Wild Rugged Daddy_A Single Daddy Mountain Man Romance

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Wild Rugged Daddy_A Single Daddy Mountain Man Romance Page 52

by Sienna Parks

  “Really? I’d love that. Thank you, Maddox.”

  “Everyone calls me Mad.”

  “Well, thank you, Mad.” He wraps his arms around me in a tight embrace before heading to the kitchen to rifle through a dish of keys. When he finds what he’s looking for, he holds up a set of keys and shakes them.

  “Let’s go take a look.” A.B. grabs them from his hand and throws them back in the dish.

  “The poor girl has had a hell of a day. She can sleep in the guest room tonight. Everything else can wait until morning.” With a peck on his cheek, she makes her way to their room.

  “You know where it is. Do you have a change of clothes with you?”

  “I have a bag in the car.”

  “Okay. Is there anything else I can get you?” He’s gone from scary best friend of my boyfriend to a loving brother in the space of a few hours. I see the man who has been Jackson’s only family all these years. He’s fierce and kind and values family above anything else… even my lies.

  “You’ve already done so much. Thank you. Not just for letting me stay, but for everything. I went about all of this the wrong way, and I’ve hurt you all so much, and yet you welcomed me tonight with open arms. Why would you forgive me so freely?”

  “Because you’re my little sister. Our parents caused an untenable situation. I don’t know how I’d have coped with it if I were in your shoes.”

  “That means more than you know. Thank you.” With a final hug and a kiss on my forehead, he finds my keys and grabs my overnight bag from the car.

  It’s a strange sensation being in this house knowing that everything is out in the open. I’m more exhausted than I’ve ever been and am quick to get changed and crawl into bed. Never in my wildest dreams did I think this would be the outcome this evening.

  I curl up in the bed pulling the blankets up to my neck, and as I close my eyes settling myself for a much-needed rest, and a small ember flickers sparking into a single flame of hope. Maybe, Maddox is right…

  If Jax is the one, we’ll find our way back to each other.


  People say that sleep deprivation is the worst form of torture, but they’ve never been in the position I find myself. I’ve been sitting staring at the engagement ring I bought in Chicago for days. It’s like it’s taunting me. You always wonder who that guy is—the one who returns an engagement ring to the store. I never thought I’d be that guy. Honestly, I didn’t think I’d be the type to buy the thing in the first place. Recent events only solidify the fact that people’s opinions of me are warranted.

  Maddox has been calling me every day asking me to come and discuss all of this at the ranch. He sounds so thrilled to have a sister and why wouldn’t he be? Savannah’s a lovely girl, but she was my girl. I wanted her to be a part of our dysfunctional family, but I was supposed to be the link. She was going to be my wife one day, and we would become our own family.

  I’ve put it off as long as possible, but I need to suck it up and go to the ranch today. The therapy center opens tomorrow, and lessons begin the day after. I can’t give up at the final hurdle, but I have a feeling Mad is going to want to move forward with Savannah taking on the role we were planning for her. I don’t blame him. He doesn’t understand. Nobody does.

  I don’t even think I understand how I’m feeling. How does anyone process something like this? I was crushed when I thought Savannah was in love with Maddox. To find out that we could’ve been brother and sister was soul-destroying. It may have turned out to be a false alarm, but she was legally my stepsister until her mom died two years ago.

  The girl I fell in love with had everything I wanted when I was a kid—she had my dad. Logically, I can see her point of view. We didn’t grow up together, and she didn’t even know I existed until recently, but it doesn’t change the facts. This is a small town, and when people find out my dad left with Mad’s mom, they’ll connect the dots. I won’t be the bad-boy player anymore—I’ll be the sexual deviant who slept with his stepsister.

  Even if I were to accept that she and I aren’t blood-related, she’s still Mad’s sister. He and I have been best friends since birth. If I had prior knowledge of who she was, I would never have crossed that line. She’s almost a decade younger than me. There is no scenario where I would’ve thought it was okay to date her. It’s hypocritical, I know—but the rules are different between friends.

