Mayhem: The Order of the Wolf, Book 5

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Mayhem: The Order of the Wolf, Book 5 Page 7

by Angela Addams

  She wanted this. The sight of him so obviously aroused. She glanced up at his face, watching his lust-hooded eyes as she opened her mouth and took his head in, gripping with her lips as she slowly slid more of his glorious penis into her mouth. He moaned as she pulled her lips back up, using her tongue to swirl around the most sensitive areas, suckling as she pushed him to the brink of release. He threaded his fingers into her hair and tugged her up, forcing her to reluctantly give up her prize. She licked her lips and smiled.

  “That feels good, sweetheart, but I’m dying to slide into your sweet little pussy.”

  His words stroked her as his gaze ravished, sending a jolt of excitement deep into her core. “Take me then, Mayhem.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  He pushed himself up as she came forward, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip before sliding his hand along her jaw, his fingers caressing her throat.

  “You are so beautiful, my sweet, Hannah.” He ran his hand over her shoulder and down her back, rolling her under him. Fitting snugly between her thighs, he couldn’t bear to wait a moment longer and thrust between her folds, gliding right to the hilt of his cock, until the entire length of him was surrounded by her warm, slick pussy.

  He moaned again as he slid back out, rolling his hips as he pumped slowly. His wolf craved a hard and fast mating, a deep and penetrating bite to mark her as his, but she wasn’t ready yet. Not until she knew what he was. What it would mean for her life.

  She mewed breathlessly as he ground his cock against her clit, stroking her with each thrust until she was writhing beneath him, her head thrown back, her body arched, her nipples right there, like little rosy pebbles, hard and peaked, waiting for his tongue. He leaned his head down and sucked one of the delicious little nubs into his mouth, swirling his tongue around then flicking as he continued his slow, deliberate ride.

  She was so wet, so snug, her little body barely accommodating his girth. Each thrust became maddening, his body coiling, his balls pulling tight.


  His name on her lips made him moan with desire, shattering his control. He released her nipple and thrust hard, pistoning, his orgasm nearly tearing him in two as her pussy milked his cock in rolling waves.

  He collapsed onto his side, pulling Hannah with him as he went so that he didn’t have to break the bond they shared, his semi-hard cock still fit snugly inside of her body. He pulled her leg over his hip, nestling them even closer.

  “It’s always so amazing with you, Mayhem.” Hannah brushed her hand over his jaw, her eyes locked on his. “It scares me a little. I’ve had boyfriends in the past…” Mayhem growled and she smiled, running her fingers over his lips before continuing. “But not for a long time. And they never made me feel like you do. I want to touch you all the time.” She chuckled, her eyes darting away.

  “You’ve bewitched me too.” Mayhem kissed her briefly, the action enough to have his cock growing hard once again. “I’ve never felt this way before either, sweetheart.” He rocked his hips and she giggled. “Can never get enough.”

  “Hmmm.” She moaned as she ran her hand over his chest. “Please, by all means, continue then.”

  With one hand on her ass, pulling her close and the other on her thigh, hiking her leg higher on his hip, he did as he was told and rode her until they both shuddered with release once more.

  As they lay together, arms and legs entangled, sweat-soaked and exhausted, Mayhem couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of calm contentment. She made him weak, sensitive, utter words and feel things that went against his nature. He’d grown calloused and rough in his years as alpha, but it felt safe to be open with her—thoughts, words, actions came tumbling from him with little hesitation. This was more than the magnetism that came with finding one’s mate. He just knew it was her powers as a Huntress seeping out. Powers that would be magnified by his bite. That had to be it. She was amping up his emotions, making him feel intensely. When she was agitated, he was as well. When she felt happy, so did he. It made him wonder just what she could do once she developed her powers fully. Once she’d been bitten and claimed her destined role. But she was nowhere ready to learn her fate and, despite his wolf’s agitation, nowhere ready to take his bite.

  “So does this mean you’ll see me again?” he asked with a smirk then chuckled when she swatted his chest before pushing herself up so that she could see his face.

