The Last War (The Noukari Trilogy Book 1)

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The Last War (The Noukari Trilogy Book 1) Page 2

by Alex Davis

  Viarus takes a brief look away from the burgeoning temple to look at Apius, standing at the entrance to the clearing. His voice is lost beneath the din of chatter and construction, but before the Re'Nuck stands a crowd of thirty or more Noukari. The last twelve sunups have seen an incredible shift in feeling within Genem. Once Viarus had felt like an outsider because of his beliefs, but now many have flocked to become followers of the Re'Nuck. Viarus takes a little pride in creating the title that Apius now fills so admirably. The honorific has given Apius a new confidence, planted the final seeds of belief in his cause. And it is a belief that has become irresistible to many. As the sunups have passed, Viarus has found himself managing more workers, more labourers wanting to see the temple completed and willing to lend their energies. His role as overseer of the temple has grown into one that now takes up almost all his time, to the point that he has now started to sleep beneath the stars in the ever-expanding foundations of the temple. Even Exolos could not have done a better job.

  Given the newfound workforce at his disposal, the temple may even be completed ahead of schedule. He turns from the Re'Nuck, refocussing his attention to the magnificent task ahead.


  Outside the temple, whose two walls have grown to four, a proud and lyrical voice carries across the clearing. Beneath the spell of its powerful tones a loose congregation has gathered, without seats, without rows, without any location worthy of such worship.

  No matter, the Re'Nuck thinks. All of that will come in time.

  He does not allow this simple thought to interrupt the rhythm of his speech. He has become expert in such matters – the words of the Book seem to have ingrained themselves into his memories, written there as large as they are on the crinkled pages at his hut.

  'And the Noukari arrived, borne within the sacred vessels crafted by the gods themselves. But those simplest of lifeforms did not resemble us as we are today, yet by the powers and craftsmanship of the Animex, we were able to rise from the simplest of forms to something more. It was within sunups that we first came to walk, to think, to speak.'

  Apius pauses, taking a look at the rapt faces before continuing.

  'We know all this to be fact. All of these things are burned into our common history, and live within our memories still. There is nothing I have said to be disputed. But the question that some still ask is what this truly means for our people. What interpretations can we offer for this event? In this respect we talk about the beginning of life, an act of creation beyond any we have encountered. We are their people, and Genem – and all of Noukaria – is every bit as much theirs as it as ours.'

  The crowd nods thoughtfully. Apius has swiftly become used to these public appearances, and the necessary flourishes of the spiritual leader. The means to instil his belief, to communicate in the name of the gods.

  'No act of nature nor of building can do such a thing. It is clear that we were made by the hand of gods – gods called the Animex! There is no other conclusion, and in time all of those who have yet to accept will come to believe. Rest assured, those in denial shall soon worship with us. And they will share the word in a temple that surely even the gods cannot deny, a building so grand in scale that it would be worthy for a god to set foot within.'

  Apius bows his head for a moment, allowing his newly-embroidered robe to billow around him. The new vestment has come with the title, and sets him apart from those who hang to his words.

  'That is all. Go with these words, and spread them in the streets and fields of Genem. Much has been done, but there is a longer road ahead.'

  One by one the followers of Apius drift away, carrying eager conversations with them.


  The voice of Viarus echoes across the clearing, and Apius sees his closest companion waving him over. Apius is happy to comply.

  'What do you think, Re'Nuck?'

  'Recent progress has been remarkable, brother. Well done.'

  'More come each sunup. You bring more here.'

  Apius takes a moment to appreciate his own design, which is now finally approaching a kind of life. Perhaps this is something of the joy the Animex felt in their creation, a small spark of the divine.

  'They come because of the truth, brother. How far are we from completion?'

  'At this rate? Mere sunups, Re'Nuck.'

  'Wonderful. The exterior is spectacular, but that is worth nothing if within lies a hovel. I must consider the inner decorations, ensure that it fits the grandeur our gods themselves would expect.'

  'I see. Such a thing should not take long, given the right workers and skills.'

  'I shall work on the designs overnight. Be ready to begin on sunup.'

  'Yes, my Re'Nuck.'


  The village of Genem, in itself, is a simple enough thing. A conglomeration of huts, built from wood harvested from the trees of the forest that surrounds them, bound together with the Adipus that is leeched from their bark. Their roofs are constructed with branch and vine, enough to keep out the hard rains that fall towards and sometimes beyond sundown.

  Simple enough, perhaps, if it had not appeared on the surface of Noukaria barely a human month before. To the natural order of the planet it has emerged like a boil. To the Noukari it has become a bastion of hope after those earliest days of desperate shelter beneath fallen trees and hollow logs. Apius remembers those times with a shudder as he walks the pathways of the settlement, although he recalls those primal sunups through a lens of experience and wisdom, the intellect that now exists within their race nowhere to be found at that time.

  It is generally unheard of for a civilised creature to be able to look back so sharply at its primitive form. The collective memory sits like a scar on each of them. Clambering up the trees and sleeping on branches, chasing down defenceless animals to chew on their raw meat, scampering away in fear from rain and lightning...

