and King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, 185–86
organized crime stories in, 82
and Romney’s political ambitions, 357–58
and Ruby’s shooting of Oswald, 293–94
strikes against, 373
Walk to Freedom stories in, 165, 174, 185–86
and Wells-Beatles record sales, 325
and women at Detroit Auto Show, 33
See also specific editor or reporter
Detroit Olympic Committee, 250, 252, 254, 258
Detroit Police Department
African Americans in, 163, 173, 242, 311–12, 372
“Big 4” of, 202
and Cleage’s Northern Negro Grass Roots Leadership Conference, 275
Criminal Investigations Bureau of, 75, 154
and Giacalone case, 154–58
and Gotham Hotel raid, 9–10, 13–15, 65
King and, 334
King’s Stride Toward Freedom given to, 13
and LBJ visit to Detroit, 359
and Malcolm X in Detroit, 335
organized crime and, 82
Party Bus and, 75–76
payoffs to, 153–54
race issues and, 9, 64, 170–71, 197–99, 200–202, 229, 311
reform of, 9, 64, 200–201, 202, 242, 295, 311–12
reputation of, 14
Scott (Cynthia) case and, 197–202, 229, 274, 310
and Walk to Freedom, 161, 162–63, 177
See also specific person
Detroit Public Library, 21, 178
Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce, 356
Detroit Stevedoring and Lightering, 156
Detroit Symphony Orchestra, 26–27
Detroit Times, 86, 172, 295
Diggs, Charles Jr., 11, 96–97, 132–33, 140, 164, 170, 180, 199
Diggs, Charles Sr., 97
Diles, Dave, 256
Dingell, John D. Jr., 332
Disney, Walt, 345, 346
Dodge Motor Company: and book boosting Detroit, 251
Dodge, Mr., 244
Dolby, Lloyd E., 262–63
Donner, Frederic G., 320
Donovan Building: Motown Records at, 373
Donovan, Con Jr., 252
Douglas, Mrs., 284
Douglas, William O., 157
Douglass, Frederick, 256
Downbeat magazine, 232
Downs, Hugh, 25
Dozier, Lamont, 98, 104, 319, 327, 330
Driftwood Lounge (20 Grand Hotel), 53, 70, 104, 319
Dukes, Ofield, 171–72, 279–80, 309–10, 320, 334
Dunn, John, 194
DuRoss, Kathleen, 372
Dylan, Bob, 318
Eames, Charles, 115
Eames, Ray, 115
East Grand Boulevard Methodist Church, 291
Eastland (Detroit suburb), 92
Eastland, James O., 295
Eckstine, Billy, 12, 67, 235, 283, 329
“Economy of Opportunity” plan, LBJ’s, 304–5
The Ed Sullivan Show, 316
Eddie’s Lounge (Flint), 329
Edison, Thomas, 208, 259, 286
Edsel, Ford, 118
Edwards, Esther Gordy
appearance of, 42
comment about Gordy Jr. by, 50
death of, 374
and funding for Motown Records, 55
Gordy Jr.’s relationship with, 196
and King’s “I Have a Dream” recording, 232
McFarland accident and, 66
Motortown Revue (1962) and, 41–42, 43–44, 60, 66, 71
Motown Museum and, 374
and Motown’s 1963 Christmas party, 315
personal life of, 58
personality of, 59
professional background of, 42
race relations and, 63
and Rayber Corporation, 191
role in Gordy family of, 374
role in Motown Records of, 41–42, 191, 195
as songwriter, 296, 297
and “sound” of Motown Records, 98
Edwards, George H. (state representative/Esther’s husband), 58, 59, 191
Edwards, George (police commissioner)
beliefs of, 159
calls for resignation of, 199
Cavanagh’s appointment of, 9, 151, 198
as Citizen of the Year, 310
and civil rights movement, 126
defense of NAACP by, 159
and Douglas’ (William O.) visit, 157
family background of, 159
Giacalone case and, 335, 371
Giacalone’s racial comments about, 158–59
goals of, 202–3, 295–96
and Gotham Hotel raid, 9, 14, 78
Hayden lunch meeting with, 336
and Herling letter, 82
and JFK visit to Detroit, 18, 20, 21