  “This doesn’t mean my feelings have changed.” She was frowning, debating the words that she’d just uttered.

  “Of course not.” He smiled. Infatuation my ass. She had deeper feelings for him and they both knew it. “We can take things however slow you want, protection, abstinence.” He cringed. “I mean if this is your preferred kind of slow, I’m good with that.” She moved to swat him again and he clasped her wrist, bringing her closer. “But I must insist that it’s only me. No others vying for your heart.”

  Her eyes grew wide as she studied him, like she was sizing up his words. “Same goes for you?”

  He growled. “No question.”

  She nodded, dropped her gaze for a moment. “Say it,” she said as she locked eyes with him once again.

  “Hannah, you are the only woman for me. There will be no others. Ever. I vow it.”

  She gasped, just a small intake of breath but enough to let him know that she felt it—the truth behind his words.

  “Okay then.” She smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear, wiggling her wrist away from his grasp. “I still need my interview. I hope you don’t think you’re backing out of that.”

  “I can give you one better,” he said as he pushed himself up, leaning against the headboard, hands clasped on his chest. “I have a proposition for you.”

  She looked over her shoulder at him as she shimmied to the end of the bed, seemingly hunting for her panties, a sheet wrapped tightly around her torso. “What kind of proposition?”

  “The kind that involves you coming on tour with me.”

  Her mouth dropped open, cheeks flushing. “Huh?”

  “I’m leaving next week, will be gone for months on a European tour.” He gulped. This was his ace. He wished for luck as he showed his hand. “How about you come on tour as the official band reporter, documenting it.”

  Hannah frowned. “I can’t leave. What about my job?”

  “I’ll talk to your boss. Give the magazine an exclusive to your articles.”

  “I-I-I’m not a reporter!” she stammered, her hand fluttering up to her throat. “I wouldn’t know what I was doing!”

  He pushed himself forward, snagging her arm as he tugged her toward him. “Bring your cousin. She’s a writer isn’t she? She can help you.” Okay, he was desperate now, was adding things as he went, unwilling to lose her. “I’ll only interview for you, no one else.”

  “This is insane!” Her head shaking was slowing, her mind obviously calculating as she stared at him. “I can bring Dani? Really?”

  Mayhem ran his hand up her arm, rubbing his thumb against her cheek. “You can work as a team. You ask the questions, she writes the articles. You edit her work. You two share the byline.”

  “Oh my god, she would love that.”

  “I bet we could get you two a book deal.”

  Her cheeks were alight, flaring brightly with her growing excitement, eyes sparkling. “Are you serious?”

  “Cross Europe tour, all expenses paid.” He ran his fingers through her hair, clasping the back of her head. “Give us a chance, Hannah.”

  She bit her bottom lip, her smile fading. “You’d do this to keep me with you?”

  “I won’t be parted from you, not when I have so much to learn about you.” He leaned in and kissed her slowly, tenderly.

  “Mayhem,” she breathed as he pulled away, her eyes still closed.

  “Give us a chance, Hannah.” He placed his palm against
the side of her face, thumb stroking her brow.

  When she opened her eyes, they were sparkling again. “How can I say no to that?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Burt wants us in the war room in ten,” Dani said as she leaned against the low wall of Hannah’s cubicle.

  Hannah looked up from her computer screen, couldn’t help smiling when she saw the barely concealed excitement beaming from her cousin’s face. “You’re loving this aren’t you?”

  Dani bounced on her heels. “Hell yes I am!”

  “Keep your panties on, Dani,” one of the other reporters shouted from a couple of cubicles down. “Some of us are trying to actually work here.”

  “Can’t. I’m not wearing any panties,” Dani said with a wink in his direction before leaning down toward Hannah. “Do you have any idea how jealous these bitches are of us?” She waved her arms around. “They think I’m sleeping with Mayhem! That’s the rumor! Can you believe it?”

  Hannah’s face grew hot and she bristled at those words. “They do?” She didn’t like that, not one bit. “Seriously? Can’t a female reporter make it ahead without sleeping her way to the top?”

