The Seeds of Evermore

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The Seeds of Evermore Page 3

by Andrew Haines

  She grasped it and shook it, “Charlotte.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise.” Charlotte responded, she then gave him a more serious expression, “Did you understand what we are really going to be doing?”

  The light changed, and the crowd moved across the street. Scott and Charlotte continued their conversation as they walked, “Not one hundred percent sure, but Tuomas was very serious about keeping it quiet after today. I am wondering if this is really that big or we are being played.”

  “That is what I got from it as well. He avoided most of my questions. I was getting really annoyed at it too. Like, why can’t I know what I am working on before you hire me? It didn’t make sense to me. I hope we get a lot of clarity today.” Scott noticed a subtle tone of annoyance in her voice.

  “Me too. I’m thinking that there is something pretty big going down. If Tuomas hand-picked us, which is what he told me, based on our history and current skills there is no way there isn’t something that we haven’t been told yet.” Scott brought his hand upon his chin and start to give it the ‘Thinkers’ stroke, “At least that is how our conversation went, for the little bit of time it went on.”

  Charlotte nodded in agreement, “I didn’t think about it like that, but you are right. What is your field?”

  “Analysis of Virtual Technology and Game Mediation Law. What is your background?” Scott asked, slightly turning his head toward her.

  “Communications with a minor in International Exchange,” She answered.

  “That is quite the gap of skills…” Scott started, as he lost himself in thought.

  Charlotte turned to face him, now walking backwards, her eyes looked into his, “What do you think now?” she asked, a serious tone overcoming her softer demeanor.

  “There are still too many variables. Tuomas said team, which can be three to some number of people. We’ll need to just go through with it and see where it goes. Though I think that Tuomas a far future planner, I don’t think he would short us if this is really that,” he paused, “Ah, I am just overthinking it.”

  Charlotte slowly nodded at the answer she was given, “Ought to be interesting, though I don’t like going in almost completely blind.”

  Scott agreed with her, “Yeah, I am in total agreement there. Today is going to be interesting. Did Tuomas give you in site about anyone else we would be working with?”

  Charlotte shook her head, “No, he did not. He gave me roughly about the same information that he gave you.”

  The chatter between them continued the little bit of a walk they had left to the building. The clouded sky finally darkened to the point of shadowy coverage and the first drops of rain fell as Scott and Charlotte made it to the front of the building. The two scurried inside before they became drenched with water. They pushed the turnstile door letting them enter inside the building. Their shoes squeaked upon the marble floor as they made their way up to the desk.

  “Hello you two. Tuomas said you would be coming in today. You need to head to the elevator over there,” The woman pointed to the elevator Scott tried to take the first time he was in here, “And go to floor B-one.”

  “Thank you,” Charlotte responded turning to her left and began walking.

  Scott smiled and nodded to the woman and followed behind Charlotte. The squeaking of their shoes stopped when they entered the elevator and stepped onto the carpeted floor. The button illuminated when Charlotte pressed the floor level. The door closed and began to go down in the earth. Seconds passed and the elevator halted and the door slid open and the two stepped out to see a large gym sized room. The LED lights illuminated the whole room from the ceiling to the walls.

  There was a large mechanical contraption on the far side of the room, it was humming with power. There were a few people working on it, either typing on a keyboard or were doing physical work on the machine. There were a few others meandering around a game station off to the left of the elevator. Some were obviously playing some kind of game, and the rest were cheering the others on. Scott noticed Tuomas standing there observing the players. He could tell he was silently judging his skills, Tuomas’ face gave it away: Bad poker face then: Scott thought and turned to Charlotte. He tapped Charlotte’s shoulder and pointed toward Tuomas, as she looked over at him.

  Tuomas glanced over at them, as they were walking toward him. He broke away from the game station and met them half way. “Ah, you two made it,” He said, as Scott noticed his judgmental attitude disappeared from his face.

  “Sorry if we are late, the crowds are nuts in this part of the city,” Charlotte responded, slightly bowing her head in apology.

