Chase_The Sons of Crosby

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Chase_The Sons of Crosby Page 2

by Kathi S. Barton

  The king and queen of the dragons had been found, it seemed. After all these many years, their bodies had been found, and Kilian was both saddened by their deaths and happy that someone had taken care that their bodies were safe. She herself had looked for them whenever she was out and about, the earth not giving her their whereabouts, and now she knew why. Emerald had hidden them away so that their forms could be safe. For all of them.

  “Tell the Crosbys that I wish to speak to them. All of them. And the warrior. She might know what her dragon has done for her, but I have my doubts. But I have to let them all know what this means. Not just to Chase and Emerald, but to the family as a whole. There will be others now that will come for her, and when they do, there will be hell to pay.” Sunshine asked if she could be paired with the warrior. “You will need to ask her, my child. And do not be surprised if she tells you no. Her life has been hard since she was created, and I doubt she has had a friend or helpmate at all since then.”

  “I will await your conversation with them before I put the question to her.” Kilian thought that a good idea. “She is the queen of the warriors as well as the queen of the dragons. When she brought them all together, do you think she knew what she had done?”

  “She might have, as I said, but I doubt it. The note that was left for her, where did you find it?” Sunshine told her that it had been under the king, with the two crowns that they had worn. “I would say that she didn’t know, nor does she have any idea what they have given her. And indirectly to young Chase. He will be…well, I hope he will be more receptive of it than Jason might have been before meeting his own mate. Otherwise, we might have a greater war on our hands than we have ever had.”

  She didn’t think that Chase would be a problem, not with this or anything that had to do with his mate. But Kilian was as sure as she stood there, in her garden, that Emerald would be. She would be angry at a lot of things, but mostly at her dragon for putting her into such a position. Kilian was both looking forward to telling her and not. This wasn’t going to be easy, she knew it.

  Chapter 2

  It had scared Jewel a bit when the queen of faeries called the meeting. She didn’t care for being in the dark about things in the family, nor did she like not having any say in what happened to Emerald and Chase. They were her family, and she didn’t want them to be harmed in any way. She was, however, glad to have them all under one roof, hers. But for as happy as she was to have them all together—they were such fun—she didn’t want them to get upset with each other. That, she knew, was almost a given. They seemed to relish in having something to argue about.

  They arrived en masse. Jewel had grown up as an only child. Her father had been her hero and her champion, but he’d been quiet, reserved. These men, they were far from that. Each of them loved with all that they had inside of them, and showed it in big ways. But when it came to their father, they were loving, gentle, and sweet. It made Jewel so happy to see how they treated him, even if he was cantankerous and crabby at times. They were good boys, as their dad was fond of saying.

  When Emerald entered the room, it was as if it the air chilled around them a little. Not because of her attitude, it’s just that she was naturally cold. The snow was thick on the ground, but Jewel thought that it might be warmer out there. But almost as soon as she thought about getting some extra clothing to wear, the room warmed up…not by margins, but immediately. She looked at the warrior.

  “You have only to ask me, mistress, and I will accommodate you. This is your home, after all.” Jewel told her that she didn’t think about it, and just to call her Jewel. “No, but you would have suffered unnecessarily, and that isn’t good in your own home. I’m not a monster…well, not always.”

  “Thank you. I think.” Emerald nodded and looked around the room. “I’m not sure about a lot of things about you. I mean, other than the few things that we’ve read about, your very existence seems to be a mystery.”

  “As it was supposed to be.” The rest of the people in the room seemed to quiet, and were waiting on Emerald to finish. Instead of just fobbing them off, which she might well have done, Emerald spoke louder, so that they could all hear her. “Ice dragons were a rarity even when there were hundreds of them. They’re not large, not like you’d think, but small until needed. They can hide in plain sight, which made them the best kind of warriors. It was up to me and my kind; we would bring out their beasts when war was to be fought.”

  “Are there any of them left? I know that you’re the only female of your kind, but what about the dragons?” Jewel wasn’t sure she was going to answer her. So when she went to the door that led out onto the frozen deck, everyone watched. When she opened the door and two small creatures flew in to sit on Emerald’s shoulders, Jewel realized why no one would be able to see them. “Oh my. They’re so beautiful. Aren’t they?”

  Since they were made of ice, a glassy sort of kind, the room and the things in it seemed to be reflected back. Jewel had a feeling that when they were outside, or in battle mode, they would either look like a small spark in the tree, a bit of trash, or a bird. They could be hidden in plain sight simply because of what they were.

  “They’re very young yet, but older than any of you. These two are a pair; mates, I suppose they’d be called by you. But in their world, they’re pairs. They’ll have children like them that will hopefully live long enough to have children of their own. The same as most woodland creatures, they have to be careful of larger prey, as well as humans.” When one of them flew to Chase, Jewel watched to see how he’d react. “He knows what you are to me. He won’t harm any of you in any way, so long as you don’t threaten me or him or my mate.”