King and, 158, 161, 164, 174, 180, 202–3
letters of, 155–56, 336
Michigan State University speech of, 159, 202
organized crime and, 76–77, 79–83, 153–54, 155–57, 158
personal and professional background of, 76–77, 159, 295
race issues and, 9, 126, 158, 159, 162, 171, 198, 199–200, 295–96, 371
and reform of Detroit Police Department, 9, 64, 200, 202, 242, 295, 311–12
resignation as Police commissioner of, 295
Reuther and, 135
and Reuther home invasion, 77–78
and Scott (Cynthia) case, 198, 199–200, 203
supporters of, 199–200
threats against, 81, 82, 336
U.S. Court of Appeals appointment of, 294–95, 335
and Walk to Freedom, 133, 158, 161, 162, 163, 164, 175, 180, 202–3, 335
Edwards, Harry T. (Esther’s stepson), 58–59, 374
Edwards, Peg, 77, 173, 198
Eisenhower, Milton, 138
El Taco restaurant, 298
elections of 1960, 18, 19, 137, 266, 292, 355
elections of 1962, 19, 20, 22, 23, 225
elections of 1964, 115, 307, 308, 355, 357, 358–59, 360, 361, 370
elections of 1966, 371
elections of 1968, 371
Ellington, Duke, 12, 52, 115, 190
Emancipation Proclamation, anniversary of, 129, 289, 310
Eminem, 220, 373
Emrich, Richard S., 98
Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, 173
Erhard, Ludwig, 287–88
European Economic Community, 307
Evans, Mike, 170
Evers, Medgar, 141, 142, 171, 181, 183–84, 227, 228, 290, 291, 294, 310
Fair Employment Practices Act, 225, 261–62
Fairlane, Ford, 346, 349
Fairlane Room: Iacocca-JWT meetings at, 218, 221
Fakir, Abdul “Duke,” 327–29, 330, 374
Falcon, Ford, 118, 343, 346
Fard, Wallace D., 276
Farmer, James, 351, 352
Fauntroy, Walter, 161
Fears, Tom, 298
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 74, 79, 81, 149
Feinberg, David, 255–56
Ferguson, Robert, 354
Fernett, Gene, 354
Fetchit, Stepin (aka Lincoln Perry), 296–97
Fierimonte, Anthony, 57, 201, 275
Fierimonte, Fanny, 156
“Fingertips (Part 2)” (Stevie Wonder recording), 191, 193–94, 234, 316, 317
First Federal Bank Building, 96
First Five, Motown, 56
First Lady (prostitute), 198
Fisher YMCA, 368
Fitzgerald, Ella, 12
Flame Show Bar, 12, 53–55, 123, 175, 178, 229, 283–84, 298, 300, 329
Flanagan, Tommy, 52
Flemmons, Jerry, 294
Ford, Alfred Brush, 339
Ford, Anne (Henry II daughter), 337–38
Ford, Anne McDonnell (Henry II wife), 22, 23, 26, 27, 206
Ford, Barbara Monroe Posselius, 337–39
Ford, Benson, 88, 338, 359
Ford, Charlotte, 23, 27, 206, 321–22, 337–38
Ford, Clara, 26, 27
Ford, Edsel, 3, 207, 213, 338
Ford, Eleanor, 213
Ford, Henry, 4, 26, 34, 86, 107, 118, 207–10, 211, 251, 259–60, 345, 356
Ford, Henry II (“HF2”/“Hank the Deuce”/“Deuce”)
Austin’s relationship with, 27, 206, 220, 338, 371–72
as Automobile Manufacturers Association president, 212
awards and honors for, 372
Beckman/Free Press interview of, 358–59, 373
at Buhlie’s wedding, 338
Cobo Hall speech of, 28–31
death of, 372
and Detroit Auto Show (1962), 26–27, 28–31, 35, 36, 37
education of, 337
and Ford Rotunda fire, 8–9, 344
Grosse Point Farms home of, 27, 206, 213, 223
and Henry Ford anniversary luncheon, 207–9
Iacocca and, 217, 220, 221, 372
Jews and, 210–11
JFK and, 21, 22–23, 28, 37–38, 286
and JFK labor-management advisory committee, 213, 214–15, 216–17
Laurie and, 116
LBJ and, 303, 356, 358–59, 360, 361, 365, 372, 373
Meany and, 214–15
Mustang and, 340, 341, 346
and New York World’s Fair (1964), 353
personal and professional background of, 22
