The Super Spies and the Pied Piper

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The Super Spies and the Pied Piper Page 14

by Lisa Orchard

Washington… Adams….

  Her captor took steps toward his truck while Sarah fought the urge to faint. She gagged every time she took a breath, as the sickening scent of stale cigarettes filled her nostrils. Fighting her captor proved futile as he only squeezed her tighter. Her ribs ached from the pressure and she was sure they would crack.

  Reaching the black truck, he opened the driver’s door and tossed her into the passenger’s seat like she was a sack of flour.

  Sarah took several deep breaths as the panic attack lessened. She reached for the door handle and tried to open the passenger door, but found it locked.

  “Sit still,” the Stalker ordered in a menacing voice as he pointed his gun at her.

  Sarah cringed and turned away, concentrating on her breathing. The panic attack was almost over. It had been a mild one and her breathing grew deeper with every breath.

  Her captor started the truck and tore through the alley, spewing gravel everywhere. He skidded around a corner and headed down Main Street.

  Sarah looked out the window and watched anxiously as the agents leapt into action. They ran down the road and she hoped they were running toward their vehicle.

  “I said, sit still,” the Stalker said in his gravelly voice. It sounded like the growl of an angry bear.

  Sarah spun around and sat down in her seat. She bit her lip as the truck careened around the curve leading toward the highway. The wail of a siren filled the air and Sarah grabbed the arm rest as the Stalker made a sharp turn onto a dirt road. His back end fishtailed and he gripped the steering wheel and made a hard left turn in an attempt to straighten out. Sarah’s heart hammered her chest with a ferocious beat. She glanced in the side mirror and almost cheered when Agent Gray’s vehicle swerved into view.

  The Stalker must have seen it too because he cursed and stomped on the gas, spewing gravel everywhere. He made a right turn and Sarah found they had driven in a large loop. They were back on Main Street, but driving toward town instead of away from it. She glanced in the mirror again and found the agents still in pursuit.

  The Stalker tensed, and forced the truck to move faster; it shuddered from the exertion as it picked up speed. He looked in the mirror and swore again. His features twisted into an angry grimace and he gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white.

  Sarah’s chest tightened and she searched frantically for a way to stop the truck. They reached the top of the hill when a loud bang filled the air and the vehicle lurched out of control. The Stalker pulled hard on the steering wheel in an attempt to keep control of the truck. He flew forward and hit the wrought iron fence that protected the Robinson home. Their vehicle lurched to a stop, propelling Sarah into the dashboard. Wincing, she scrambled back into her seat.

  While she recovered from the impact the Stalker leapt from the truck and rushed over to the passenger side. He threw open the door and yanked her out.

  As she stumbled out, Sarah’s ears filled with the sound of screeching tires. The FBI is here!

  Her captor tightened his hold on her arm and jerked her closer. He picked her up and held her in a crushing grip. Turning, he made a dash toward the house.

  A deafening bang shook her violently. I’ve been shot! She shrieked a silent scream and suddenly free fell to the ground. Her kidnapper landed on top of her. His signature smell of cigarettes smothered her and she willed herself not to puke.

  She struggled against her assailant. He lay on top of her heavy and unmoving. “Help! Help!” She fought against him, pummeling him with her fists.

  The sound of pounding footsteps reached her, and abruptly the Stalker’s weight was gone. Looking up, she sobbed when Agent Gray’s face appeared.

  He lifted her gently and helped her stand on her feet. She felt arms around her as Lacey took her from the agent and led her away from the carnage.

  Relief flooded through her body as if a dam had burst, and Sarah cried tears of pent up emotions. Her legs wobbled and she stumbled. Lacey caught her and led her to the agent’s car. It idled at the curb with doors that had been hastily flung open.

  Sarah sat down just as a siren’s piercing scream filled the air. She shivered. “Is he dead?”

  Lacey shook her head. “I don’t know.”

  “We have to find out about Mom and Dad.” Sarah stood on weak legs and would have gone down if Lacey hadn’t grabbed her.

  “We will. We will.” She soothed. Tugging on Sarah’s arm, she guided her back toward the car.