  “Don’t worry about it, you are right on cue,” Tuomas responded, “Besides, you two are the first to arrive there are three more that will be joining us here soon…” He paused, “Hopefully.”

  Scott had a blank expression on his face, as Tuomas asked Charlotte to go stand by the game station to enjoy a few moments before the day started. Tuomas looked at him with a cynical smile, “Looks like everything is falling into place.”

  “How do you mean?” Scott asked his ridged jaw line tensing.

  “You think it was coincidence that you and Ms. Myliand met yesterday and then again this morning, at the crowd corner two blocks away?” Tuomas smirked, keeping the smile tight on his face.

  Scott’s brows furrowed, “You planned it? How many secrets do you hold?”

  “Oh of course I did, I also knew you two would be the first ones here, and seem to be getting along nicely. Life is a game Scott, and I will show you all how to manipulate it to our advantage, here and in the virtual world. How to live that double life and all, while advancing the technology of the human race.”

  Scott had no response to what Tuomas had just said. He was trying to figure out what was going on, Tuomas tone and attitude changed from yesterday’s interview, and he had no idea why. Before Scott could counter Tuomas’ words, Tuomas shuffled close to Scott and jammed a piece of paper in his hand and turned and walked off back toward the gaming station. Scott opened his hand to look at the paper in it; paper, a tool of the age of old, most paper was gone, everything was digital now, and why the forests were finally coming back. He unfolded the paper and began to read the poorly written words on the page:

  Scott, my attitude is ruse, I am hiding from a watchful eye. Everything that happens is for a reason I cannot currently explain. We are on the same side; please play along and all will come to light. I hope everything will become clear soon. -T.

  Scott folded up the paper and slid it into his shirt pocket then made his way over to see what game was being played on the station. When he approached, Scott placed his hand on Tuomas’ shoulder and gave a weak confirmation of a smile that he read the letter. Tuomas did a similar gesture in response. Tuomas’ expression changed and he walked like he did towards him and Charlotte. Scott glanced and saw three more people walking out of the elevator. He figured that they were the rest of the group that Tuomas was talking about. Charlotte felt a tap on her shoulder and saw Scott pointing to where Tuomas was, “I think those are the other three that he was talking about.”

  Charlotte blinked a few times as nodded, as she studied those who arrived, two men and a woman. She looked back at Scott and pointed discreetly, “The man on the left is the woman’s brother, and the big guy on the right is not related.”

  “How can you tell?” He asked not being able to see the resemblance.

  “Their facial structure is similar, their eye color is the same, and their body skin color helps to, same Hispanic paleness to it, while the bigger guy is slightly darker and he is built differently. Look at his shoulders broader than both of them. He might be with the woman or man… whatever floats his boat.”

  “Internal affairs is nuts if you can tell all of that by looking at them.”

  “Nah, I picked that up from experience. My last job had me dealing with people all the time, I had to keep up with relations and their customs.�
�� Charlotte said in a laughing manner, as she smiled at him.

  “Still that is pretty amazing, I never would have guessed,” Scott confessed, “I may eventually could have put the eye color part and the skin color, maybe.”

  Charlotte chuckled, “It’s not that amazing.”

  Scott shrugged, wishing she would take the complement, “I think it is, and that is coming from an analysis major.”

  Charlotte looked back over at where Tuomas was and the other three people were. They were no longer walking over from that direction, “Where did they…”

  “Charlotte!” Tuomas exclaimed from behind her, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

  Charlotte screamed. Her face now red and her breaths became short and sporadic, “Christ… don’t do that to me.” She pointed her finger at Tuomas. Her words sounded like they were about to cut Tuomas face from how sharp her tone became.

  Tuomas was laughing, shrugging off the threat her tone gave, “I took the opportunity, you were so focused on whatever you were talking to Scott about, and I was able to sneak around you. And spook you.”

  Charlotte gave a loathing look, staring down Tuomas, “I will gut you the next time you do that.”

