The Doorknob Society (The Doorknob Society Saga)

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The Doorknob Society (The Doorknob Society Saga) Page 33

by Fletcher, MJ

  “Jeremiah, you need to hurry,” I urged, feeling my defenses weaken.

  “I found a path!” Jeremiah bellowed as he touched the map and a stream of calculations and images floated off and swirled in the air.

  If I could get the directions and open the portal we would be saved but I knew if I dropped my defenses it would be all over, Darker would kill me.

  I heard Jess scream and turned to see her fall to the ground, a sliver of red energy snaking around her and leading back to True. I prayed she wasn’t dead and was relieved to see her chest rise and fall. But I didn’t know just how badly she was hurt. I needed to get to her, help her and I couldn’t let the standoff continue, we were dropping like flies.

  I focused all my thoughts on my powers. I let them build, grow, spread inside me like a tsunami building momentum to devour everything in its path.

  “Is this the best you can do, little girl?”

  Darker stopped his assault momentarily to taunt me and that was a mistake. I let loose with all my pent-up energy, it raced across the space in a single heartbeat and swept Caleb off his feet and hurdled him with such force into the wall that it splintered the wood and left Darker crumbled on the floor. I dropped to my knees exhausted from expelling such sizeable energy.

  Nightshade rushed to me, his hand swinging behind him shooting lines of energy at True. He hit her shields with such repeated force that they shattered. She quickly tried to create another; Nightshade was too fast for her, blasting her right off her feet. He dropped down beside me, his face as white as a ghost, his energy drained.

  “I don’t have enough left in me to open a portal do you?” Nightshade asked breathless.

  “I might.” I pushed myself up off the floor, trying not to fall over. I couldn’t believe we actually had a chance of beating them; we could possibly win this thing.

  My skin tingled as a flood of energy overwhelmed the room. I looked up just in time to see Darker stand and let loose with a massive blast of power. I couldn’t believe how pretty the bolt of energy was that was about to kill me. It rushed at me so rapidly that even if I had the energy to raise my defenses, I doubted it would help.

  “NOOO!” Nightshade screamed and dove right in front of me. It slammed into him sending his body spiraling in the air until he finally hit the floor, a trail of smoke pouring from his chest.

  “James!” I ran to him, not caring about anything but him. I dropped down sliding on my knees to his burnt and broken body sprawled on the floor. I gently lifted his head, no blood dripped from it, but blood did trickle from his lips. He coughed and his whole body convulsed. I rested his head in my lap. The wound in his chest oozed blood. I tore off my hoodie and tried to stop the bleeding. Wasn’t that what I was supposed to do, stop the bleeding? “Please, James, don’t die on me. Who else is going to give me hell?”

  “Masters, I’m sorry,” he whispered and his eyes closed.

  “No, No, James.” I rested my hand to his cheek so afraid I would hurt him yet needing to touch him. I leaned close, his familiar scent mixed with the smell of blood. I pressed my mouth to his and kissed him. I didn’t care about anything at that moment but him and the thought of losing someone else I cared about was too much to bear. I wanted him here with me, this aggravating man who was as broken as I was. He probably understood me better than anyone else, though I loathed admitting it.

  I tasted his blood in my mouth, the blood he needed to keep him alive and rage poured over me like I have never felt in my life. I looked across the room and saw Slade bound on the floor, Jess wasn’t far from him. Her eye was swollen and her breathing shallow. I looked down at James again and I began to shake with anger. I remembered how I had felt when I attacked the HVO and this didn’t even compare. I gently moved James’ head to rest on the floor and stood.

  Energy surged through me building stronger and stronger until I thought for certain I would explode from the intensity. I turned around and Darker was standing beside Jeremiah his hand around his neck. He turned to me and smiled but it wasn’t until he taunted that my rage boiled completely over.

  “You want another shot at me, little girl?” he smirked.