  Sarah leaned on Lacey for support. “I’m so glad that’s over.”

  Lacey held her and stroked her hair. “Me too.”

  “I can’t believe the Stalker thought he could get away from the FBI.” Sarah sat up and gave Lacey a puzzled look. “I mean really, what was he thinking?”

  Her sister shook her head. “I have no clue. The guy is totally delusional.”

  “Totally,” Sarah agreed. “I just hope he isn’t dead. If he is we’ll never find out about our parents.”

  An ambulance with a screaming siren skidded around the corner. Behind it came an Alden police cruiser. They both screeched to a halt in front of the house. The sirens were silenced but the lights continued to flash as the attendants jumped from the vehicle and dashed toward the driveway.

  While the emergency personnel took care of the Stalker, the FBI agents approached the car. Agent Gray adjusted his holster and his clothing before speaking. “After the ambulance leaves, Agent Black and I will approach the house. You kids stay in the car.”

  “For real? We have to stay in the car?” Sarah protested. She winced as she shifted in her seat. Her ribs ached from being squeezed and every time she took a breath it sent a stab of agony up her side.

  “Yes, for real.” Agent Gray gave her a stern look, and then his features softened. “Are you all right?”

  Sarah shifted her weight and adjusted her shirt. “Yeah, just feeling the pain of being crushed by a freak.” She glanced around and noticed no one had come out of the Robinson home. It sat beneath the trees and seemed to watch the commotion with a dispassionate eye. Waiting… it seemed to be waiting for everyone to turn away for just a second, so it could reach out and snatch her up with its invisible claws. Shivering, Sarah took a deep breath and addressed the FBI agent. “Is the Stalker dead?”

  Agent Gray shook his head. “No, he’s just wounded. He’ll have to spend some time in the hospital, but he’ll live. I’m going to have a policeman keep an eye on him while he’s there. Just until we can get down there and question him.” He stopped and looked toward the emergency vehicle.

  The screaming ambulance took off down the road. Agent Gray faced his partner. “Let’s go, Jim.”

  Agent Black gave him a quick nod and then gazed at the girls. “Remember you two, stay in the car.” He gave Sarah a long look and shook his finger at her. “That means you.”

  Sarah snickered as the FBI agents trudged toward the house, but sobered quickly when she glanced at the structure and felt its foreboding presence. We’re going to find out about our parents any minute now. She gritted her teeth and willed herself to stay put.

  Lacey moved closer to her and put her arm around her. Sarah drew comfort from her sister and acknowledged it by patting her hand. Taking a deep breath, she focused on the scene on the porch.

  “FBI! Open up!” Agent Gray shouted, pounding vigorously on the door.

  There was silence, and Sarah tensed as she waited for the door to open. After several minutes the door squeaked ajar, and a small boy stepped out onto the porch. Sarah gasped. The boy had dark hair and large haunted eyes. His skin was pale with a yellowish tinge. He seemed fragile as he leaned against the door jamb.

  Agent Gray stooped to speak with the boy. Moments later, a tall bald man stood behind the youngster and spoke with the agents. Sarah couldn’t hear what was said but she could tell it was a heated conversation because the bald man pulled the young boy back into the house. After shutting the door behind him, the man stood on the porch and continue
d the animated conversation.

  Sarah whispered, “I wonder why he didn’t come out of the house until now?”

  “I don’t know.” Lacey frowned. “That’s totally weird.” She stared at the man on the porch, her eyes narrowed into suspicious slits. “I mean, we were making all kinds of racket.”

  “You got that right.” Sarah furrowed her brow, staring at the scene before her. “We’ve got to get inside that house.” She stood and wobbled for a second, but then her stride grew stronger as she moved toward the group standing on the porch.

  Lacey matched her stride for stride. As they approached Sarah heard the conversation. Agent Gray was explaining to the bald man he needed to search the home.

  “I’m the owner of this house and I don’t give you permission to come inside,” the bald man stated, anger flashing in his eyes. “I know my rights.”

  “You have to let us in,” Agent Gray responded with a firm set to his jaw.

