The Finale

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The Finale Page 17

by Leigh Walker

  She clasped my hands, her eyes bright. “I’ve known for weeks that you two were in love. It’s plain as day on both your faces. I didn’t say anything because, well… Because I was still hoping, deep down, that I had a chance. But I’ve known the truth for a long time. And I couldn’t be happier for you.”

  “Oh Shaye, thank you.” Overcome with emotion, I wiped my eyes. “Will you consider staying on as an ambassador? I’m not nearly ready to say goodbye.”

  “Of course I will! I’m thrilled to be asked, it’s an honor!”

  We hugged again and I turned to Tamara. “Tamara, I’m…I’m sorry that this didn’t work out the way you’d hoped.” She’d had every indication that things would, as usual, go her way. “If it’s any consolation, my money’s been on you this whole time. You’re a winner, through and through. I’ve been petrified of you for weeks, cursing your name every chance I got.”

  “Well…good. I’m glad to hear it.” Tamara shrugged prettily. “For the record, I never really wanted to marry the prince. So you’re welcome to my sloppy seconds.”

  Blake snorted. “Tamara—”

  “No, really. All I was after was a title. And I daresay I’ve got one.” Tamara stuck her nose in the air. “Ambassador Layne. Yes, I’ve already quite gotten used to the sound of that. Now I just need some subservients to order around…”

  I giggled and turned to Blake, pulling her aside for a moment. “Why do I feel like Austin just nominated you to be Ambassador to the North?”

  “Right? It quite gave me the shivers!” Blake wrinkled her nose. “But I wonder if there’s any food up there? It doesn’t sound like the most welcoming place.”

  I squeezed my friend’s hand. “We’ll find out everything, and make sure it’s all perfect. Don’t worry.”

  Blake winked. “You know me. I never worry too much.”

  Feeling better, I let Mira lead me up the stairs. I had another dinner to get ready for, and what felt like miles to go before I could sleep.

  “You look lovely, Gwyneth.”

  “Thank you.” I stifled a yawn as I picked at my roast chicken. “This is delicious. Thank you so much for an amazing night.”

  “It’s my pleasure.” Dallas chuckled and leaned forward. “Hopefully we won’t put the audience to sleep with this performance. But really, you need to rest. You look like you’re about to pass out in your mashed potatoes.”

  I nodded, feeling my eyelids droop. “But it’s the winter garden, where we had our first date. I hate to waste the moment.” I gazed around the room, still awed by how beautiful it was. The enormous windows showed all the stars, winking in the ever-darkening sky. Fairy lights lit up the garden around us.

  He reached for my hand and squeezed it. “We’ll have dinner here again, I promise. Let me take you to bed.”

  “Okay.” I couldn’t even pretend to argue.

  Dallas nodded to the camera crew surrounding us. “We’re done for the evening. I’m taking Miss West to bed.” To my surprise, he swept me into his arms and picked me up, cradling me against his chest.

  “You don’t have to carry me.” I giggled.

  “You look like you might not make it.” His voice turned husky. “And after what my family put you through today… Let’s just say I owe you one.”

  “You owe me nothing. And yet, when I am with you, I have everything.”

  He grinned at me, dark eyes sparkling as the camera crew scrambled to follow us up the stairs. When we reached my chambers he turned to them. “Go away,” he growled. “We’ll see you in the morning.”

  They bowed and scurried away, much to my delight. I arched an eyebrow at the prince. “Are you coming in for a sleepover?”

  “If I’m invited.”

  “You have a standing invitation, Your Dallas.”

  He kicked the door open, grinning from ear to ear. “That’s all I can ask for.”

  Chapter 25

  The Finale

  There was pounding on my door and I cursed as I sat up in bed—I’d fallen asleep without even kissing the prince!

  Dallas was already at the door. “Yes, I’m coming. What the bloody hell is it? It’s barely dawn!”

  He opened the door and Evangeline stood there, her face white with shock. “Your Highness!” She fumbled through a curtsy. When she rose, she looked wildly from me in the bed to the prince, who was still buttoning his shirt. “I’m so sorry to interrupt!”