  Savannah hasn’t attempted to contact me since she told me about my dad, and I haven’t seen Maddox in person yet. A.B. stopped by last night to check on me, but I couldn’t talk to her about all this. She has Mad’s best interests at heart, and that’s the way it should be, but in her world, I’m supposed to just get over it—either forgive her and take her back or forgive her and find a way to be friends. Life isn’t that cut and dry.

  I haven’t even had time to consider the possibility of meeting my father. My entire life, I’ve wondered who he is and where he’s been all this time. Now I know, and I don’t know what to do with the information. So, I push it to the back of my mind and focus on what I need to get done for the therapy center.

  I don’t remember a time when Mustang didn’t feel like home, but as I drive up to the entrance today, an unfamiliar sensation washes over me. I’m used to a wave of welcoming warmth when the rusted metal letters arching over the wrought-iron gates come into view. Maddox is waiting on the front porch pacing up and down with his phone to his ear. The moment he hears my truck, he stops—whoever is on the other end of the phone is disconnected.

  I take a few deep breaths before cutting the engine. I doubt a lungful of air will make the conversation we’re about to have any easier, but I’ll do anything to delay it a little longer. He comes to greet me as I step out of my truck.

  “Hey, brother. Thanks for coming.”

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “What the hell? We’ve been calling each other that forever.”

  “And now everything’s different.” I can’t call him brother anymore.

  “This isn’t how I want things to be between us. Can we sit and talk?”

  “Is she in there?” I nod toward the house.

  “Yes, and she wants to talk to you.”

  “I’m not ready.” I unlock the door to the truck. “I can’t do this right now.”

  “Fine, but can we talk? We can stay out here. I’ve been worried about you. I can’t even imagine how difficult all this has been on you.”

  “You’re right. You have no idea.”

  “Then tell me! Talk to me!”

  “Y’all are acting like this is some great news. Maybe it is for you… you gained a sister. I lost the only woman I’ve ever truly loved. You understand what that feels like, right?”

  “Jax, this doesn’t have to be the end for you and Sav.”

  “Oh, she’s Sav now?”

  “Don’t take this out on me. I know you’re hurting. She lied to you.” He makes it sound so simple.

  “I thought she was my sister, Maddox. Can you get that? Your mom and my dad were married. They abandoned both of us. She’s my stepsister. I fell in love with my fucking stepsister!”

  “No, you didn’t. My mom died before Savannah came into our lives, and even if she hadn’t, you didn’t grow up together. It’s semantics. Surely you can see that?”

  “Even if I could get past the semantics of it, everything I had with her was based on lies. Nothing she told me was true. All that aside, she is your sister.”

  “I’m aware. It’s not exactly easy for me to stand here and advocate my best friend dating my twenty-year-old sister, but I’ve seen how good you two are together.” My pulse begins to race with anger.

  “What the fuck? She’s twenty?” His face contorts in realization.

  “You didn’t know?”

  “Does it look like I knew? Just another lie to add to the list.” I push past him up the stairs and through the front door. Savannah is sitting at the kitchen table anxiously wringing her hands.

bsp; “When is your birthday?”

  “Jax. I’m so glad you came. I wanted to call you, but I knew you needed space.”

  “When is your goddamn birthday?” Maddox appears at my back.

  “Don’t talk to her like that. Calm down.”

  “It’s okay, Mad. The least I can do is answer his questions.” I can’t breathe waiting for her answer.

  “My birthday was a month ago.”

  “You were nineteen when we fucked?” Maddox steps in front of me.

  “That’s enough.”

  “Really? You don’t care that me… Jackson McKinney, the manwhore… not only fucked your then nineteen-year-old sister but took her virginity? I bent her over a table and rode her from behind like a bucking bronco.”

  “I will knock you the fuck out!”

  “Please, Jax, stop! I’m so sorry I lied. I never meant to hurt you.” Maddox makes his choice moving to stand by Savannah’s side.