  Sarah could tell he wasn’t going to budge. She slowed her pace, not wanting to interrupt the conversation.

  “I don’t have to do anything!” the bald man responded hotly. “You need a search warrant.”

  “Not if we have probable cause we don’t.” Agent Gray put his crossed his arms over his chest and glared at him.

  You don’t have probable cause.” The bald man, who Sarah recognized as Mr. Robinson shifted his weight and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Yes, we do.” Agent Gray glanced at the girls and seemed startled to find them there. “Your employee was in the process of a kidnapping and he was bringing the victim to this home.”

  “So you say.” Mr. Robinson seemed unmoved by Agent Gray’s authority.

  Agent Gray pivoted on his heel and said, “I told you kids to stay in the car.”

  “Yes, you did,” Sarah said acknowledged with a tight smile. “But this doesn’t seem like such a dangerous situation.”

  Agent Gray grimaced and faced Mr. Robinson again. “We’re going inside that house.”

  “Can I use your bathroom?” Sarah asked and gave Mr. Robinson her sweetest smile.

  Mr. Robinson seemed taken aback by the request and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “Ah…ah…ah…”

  “Step aside, we’re coming in.” Agent Gray’s voice had an authoritative edge and his eyes flashed with determination.

  The squeak of the door stopped the debate. A tall man stepped from the shadow of the doorway. When he stepped into view Sarah gasped and a tremor ran through her body. She took an involuntary step back and put her hand to her chest. Her mouth gaped open in disbelief.

  He was tall with bright blue eyes. His hair was covered by a red cap, but Sarah knew it was blond. He wore faded jeans and a sweatshirt with a frayed collar.

  Tears filled her eyes as she stared at the man and her heart pummeled her chest so hard it ached.

  “Hello, Sarah.”

  “Dad?” Sarah choked on the word and tears spilled down her cheeks like the fat raindrops that splattered against the windshield earlier that day.

  “Hello, Lacey.”

  Lacey couldn’t speak. She stared at her father with wide, disbelieving eyes.

  Agent Gray reacted quickly and spun Mr. Robinson around. “You’re under arrest for kidnapping.” He pulled handcuffs out of his pocket and began cuffing the bewildered home owner.

  “Hold on… hold on…” Sarah’s father protested. “No one’s been kidnapped here.”

  “What?” Sarah demanded. Raging fury started in her gut and spread throughout her body. She swore if she snapped her fingers flames would ignite and everything would go up in smoke. “What do you mean… no one’s been kidnapped? You’ve been kidnapped.”

  “No.” Her father shook his head and placed his arm around her. “This is all a terrible mistake.”

  Sarah stepped away from her father and stumbled back. A mistake? What in the world is he talking about? “I don’t understand.” She continued to backtrack and tears streamed down her face. “You’ve been gone three months and haven’t even bothered to give us a phone call. What is going on?”

  “Sarah, please…” Her father reached for her, his face filled with anguish.

  “What is going on?” Sarah screamed. Her stomach clenched into a painful knot. Tears rolled down her face and sobs wracked her body as she tried to get control. “I mean really, Dad, three months and not even a phone call?”

  “Let me explain…”

  “No. I don’t want to hear it.” Sarah shook her head vehemently and spun around. She stumbled and fell, but scrambled back up and ran through the yard.

  A firm hand gripped her arm and pulled her to a stop. “You’re not going anywhere, young lady.”

  Sarah turned and gazed into the face of her father. His eyes were full of compassion but his voice had the authoritative tone that he took when he reprimanded her. The familiarity of the touch and the voice melted all of her anger and she put her arms around his waist and hugged him fiercely. “I don’t understand.”

  Her father stroked her hair and held her as she sobbed. “I know. I know. Just give me a chance to explain everything.”

  “Okay.” Sarah pulled away from her father. Drying her eyes on her sleeve and hiccupping as she got her sobs under control, she glanced at her father and she gave him a tremulous smile. “It’s really good to see you, by the way.”

  Her father chuckled and hugged her again. “It’s so good to see you too, Peanut.”

  Sarah’s heart warmed at the sound of her nickname. New tears filled her eyes and her throat ached with the effort to control them. Taking a deep breath, Sarah said, “Dad, what is going on and where is Mom?”

