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Tied Page 17

by KB Winters

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  “What are we doing here?”

  Hennessy was emotionally exhausted, a little raw and not in the mood for anything that went off script. The stiff way she’d been holding herself since she gave Homer’s eulogy told of her stress and inner turmoil, and I hated there was nothing I could do to ease it.

  I leaned in and flashed a flirtatious smile. “It’s called a surprise, Hennessy. Are you familiar with the concept?”

  She rolled her eyes, and said, “Smartass.”

  Still, she put her hand in mine and let me guide her through the upper level and down to the dimly lit lower level. Instead of turning right, we went left to the big private room that was usually closed off.

  “Should I be worried?”

  “You should be terrified,” I told her and ran one fingertip from her collarbone down to her palm. “And turned the fuck on.”

  “Done. And done.” I chuckled at her honesty and unlocked the door, pushing it open and stepping aside so Hen could see all the shit I’d done to make this special for us. Both of us.

  “Holy. Shit.” She sucked in a breath and the wonder in her eyes hit me straight in the cock. It strengthened my resolve. No matter what else happened tonight, we would talk.

  “It’s like a sex playground.”

  “I figured we could both use a little bit of fun with the day, hell the past few weeks, we’ve had.”

  I knew I could use it, and if any of the fantasies she shared with me over this past week were close to true, she could too. I wouldn’t push her, not ever, but I wanted this. With her. Right now.

  “What do you think?”

  I held my breath and waited for her response, which felt like it took forever to come.

  “I think it sounds like a really good plan. Really good,” she said again breathlessly. Her porcelain skin was flushed pink, green eyes were more emerald, with desire than anything else, and her chest rose and fell quicker and quicker.

  “The question is, where should we begin?” There was a playful tone in her voice that hadn’t been there earlier that made me smile.

  If Hennessy wanted to play, I was more than happy to indulge. “You choose.”

  She scanned the room, tapping her chin in thought as her gaze landed on one contraption after another. I knew, a breath before she chose, which one had piqued her interest.

  “How about that swing? It looks like it could be…interesting.”

  Before my gaze even landed on the black leather swing made up of leather and nylon straps, an image appeared in my mind of her butt naked, nothing but her flaming red hair visible among the darkness and leather.

  “I’m definitely interested.”

  She tossed her head back and laughed, moving toward the swing where she quickly undressed.

  “Good to know. I’ve never used one of these before, have you?”

  I shook my head, but Hennessy was too distracted by figuring out the swing, which gave me the perfect opportunity to help. Sort of.


  She looked up at me through auburn lashes and blinked, skin flushed and slightly out of breath. “Good isn’t the word I’d use, but yeah.”

  “Good.” Now that I had her right where I wanted her, it was time to talk. “I was skeptical about you when you first showed up here.”

  “No kidding,” she snorted and shook her head. “You weren’t as diplomatic as you’d like to think about that particular fact.”

  I smiled. “I was kind of a dick, right?”

  She nodded. “A bit, but I understood. It was a big ask.”

  “A big fucking ask,” I clarified, letting my fingertips skate up and down the inside of her spread thighs. “It didn’t matter that you were hot as fuck and clearly trouble on two legs. I didn’t want to say yes to you, but I couldn’t say no.”

  Hen blinked, finally realizing this wasn’t foreplay. Not yet, anyway. “You could have. You probably should have, even though I’m glad as hell you didn’t.”

  “Me, too.” I could barely focus with her spread wide before me, pussy pink and glistening, swollen with desire. I couldn’t resist slipping one finger inside, and the moan she rewarded me with sent a poker of heat straight to my cock.

  “I couldn’t have walked away from you Hennessy; I just didn’t realize it at the time.”

  It had taken a long damn time for me to understand how I felt about her and what the fuck it all meant, but now that I knew, there was no going back.

  She looked up at me with big green eyes, sparkling like gems with fear and hope and uncertainty. “Now that you know, what do you plan to do about it?”