  “You didn’t interrupt anything, Evangeline.” Dallas’s voice turned gentle. “Miss West fell asleep during our date last night, and I stayed to watch over her.”

  I hopped out of bed so that poor Evangeline could see that I still wore my gown from the evening before. “Please don’t be scandalized,” I begged. “I can assure you that I fell asleep before I even got to properly thank His Highness with a goodnight kiss.”

  Evangeline blushed. “I’m not scandalized. Just a bit taken aback.” She recovered and nodded to us urgently. “You must both come with me at once. I’m told that there’s a stranger on the front steps—the sentinels said you should come quickly.”

  Dallas’s eyes flashed. “Gwyneth, stay here.”

  Evangeline curtsied again. “I’m sorry, Your Highness—but they’ve asked for Miss West, too.”

  Perplexed, I grabbed Dallas’s hand. We hurried downstairs, through the grand foyer and to the stairs that led to the palace entrance.

  And what I saw there stopped my heart.

  A man, pale and thin, lay sprawled out on the landing. He wore pauper’s clothing. His cheeks were sunken and his hair had turned gray, but I would recognize him anywhere. “Father!”

  I ran and threw myself to my knees, clutching his hand. “Daddy? Can you hear me?”

  He opened his gray-green eyes and after a moment, he smiled. “Gwyneth. It’s true. As I live and breathe, it’s true.” He lay back, clearly exhausted by the effort, but with the smile still on his face.

  “We found this with him.” One of the many sentinels guarding my father handed Dallas a note. He read it, then handed it to me.

  Dear Gwyneth,

  I returned to find Father in much worse condition. I feared that he would not last much longer. But now that I’ve seen the sort of resources that are available at the palace, I hoped you could help him.

  I am throwing myself—and our father—at the mercy of the royals. I pray that your prince was correct, and that your position there is secure. I also pray that you are safe, and that you can help our father.

  I promised Dallas that I would never reveal anything I’d learned about the royals, and I intend to keep that promise. In return, he promised to protect you. I brought Father to the palace under cover of darkness. A soldier I trust with my life accompanied us, no one else. You have my word that this is no trick. Our father is no spy. His dying wish was to see you and the rest of our family again, and I refused to let my former prejudices stand in the way of that wish.

  I hope you can help him. If not, at least he got to see his eldest daughter again, and see her happy.

  I know you didn’t want me to apologize, but I must. I am sorry for the terrible things I said to you. I am sorry that my hate blinded me. I am starting to see again, and the world looks different to me with these new eyes.

  I didn’t have the chance to say it to you before, but I wish you and your prince every happiness.

  We’ll see each other again someday. Even if it’s on the other side, I’m looking forward to it.

  Your Loving Brother,


  “Will he recover?” Bettina asked, as she put the final touches on my makeup.

  “I hope so. The prince has the best doctors attending to him.”

  Bria smoothed my hair, arranging the waves down my back. “It’s amazing, isn’t it? That you’ve been reunited with your father, after all these years!”

  “It is amazing. I feel so blessed.” My eyes filled with tears for the hundredth time that day. I’d spent the morning with my father, holding
his hand as he floated in and out of consciousness. The doctors asked me to leave the medical ward in the early afternoon so that he could rest. But I was still overcome with emotion, thrilled to be near my father again. I’d immediately sent a letter to my mother. I didn’t get into any of the specifics, just that Father was alive and being cared for at the palace.

  “There, there—don’t cry and make your mascara run,” Bettina clucked. “Everything’s going to be all right, I reckon.”


  Evangeline bustled in. “They’re ready for you, Miss. Let’s have a look at that gorgeous dress.”

  I stood up and teetered toward the full-length mirror. I would never get used to walking in high heels.

  “Oh Miss.” Evangeline put a hand over her heart. “You’re stunning. That color pink suits you perfectly.”

  “Thank you. You ladies always make me look my best.” I smiled at my reflection, admiring the rose silk of my halter-style dress.

  “I daresay His Highness will approve. It really shows off your curves.” Bria winked at me.