  “Die!” I screamed as my hand shot up and energy poured out of me ramming viciously into Darker. He dropped Jeremiah bracing for the hit, stumbled and rolled and frantically scrambled to his feet, bringing up a shield along with him. As soon as he did I rushed forward and cleaved it in half with another blast of power.

  “What are you doing?” he screamed, his face scrunched in anger.

  “I’m going to kill you.” The blue glow that usually surrounded my hand now consumed my whole body. I walked toward him calmly and smashed each of his defenses shattering them as if they were nothing more than glass.

  Something poked my back and I turned. Ms. True struggled to stand and labored even more to produce enough energy to attack me. With a dismissive wave of my hand, I sent an energy sweep at her, flipping her over backward.

  “I’ll deal with you once I am done with him.” I turned back to Darker. He was on a dead-run to one of the open portals. My hand shot up trails of shackles shooting out from them and I aimed straight for Darker’s legs. They lassoed him like a steer and he dropped to the floor.

  I turned back to True. Another round of First Kind was entering through the portal behind her. I didn’t hesitate, didn’t even give it thought, I formed an energy whip and snapped it against their shields, shattering one after another. I took several down in no time.

  A figure stepped just to the edge of the portal, though didn’t enter the room and began shouting orders. I couldn’t see the person clearly but the voice seemed familiar.

  “This ends now!” I yelled ready to finish off every single one of them that rushed at me. They were no match for my fury. I attacked with ferocity blasting them out of my way as I advanced on the portal. The one who had been giving orders had Ms. True and was helping her into the portal.

  No way was she going to get away. I spun my whip and snapped it towards them, but the person swiftly blocked my attack. My energy dimmed, warning me that I didn’t have much time left. I sent tendrils of blue energy to connect with the map that Jeremiah had left floating. I quickly activated the map and used it to open two portals where reinforcements could enter.

  I almost lost it when I saw that Darker had also been dragged into the portal. After all of this True and he were escaping.

  I bolted for the portal but stumbled to a stop when the person who had come to their rescues turned and looked directly at me. I stared at the familiar face and for a moment I thought that perhaps I was dreaming... or was it a nightmare?

  Every bit of energy whooshed out of my body as if someone had just sucker-punched me and as I dropped to the floor I called out, “Mom?”

  Chapter 37

  Status: My life is crazy.


  It was good to hear Dad calling out to me in the house again. I rolled off my bed having taken some time to myself to think, or not, and hurried downstairs to see what he wanted.

  “Yeah, Dad.” I found him in the kitchen clearing out the dishwasher. I was so glad he was home and okay and putting the dishes away. I smiled.

  He grinned. “Your turn to empty next time.”

  I nodded, though I was already working on a plan to get out of it and Dad probably knew that.

  He placed the last dish away and his smile faded. “I have to go to the council meeting tonight, are you going to be okay?”

  It had been two weeks since I had opened the portals back at the Infinity Library. Dad and Mr. Miller had showed up as well as Edgar and about half of the mapmakers. They routed the last of the First Kind and recovered the artifact. I woke up the next day and hadn’t the heart to tell Dad who I had seen right before I passed out. I even wondered if I had actually seen my mom or if I had imagined it. Until I had it straight in my head, I didn’t intend to say anything.

  According to Jeremiah, my massive surge of energy had
to do with my proximity to the artifact. Somehow it had amplified my powers due to my intense emotional reaction. I really didn’t care how it worked. All I know was that I had been able to keep my friends safe. Slade was fine just bruised and Jessica only needed some stitches. James had been in bad shape and had been in the hospital for over a week. He had just gotten out yesterday but of course I hadn’t heard about it from him. Jessica had texted me.

  “I’ll be fine Dad; I’m going to meet up with some friends.”

  “Good, I shouldn’t be too late.”

  “Take your time. You deserve it; you’ve been waiting for this.”