  We were beasts. But we evolved, and evolved so quickly.

  Apius has become aware of the glances that he has begun to attract from those living within Genem. Those he knows look upon him with reverence, acknowledging him with a bow or other prostration. These he responds to with simple platitudes, blessings in the name of the Animex, furthering belief with each word.

  But there are still many within Genem who have yet to accept, and to them his robed figure brings equal measures of suspicion and hatred. They do not yet recognise his position, and the influence it brings. He is not blind to the sideways glances, the baleful eyes, the naked curiosity that surrounds him. But he knows that he needs this as much as he needs his followers. Curiosity leads to questions, and questions to answers.

  And there is only one answer they can reach.

  What is it about him that inspires this reaction, he wonders? Is it his manner, his confidence, the doubtlessness of his belief? The fine robe he wears, woven from the fur of the rare Pilur, separating him from the multitudes? The staff he bears, fashioned into the shape of a wooden sceptre?


  The greeting disturbs his train of thought, and he sees an eager and pallid figure striding in his direction. The lady bows before him, but her eyes stare into Apius's own in a manner he finds disconcerting. The stare is fixed, unwavering. He can sense her eyes questing, silently asking something of him. He does not break the moment, but looks back with equal intensity. Finally her eyes separate from his, and she looks across at what he assumes to be her home.

  'Yes, my sister?'

  'I have heard much of your words, and wanted to speak to you.'

  'Of course. You have questions for me?'

  'Yes, many questions.'

  'I shall be pleased to hear them, sister.'

  'Good.' She rises to her full height, any obsequience now evaporated. 'Why do you build a temple?'

  'Why? Such a simple question. We build it as a place to worship...'

  'That is not what I mean. I wish to know what justification you have.'
r />   'Justification?'

  'The question is clear, brother.' She spits this last, no longer conceding to his rank. 'There is much to do here in Genem. The people live in ramshackle while you greedily stockpile wood and Adipus for your grand temple.'

  'Greedily? Rest assured, sister, there is no greed involved. The temple is not to be my home!'

  'It is not being built for me, nor my Hasban. It is not being constructed for our neighbours. It is an indulgence for you and the cult you are gathering around you.'

  'Cult? It is no such thing. I simply look to spread the word of the Animex. What people take from them is their own choice.'

  'They are your own words, Re'Nuck. Remember that. If the Animex are so powerful, I have no doubt they would speak for themselves.'

  With her piece said, the woman heads back to her rustic home, her Hasban ushering her across the threshold. She spits on the floor in Apius's direction before heading into the residence.

  Shaken, Apius heads back to his own hut with all the dignity he can muster. His only relief is that there were few present to see the outburst.

  Inside Four Walls

  Zerial watches his Wefi enter their home, the tension still too evident in her pinched expression. She strides to face the wall, not looking at her Hasban Zerial approaches, placing a hand on her shoulder, which is brushed off indelicately.

  'I wish you hadn't done that, Asha.'

  Asha spins quickly to face him. The tears in her eyes may be impotent fury, or something else.

  'It needed to be done. Too many have kowtowed to him.'

  'I agree. But in the public view is neither time nor place to say it!'

  'Where is better? Apius wants to do everything in public view. He speaks in public view. He builds his blasted temple in public view. He blesses his followers in public view.'

  'So you see fit to lower yourself to his level?'

  'Lower myself? I would never descend to that. My concern is with everybody, Zerial. Unlike the Re'Nuck.'

  'I know that, Asha. Your heart is good, anyone would say so.'

  'So you know why I had to do that. I will not allow him to continue on his path, Hasban'

  'But why must it be our business? There are hundreds here in Genem. Why must you be the one to lead this fight?'

  'Because no-one else has found the courage to do so! Someone, somewhere should have told Apius what he needed to hear. With everyone else cowering – including you – it has fallen to me.'

  'You accuse me of cowering? I do no such thing!'

  'Then why did you stand by here in the doorway, doing nothing?'

  'I do not have to justify myself.'

  'Perhaps you do.'

  'I am not going to have this discussion, Asha. You went too far today.'

  'Time will tell. You are in denial every bit as much as the Re'Nuck's deluded followers.'

  Asha does not wait for a reply before she leaves the hut.


  The next sunup, Apius arrives to the clearing to see that his temple has taken another vast step forward. The sight soothes the worries of yesterday's confrontation and the uneasy night that followed. For a moment he cannot understand how such a thing is possible, but when he looks more closely he can see the reason why. The breaking light reveals Noukari climbing and moving in a whirl of activity. Viarus notices Apius at the verge of the clearing and dashes to greet him. There are dark circles under his eyes, but tiredness does not have him beaten yet. His most loyal follower looks full of nervous energy, fighting exhaustion with raw excitement.

  'What do you think, Re'Nuck?'

  'You have outdone yourself, Viarus. How is all of this possible?'

  'Everyone has gathered together, in a manner I have never seen before. We have been here all night, without rest or pause. Everyone wants to see the temple completed, and begin worshipping there.'

  'Well, this is remarkable work. Thank you, Viarus. Your dedication gives me even further strength.'

