Absolutely Not

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Absolutely Not Page 11

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  “Oh my…”

  “You see? That’s what you do to me.”

  “Definitely no Thumbkin here, I see.” She reached out tentatively, feathering a light stroke along his cock with her fingers.

  Fighting back the urge to detonate from the mere touch of her fingers on his eager dick, Keller lifted Maisy’s face and peered into her eyes. “Did you say thumbkin? As in the kids’ game—with the fingers?” He wiggled his thumb back and forth, staring at it.

  “That’s the one.” Maisy nodded. “It’s what I used to call John’s petite pecker.” She giggled, holding her finger and thumb about two inches apart. “His itsy-bitsy mini-penis. Of course, I never actually called it Thumbkin to his face.” She lowered her gaze to study Keller’s erection. “I can tell you without doubt that old Thumbkin never looked anything like this. Are you sure that’ll fit inside me?”

  “I’ve got a crowbar around here somewhere in case we need it,” Keller joked. “Actually, I think we’ll be a perfect match.”

  Maisy stretched beneath him, a sublime smile lighting her face as she wrapped her cool, soft hands around his cock and applied pressure. “There’s only one way to find out.”

  Yes! Beading with pre-cum, his cock bobbed with the first exulted movement of a happy dance.

  Nudging her thighs apart with his knees, Keller felt a rush of anticipation he hadn’t experienced since he was a horny kid. He separated her folds, eyeing the shiny pink treasure awaiting him and breaking into a lusty grin.

  “I’ve been waiting for this moment since I first laid eyes on you, Maisy.” He slicked two fingers along her slippery, moist slit and licked her juice from his hand, murmuring his delight. She tasted of sex, desire and need. He almost laughed when he gazed down into her eyes, witnessing her shell-shocked expression. Apparently he’d just provided another first.

  His hands itching to delve into new and stimulating places, Keller thrust one finger into her hot, wet core. Delighting at Maisy’s impassioned moans as he drew in and out, he added a second finger, spearing her juicy cunt and twisting inside the tight channel. Christ, he could hardly wait. That taut pussy of hers would feel like heaven on his dick, clamping him hard as hell while he fucked her breathless.

  “I love this, Keller.” Maisy’s breaths came in short, ragged rasps. “I love your hands on me. In me. My God, you can do magical things with those fingers.” Her moan sounded so delicious, he claimed her mouth with his and swallowed the sweet murmurs.

  Watching the look of sheer bliss on Maisy’s face, Keller continued to finger-fuck her, making sure to abrade her clitoris with his thumb as his fingers thrust. Moaning again, she arched her tits up at him, presenting them for his pleasure. He took advantage of the offer, licking around the dusky pink areolas and nipping at the stiff little peaks at each center.

  Maisy’s cheeks flushed and her heated gaze looked a million miles away. Damn if the woman wasn’t on the verge of another orgasm already. In all his years, and with all the women he’d known, no one had ever treated him to such a precious, beautiful show of unbridled ecstasy. Maisy Morganfield was one very special woman.

  He held her close as her soft, lush body succumbed to a furious round of quakes. Her full, sensuous lips went from forming little O’s to stretching out in flat lines as she caught her plump bottom lip with her teeth, letting it drag through. Her mouth was as expressive as the rest of her. Keller couldn’t help thinking that she had a mouth made for fucking.

  His dick leapt at the thought of being cushioned between the insides of her moist, hot cheeks. That’s it. He’d go insane if he waited any longer to thrust into that sweet, glistening cunt of hers.

  Positioning himself to enter, his cock a mere few inches from her glorious, inviting cunt, Keller winced. “Damn,” he muttered, reluctantly rising from the bed.

  “What’s wrong?”


  “Oh…I almost forgot,” Maisy said. “For a minute there I thought maybe you were going to get that crowbar.” She laughed and he followed suit.

  Keller wagged a finger at her, retrieving his slacks. “Don’t you move a muscle. This will only take a minute.” Before he could fish the condom from his wallet the cell phone inside his suit coat pocket rang. It was a rude, unwelcome interruption—one he’d ignore if at all possible, but he’d been waiting for a crucial call.