  Tonight Dad would be officially reinstated into the Doorknob Society. I was invited but I just didn’t want to return to the library so soon. I was still too freaked out about what had happened. Not to mention that I already had a ceremony. Jeremiah had been witness to my exceptional use of powers and I had been declared for DS and made a member. One less thing to worry about I suppose, though my view of DS wasn’t as rosy as it had once been. No one had seen Mr. Jordan since the night of the battle and he was currently wanted by the HVO for questioning.

  Dad gave me a quick kiss and grabbed the cupboard doorknob. It glowed blue and he stepped through into a portal closing the door behind him. I laughed as I watched the blue glow disappear. It seemed so natural now to see him create doorways, but then it was natural.

  I grabbed my jacket, threw it on and took hold of the doorknob, activating it. I stepped out into the Cape Beanery. Edgar and Slade were already there at a table chatting.

  “Hey, watch where you’re going.” Val laughed as she bumped into me holding two cups of coffee and we walked back to the table together. She slid one to each of them and pointed at me. “What do you want it’s on me?”

  “You work here now, Val, it’s free.” I laughed as I slid onto the stool beside Slade.

  “Free for staff only, so what’ll it be,” she said as she leaned against Edgar and he smiled his face turning red.

  “The regular.”

  “You got it.” Val tousled Edgar’s hair before she walked off to get my coffee.

  “I didn’t think you would make it with your dad’s ceremony tonight,” Edgar said.

  “I don’t think I can handle another ceremony.” I rolled my eyes and Slade slid his arm around me and pulled me close kissing my cheek.

  “Is the hero of the Paladin Academy getting shy?” He laughed and gave me a playful squeeze. I turned and kissed him lightly on the lips and he smiled. “Who said I was shy?”

  “Not me.”

  I looked up to see Nightshade. His long black coat was buttoned up tightly and his hands were shoved into the pockets. He was pale and it was obvious he was still recovering from his injury. Jessica stood right next to him with her arm looped through his for support or perhaps to stake her territory.

  I didn’t know if anything had happened between them since the night he had been wounded. The last two weeks had been a blur, being shuffled from one ceremony to another. Not only had I been made a member of DS I also had been applauded by the Mapmakers Union, Paladin Academy and the council. I was tired of being paraded around, especially since it hadn’t allowed me time to visit Nightshade. Jess had kept me updated on him. This was the first time I had seen him and the first time we had all been together since that night.

  “How are you doing, James?” Edgar got two more stools from an empty table and shifted his stool, making room for the two of them.

  Nightshade winced as he sat and his jaw clench as he tried to get comfortable. He was obviously in pain.

  “Better,” he answered.

  Jessica kept her hand on his arm as if she was afraid to let go of him or was it that she enjoyed touching him. I realized that my eyes lingered on her hand and I turned away, shaking my head to clear my thoughts.

  “At least things can get back to normal now.” Jessica smiled.

  “I don’t know about that,” Edgar said. “The council is still concerned about the First Kind. And since Elijah proved that the artifacts exist everyone is talking about finding the others.”

  “Not to mention that Darker and Ms. True are still out there,” Nightshade said with bitter anger.

  “They kicked True out of the Guild so if she shows up again, she won’t get help from any Guilders, traitor that she is,” Jess spat.

  My thoughts wandered back to the blonde-haired woman who had helped True escape. I had recognized her face as soon as I had seen it and yet I couldn’t bring myself to believe it, let alone tell anyone that my mother was involved with the First Kind. It couldn’t be true; it just couldn’t.

  “I heard a rumor that Mr. Miller is going to search for the Engineer artifact.” Slade said and went to take a drink of his coffee but stopped.

  Everyone stared at him.

  He pulled back a bit surprised by the reaction. “What?”

  “Once the First Kind find out that Miller’s searching for another artifact, they’ll go after him.” Nightshade’s voice was weak but steady.

  “I hadn’t thought about that.” Slade gripped his cup.

  “So what’s the plan?” Jessica asked.