  'Do you have the designs for the interior, Re'Nuck?'

  'I am afraid I do not, Viarus. Last night was... not easy for me.'

  'How so, Re'Nuck?'

  'It does not matter. I shall bring the designs this sundown. When will the exterior be complete?'

  'At our present rate? The next sunup should see things completed.'

  'Do your workers not need to sleep?'

  'They will sleep when this is done, and rest proudly after their accomplishments.'

  'Thank you, Viarus.'


  From beyond the fringe of the clearing, Asha watches as the crowds gather. She is surprised to see so many familiar faces from around Genem. There are even a few of her co-workers on the fields, people who will in due course be headed to the plantations in a bid to grow reliable food, food that can be more easily attained. Living from plants growing in the hearts of the forest cannot be sustained in the long term, but with her colleagues so distracted, will anything be achieved? She marvels at the numbers continuing to arrive, now gathering to a throng of past fifty. Some have arrived on their own, looking uncertain as to what they are doing there – they are soon heartily welcomed. Many arrive in larger groups, talking animatedly about what is to come. What is it that this Re'Nuck offers, Asha wonders, that they need so desperately? What drags them from their homes so early in the day to hear one individual speak?

  The Re'Nuck right now stands alone, ostracising himself in the manner of someone above all of those around him. Asha did not know Apius before all of this, but he was not whispered of as anything remarkable. She has been unable to find out where the name came from, but knows its resonance lies at the heart of this assembly. Re'Nuck. He who communicates with the gods.

  Nonsense, she thinks to herself. Lifting himself above the rest of their number in such a manner!

  Even from her distant vantage, she can hear the words of Apius as he turns dramatically and begins his speech. The voice carries with the essence of an echo as Apius projects each syllable.

  'Good sunup, brothers and sisters. And this is a glorious sunup indeed. You see before you the progress being made in the construction of the Temple of the Animex. This has been made possible by belief, by the faith and the dedication given by you and those like you. Tirelessly, the brothers and sisters of our religion have devoted their entire night to continuing construction. Led by my finest brother, Viarus, and lit only by the moons above us, they have not even let the sundown cease their endeavours! What you see before you is not a miracle, merely an affirmation that anything can be achieved when it is done in the name of the Animex!'

  A roar of approval rises from the crowd, ringing out so loudly that Asha does not notice the presence approaching from behind her. When Zerial reaches out to touch her shoulder, Asha starts.

  'Calm down, Wefi! It is I!'

  'Hasban! What are you doing here?'

  'I could ask you that question, Asha. Jupos said you had not yet arrived at the fields.'

  'What of it? I am not alone in that.' She points outwards at the congregation.

  'Of course you are not alone in that. The followers of the Re'Nuck have asked Ajerus for special permission to both arrive and depart late. Which is more than I can say for you.'

  'Ajerus will understand.'

  'Perhaps. You know he is a hard taskmaster. Why are you here rather than performing your duties?'

  'I wanted to find out what this was all about. I have heard much, but... never witnessed it myself.'

  'And what do you think, now you have seen it?'

  'I think Apius uses too many words.'

  'That is all you have to complain about? His verbosity?'

  'I do not mean that. He speaks much of matters he knows little about. He has no more knowledge than you or I.'

  'They are looking for guidance, Asha. You can hardly hold such a thing against them.'

  'Are you with him, Zerial? Are you one of his followers also?'
/>   'Of course not.'

  'You speak like one, Hasban Every time I attack his motives and his actions, you leap to his defence.'

  'I simply do not...' Zerial pauses, clutching for the words.

  'Do not what?' Asha's level stare forces him to continue.

  'I do not wish to see you involved in this. Confrontations in the street? Haunting the shadows? This is not the behaviour of the Asha I know.'

  'Then perhaps you do not know me that well, Hasban'

  'Why is this your crusade, wefi?'

  'If you have to ask, it shows how little you understand.'

  Zerial shakes his head, this time unable to find any words. It is Asha who breaks the uneasy silence.

  'I have seen enough. I should get to the fields.'

  Asha nods before rustling away into the light forest around the clearing. Zerial watches her go, choosing to take the more familiar pathway back to Genem.


  As good as his word, Apius returns to the Temple of the Animex next sunup with papyrus in his hands. The work on the designs was more rushed than he would have liked, but he is pleased to have it completed. Much of the work already existed within his mind. The act of drawing them was merely a final step.

  When he reaches close enough to the temple to see it clearly, he is forced to pause in his tracks. The hordes of workers are now gone from it, and only a few people move around the exterior now. But that is because the outer aspects of the temple are finished. Apius looks upward in amazement at the vast scale of the walls, the dizzying heights of the spired chimney, the finely smoothed wood of the outside surface. Taking his final steps reverently, he touches the temple with both hands, just to reassure himself it is real. The physicality of the wall beneath his hands confirms it is the truth.

  'The gods are welcome here,' he whispers to himself.

  'As are you, Re'Nuck.' The voice of Viarus intrudes into what Apius had thought was a private moment, but is not unwelcome.


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