  “Do they have names?” When Chase asked, he put out his hand and the female came to sit upon it. “They’re very cold, aren’t they? I mean, I suppose as an ice dragon, they would be, but I didn’t expect them to be this frigid.”

  “No, they have no names that I know of. I can understand them, and once we have mated then you will as well. They can be called upon to help you—again, once we have mated—and they’ll do as you want, going so far as to kill someone for you.” He looked around the room, and Jewel had a feeling that she knew what he was thinking. “Yes, even your family. Though I don’t think that you’d ever request them to do that. As for being cold, that is necessary to keep them alive. In the warmer months they spend a great deal of time, when not working, deep within the caves close by. It is where they breed as well.”

  “You’re right, never would I want them to harm anyone of my family.” The female flew to Jewel, then to the rest of the people in the room. Her stare, Jewel thought, was very thorough, perhaps even deep. And when she went back to Chase, sitting once again on his hand, Chase spoke again. “Was she getting their scent?”

  “No, she was seeing if they could be trusted.” Chase asked what would have happened if they couldn’t. “They found them to be trusting. For now, that’s all you need to know.”

  Jewel shivered. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know what they might have done. Even though her mind was pretty creative, the kind of things that these little creatures could do to someone that they didn’t trust was something that she didn’t want to think about. Ever.

  “How big do they get? I’m assuming that they can be really large when you call upon them.” Jason moved to sit next to his parents, and when he was seated, the female again moved to stare at him. Jewel wasn’t sure what was going on when the little dragon moved to sit on Emerald’s shoulder again. “What’s she doing now?”

  “She said that you are more than a vampire. That you have been touched by the queen of faeries. It is her request that you let her sample your blood, just to tell her what sort of magic she can expect from you.” Jason looked at Jewel and she nodded. “It’s not necessary. If you do not wish it, then she will understand.”

  “No, it’s not that. I have my own mate, and I’d hate to do anything without asking her first. I’m making up for some bad beginnings, and
I’m trying my best to watch myself from now on.” Everyone laughed, and she smiled at Jason. He was getting much better about not ordering her around like she was a lost pup. “If it’s all right with her and Chase, I don’t mind at all.”

  “I don’t have a problem with it. Not if you don’t.” He looked at Jewel when Chase gave his approval. “However, I’d like to ask why she cares what he is.”

  “She cares because if she is in need of something magical, then she will know if he can help her. Also, should he need her, for anything at all, she’d know to tell him he could do it or if she should enhance his magic. You’re powerful, Jason, but she is much stronger.” When Emerald looked at Chase, she continued. “You are more powerful than even your brothers all together. And as such, you can do much more. You will be able to command armies.”

  “Will there be a need for him to be able to do that?” Everyone looked at Emerald when Jewel asked the question. It was scary, to her, to think that they’d need an army of any size, much less be able to call on them. “I mean, we’ve had a pretty terrible run with the bad guys, I think. I, for one, would like to have nothing to do with raising an army.”

  “There is always a need for an army. Even when there is no need now. Should someone take control of your family, by kidnapping or any other means of harming them, wouldn’t you like to have the best at your side? Instead of wondering how you can get them back?” Jewel said that she would. “Then it would be good to have someone that can command them. To bring them to you when you need them to do whatever you need to exact revenge, or any other type of war.”

  It frightened her, on so many levels that she wasn’t sure that she was ready for this. The need for war? Exacting revenge on someone? And how calm Emerald was when she spoke of it. Looking around the room, Jewel could see that a lot of the family was thinking the same thing, wondering how she thought they could justify anything remotely like she was talking about.

  The exchange of blood was quick and painless. In the end, Emerald did it as well. They would be able to find her, and Chase, quickly should the need arise. Jewel hoped it would never come to that, but she was glad for the extra protection.


  Chase stood up when Kilian appeared in the room with them. He, for one, was glad for the distraction and the interruption. It had gotten very heavy in the room, and he needed a moment to think about it. As soon as she asked if she could sit down, Chase had a feeling that the conversation was about to get even worse.

  “We have found the king and queen of dragons.” He sat down and waited, sure there was more to that statement than just the finding of them. To be honest, he was having a hard time, wondering about the little dragon that still sat on his shoulder and what it was there for. “There was a stone note left with them on how you’d brought them to the cave to perish, Emerald. As far as we can tell, your dragon wrote it and left it for someone to find. He placed it under the body of his father.”

  “I did as I was asked by them.” Kilian grinned at Emerald, and when she came to sit next to Chase he took her hand into his. “They were dying, they told me, and wished to be together in their cave one more time. Their age and the wounds that they had gotten were too much, even for them. They asked me to take them there, a special place for them, to be safe from humans. So that’s what I did.”

  “You did well. In the notes that he left for someone to find, he explained how you had been so kind to his parents in their final moments, asking the earth to never say where they were. And that you stayed with them until the very end of their life cycles. Even your own dragon loved you beyond reproach, and he took his own life so that you could move on in your life and be free of staying with him until you too died.” Emerald looked embarrassed, and he thought that was a first for her. “You have been given a great gift by them.”