  Bettina tsked at her twin, then turned to me, grinning. “Tonight’s the night. You’ll be chosen as the princess—I just know it. And to think, your father will be here for the wedding! What a blessing!”

  I held out my arms to them. “Can we have a group hug? I can’t ever thank you enough for all you’ve done for me since I’ve been here. You’re my second family.” I sniffled, tears threatening again.

  My maids hugged me but as soon as they pulled away, Bria swatted me. “Do not ruin your face. No more tears.”

  I nodded, deciding keeping my mouth shut was my best course of action—I really was quite close to blubbering.

  Finally, it was time to go. I took deep, steadying breaths as I headed for the ballroom. Not much longer, now. Still, I had to clutch the wall for support by the time I made it down the hall.

  This was it.

  The ballroom was decorated elegantly, with fresh flowers in crystal vases and thousands of flickering candles. Mira Kinney was stunning in a gold brocade ballgown. She was busy barking orders at Rose, her assistant, as well as the rest of the production crew. There were cameras everywhere, which of course did nothing for the knocking of my knees and the pounding of my heart.

  The king and queen sat slightly removed from the activity, their thrones atop the stone dais. I made a beeline for them; it was best to get this over with. But Tariq stepped into my path, bowing with a flourish. “My Lady. A word, if you will.”

  Bloody hell. “Of course, Tariq.”

  He fluttered his long, thick lashes at me. “As I understand it, tonight will be a victory lap for you.”

  “We’ll see, I suppose.”

  He stepped closer, his expensive cologne wafting over me, making my nose itch. “I’m afraid you and I never really got off on the right foot. I just wanted to apologize for anything in my behavior that may have offended over the past weeks.”

  I resisted the urge to scratch my nose. “It’s a bit late for that, don’t you think?”

  “I hope not.” He sounded sincere, and really, a bit hopeless.

  I smiled at him. “I’m not one to hold grudges, Tariq.” His oily smile appeared so quickly, it made me regret my easy forgiveness. “But if I were you, I’d make sure to stay on the prince’s good side. He does have a bit of a temper, you know.”

  He cleared his throat as he bowed deferentially. “Yes, my lady.”

  “If you’ll excuse me.” If you’ll excuse me, I have to go and see my future in-laws, one of whom would love it if the earth suddenly swallowed me whole. Or worse.

  I nervously approached the king and queen, my heart in my throat. I curtsied, keeping myself as steady as I could. “Your Majesties. I just wanted to say—I just wanted to say thank you.” Tears sprung to my eyes again. “Dallas told me that you gave permission for my father to receive medical treatment. I do not know what to say. Your generosity and kindness, your willingness to forgive…it’s all left me a bit speechless, I’m afraid.” I bowed my head, embarrassed and still on the verge of tears.

  “Child please, look at me.” The queen’s unusual voice, once foreign to me, soothed my nerves. I looked up. “We are happy to have your father here, just as we are thrilled to be a part of this evening. Our son has found true happiness, something you always worry about as a parent. As he chooses you, we choose you. We welcome you into our family with an open heart.”

  “T-thank you, Your Majesty.” Boy, I really hoped the prince picked me. This would all be quite embarrassing otherwise.

  “We offer our congratulations,” the king said stiffly.

  As I really couldn’t expect more than that, I curtsied again and hurried off.

  Blake was, of course, stationed next to the hors d’oeuvres.

  “You look lovely.” I hugged her, careful of her tightly fitted black gown.

  “Thank you. This dress is a bit squeeze-y, though.” She tugged on it. “I hope it doesn’t interfere with my plans to eat myself silly.”

  “When Dallas asks you about staying on as an ambassador, what will you say?” I couldn’t bear to say goodbye to my friend.

  “I’ll say yes, of course. I’d like to do something useful with my life. And I like the sound of the title, too: Ambassador Kensington. It’s quite posh.”

  I grinned at her. “It suits you.”

  Austin sauntered over, looking quite posh himself in a dark-grey ceremonial uniform, a deep-purple cape sailing out behind him. “Miss Kensington, have you had a moment to think about what we discussed?”

  I looked quickly at Blake. “You’ve discussed something?”