  “Your mother is all right. She’s in the house. Let’s all go inside and we can talk about this.”

  Sarah nodded as she pulled her cell phone out of her pocket. “I’ve got to call Aunt June.” She punched in the number. “Aunt June?”


  “Bring everyone up to the Robinson’s house, asap. You’re not going to believe this.”

  “What? What is it?” Her aunt’s voice sounded tense. “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes… just get up here quick.”

  “Okay… we’re on our way.”

  Sarah disconnected the call and faced her father. “Aunt June is going to freak when she sees you.”

  Her father grinned for the first time since he came outside. “Your mother and I have missed you girls.”

  “We’ve missed you too.” Sarah’s voice sounded stilted to her own ears and she struggled to keep her emotions under control. “Dad, did you know that Burton kidnapped me and locked me up in one of the bedrooms here?” She cocked her head toward the Robinson home.

  “No, I didn’t.” His tone was flat and his eyes narrowed as he waited for her to explain.

  “Oh… I thought you might have because of the french fry teepee.”

  “French fry teepee?”

  “Yeah, remember that one summer when you showed Lacey and I how to make them?”

  “I remember. But what does that have to do with you being locked in the Robinson’s house?”

  “When I was there, Burton brought me a plate of food and it had one of your signature french fry teepees on it.”

  “Oh.” Her father snapped his fingers. “You know… one day I was missing you girls terribly and I had to make a plate of food up for Michael… I made that french fry teepee because it gave me comfort. It was supposed to be for Michael, I left the room for a second and when I came back the food was gone. I asked Burton about it and he told me he had eaten it.”

  “Oh… I thought maybe you were trying to send me a message.”

  “Sweetheart, if I had known you were in the house I would have knocked down the door to get to you. You know that don’t you?”

  Sarah’s eyes welled with tears and she nodded, unable to trust her voice.

  Her father gave her a comforting hug and then they walked together back to where La
cey waited.

  Lacey and her father had a tearful reunion and then the trio strolled toward the FBI agents who stood in the yard wearing perplexed expressions. They seemed to be just as confused as Sarah was and her heart went out to them.

  “Let’s go inside and straighten out this whole mess,” Sarah’s father suggested when the group reached the agents.

  “Yes, let’s do that.” Agent Gray spun around and stomped toward the house.

  Agent Black followed him as Mr. Robinson led them up the porch into a dimly lit hallway.

  When Sarah stepped inside, a claustrophobic feeling came over her. She took a deep breath and glanced around her. She was in a narrow hallway with a tall ceiling and a hardwood floor. The floor was scuffed and needed a good sanding and polish. Family pictures hung on the dingy walls, portraying a long heritage of wealth.

  “Why doesn’t everyone come in here?” Sarah’s father said and led the way to a den.

  Sarah walked into the room and glanced around. It was a comfortable room with an overstuffed couch and a love seat. The fabric on the furniture was faded but she could tell it had once been a deep green with a lighter green leaf print. The walls were painted a light yellow, which brightened the room and gave it a comfortable feeling.

  Sarah sat down on the divan and moved over so Lacey could sit with her. Her father stood in front of the television and the FBI agents stood against the far wall.

  “Where’s Mom?” Sarah asked.

  “I’ll go get her,” her father said and left the room.

  The sound of a car pulling into the driveway yanked Sarah from her seat. Glancing out the window, her heart swelled with gratitude when she saw Scoop’s vehicle parking. She dashed out the door.

  As Aunt June climbed out of the vehicle, Sarah rushed forward and cried, “Mom and Dad are inside!”

  “What?” Aunt June grabbed Sarah’s arms and held her firmly. “Did you say your parents are inside the house?”

  “Yes, I did.” Sarah gave her a wide grin.

  “Are they okay?”

  “Yes they are. Come on they’re going to tell us everything.”

  Aunt June dropped Sarah’s arms and dashed toward the structure. Sarah sprinted after her. She couldn’t wait to see her mother. Scoop took up the rear and followed the women with a jaunty step.


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