  “Nothing like rotten timing. I’m sorry Maisy. I’ve got to answer this. I’m expecting an important call from one of my vintners in California.”

  “I understand perfectly. Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Heaving a sigh of frustration, Keller reached into his jacket and retrieved the ringing phone, flipping it open without bothering to look at the display.

  Big mistake.

  Watching Keller intently as he answered his call, Maisy wrapped her arms around herself and smiled, luxuriating in the memory of the superb intimacy they’d just shared. And anticipating what she expected to be the thrill of a lifetime, as soon as he finished his call. While Keller was certainly dashing, handsome and unbelievably sexy—with the added plus of a colossal cock—it was definitely more than just physical attraction that had Maisy hooked.

  The warm, tender feeling blossoming inside her was due in part to her mild state of intoxication, but it was Keller’s warm, caring personality, his obvious intelligence and his fabulous sense of humor that enveloped her in a delightful state of bliss.

  As he listened to his phone call, Maisy saw his eyebrows knitting together in a distinct look of displeasure. She wondered who or what was distorting Keller’s handsome features into angular lines of anger.

  She longed to reach out and smooth her fingers along his creased forehead and furrowed brow. To kiss away all evidence of his scowl. To guide him into her depths where he could forget his woes and lose himself in pleasure. Maisy had little doubt it would be a deliciously pleasurable experience for them both. She hugged herself tighter and moaned a low chuckle.

  “Look, Sharon, I told you, I’m busy.”

  Maisy stiffened. Ears fully perked, her pleasant, fuzzy state of intoxication rapidly dissolved. Until the mention of Sharon’s name, it was as though she’d been encased in a little bubble of idyllic fantasy. Hearing the woman’s name spill from Keller’s lips pricked the bubble, quickly deflating it. She sat up, draping her legs over the edge of the bed and clutching a pillow against her naked self with one arm.

  “I’m…” Keller looked at Maisy, offering an apologetic smile. “I’m with a very important client right now. I’ll call you later.” Heaving a sigh, he flipped the phone closed and returned it to his jacket pocket. “Obviously not the vintner from California.”

  “Obviously.” Maisy met his apologetic smile with a steely glare.

  “I’m really sorry about that. I know how you feel about Sharon.” Keller sat next to Maisy, brushing his lips across her temple and smoothing the hair from her face. “Believe me, the last thing in the world I wanted or expected, now of all times, was an intrusion by my lame-brained sister.” He covered her hand with his, stroking his thumb over her knuckles.

  Sister. Maisy blinked long and slow. His sister. Slipping her hand from beneath Keller’s, she heaved a sigh at the unpleasant reminder.


  “That’s the problem, Keller.” She looked up into his beautiful chocolate chip eyes and had to turn away because she couldn’t think straight when he looked at her like that. “Sharon will always be your sister. She’d always be between us. Always interfering and causing trouble.”

  Damn, it just wasn’t fair. Here she was on the verge of discovering something special, something downright breathtaking with this incredible man. His electrifying touch had already carried her to heights never before imagined. And now she longed to go the distance—to experience the ultimate in pleasure as he held her in his arms, looking into her eyes as he thrust into her.

  But that could never happen. Not with Sharon Fitch’s brother. Ever.
/>   “Maisy, listen, it doesn’t have to be—”

  “Yes it does.” Shoving her fingers through her haphazard curls, Maisy added, “I’m sorry. I just can’t deal with this.” Retrieving her bra and panties, she slipped them on. “I have to leave.”

  “Come on, Maisy, let’s talk about this for a while, okay? Look, just because she’s my sister doesn’t mean we can’t still—”

  “Nope. Absolutely not.” Maisy reached for the rest of her clothes, methodically putting them on and avoiding his gaze. “Think about it, Keller. That woman would do everything she could to make us miserable, to split us up. The last person she wants to see in a romantic relationship with her brother is her dead husband’s ex.”

  “Aw, Maisy, please…don’t do this.”

  After slipping into her shoes, Maisy absently began packing the leftovers into the picnic basket. She had no idea why in the hell she was doing it, but something told her if she didn’t busy herself the dam would break, and she’d start bawling and make an even worse mess of things.