  Good fucking question. “I plan to keep you here with me for as long as I can. Not just in my bed for sex and not just here for kinky fun shit like this, Hen. I want it all. You. Your big heart and your sexy ass body.”

  She sucked in a shocked breath, and I let the pride fill my chest and kept going. “I want to have a few kids with you running around this ranch, or maybe a plot of land of our own. I want to see your belly grow with our babies, and I want to see that red fade to silver as smile lines take over your face. I want to know what it feels like to love you at forty-five. Fifty-five. Eighty. Hell, forever.”

  She shuddered at my touch, or maybe it was my words. Her head fell back and her legs went slack as my finger pumped in and out of her. “Cruz.”

  “I’m right here, Hen. Waiting for an answer.” But while I waited, I was more than happy to explore the heat of her wet pussy. She panted and let out soft whimpers while I made her feel good, unable to look away from her face twisted in passion.

  Instead of answering, she grabbed my wrists and ground against my hand in search of her pleasure. Her gaze never left mine and her grip never loosened as she humped and ground her way to a violent orgasm that nearly ripped her in half.

  “Cruz! Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

  I laughed. “Acceptable.”

  She grinned. “Smart ass.”

  Her body relaxed completely and my fingers slipped from her body, slick and shining under the dim lights of the room. The scent wafted to my nostrils, and I couldn’t resist a taste of what was to come, sliding the finger in my mouth and sucking it with a groan.

  “Oh shit,” she moaned and tossed her head back.

  “I’m still waiting on that answer, Hennessy.”

  “Answer,” she frowned. “Answer to what?”

  “Hennessy,” I growled.

  She laughed. “Sorry. I’m being naughty. Maybe you should punish me until I give you the answer you want to hear?”

  “Maybe I should.” It was exactly the right answer, and I grabbed her ankle ties and fixed them to the swing legs, leaving her pussy spread wide and exposed to me. “Remember the question?”

  Her lips curved into a playful smile, and I licked her asshole, loving the way she nearly jumped out of the chair, except the restraints made it impossible for her to move, and she just moaned. Again.


  Yep, I loved playful Hennessy, and it was time she knew it.

  “I love you, Hennessy, and I want you here with me. Forever. For everything.”

  I licked her pussy long and slow, taking my time until a long, moaning cry fell from her lips.

  “Marriage,” I whispered and slipped my tongue inside her wet pussy. “Babies.” I kissed her clit. “Growing old together. All of it.” My hands massaged her inner thighs while I licked and sucked at her, making her vibrate and shake with pleasure.

  “Cruz, please.” She squirmed and bucked in an effort get closer or put some distance between us, I didn’t know which, but I fucking loved it. She was at my mercy, only able to accept the pleasure I heaped on her with my mouth and my tongue. My fingers. And eventually, my cock.

  “Yes, Cruz! Please! More!”

  It was too much. It felt too fucking good. She felt too fucking good, hot and wet and tight, the perfect pussy trifecta. I shed my clothes and stroked my cock
as Hen reached for me and tried to wrap her hand around it.

  “Hennessy,” I growled when she moaned in frustration that the bindings were too restrictive.

  She looked up at me from her upside down position with a smile as she stroked my cock and my balls with her tongue, teasing me.

  “Nice and hard,” she moaned and reached her head forward, wrapping her lips around my cock.

  My hips bucked and Hennessy opened up, taking me as deep as she could, with a smile even though she was completely at my mercy. The trust it indicated was humbling, and my dick went even harder just thinking about what it meant.

  “Oh fuck, Hen!” She took me deep, sliding her tongue along the underside of my sack and sucked me like her life depended on it.

  My hips bucked and pumped into her, fucked her plump mouth like it was as sweet and tight as her cunt. “Hennessy!”

  She sucked me hard, ignoring my words and not even phased when my cock slipped too far down her throat. She only moaned and cried, giving me everything she could.

  It wasn’t enough. I needed to bury myself inside all the creamy wetness between her thighs. I spun her around and slid deep in one long stroke. “Fuck me, Hen.”