  “Don’t apologize to him. He’s being a dick right now.” He holds my gaze.

  “Talk about her like that again, and I’ll kill you.”

  “You and whose army? She lied to you, too. She’s been lying since the moment she set foot in Kingsbury Falls. Have you conveniently forgotten that?” Savannah rests her hand on Mad’s arm.

  “Can you give us some privacy? I need to talk to Jackson alone. I don’t want you two fighting about me. He’s right to be angry. I hurt him.” A disgusted snort escapes me. Hurt? That doesn’t even come close to what she did to me.

  “Fine.” He turns his attention to me as he heads for the back porch.

  “Watch your fucking mouth. You hear me?”

  “Loud and fucking clear!”

  The minute he steps outside, Savannah attempts to close the distance between us. I quickly move behind the couch putting a physical barrier in the way.


  “You were nineteen? You were a fucking teenager. You didn’t think that was relevant information?” I laugh to myself. “Of course, you didn’t. It’s all just fun and games for you. Age, virginity, incest. Are there any lines you won’t cross?”

  “That’s not fair, and you know it. We’re not related, Jax. You and I are not tied by blood! As for my age… I’m sorry.”

  “You say that a lot. It loses its meaning when you say it enough.”

  “Please. I didn’t come here to become a pathological liar. I was scared. I lost my mom, and I came here looking for someone to love. I came looking for a brother to love, but I found so much more. The moment we met, I knew there was something different about you.”

  “Yeah, I’m gullible.”

  “No, you’re kind and loving. I’m still the same woman you fell in love with.”

  “You’re a child! It was hard enough to forgive you for letting me take your virginity without knowing it, but now I find out I deflowered a teenager.”

  “It doesn’t change anything.”

  “I’m thirty-fucking-three, Savannah. It makes a big goddamn difference to me. I can’t even look at you.” The sound of her quiet sobs kill me, even now.

  “I’ll leave. I shouldn’t have come back here.” This will be the hardest thing I ever do, but Maddox has always been there for me. I won’t make him choose between his sister and me. She’s his flesh and blood, and he’s lost enough already. He’d hate himself if he turned her away, and I’d hate myself. There’s also a small part of me that worries he wouldn’t pick me.

  “He’s your family. I’m not going to be the reason you’re not in each other’s lives.”

  “So, there’s a chance for us?” Her words are filled with hope.

  “No. You betrayed me, time and time again. I can’t forgive you for that, but Maddox is my family, too. We’ll have to find a way to co-exist in this town and on the ranch. I’m not saying it will be easy, or that we’ll ever be friends, but I won’t stand in your way.”

  “Why would you do that for me?”

  “I’m not doing it for you, I’m doing it for Maddox.” I head for the door because if I stay in this room any longer, I’m going to have a heart attack. “Tell him I’ll be back later to set up for the opening. Goodbye.” I can’t breathe as I get in my truck and pull out through the gates. I knew it would be hard to see her again, but the lies just keep coming. How could she lie to me about her age? She had to have known I wouldn’t be okay with it, or maybe that’s the real problem. I’m the type of guy she thought would be okay sleeping with a teenager.

  My entire body physically aches as I think how glaringly obvious it was that she had no respect for me. She asked me why I would change for a girl like her—I just didn’t realize she wanted that guy. She wanted the player.

  Tomorrow is going to be the longest day of my life. Once I get the center up and running, I need to get out of here. I need to leave Kingsbury Falls for good.

  “Welcome to the grand opening of the Mustang Therapy Center. I’m so glad you could all be here to celebrate.” I stand at Mad’s side scanning the crowd of both supportive and prying residents. I can almost feel the buzz of anticipation as he welcomes Savannah to the stage.

  “Hi, everyone. I’m so blessed to be a part of this project and can’t thank you enough for welcoming me to this town and making me feel at home.” They clap and cheer, causing that shy blush I always loved on her. I don’t have long to wallow in self-pity before a sense of impending doom fills my entire body. Maddox emerges to her left wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

  “Now is as good a time as any to tell you folks the news. Y’all will hear it at Ellen’s tomorrow morning anyway.” The coven huddles together waiting with bated breath.