  “Thank you, Keller. Lunch…” she cleared her throat, “everything…was wonderful.” She chanced a quick glance his way. He was still naked. His cock was sizeable even when no longer erect. The guy fucking looked like Adonis for chrissakes.

  And God how she wanted him.

  The pained look of confusion on his face tempted her to draw him into a hug. But that would definitely lead to another erotic encounter. And she simply couldn’t get any further involved with Sharon’s brother.

  “I’d appreciate it if you’d call your chauffeur, Keller. I’d like to go back to the office now.”

  “You can’t go, Maisy. I won’t let you. Not like this. Not after what we just shared. Come on, dammit, you can’t stand there and tell me you don’t want me just as much as I want you.”

  Maisy gave Keller a blank, no-nonsense stare. “Either you call your driver or I’m hailing a cab.”

  Chapter Eight

  In less than five minutes, Maisy and Keller were in the lobby and Williams had pulled up with the limo. She needed to be alone with her own thoughts and told Keller she preferred to ride alone, but he’d insisted on coming. Seeing as how it was his limo, she figured she didn’t have much of a choice.

  “What else can I say, Maisy?” Keller offered after they were seated. “God knows I certainly didn’t plan to have Sharon call at that particular moment. I mean, it’s not as if my sister and I are close or anything. On the contrary, Sharon and I have been butting heads ever since we were kids.”

  Sharon this. Sharon that. Sharon, Sharon, Sharon… That’s what a relationship with Keller would be like. Constant reminders of Fitch the Bitch. Ugh!

  “So what was that, your sister’s daily butt-head call?” Maisy asked. Keller gave a feeble laugh, which Maisy met with an icy glare and stony silence.

  “Sharon was calling to place the personalized wine order for Henshaw, the real estate office she works for.”

  “Yes, I remember Henshaw,” Maisy said with a droll tone. “My ex used to work there too. That’s where the lovebirds met.”

  Keller winced. “Sorry, I forgot. Anyway, I do Henshaw’s client gifts, personalizing the wine labels with their names and the addresses of their new homes.” He paused, obviously waiting for Maisy to say something, but she remained silent. “That’s the reason Sharon called, Maisy. It was just lousy timing, that’s all.”

  Turning to face him, she spoke quietly. “Actually it was perfect timing, Keller. Like a harbinger of unpleasant things to come. Sharon ruined our wonderful afternoon, what we had already experienced, as well as what we were about to experience. Don’t you understand? Your sister would always be looming there between us.”

  To Maisy’s chagrin, as she looked at Keller her thoughts shifted to sensuous images. His hard, hot, sweaty body covering hers as he drove that amazing cock into her. Her screaming out in ecstasy. The two of them collapsing into a sated heap. She folded her arms across her breasts, furious with her corruptible libido for being so damned hormone driven.

  “You can’t think that way. God, I don’t want to lose you just when I found you, Maisy. Please don’t be bullheaded about this.” He caught the icy glare she sent his way and huffed. “Aw, for chrissakes. I’ve apologized a dozen times. Give me a break. What more do you want from me?”

  “How about poisoning your sister?” She growled at herself after the spiteful words spilled out. Great. Now she sounded more like a bitch than Sharon. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that…at least not entirely.” She shrugged and Keller nodded in understanding.

  “What you can do though, Keller, is agree never to call me again.” She transferred her gaze to the passing scenery and heard Keller suck in a sharp breath.

  “Come on, Maisy, you don’t mean that.”

  “Yes…I do.”

  “Hey, I’m really trying to be a nice guy here. Don’t you think you’re being just a tad unreasonable about this?”

  “Yes, absolutely,” she readily agreed. “After all, it isn’t your fault your sister is an immoral, malevolent witch. But the fact that she is will never change. I was an idiot to think I could go out with you and not get smacked with the ugly reminder that you’re her brother. I can’t help it if just the thought of that little viper makes my skin crawl, Keller.” Maisy shuddered. “Unfortunately, you’d be a constant reminder of her.”

  A devilish smile curled Keller’s lips. “If you let me,” he promised in a husky tone as he stroked her knee, “I guarantee I’d make you forget that my sister and that drip of a husband you shared ever existed.” He leaned over to kiss Maisy only to have his lips met by her purse.