  Okay, so technically, she was sleeping with Mayhem and the job opportunity did come with some strings attached, but not for Dani.

  “Um, cuz?” Dani leaned closer, whispering this time. “This isn’t the time for self-righteous indignation. Sometimes sex does get us what we want.”

  “I didn’t agree to it because of the sex and I don’t like people thinking that way about you.” And it pissed her off that everyone just assumed Dani was the one sleeping around, like a rock star would never be interested in sweet, little Hannah. It also made her jealous. Mayhem was her boyfriend—she just didn’t want the whole world knowing about it.

  Dani leaned back with a wicked smile. “Let them think it’s me on my back.” She shrugged. “When the truth comes out, I can give them all the finger while I’m rolling in the dough. He said book deal, right? You sure about that?”

  Hannah smiled once again, her bitter thoughts evaporating. None of it mattered really. Mayhem wanted her to be with him and he was doing everything possible to make it happen. Laying the tracks for her to fall madly in love with him. As if she wasn’t well on her way there. Who cared what other people thought?

  “Yes, Dani, book deal, exclusive with the magazine.”

  “Cool.” She nodded over her shoulder. “Let’s go, don’t want to keep the old fart waiting. You know how cranky he gets.”

  Hannah nodded as she hit save, then closed her computer. She’d been editing the article Dani had whipped up from two nights before, polishing it before submission. It was good, Mayhem had been very candid. Dani had texted her a million times as she transcribed and then wrote the article. Things like: Holy shit! I didn’t know that! He fed a tiger? People are gonna crap when they read this. And so on. Obviously, Mayhem giving an interview was a big freakin deal.

  “So your flight leaves at what time?” Dani linked arms with her as they headed toward the meeting room where all of the magazine reporters pitched ideas, talked shop and gossiped. It was also where Executive Editor, Burt Lowry assigned jobs and ripped strips off poor, underachieving souls. Hannah had never actually been in a war room meeting before, not ranking as one of the privileged…until now.

  “My flight leaves at five. I’m going to head out of here after the meeting and finish packing. Good thing my passport is up to date!” She was scheduled to fly to Vermont to meet Dave, Mayhem’s manager, and then proceed to the band’s main residence. Mayhem had left reluctantly the night before, citing “business” that needed tending before her arrival. She didn’t ask, respecting his privacy but knowing for some bizarre reason that whatever he wasn’t telling her was for her own good. She was okay with that…for now.

  “I know! I had to get a rush on mine! Should be arriving early next week.” Dani tugged her arm. “This is going to be so much fun, Hannah!”

  Dani was due to arrive the following Friday, and then they would all depart to Italy for the first leg of the tour. A trip of a lifetime, and a career-making one at that. A chance for Hannah and Mayhem to get to know one another, figure out what drew them to each other.

  “Nice of you ladies to show up!” Burt barked as they walked into the war room, all eyes swiveling to them.

  Hannah blushed, her face burning. She hated being in the spotlight, wanted to die at that very moment where Dani merely shrugged and gave one of her wicked little smirks.

  “What can I say, we had things to do,” Dani said with her usual edge.

  Burt gave one of his shut up or die glares and pointed to the two remaining chairs at the table. “Sit. Now.” He didn’t however, choosing to stand as he shifted his glare down the length, nailing each and every reporter there. “As I’m sure you’ve all heard, we suddenly have a celebrity magnet in our midst. Apparently, it takes very few credentials these days to catch the interest of a superstar.”

  Hannah slumped lower in her seat, wishing she could crawl under the table.

  “Burt, could you be any more of an ass?” Dani had always been bold with Burt—tenacious, he’d called her once, giving her some leeway where others had none.

  This time, though, he didn’t laugh it off. “There are reporters in this room who have busted their asses getting where they are, who put the time in, logged the articles, slogged through shit and definitely deserve that break more than you do, Dani, so I suggest you keep your smartass comments to yourself right about now before I fire you just for the hell of it.”

  Hannah stifled a gasp, but not before feeling the burn of Burt’s stare.

  “And you, I don’t know what it is you did to convince Mr. Rock Star to not only give an exclusive but this fucking series—” Burt barked.