  “That’s my line,” she said on a long groan as her eyes rolled in the back of her head. Her nipples were as hard as pink rocks, puckered and straining towards my mouth. Her skin was flushed from desire and unspent need. “Cruz. Please.”

  I gripped her hips and pounded into her, hard and fast because the position was always perfect. Hen was exactly where I needed her to be, and I fucked her like hers was the first pussy that ever mattered, because it was. I fucked her like it was so much more than fucking, because that’s exactly what it was, an out of body erotic experience that compared to nothing else.

  “Hennessy, oh fuck!”

  “Yes!” I pinched her hard nipples because I couldn’t not do it and her pussy clamped tight around me, and a long low growl escaped slowly. The harder I squeezed, the more she bucked against me and the more she pulled my cock into her body. “Yes, Cruz! Fuck me, oh yes!”

  I smiled and gave one final pinch before we both flew apart together, into a million brilliant pieces, before we collapsed back to earth.


  Time stood still in those moments where we were both breathless and panting, smiling at each other like fools.

  “That was…holy shit, Cruz.”

  I laughed as masculine pride swelled in my chest. “It was, wasn’t it?”

  She nodded. “Did you mean what you said?” Her question was serious, almost pleading.

  “Every fucking word.”

  Her shoulders sank in relief, like those were the three words she was waiting to hear, instead of the ones I said earlier.

  “Awesome, because I think it sounds like one hell of a future you’re promising Cruz. The love. The marriage. The babies. All of it.”

  “And it’s one I plan to deliver on. You in?”

  “You bet your sweet ass I’m in, babe, because I love you too.”

  I thought I’d experienced all the good highs in life, finishing basic training for the Army and then Special Forces. Leaving the Army. Becoming a Reckless Bastard. But then a fiery redhead I’d never expected to see again landed on my doorstep and changed everything.

  “That’s really good to hear. Real damn good, Hen.”

  She laughed and wriggled in the swing, before remembering she was still bound and tied, and at my mercy. “Yeah?”

  “Hell yeah,” I told her.

  Her challenge was short and sweet. “Show me.”

  I showed her with every drop of love and energy within my body. I loved on her on the swing, I tapped the leather crop to her smooth creamy ass and used half a dozen toys to make her come as many times as she could.

  It was the first night of the rest of our lives, and I wanted to make damn sure we both remembered it.

  For the rest of our lives together.

  And more.

  The End

  Wow. I hope you loved Cruz and Hennessy! Have you read the whole series? It starts with Broken - Reckless Bastards, then moves to the Connelly Trilogy and then RB - Opey TX Chapter!

  And I’m NOT finished with these broken bad boy bikers!

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  Turn the page for a sneak peek of Wild - Book 6 in the Reckless MC Opey TX Chapter!

  Copyright © 2020 KB Winters and BookBoyfriends Publishing Inc

  Published By: BookBoyfriends Publishing Inc

  Chapter One


  Boring as fuck. Those were the three words that came to mind a lot lately. I never thought I’d say that after becoming a member of the Reckless Bastards. The truth was that things were boring more often than not, despite all the secret CIA fucking feds, crazy boyfriends with ties to gangs, mobsters and all the other bullshit the MC had been through over the past seven years I’d been here at the ranch. Damn! Hs it been that long? I lost track when shit was popping, but when it wasn’t…it was boring as fuck.

  As fuck.

  Even now, sitting thirty feet from a room filled with half-naked people in The Barn Door, looking for a good, hard fuck, I was bored. If I was in there and not on the clock, I’d be having fun at least. Instead, I was out here working the door as punishment even though Gunnar said it wasn’t punishment. He gave me some bullshit story that our prospect Ford, needed some experience working inside the club. That was bullshit, and we both knew it, but I didn’t mind because when shit was boring it didn’t matter where you were bored.

  Boredom was flexible like that.

  Who knew bein’ in an MC would be just as monotonous as the service? I mean, it was the exact same kind of hurry up and wait bullshit before you got to see any action. Some of the guys hated the action, figured it was a good damn day if they didn’t have to pull a trigger or spill blood. Not me. I thrived on the action. It was where I felt most alive. I was nobody’s adrenaline junkie but growing up in chaos made it real easy to get used to it. The government found they could take that, shape it, and turn me into something useful. Lethal.