  She nearly choked on her canapé. “A bit.” She turned back to Austin. “I need more details, I’m afraid. I want to hear about these bloody gnomes. And what your kitchen staff is like.”

  Shaye and Tamara waved me over, and I reluctantly stopped eavesdropping on Blake and Austin’s conversation. “What’s going on with those two?” Shaye asked, excited.

  “Something, but I’m not sure what.” I gasped as I focused on her. “Shaye, you look stunning!”

  She grinned, smoothing her gown, the color of fresh spring grass. “My maids outdid themselves. I’m going to miss them so much.”

  “You won’t have to.” Tamara shrugged. “Ambassadors get to keep their maids. I already negotiated that.”

  I laughed, but I shouldn’t have been surprised. “You already negotiated the terms of your appointment?”

  “‘Course I did.” Tamara shrugged, showing off her toned shoulders in her gorgeous, deep-purple strapless gown. “I don’t take these things lightly.”

  “Nor should you.” I hugged them both. “I’m so glad you’re both staying on.”

  “Don’t be so dramatic.” Tamara brushed me off, but I could tell she was pleased. “If I wasn’t becoming an ambassador, I’d be becoming the princess. There was no way I was going back to civilian life. I was meant to be part of the royal court; I’ve always known that.”

  Since there was no use arguing with her, I chuckled instead. But then I spotted Eve in the corner. She looked as if she were wrestling with her floor-length, floral gown. “Excuse me for a moment.” I hustled to my friend, who looked distressed. “What’s the matter?”

  “It’s just this dress. It’s a bit bustle-y, is all.” Eve groaned as she tried to fluff the skirts. “My kingdom for a tunic and a pair of pants.”

  “There, there, let me help you.” I smoothed her skirts and arranged them so they fell to the floor just right. I grinned at her. “You look beautiful, Eve.”

  “You don’t have to be so chuffed about it. I’d rather be fighting someone with my stick.”

  I giggled, linking my arm through hers, leading her to the others. “It’s just one night.”

  “And then we have the bloody wedding—”

  “Speaking of. If I’m chosen by the prince, would you do me the honor of being my maid of honor?”

  “Of course you’re
going to be chosen by the prince, stop being so ridiculous!” She stuck her chin up, curls bouncing. “And as for that other business you mentioned…I’d be honored.” She would never admit it, but I could tell she was pleased.

  “I’m the one who’s honored.”

  We joined the others and Mira Kinney took center stage, surrounded by cameras, her gold gown glinting under the klieg lights. “Thank you all for being here. What a whirlwind!” She laughed as we all politely clapped. “Without further ado, I’d like to introduce His Royal Highness, Prince Dallas Black, Crown Prince of the United Settlements—the reason we’re all here!”

  Trumpets sounded as the prince strode through the double doors, his ebony cape sailing out behind him. My heart leapt into my throat as he came closer and I could see his broad chest, handsome face, and thick, luxurious hair.

  It just never got old. I fanned myself, staring.

  He grinned when he reached Mira, taking her hand and kissing it. Then he swept into a deep bow. He smiled when he raised himself back up, his gaze finding mine.

  “Have you made your choice, Your Highness?”

  “Yes, Mira, I have.” He stepped forward and the cameras swarmed around him, getting every angle. “But first of all, I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank some very important people. My parents, the king and queen, for sponsoring this competition and supporting me at every turn. I salute you.” He bowed to his parents, who nodded in return. “I must thank my brother, Austin Black, for coming to my aid when I needed him most.”

  Grinning, Austin and Dallas bowed to each other.

  “I would also like to thank the finalists, and their families, for participating in this contest. It hasn’t been for the faint of heart, let me tell you.” He chuckled. “Thank you also to Mira Kinney and her crew, for making this almost painless. Almost.”

  He took a moment, and then cleared his throat. “I found it too difficult to let each of these young women go. Every one of them is talented, special, and each of them have something to give back to our great nation. So I will ask the three contestants I am not proposing to this evening if they would like to stay on as members of the royal court. I ask each of them to become Goodwill Ambassadors, to continue with outreach on behalf of the royal family. I will start with these fine young women.”


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