  Tuomas’ laughing subsided, and he smiled at her, “Just keep your mind aware at all times.”

  Charlotte still didn’t let up on her look.

  “Ok then,” Tuomas started again, “Now that we are all here, we can truly get started, everyone please introduce yourself to the group you will be working with.”

  Everyone stood blank for a moment, “I am Donovan,” The large darker colored skin man said, “I have a degree in human interactions, for those who don’t know what that is, it’s basically a non-doctorate degree for a shrink, like a therapist, but with different qualifications. My main hobby is metalworking, I find it calming. I originally want to be a black smith growing up, probably from the games I liked to play as a kid.”

  Scott looked him over, he was muscular, his head was shaved, but he had a bushy black beard, but cleanly kept. His voice was deep, and he had a friendly demeanor. He held a smile on his face, which didn’t match his body, Scott chalked it up to him being such a large man. Scott already liked him.

  Charlotte spoke next, “I am Charlotte, I have a degree in internal affairs, and my only hobby is drawing. I prefer to draw landscapes. I love viewing in game scenery.”

  The others nodded, the male Hispanic started after her, “I am Nick, I don’t actually have a degree, but I have a trade certification in fitness training and personal care. Hobbies…” He paused, and Scott to the time to look at him. His body was built up as well, mostly kept tone, not very muscular, but bulkier than an average man. “I have a keen eye for small things, whether it be out of place or fine detail on things. So I really like puzzles and puzzle games.”

  “I’m Alissa, Nick is my younger brother. I have a degree in nursing. I don’t have a lot of time for hobbies but I have a personal green house that I love to take care of. Hope we all work together well.”

  Looking at her, most wouldn’t tell that she was the older sibling, Scott thought, she doesn’t look older than twenty-five, but he thought he was off now because Nick looked a bit over twenty-eight. Charlotte was right, next to each other, they looked like siblings, now he had a chance to look at them a bit more.

  The group stared at him for a moment before he realized it was his turn to introduce himself, “I am Scott, I have two degrees, one in analysis of virtual technology and the other in game mediation law, my hobby is that I really don’t have a hobby anymore, I used to be a hardcore IVR gamer, but time hasn’t been my friend due to just getting out of college for a second time.”

  Tuomas finished off the introductions, “You all know that I am Tuomas, but my hobby is archery, and analytical planning.”

  “So how is all of this going down Tuomas?” Donovan asked, folding his arms across his chest, his massive presence beginning to show.

  “Follow me,” Tuomas replied turning and walking toward the large contraption on the other side of the room.

  The group shuffled over to the machine in an orderly fashion. Tuomas stopped and turned to face the others once more, “This is what I was telling all of you about in your interview. What I say from here on, you cannot tell anyone else but the six of us here. If you do, well…” He paused, “You don’t want to know.”

  Nick pointed to the group sitting by the gaming station, “And them?”

  “They built it. So I guess the fourteen of us. Are we in agreement to not talk about this outside of this room?” Tuomas looked at each one of them.

  The others nodded in agreement, Tuomas continued, “This machine behind me will atomize us into a virtual world.”

  Everyone looked at him with distrust, “Yeah right,” Nick laughed, “There is no way our technology is that advance.”

  “Oh?” Tuomas said keeping a serious composure, “Do you need a demonstration?”

  “I’ll bite,” Donovan responded before Nick could fire off another comment, “This does seem a little farfetched.”

  Tuomas nodded, and replied sternly, “Very well,” Tuomas waved down one of the scientists who was sitting by the game center. Tuomas gave a hand gesture and the man nodded and disappeared behind a curtain.

  The man reappeared with a small cage in his hand. He stepped next to the machine, placed it upon a perfectly matched pedestal, and then nodded at Tuomas. Tuomas nodded back and the scientist flipped a few switches upon the panel to his left. The machine hummed as power drove through it. A bright light shined from the tips of three pointed tipped needles. A loud bang echoed in the room and with all watching the cage disappeared and a rock of smaller size appeared in front of them, “Law of conservation of mass, it cannot be created or destroyed, so we switch it with something of equal mass to put into a virtual world,” Tuomas stated looked back at the others.