  I step up to pull him aside.

  “What the hell are you doing? This is not the time or the place.”

  “I’d rather they found out on our terms.”

  “You mean your terms. This is not how I wanted this to go down. I won’t be able to show my face again.” He waves me off like an overbearing fishwife.

  “Sorry about that folks. Anyway, as I was saying, you’ll hear it soon enough, so I may as well be the one to tell you.” He gestures to Savannah. “Savannah is my sister.” A collective gasp ruminates from the crowd. “I’m gonna pre-empt your questions. No, I didn’t know about her. Yes, the mother that left me raised her. My daddy was her father. And yes, all those rumors were true, she did leave town with Jeb McKinney.”

  “Bobby was your dad?” I stare at her in disbelief. Even now, she can’t help keeping things from me. She knows he was like a father to me, and that this would drive a bigger wedge between us.

  “I needed to tell Mad first. It was the right thing to do.”

  “Don’t pretend you know the first thing about doing what’s right.” I storm off hating myself for giving the people of this town a show to remember. Savannah follows hot on my heels shouting my name the moment the prying eyes of Kingsbury Falls are off us.

  “Wait, Jax. Please, wait!”

  “For what? There’s nothing left to say.” She grabs my arm sending an unwanted jolt of desire straight to my cock.

  “Maybe you’ve said everything you want to say to me, but I sure as hell haven’t said all I want to say. I know I don’t have any right to ask you to hear me out, but I’m begging you anyway. Please, can we sit down and talk?”

  “Not right now. It’s the opening. You need to go back and help Maddox. I’ll be back when I’ve had time to cool off.”

  “Then you’ll give me a chance?”

  “To talk.” She wanders back toward the sound of whispers of shock and conjecture. I take a few minutes to walk up to the house and sit on the back porch. Staring out into the field where Bobby died, I can’t help but wonder what he’d think of all this. He’d kick my ass from here to kingdom come for dating his teenage daughter. Lost in thought, I fail to notice Pops heading toward me. He takes a seat on the step below and stares off into the field giving me a few blessed moments of silence before his speech.

  “Boy, I’
m not gonna sit here and tell you I know what you’re going through. What I can say is this… I loved Mad’s grandmother more than life itself. She was my world, and the day she died, a part of me died with her. That girl loves you something fierce, and that’s a once in a lifetime kinda love.”

  “You know what happened. How can you say that?”

  “Because, I’ve lived a hell of a lot longer than you, and I want you to think about it before you squander your once in a lifetime. Sure, you’ll meet someone else. You’re young. But, I guarantee she won’t love you the way my granddaughter does. Don’t be an idiot because your feelings are hurt. She was wrong, and she hates herself for it, but if you punish her forever, you’ll be punishing yourself, too.”

  “I can’t trust her.”

  “And trust is a hard thing to get back once you lose it. The question you have to ask yourself is, is she worth the risk? Only you know the answer to that.” He slaps my knee and stands to leave. “I love you, son.” His words spin around my mind until I can’t stand the crushing pain in my chest any longer.

  It takes me a while to pluck up the courage to head back into the fray, but I’ve worked too goddamn hard to let myself down now. I keep my distance aware of Savannah’s presence at every turn, but the rest of the day goes by without a hitch. Everyone is impressed by the facilities offered and the resources that will be available for Kingsbury Falls through this new venture.

  Bobby would be proud to see how Maddox has taken his legacy and built on it—new and exciting avenues for the next generation of Hale children. When I found out I had inherited twenty-five percent of Mustang, I really thought I had a chance at being a valued part of the Hale legacy—that someday Sally Rae would be out here working the land and maybe, just maybe, a son of mine would be taming wild mustangs and finding new innovative ways to move the ranch forward for another generation.


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