  All eyes turned on me. I smiled, shook my head and thought... here we go again.


  The Doorknob Society series continues with book two... The Impossible Engineers.

  Available soon.

  The Impossible Engineers

  Chapter One

  Status: Where were we again?

  I shifted my weight onto my back heel and focused my energy into a shield. A blue sphere of light surrounded me, an explosion of light and fury bouncing off it in all directions as I blocked the blast that had been meant for me. I stepped back behind a large chest and scanned the room but couldn’t see any of my friends. I’d lost them when all hell had broken loose. I needed to round everybody up and get the hell out of Dodge but first I had to deal with my attacker.

  I twisted my doorknob in my hand and ribbons of blue energy dripped from the ends of it like a cat-of-nine tails. I leaned my head back and concentrated on the noises around me listening to every creak in the room. The sound flashed in my ear. It was slight though obvious; someone was trying to creep up alongside me.

  I reacted running toward the noise using a surprise attack to keep them off balance. I spotted my assailant, she was creeping along the far wall and her knob wasn’t even activated yet. I leapt into the air and brought my energy whip down in an arc wrapping it around her and knocking her to the floor.

  I knelt by my captured foe and yanked her doorknob from her hand. She glared at me, her eyes wide. I smiled down and patted her on the top of the head and then turned back toward the room.

  It was large and not well lit. Lights rested high on the walls and were spread so far apart that they only offered small sections of lit areas. I let out a deep breath annoyed I hadn’t thought to ask Edgar for his goggles, if I had them I would easily be able to find everyone in the dark.

  A boom shook the room and a dazzling lightshow followed. I was up and running toward it as fast as I could move. It might be a trap but I had to make it to my friends or else I’d wind up on my own and that wasn’t in the plans for the mission.

  As I approached I could see Faith on her knees, her shield was failing as her attacker slammed into it again and again. I decided to go for the direct approach and twisted my knob, creating a portal entry and throwing it toward her opponent’s feet. He noticed it too late and tumbled into the portal screaming out in anger and shock.

  “Where are the others?” I knelt beside Faith my eyes scanning the dark hoping no one else was sneaking toward us.

  Faith labored to breathe and speak. “No idea, I got separated when they attacked us.”

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I just didn’t expect it to be so intense.”

  “Fighting is always intense.” I stood up and grabbed Faith’s arm yanking her to her feet. “Come on we need to keep moving.�

  “You’re not going anywhere.” The man stepped out of the darkness and my shoulder slumped at the sight of him.

  “What did I miss?” I sighed as I asked the question.

  “Lights,” Dad yelled and the room lit up so that everything was visible. Standing in a circle around us were four more attackers and the rest of my team was bound and sitting off to the side. I kicked at the floor and groaned. ‘Sorry, kiddo, your team is caught and so are you.”

  “Can we run it again?” I pleaded with a smile.

  “Sorry, I think four times is enough, everyone needs to get home including us.” Dad laughed and walked over to me rubbing my shoulder as he passed.

  “Sorry,” Faith said avoiding my eyes and gazing at the floor instead.

  I had been assigned my training team two months ago after all the craziness with the First Kind. Dad had been reinstated to the Doorknob Society and the first thing he did was amp up all battle training for new DS members. No one complained once word got out about the bloody battle at the Infinity Library.

  I had gone from being an obscure nobody who hadn’t even declared, to a minor celebrity for my part in the whole affair. I, of course, hated every second of it, people trying to be my friend just because they thought I was popular. It was not my scene at all and most realized it fairly quickly since I remained who I had always been and continued hanging out with my regular friends.

  “No worries, Faith, at least you defended yourself.” I grinned as the other two members of my team skulked out of the room.

  ‘How many did you get?” Faith asked.

  “Two.” I pulled a piece of cloth from my pocket and cleaned off my Doorknob and slid it into the leather pouch that hung from my belt. I had taken to keeping it on me since it made it more easily accessible.


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