire club, but he pulled a thick curtain closed around us, and by the light of a few candles, he sat across from me, just holding my hand.

  He’d not even ordered, but food and drinks came just moments after we sat down. Apparently he’d ordered ahead of time, probably while he was waiting for me at the party, I guessed. Who knew? Who cared? Not me about anything, apparently, at this point in time.

  “I hope you don’t mind trying my favorites. If you don’t like them, we can order something else. I have a sweet tooth. This is a drink made with bourbon splashed into a homemade, on site, spiced cola. The crepes assortment has my two favorites, which you must try, a dulce de leche with salted walnuts and a strawberry with special whipped cream.”

  “It all sounds wonderful,” I muttered, amazed at how elegant yet how simple his tastes were. There wasn’t a thing here I couldn’t pronounce. Not like back at the party. “So, did you also pick the menu at the party? The drink that cost more than my car with ingredients I couldn’t pronounce?” I teased, like a test I guess, really pressing this, seeing just how much of the real me he would put with, maybe. I don’t know. I could not explain my actions if I tried.

  “Oh no. That was all my mother and personal assistant. I don’t know what gets into them, but they seem to live to plan parties, so I let them go. They have fun, and I’m not bored with the details. This here, this is more my style. I’d honestly rather have a good pizza than any of that stuff tonight.”

  “You just don’t care how anyone sees you, do you? Whether for who you are, or who they create you to be?”

  “No, I guess I don’t. Doesn’t matter anyway. They don’t see me, they just see dollars signs or what I can do for them. You, you don’t expect me to do anything for you, and so I can be myself, eat what I would alone. It’s an amazing experience being here with you. I hope it continues well past tonight. I feel like for the first time in a long time that I can breathe, and yet at the same time, your beauty takes my breath away. Thank you for the privilege of getting to pamper you, someone who appreciates it.”

  “I’ve honestly been blown away by every moment since you came over and introduced yourself. I am not even afraid to admit that I feel like I know you, though that isn’t possible. You have made me as comfortable as I can be in such unfamiliar surroundings. Thank you, Logan.”

  “Ah, but the night is young,” he said, picking up a crepe and holding it out for me to take a bite.

  The spiced whipped cream showered the burst of fresh strawberry in my mouth. Cream, of course, being fed, stuck to my mouth, but when I went to lick it away, he shook his head no. My tongue stopped, went back in my mouth, and he sucked the dollop from my lip. After a gentle, brief kiss, he pulled back and took a bit of the crepe still in his hand. I could only shake my head then, with a silly grin plastered on my face. I couldn’t remember being so happy, so care free, in a long time, especially not thanks to a man.

  “Sip,” he coaxed, picking up my drink and handing it to me.

  “Why, Logan, are you trying to get me drunk?”

  “No. Absolutely not, though I get you are kidding. But, I do want you as relaxed with me as you can be.”

  “You have a way about you. I am getting much more relaxed, maybe too much so, with each passing minute with you.”

  “I couldn’t be more pleased to hear that,” he said, picking up another crepe and feeding me again.

  “So, tell me about you?” I asked, holding my hand over my full mouth as I spoke.

  “Ah, typical, boring young billionaire story,” he said with a slightly embarrassed laugh, and without an ounce of pretention. “I was born into money. I willingly followed in my father’s footsteps. I was never the spoiled rich kid who just wanted out of all he had. That sort, all my so called friends that is, really get on my nerves sometimes. I’ve made it my life’s mission to be different, and I appreciate everything that has been given to me. I just want to share it with others. More, I have been looking to share it with someone like you who will appreciate it too.”

  “I do appreciate it. In fact, I was just thinking that I appreciate the simple elegance of it,” I said, just being honest, and it felt good with him. I didn’t fear saying exactly what was on my mind. “I mean, if you have it spend it, but spend it on what you want, not what others expect you to.”

  “Oh, I could not agree more, and on my personal time, that is what I do. I will admit to sometimes doing what is expected of me, but that I see as a gesture, toward them, to make someone else, like my mother for instance, happy. This may sound forward, but in the vain of honesty, I’d love to get out of here, out of this monkey suit, and take you back to my place. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I would just like to settle into my favorite chair with you, watch television, talk, all night if you will let me. I mean it, I don’t want this night to end, but I also don’t want to spend it at one night club after another. I will if that is how you are comfortable though.”

  “It sounds great, but only you will have something comfortable to wear,” I said, knowing I shouldn’t go back to his place, but wanting to so much. I would make all the wrong decisions, I knew.

  I sat there, looking into his eyes, fighting with myself because I felt I had to about getting more intimate with him. I wouldn’t be able to stop myself, not this time, not with him.

  “I think I can get you something to wear,” he offered. “Is that your only objection?”

  “I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t think anything of yours will fit me.”

  “I hope this comes out the right way, because I love every inch of you. I like a woman that has something to grab hold of, not some rail thin modal who refuses to take more than two bites of anything. It is just another way to be fake, if you ask me. You are beautiful, real, and I have this old, oversized sweatshirt that I live in when no one can see me that I think you will look very sexy in.”

  “Just a sweatshirt?” I teased, though I sadly liked a little too much where this was going.

  “It will be hard to be a gentleman, but yes, just a sweatshirt. Again, I promise, you set the pace tonight. You decide what happens and what doesn’t,” he said in a gravelly voice that sent a rush of heat through me.

  “Me setting the pace could be dangerous. Did you put something in my drink? Because I am not feeling or acting like my usual self,” I dared to admit, and the danger of it felt so good. “I’m rushing forward, not caring about a silly thing like time, like the fact that I just
met you a little over an hour ago, set the tone for the evening.”

  “I’m glad you are feeling the same. Caution to the wind with you, and I have been cautious my whole life, in every part of it.”

  We made our way back to the limo and back to his house in a happy silence, holding hands, smiling, small kisses lest we go too far. I was thankful for the distraction of him by the time we pulled up to his mansion. Even in the dark the thing loomed on the hill, large, and overwhelming the land. Each step through it was the same. One elegant room after another, we passed, until we reached his suite.

  “You will find this a bit different. It’s just me. And, this isn’t a line, I promise, but you will be the first woman that I’ve invited in here. Not to say there haven’t been women in this house, but I share a different room with them.” He let out a deep sigh. “This is my sanctuary, my private one, and I want to share it with you.”

  “I’m touched,” I managed, my voice cracking as I fiddled with the hem of my dress.

  I honestly didn’t know what to say. I was a good judge of character, comes from being raised on the mean streets, and I believed every word he said. I could sense his anxiety in his shorter breaths and the tight grip he had on my hand as he opened the door.


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