personal life of, 27, 206, 213, 338, 371–72
personality and character of, 28, 206, 217
and prosperity in auto industry, 321–22
reshaping of Ford Motor by, 108–9, 211
Reuther and, 211–15, 216–17, 321–22, 361
Romney and, 23
and “small car” plan, 306
social life of, 27, 206
as symbol of American capitalism, 28–29
and T-5 project, 118–19
and Trade Expansion Act, 20
unions and, 211–13
wealth of, 321–22
and world auto industry, 305
Ford, Josephine Clay “Dodie,” 338, 340
Ford, Mrs. Edsel, 338
Ford, Tennessee Ernie, 116
Ford, Walter Buhl II, 338
Ford, Walter Buhl III “Buhlie,” 337–41, 342
Ford, Whitey, 74
Ford, William Clay, 79, 80, 88, 250, 359
Ford Auditorium: Reeves singing at, 102
Ford Motor Company
African Americans and, 34–35, 209, 351, 352
art department at, 27
assembly line at, 50–52, 207, 208, 215, 276
car sales at, 30, 117–18, 339
Century of Progress exhibit (1934) of, 2
Cobo Hall merchandising fair sponsored by, 339, 340, 348
and compact cars, 31
and Detroit Auto Show (1962), 32, 35
Ford Rotunda funding by, 26
Ford’s (Henry II) transformation of, 108–9, 211
headquarters of, 205
impact on Detroit of, 208
Jewish views about, 210–11
JFK assassination and, 286
JWT and, 107–13, 116, 117, 118–19, 218–21, 304, 343
Kahn designs as symbols of, 372
McNamara at, 303–4, 307
and Olympics bid, 254
production at, 25, 95
prosperity at, 320, 321–22
public views about, 109
and Reuther home invasion, 77–78
Reuther’s comments about, 321–22
role of technology at, 365
sixtieth anniversary of, 207
and “small car” plan, 306
subculture of, 205–6
unions at, 211–12, 213, 216
Uzzle’s photos of, 94
workers’ wages at, 322
world headquarters of, 2
See also Ford Rotunda; River Rouge Complex; T-5 project; specific person or model of car
Ford Rotunda
Christmas Fantasy (1962) show at, 1–2, 4–5, 7–9
description of, 2
Detroit Auto Show (1962) at, 1–2, 4–5, 7–9, 26–27
fire at, 5, 7–9, 16, 65, 344, 372
and Ford Wonder Rotunda, 344–45
importance to Detroit of, 2
locations of, 2
symbolism of, 7–8
as tourist attraction, 2, 5
Ford Wonder Rotunda (New York World’s Fair, 1964), 344–45, 349–50, 352–53, 354
Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 294
Four Aims, 329
“The Four Freedoms of Advertising,” Iacocca’s views about, 218
Four Tops, 69, 178, 196, 317, 326–30, 331, 374
Fox & Hounds restaurant, 78, 80
Fox Sanders, Vaneda, 369
Fox Theater
and Clay-Liston fight, 334
and LBJ visit to Detroit, 365
Motown shows at, 281–82, 283, 373
Franklin, Aretha, 12, 67, 70, 100, 122, 124, 125, 171, 175, 178, 232, 284, 301
Franklin, Barbara Vernice Siggers, 124
Franklin, Carolyn, 12, 122, 124
Franklin, Cecil, 67, 124
Franklin, Clarence La Vaughn
appearance of, 123
awards and honors for, 310, 333–34
and Baptist Ministerial Alliance, 132
biography of, 131–32
as celebrity preacher, 122
children of, 67, 122, 124
civil rights movement and, 122–23, 125, 126–34, 142, 230, 231, 274, 333–34
Cleage and, 231, 273, 274, 279–80, 281
criticisms of, 181, 230
critique of black establishment by, 129
and DCHR, 127–28, 147, 229–30, 274
death of, 369
and Detroit’s civil rights leadership, 274
and divisions within civil rights movement, 230, 231
and divisions within Detroit’s black community, 279–80
Dukes stories about, 171
and Freedom Jubilee, 334
Gordy family and, 232
at Gotham Hotel, 12
and JFK assassination, 284, 290–91
King and, 122–23, 132, 178, 180, 181, 231, 333