  “I don’t want anything, then or now. I only did what they wanted of me, as is my job.” Kilian stood, as did he and Emerald, but Emerald backed from her. “I don’t need it. Whatever it is, nor do I want it, my lady.”

  The door to the back of the deck opened and in flew thousands upon thousands of small creatures. Not only were there more ice dragons, but faeries and brownies as well. As they formed a circle around Emerald, a crown appeared in Kilian’s hands.

  “By decree of the king and queen of dragons, I hereby give you the role you were born to have. You have been named as the next in line by them, and are now the queen of them all.” Emerald was still shaking her head as several of the ice dragons took the crown and placed it on her head. When she looked at Chase, he felt something weigh on his head as well, and reached up to touch it. “You are king now, Chase. As her mate, you have the same role as she does. You should brace yourself.”

  Chase felt it coming over him, slowly at first, then more until he was hurting, like he was being turned inside out in that moment. Even as he fell to his knees, he knew that whatever was coming his way was going to make him stronger. But for now, he hurt. In every part of his body. His beast rose up, snarling at him and at the pain, and all he could do was let it go, have his beast deal with the pain for himself. Then almost as soon as he thought he was going to die from it, his beast calmed, and he knew that it was finished.

  “You okay, son?” He told his dad that he thought he was. “Well, I’m glad to hear that. You sure scared the bejeebees out of me. Come on now. Let’s get you up off the floor before I have to join you there.”

  Chase wasn’t sure what had happened other than he had gained more power, but as soon as he was seated on the couch, he looked around the room. It was then that he felt the power rush over him in a good way. He closed his eyes, then opened them again when what he was seeing became unbelievable.

  His brothers were glowing. Not like they had a light shining on them, but there was…. It occurred to him then; he was seeing their auras. They were all blue, with some red and yellow. He tried to remember what the colors meant and felt the touch of someone entering his mind.

  They are blue, my lord, because they are caring, loving, and love to help others. They are also sensitive and intuitive. The deep red means that they are grounded, active, and have strong will power. The yellow, which shouldn’t surprise you, is easy-going. The male laughed. If it would please you, my lord, you can call me Sliver. I am the smallest of my family, and my mother called me that to keep me in line. She would say Sliver, you are going to be broken if you do not listen. I did, and now I could be the helper to the king.

  Why is it that I can understand you? I thought it was only when Emerald and I were mated. He explained things to him. So the crown, it comes with its own magic. I guess that makes sense. Can I only understand you when I wear it?

  Nah, all the time now. But you should know that you cannot remove the crown. It will become invisible to all that won’t understand its meaning, but it will be there, for all the others to see, when you are among our kind. Any kind, I would guess, but as I don’t know many more than just dragons, then I cannot say for certain. Chase thought that was all right. It would be out of sight for his brothers, who would no doubt make fun of him for wearing it. From only this meeting, my lord, I think they will tease you for it even should they not see it.

  Chase laughed, and in doing so, the room turned to him and stared. He just waved them off as he sat there. He was enjoying his life, and thought that having a mate that was a warrior could have its advantages. He watched Emerald as she spoke to Kilian.

  Emerald was beautiful. Not only beautiful, but she was sexy too. Tall, almost as tall as him, and she was slender, her legs long and muscled. He had seen them that morning when she’d come out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body. He wondered what delights she was keeping hidden, and had to smile at their conversation that had come up there.

  “I’m not easy.” He said that he didn’t figure she was. “I enjoy sex a great deal, but I’m not going to just flop on the bed and wait for you to service me. I have my needs as well.”

? No, there will be none of that in our bed. As for servicing you, that would be my priority. To have you screaming out my name as you release would be the best part of making love with you.” She asked him if he meant to her, not with her. “No, when we make love—and I have no doubt that we will, and soon—we’ll be doing it together. As a couple. Your needs become mine, and I want you to enjoy it even more than myself.”

  She had stared at him for so long that he had a feeling that she was looking for flaws. He wasn’t positive, however, even when she spoke again, that she didn’t find a few and found him lacking in some way. This time he was sure she was teasing him, but Chase didn’t know her well then, or now, and he wanted to talk to her about it.

  “Men are selfish when it comes to sex. I have a feeling that you will be as well, I think.” He promised her that the only time he would be selfish was when he was teasing her. “I don’t care to be teased. You will do it right or not at all.”

  That was when he’d pulled her into his arms. Roughly, he knew, but he needed to show her what he wanted, needed from her, even now. The kiss was meant to mark her, to assure her that he knew just what he was doing. But when she wrapped her arms around him, Chase wanted more. All of her. And to give himself to her as well.

  But the meeting had been called, and he knew that if they didn’t show, there would be hell to pay. They might understand—his family would—but they needed answers, and Emerald was the only one that could give them.

  She moved around the room now like she owned it. But he could see a side of her that she kept hidden from others. She was terrified of them…his family. Not in a sense that they were going to hurt her, but something more. Like she was afraid she was going to fail them. When that occurred to him, he sat up straighter and knocked Sliver off his perch on his shoulder.


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