  And Goddamnit, I was getting old.

  But at least, I wasn’t throwing punches at an enemy or lining up a shot on some terrorist. Hell I wasn’t even knee-deep in pussy. I was a glorified fucking doorman at a sex club. Okay, a sex club where I was part owner, but still. Gunnar didn’t play that owner shit. He cleaned up come and puke and other bodily fluids and expected the rest of us to do the same. And tonight, that meant door duty.

  I didn’t know how the fuck Ford could sit here for hours upon hours, doing jack shit in this little box that was about ten feet by eight feet. Maybe it was because he was always on that fucking computer of his, but I wasn’t a techy kind of guy so I didn’t have that, and I was going out of my fucking mind. So much so that I guess I must have dozed off.

  “What the fuck?” I said when a sharp smack on the back of my head woke me up really quick.

  Gunnar’s angry blue eyes glared down at me hard enough that he would’ve melted a lesser man. “Having a nice nap?”

  I sat up and stretched my upper body, muscle by muscle, smiling up at my glowering Prez. “It was more of a catnap, but it was all right. What’s up?”

  “What’s up? Seriously Slayer?”

  He crossed his big ass biceps over his chest, making him look like a big angry gorilla.

  “What the fuck is up is that tonight, you are our first line of fucking defense. And sleeping, you’re no fucking defense at all.”

  He was right. I sat up straight and said, “I hear ya.” I had no fucking excuse for sleeping on the job. No amount of boredom was an excuse for risking your brothers’ safety. “Really, Gunnar, I hear ya.”

  “Good,” he growled. “Because if someone else paints these fucking walls with his brains, yours are goin’ right beside him. I mean it.”

  The expression on his face was ice cold. Stony. I knew this
was more than just run of the mill worrying.

  “I said I hear you, Gunnar. What’s going on?” He was a worrier by nature, our Prez. You couldn’t grow up the way he had and not worry all the fucking time. Sometimes his big burly ass was even a mother hen, but right now he was scared. “Gunnar?”

  “Nothing really, not yet anyway. But I need to know I can count on all of you right now.”

  “My bad, Gunnar. I have no fucking excuse man. I’m sorry, but you can always fucking count on me.”

  “Good. Just keep your eyes peeled, and if you notice anything or anyone that gives you a bad feeling, I wanna know about it.”

  Shit. Something was going on with the Prez, and he didn’t want us to know about it, not yet anyway. I nodded. “You got it, bro.”

  “Thanks.” He nodded and took my words at face value, arms still crossed. He got lost in his thoughts, and I let him. Gunnar clearly had a lot on his mind, and the best thing I could do was give him one less thing to worry about.

  He pointed to the door. “Go inside and do a circuit of the place. Flirt with a few girls and come back ready to finish out the night right here. Ya hear me, Slayer?”

  I was already on my feet with a wide, grateful smile. “Thanks, man. You need to talk, I’m here.”

  Gunnar laughed. “Yeah? You want to talk about why Stone keeps waking up at four in the morning for no damn reason?”

  Not particularly. “If that’s what you need to talk about.” His kid was cute as fuck, and I enjoyed spending time with the little dude, but talking about kids sounded boring as fuck.

  “Thanks, but no thanks, Slayer. I’ll talk when I’m ready.” And not a moment before, we all knew that, but the offer always stood.

  “Then I’ll go break a few hearts and come back to relieve you.”

  “Just flirt, Slayer. Don’t leave me out here while you’re off getting your dick wet.”

  My smile brightened. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” Turning away with one hand on the knob, waiting for Gunnar to press the button that would allow me entry into The Barn Door, I could already feel the pulsing beat of the music on the other side. Ever since Cruz and his chick, Hennessy, put on that big ass party a few months back, Gunnar’d been happy to keep up running themes one night a week. It brought in newcomers, which always brought in more money. That was good for the MC.


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