  “With all due respect, Mr. Lowry,” a strong male voice countered, “I believe this opportunity will benefit everyone here, not only the magazine with revenue, but surely with increased readership and street cred, more bands will come calling.”

  Hannah snapped her gaze up to the man who walked into the room. He was handsome, clean cut, military-like, with green eyes that seemed to capture the light and dazzle. He smiled at her and her blush deepened, the burn trailing down her neck as she tried to smile back.

  “Like hell!” Burt twisted his bulky body toward the newcomer. “Ah, Smith, you’re here. Finally.”

  “I think these ladies deserve a little thanks, don’t you?” Smith said with a wink at Hannah.

  Everyone was frozen. One challenge was something, but for this newcomer to do it a second time? Unheard of. Even Dani had zipped her mouth shut after Burt’s tongue-lashing moments before.

  “Maybe even an apology,” Smith added.

  Someone gasped. It might have actually come out of Hannah’s own mouth, she couldn’t say for sure, because she was in total and complete shock. Burt was gonna tear this guy a new…

  “Of course, of course.” Burt waved his hand at the newcomer, motioning for him to take Burt’s seat.

  Nobody moved. Nobody breathed. All eyes were shifted from Burt to this guy, wondering, Hannah was sure, if they’d fallen into some alternate dimension. Dani slipped her hand under the table and squeezed Hannah’s knee.

  “Burt.” A stern warning, the tone so powerful Hannah actually shivered.

  “Yes, yes, girls,” He cleared his throat. “I mean, ladies, you have my utmost thanks for landing the interview series of a lifetime. Your contribution to the magazine is invaluable and I apologize if I didn’t sound enthusiastic or grateful.” Burt practically choked on the words as they came out, his lips twisted in a grimace. Hannah glanced over at Dani, whose eyes were nearly bugging out of her head.

  “Satisfactory,” Smith said as he moved farther into the room. He perched himself on the window ledge, one leg propped slightly. He was attractive, that was for damn
sure. Every woman in the room kept sneaking glances in his direction, Hannah included.

  “Let’s get down to business, shall we?” Burt barked as he finally seated himself, tapping impatiently on his tablet. “Roll call, what’s on the roster?”

  And so it went for an hour. Hannah was bored to tears—that was, until it came time for talk of Riot and plans for the series. She panicked, her throat totally seizing. Luckily Dani knew her stuff and rattled off her ideas for how the articles were going to run.

  “Sounds like you’ve got this well thought out, Dani,” Burt grumbled. “We’ll get an insider’s perspective of the life of Mayhem and Riot. Centerfold spread every two months.”

  “And that’s where I come in,” Smith said as he stood. “Allan Smith, photographer. I’ll be documenting the series with pictures.”

  Huh? Hannah frowned. Mayhem hadn’t said anything about a photographer.

  Allan walked over to their side of the table, hand outstretched. “Hannah Lane, I presume.”

  Hannah nodded, too dumbfounded to actually stand. She clasped hands with the man, marveling at how large it was compared to hers. His forearm was huge, reminding her of Mayhem’s, except for the most striking wolf tattoo she’d ever seen. Celtic, black, but detailed too. The wolf baring fangs, fierce, deadly. It practically jumped off of his arm.

  “Nice ink,” Dani cooed as she leaned forward, almost on top of Hannah as she inspected Allan’s arm.

  “Thanks,” he said. “It’s the insignia of my people.”

  Hannah felt a snap of familiarity. “Your people?”

  Allan smiled as she looked up at to meet his gaze. “Yes, a group known as the Order of the Wolf.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Mayhem’s shift from beast to man came as the sun sank beneath the horizon, its rays still blasting what they could, lighting the sky with vivid shades of oranges, reds and yellows. A slow, lingering death of the day, nevertheless, occurred when the fiery globe dropped. Mayhem instantaneously shifted from his wolf to human, a transformation that bought both pleasure and pain. Ripping, breaking, tearing, while at the same time mending, melding, making right, and all in a matter of seconds.


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