  Lowering her purse, Maisy peeled his fingers from her knee. “Just like a man. You think you can solve everything with sex.”

  “I’ll admit it can be a good starting point.” Keller winked.

  “Ugh!” Exasperated, Maisy scowled. “Look, I’m sorry. Really. But if I were ever inclined to have sex with a man again, it sure as hell wouldn’t be—couldn’t be—Sharon Fitch’s brother.”

  “Obstinate, unreasonable…” Keller growled some curse beneath his breath. “Dammit, Maisy, what happened between you and that nitwit sister of mine has absolutely nothing to do with you and me. Zero. I had no part in that whole ugly mess. And as far as sex goes, it appears you could use some tutoring, because you seem to know as much about that as you do about wine.”

  Breathing in an audible exclamation, Maisy pounded a fist into the plush leather seat. “I’ll thank you to keep your opinions about my sexual aptitude or lack thereof to yourself, Mr. Fitch. Rest assured, your tutelage is neither required nor needed.”

  “Aw, damn. I didn’t mean that. That was just the anger talking. I’m sorry, Maisy.”


  “Oh for heaven’s sake, Maisy, you’re acting like a child.”

  Drop-jawed, Maisy rolled her eyes. “A child?” she blurted. The heat she felt creeping across her cheeks had nothing to do with wine or her overactive libido.

  “That’s what I said.” Shifting in his seat, Keller turned toward Maisy, crossing his arms over his chest, mimicking her posture. “It’s completely unfair and irrational to blame me just because my sister happens to be your least favorite person on the planet. It’s downright childish to treat me like I’m a fiend because I’m the woman’s brother.”

  “Sharon Fitch’s brother.” Maisy shuddered as she emphatically enunciated the words. “As soon as I realized who you were, I said to myself, Mazel Lynn—”

  “Mazel Lynn?” Keller slanted Maisy an incredulous look.

  Maisy nodded and continued. “I said, do not, in any way, shape or form, get involved with that witch’s brother. But my buddy Norman had to go and play matchmaker. I knew it. I just knew it would turn out like this.” She expelled a sigh of exasperation and sank deeper into the seat.

  “When you said it earlier, I thought I heard you wrong.” Keller huffed a disbelieving laugh.

  “Heard what?”
Maisy said. “What are you talking about?”

  “Your name is Mazel?”

  Sitting tall, Maisy balled a fist, planting it on her hip as her chin jutted high. “Yes, just like Hazel, but with an M. Is there anything wrong with that? It was my grandmother’s name and I love it.” Seeing that Keller was covering up a smirk, Maisy huffed. “Excuse me, but anyone who has a last name for a first name shouldn’t talk…Keller.” Flashing a smug smile, she turned away.

  “Well, I’m sorry, but if I had to choose I’d pick Keller—which, by the way, is my mother’s maiden name—any day over Mazel.” He drew out her name as if he were an adolescent eighth grader.

  Maisy wagged a finger under his nose. “After that juvenile display, don’t you ever call me childish again, Keller Fitch.”

  “Can I help it if you drive me to distraction?” Keller growled. Then he closed his eyes and groaned. “You know, we’re getting way off the track here. Let’s get back to the issue at hand—the fact that I’m Sharon’s brother. I honestly don’t see what the big deal is. We were getting along just fine before she called, weren’t we?”

  “If your definition of just fine includes the fact that you tried to get me drunk so you could take advantage of me.”

  “What?” His voice coming out in a disbelieving growl, Keller’s jaw jutted and his face took on an incredulous expression. He scooted forward in his seat. “Get you drunk? That’s the most inane, ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.” He spilled forth with an explosion of sardonic laughter.

  “Uh-huh, right.” Her lips curled into a one-sided smile. “You were all over me as soon as I became slightly inebriated.”

  “Slightly? Hah! There’s a good one.”

  Maisy gasped with indignation. “Thank God your sister did call. Heaven only knows what devious plans you would have put into motion next.”

  Scraping his fingers through his hair with a growl, Keller sank back against the seat. “You’re really exasperating, you know that?”

  Lifting her chin with a haughty air, Maisy turned away from Keller and looked out the window again.


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