  “What the hell was that?” Nick stated, “This is weird, how the hell did that happen?”

  “Were you not listening?” Alissa elbowed him, “Tuomas literally just said how they did it.”

  “That is unnatural,” Donovan glared in disgust.

  “Yes, that was quite a show,” Scott said holding a skeptical tone, “But have you tested it on people?”

  Tuomas nodded, “I have gone in myself. And your positions in this company mean you are coming in with me next time.”

  Everyone glared at him, “Okay, I’ll bite,” Charlotte said, “What is this thing’s true purpose?”

  “That is not for me to disclose at this time,” Tuomas answered as he cocked his head at a part of the wall on the far side of the room.

  Scott was thinking he may know what was going on but he was still having trouble figuring out who this third entity was having a big brother effect on Tuomas. “When would we go in?” Scott asked trying to change the subject off the machine itself and get the spotlight off subject.

  Tuomas looked at him, “If you decide to stay with the program, and in this position, we’ll go in after your training in three months’ time. We are going to put you all through training programs on how to fight with real weapons, basic medical procedures, and other basic survival skills for living off grid.”

  “So, we’ll be in a fantasy game?” Alissa asked as her enthusiasm came over her voice.

  “Correct, to a point, it won’t be a game but just a second world. It isn’t going to be a cake walk, it will be the most real thing you’ve ever encountered in a virtual world. You’ll believe we’ve time traveled, or at least moved dimensional plains.”

  “I’m game,” Scott said without hesitation, “I am ready,” he whispered after.

  Charlotte nodded, in agreement, “I am as well.”

  Nick, Alissa and Donovan all agreed as well, “Well, then shall we get started,” Tuomas said, he glanced at the scientist and they packed up, “This is where we will be learning everything, this room is your office, dojo, classroom, and everything else we will need
to do to prepare us to go in as a team.”

  A small robotic buggy came out of an industrial elevator that was well hidden behind a fake wall, as the wall rose up and exposed more area for them. The buggy stopped and two latches hissed and popped and the large case opened revealing medieval style weapons. Scott stepped over to it and looked inside. He immediately grabbed two swords out from the case and hefted them in his hands, “I think this is going to be the adventure we’ve always wanted.”

  The others looked over the buggy and grinned. Scott was right, they all thought this was going to be an amazing experience they would never forget.


  Three months passed after the day Tuomas asked if they wanted to stay and go into the virtual world. All five of them pondered if they should stay and see it through. All five decided to stay and go through with it.

  Most of them took time to figure out what weapons they wanted to use. Scott knew right when he saw the swords in the buggy, he was going to use those two swords, he wondered if Tuomas had those there just for him. When Donovan picked up the ornate battle hammer, he also knew that is what he was going to use, which fit him, he was the only one in the group who could even lift it without much effort. Charlotte and Alissa both settled on a sword and shield combo. Tuomas had his determined before he hired them, he was an archer. Nick went back and forth between two daggers and a short sword and a dagger, then found he was best with two one-handed axes.

  After they figured out what their primary weapons were, Tuomas wanted them to have a secondary weapon or some other support style weapons. Scott decided to have a small dagger which he hid in his left leg, along with a small one-handed crossbow. Alissa and Charlotte chose to use small throwing daggers. Donovan had a small axe that he decided to use. Nick decided to use a bow, and be a support to Tuomas when they may need it. Tuomas had a short sword that he could switch to.

  The training that they were put through was rigorous. It took them time to learn how to work as a team, they had problems that kept reoccurring in training, from timing to complaining about someone’s form. The time they spent on the training mat was not the same as they spent together off of it. They all relatively got along as coworkers, not as much as close friends, though some were becoming closer than others. Alissa was drawn to Donovan, while Scott and Charlotte became close.


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