and genetic programming
and parental conflict
reasons for
and religious upbringing
by scientists
and skeptics
variables that shape
why people believe
God, kingdom of
God and the Burden of Proof (Parsons)
God Experience
“God is dead.” (Nietzsche)
God module (in brain)
God of the Gaps argument
God Question
God: The Evidence (Glynn)
God’s Descending in Clouds (Flying Saucers) on Earth to Save People (Chen)
God’s Salvation Church
Goodenough, Ursula
Gorsuch, Richard
Gospel Fictions (Helms)
Gould, Stephen Jay
Graham, Billy
Great Disappointment
Greeley, Andrew
Grenier, Jean
Gribbin, John
Grodin, Charles
Grooming, Gossip and the Evolution of Language (Dunbar)
group selection
Guth, Alan
Halley’s comet
hallucinogenic drugs
Hamilton, William
Hammurabi code
Hanes, Leah
hard-core atheists
Hardison, Richard
Harris, Marvin
Harris, Sidney
Harrison, President Benjamin
Hasker, William
Hawking, Stephen
on God
Heaven on Earth
Heaven’s Gate
heavens, secular
Hebrew Bible, see Old Testament
Helms, Randel
Heltzer, Ruth
Hempel, Carl
Hendel, Ronald
of religious tendencies
Hero with a Thousand Faces, The (Campbell)
Herod, King
Hick, John
Hidden Book in the Bible, The (Friedman)
historical sequences
general laws in
and social class
History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science (Draper)
History of the Warfare of Science with Theology, A (White)
Hitchens, Christopher
Hobbes, Thomas
home base hypothesis
Homo habilis
Homo sapiens
Homo symbolicus
Hood, Ralph
Hook, Sidney
hot readings
Hotz, Robert Lee
how questions
How to Argue and Win Every Time (Spence)
Howe, Julia Ward
Hubble Telescope
human behavior
human rights
Humani Generis (Pius XII)
Humphrey, Nicholas
Hunsberger, Bruce
hunter-gatherer communities
Huxley, Thomas Henry
Huxley–Wilberforce evolution debate (1850)
Hyde, Charles L.
“Imagine” (song)
imitation, see meme
inclusive fitness
Index of Leading Spiritual Indicators (1996)
indirect altruism
Infinite in All Directions (Dyson)
Inflationary Universe, The (Guth)
insoluble, art of the
insolubility of God
Institute for Creation Research
intellectual attribution bias
intellectual reasons for belief in God
Intelligent Design Theory
interpreter brain mechanism
Interpreter’s Bible, The
Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, The
Interpreter’s One-Volume Commentary on the Bible, The
Into Thin Air (Krakauer)
Irons, William
irreducible complexity (of life)
Isaac, Glynn
It’s a Wonderful Life (film)
Jagodzinski, Wolfgang
jaguar myths
James, William
Jeffrey, Grant
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Jensen, Adolf
Jensen, Arthur
Jensen, Dr. Leland
Jerome Biblical Commentary, The
Jesus Christ
and messiah myth
see also Second Coming
belief in afterlife
belief in God
Johanson, Donald
John Paul II, Pope
and acceptance of evolution theory
John the Divine, Saint
Johnson, Phillip
Jones, Jim
Jonestown disaster
and belief in God
and new members
and political liberalism
Judgment Day depictions
Kanizsa-square illusion
Kauffman, Stuart
Kelly, Kevin
Kicking Bear
kin altruism
King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.
kingdom of God
Koenig, Harold
Komp, Diane
Konner, Melvin
Koppel, Ted
Koresh, David
Kosko, Bart
Kostner, Kevin
Krakauer, Jon
!Kung San people
Kushner, Rabbi Harold
La Barre, Weston
Landau, Misia
Landes, Richard
evolution of
Larson, Edward
Larue, Gerald
Last Judgment (Brueghel painting)
Last Judgment (Michelangelo painting)
Late Great Planet Earth, The (Lindsey)
leap of faith
Leaps of Faith (Humphrey)
Lehmann, Arthur
Lennon, John
Leuba, James
Levy, David
Lewis, C. S.
Lewontin, Richard
liberalism, political
and belief in God
and religiosity
life after death, see afterlife
Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God (Watchtower Society)
Life of the Cosmos, The (Smolin)
Lindsey, Hal
Linse, Pat
Literary Guide to the Bible, The
Lorenz, Edward
Los Angeles riots (1992)
Los Angeles Times poll on belief in God (1991)
Lost Gospel, The (Mack)
Luther, Martin
Lynch, Aaron
McCartney, Bill
McDowell, Josh
McGuire, Barry
Machu Picchu
Mack, Burton
McKay, Brendan
Mackay, Charles
MacLaine, Shirley
McLaughlin, James
Macquarrie, Dr. John
McRae, Murdo William
Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion (Lehmann and Myers)
magical thinking
Azande people
and environment
and medieval mind
Neanderthal man
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Man’s Place in the Universe (Wallace)
Maori Ghost Dance
Martin, Michael
Marx, Karl
Master of the Universe (TV program)
materialism, see philosophical naturalism
and belief in God
Maven, Max
Mazet, Bruce
Medawar, Sir Peter
> medicines
magical use of
Cargo Cult Ghost Dance
and religion
Meme Machine, The (Blackmore)
mental modules
Mere Christianity (Lewis)
messiah myth
and Cargo Cult Ghost Dance
Jesus as
Messiah Cults
methodological naturalism, see philosophical naturalism
Middle Ages
Belief Engine
Miles, General Nelson
militant atheists
millennial meanings
and apocalypse
attraction of
Miller, Dr. David
Miller, William
Mind of God, The (Davies
Mind’s Past, The (Gazzaniga)
Minnesota twins study
Minsky, Marvin
Miracles (Lewis)
Miracles argument (for God’s existence)
Mitchell, Basil
Mithen, Steven
monsters and beasts myths
Mooney, James
Moore, Gordon
Moore, James
Moore’s law
Moral argument (for God’s existence)
moral courage
evolution of
and evolution of religion
More, Max
Morgan, Thomas J.