morals of, 125
NAACP and, 165, 166
and Negro Summit Leadership Conference, 274, 279–80
as New Bethel Baptist minister, 121, 122
and Northern Negro Leadership Conference, 231
oratory of, 124–25, 183
and other black ministers, 274
personal and professional background of, 123–24
reputation of, 123, 125, 171
Reuther and, 235
and Reuther’s Statler Hotel meeting, 147
Ride to Freedom and, 274
Robinson (Smokey) and, 123–24
sermons of, 124–25
supporters of, 132–33
and Walk to Freedom, 128–34, 140–41, 147, 163, 164, 165, 166, 171, 172, 178, 179, 180, 181, 235
Washington (Dinah) and, 300
Franklin, Erma, 12, 122, 123, 124, 126, 165, 175
Franklin, Melvin, 317
Franklin Park Theater (Boston): Motortown Revue at, 62–63
Franklin, Vaughn, 124
“Frantic Ernie,” 100
Free Press (Detroit)
and aides of Cavanagh, 86
and Beatles, 326
Beckman comment about Cavanagh in, 313
blacks as criminals report of, 170
and Cavanagh’s 1963 New Year’s Day greeting, 92
Detroit News combined with, 372–73
and Detroit’s Olympics bid, 104, 264, 265
and Edwards appointment as police commissioner, 77
and Ford (Buhlie-Barbara) wedding, 339
Ford (Henry II) interview with, 358–59
hiring of blacks at, 172
JFK-Emese story in, 19
Kahn-designed building for, 372–73
King column i
n, 334
King interview with, 162
and LBJ Great Society speech, 364
and March on Washington, 150
and Mustang unveiling, 339–40
organized crime story in, 151
strikes against, 373
and Wayne State population report, 89
Wells article in, 326
Freedom Jubilee, 334
Freedom Movement, 333
Freedom Now Party, 231, 275, 280
Freedom Riders, 65
Freeman, Don, 275
Frey, Donald, 118, 221, 341
Frey, Fred, 118
Fria, Robert A., 340
Frolic Bar, 53
Fulks, Mrs., 244
Fuller, Burton, 46, 47, 50, 51
Funicello, Annette, 316
Funk Brothers, 100, 103, 196, 283, 317, 322, 323, 324, 325, 374
Fuqua, Harvey, 58, 69
and Detroit’s reputation, 14
and Gotham Hotel raid, 9–10, 13–15, 153
and organized crime, 74–83, 153
Garfield Lounge, 49, 53
Garland, John Jewett, 249, 257, 269
Garvey, Marcus, 97, 231
Gaskill, Myrtle, 97, 173
Gatliff, Clarence, 172–73
Gaye, Marvin
and Bowles benefit, 104
death of, 373
at Fox Theater show, 281
Fuqua as mentor of, 58
Gordy (Anna) relationship with, 58
and Gordy Jr. birthday party, 296
Gordy Jr. confrontation with, 285–86
Gordy Jr. encouragement of, 327
and Motortown Revue (1962), 42, 43, 62, 70
and Motortown Revue at Michigan State Fairgrounds, 71
and Reeves at Motown Records, 103
Riser and, 324, 325
and social life at Motown Records, 330
and talent at Motown Records, 197, 327, 331
Gehrig, Lou, 17–18
General Motors Building, 372
General Motors Corporation (GM)
car sales at, 30
and compact cars, 31
and Detroit Auto Show (1962), 32, 35
headquarters of, 372
JFK visit to, 21
at New York World’s Fair, 345, 350, 354
production at, 25
prosperity at, 320
Reuther and, 320–21
sales at, 93, 320–21
and “small car” plan, 306
unions and, 212
Uzzle’s photos of, 94
See also specific person
George, Nelson, 61
Getto, Anthony, 13, 14
Giacalone, Anthony “Tony Jack”
appearance of, 157–58
arrest of, 151, 158
black book of, 153
criminal background of, 153–54
and Detroit Lions players, 75, 76, 81
Edwards and, 81, 82, 83, 158–59
family background of, 156
and Hoffa disappearance, 371
home of, 156, 224
offices of, 156, 157–58
Party Bus and, 75, 76
and race issues, 158–59
tax fraud conviction of, 371
Once in a Great City Page 47