Morris, Brian
Morrison, Jim
Morrow, Tom
multiple regression analysis
multiverse model
Mundus Intellectualis (Fludd)
Murphy, Nancey
Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD)
Myers, James
mysterian mystery
“Mystery of the Human Head” (Fludd)
Mystical Experience argument (for God’s existence)
Myth and Cult Among Primitive Peoples (Jensen)
and evolution of religion
functions of
and survival
types of
Myths, Dreams, and Mysteries (Eliade)
Myths to Live By (Campbell)
narratology, see storytelling
Nation of Islam
National Academy of Sciences
National Opinion Research Center survey for belief in afterlife
Native Americans
Ghost Dance
natural sciences and history
natural selection
naturalism, philosophical
nature and nurture
and religiosity
Nature magazine survey of scientists and belief in God
Neanderthal man
near-death experiences
and contingency
see also contingent-necessity
negative atheism and atheists
Nettles, Bonnie Lu
neural nets
neuroticism and religiosity
New Age spiritual movements
New Cosmology
New Creationism
New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha, The
New Testament
New York Yankees
New Yorker magazine
Newburg, Andrew
Newsweek magazine
Newton, lsaac
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Nightline (TV program)
no-boundary universe
nobility of spirit
Noelle, David
nonbelief in God
see also agnosticism, agnostics; atheism, atheists
nontheism, nontheists
North, Jay
Novak, Michael
nuclear bombs
Nun Study
Old Testament
O’Leary, Stephen
Omega Point Theory
On Hallucinations (Brierre de Boismont)
On Human Nature (Wilson)
On the Beach (Shute)
ontological argument (for God’s existence)
Opening of the Fifth and Sixth Seals, … (Dürer painting)
openness (to experience)
and religiosity
oppression-redemption myth, see messiah myth
orientation association area
origin myths
Other Side, The (TV program)
Oubré, Alondra
out-of-body experiences
Oxford Companion to the Bible, The
Pacific islanders
Cargo Cult Ghost Dance
Paine, Thomas
Paiute Indians
Paley, William
Pals, Daniel
Panda Principle
“Panda’s Thumb, The” (Gould)
Pannenberg, Wolfhart
paranormal fundamentalism
Parcells, Bill
parental conflict
and belief in God
and religiosity
parents and religiosity
Parents Television Council survey
Pargament, Kenneth
Parsons, Keith
Pascal, Blaise
Pascal’s Wager argument (for God’s existence)
path dependency
and millennium
pea instanton
“Peace of God” movements
Peirce, Charles
Pennock, Robert
Perfection/Ontological argument (for God’s existence)
Persinger, Michael
and beliefs
and religiosity
Peterson, Michael
petitionary prayer
Pew Research Center survey on belief in God (1997)
philosophical naturalism
Philosophy of Religion, The (Mitchell)
Physics of Immortality, The (Tipler)
and belief in God
Pine Ridge Reservation (S.D.)
Pinker, Steven
Pittman, Sandy
Pius XII, Pope
Plantinga, Alvin
plants, magical
Plomin, Robert
Polichak, James
political beliefs and religiosity
Pope, Alexander
positive atheists
Possibility and Necessity argument (for God’s existence)
Postman, The (film)
postmillennial Christians
postmillennial secularists
practical atheists
prayer, petitionary
premillennial Christians
premillennial secularists
Pre-Millennial Syndrome (PMS)
Preskill, John
Prigogine, Ilya
Prime Mover argument (for God’s existence)
Princeton Survey Research Associates survey on prayer
Prisoner’s Dilemma
probability (p) and correlations
problem of emphasis
and contingency
Problem of Evil
Problem of Free Will
Problem of God, The (Angeles)
problem of meaning
and contingency
Problem of Pain, The (Lewis)
Promise Keepers
prophecy failure
Prophet, Elizabeth Claire
Proslogion (St. Anselm)
Protestant Reformation
Protestants’ belief in afterlife
psychic experience
Psychology of Religion (Hood et al.)
Psychology of Religion (Wulff)
Psychology of Religion and Coping, The (Pargament)
Questioning the Millennium (Gould)
QWERTY Principle
radical contingency
Ramachandran, Dr. Vilayanur
Rambsel, Yacov
Rand, Ayn
Rapoport, Anatol
and failed prophecy
Raymo, Chet
readings (by mentalists)
Reagan, Ronald
and faith
and God’s existence
Reason and Religious Belief (Peterson et al.)
Reasons to Believe
reciprocal altruism
Reichenbach, Bruce
anthropology of
as art of the insoluble
biocultural theory of
decline of, and rise of science
economic theories of
evolution of
and God
Middle Ages
models of
philosophy of
purposes of
and science
scientific study of
How We Believe, 2nd Ed. Page 43