Kismet (Beyond the Bedroom Series)

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Kismet (Beyond the Bedroom Series) Page 7

by Pittman, Raynesha; Randolph, Brandie

  On the ride down to Nashville, I learned more about Stephanie then I had ever known. She had never been sexual with a man. Not because she was a lesbian, she just never connected with a man long enough to sleep with him. She had dated many, but something had always prevented them from having sex. I told her it might just be her calling to have sex with women. In the back of my mind, I was thinking the first man that gives her some dick will have her sprung.

  She also told me that she had dated a soft stud in Nashville for a while. They would make trips back and forth to see each other but, after a while, the sex got boring and she called it quits with the manly woman.

  Stephanie told story after story and I was glad she did because the ride to Nashville was the shortest I had ever experienced, plus the fact she drove 85mph the entire time. We made it downtown and parked. I asked her to stay by my side when she suggested waiting in the car for me.

  When we walked in, the officer behind the counter checked us out. “How can I help you two ladies?” He was a young white officer with some of the prettiest blue-green eyes I had ever seen. He was tall, about 6”3, and nicely built.

  “I need to speak with a detective about an incident that happened at my apartment in Bellevue.” He took down my name and address and then walked toward the rear.

  When he came back, he said I would be speaking with Detective Thomas and she would be with me shortly. I waited 45 minutes before the detective called me back.

  She insisted that Stephanie not come back with me and we speak in private. How private are you really when you’re being videotaped with someone watching live on the other end?

  She recorded my story, asked a few questions, and then made me point out Dre in a picture lineup. There was a picture of Mike, too, but I didn’t point him out. Looking at the other three pictures, I assumed they were involved in some kind of way, too.

  Detective Thomas dismissed me, but I wanted to get confirmation that I wasn’t in any trouble. I didn’t want any more warranted searches or on the job pop-ups.

  “No, Ms. James, you are not in any trouble, but if the suspect contacts you, please call me.” I assured her I would and then left.

  Chapter 6: All Gray Skies

  We arrived at my Bellevue apartment and shockingly, it was already cleaned. I was told my neighbors and maintenance men got together and cleaned it.

  Nothing was missing; in fact, they had left me flowers and a card leaving their sympathy for the way the police wrongly searched my apartment. Talk about kindhearted people. I hadn’t even met these people and they showed me kindness.

  That’s what I loved most about the south; it was like having one big family. In California, I would have been robbed blindly.

  Everything was easy to pack up because it was neatly folded and organized. The women must have taken care of my clothing because my panties were folded and stacked in bunches by type like thongs, G-strings, boy cut, etc. We packed up the apartment in less than two hours.

  Stephanie cancelled the movers and rented a small moving van instead. She was sure we could handle it on our own. Once the van was loaded, I turned the keys into the front desk.

  “Ms. James,” the Hispanic pool man, who has never spoken to me before, said when he stopped me as I walked out the office.

  I turned and addressed him, “Yes?” He reached in his top shirt pocket and handed me a note.

  “Some guy told me to give you this; he was in the pool house with me while the police were searching your place.”

  I took the note from him and thanked him. Dre had slipped right under the cops noses; he was better at hiding than I thought! I sat on the bench outside the office and read the letter, which read:

  Hey baby,

  I’m sorry about your apartment; I’m watching them search through it now. I know you have a life somewhere else but I want you to stay in touch with me. My full name is Andre Burns and my birth date is 09/02/83. Just call the sheriff’s department and they will give you my booking information. I’m turning myself in Sunday night after I put my son to bed. Please don’t be mad at me for all of this. I love you and fell in love with you after our first night together. It’s something about you, I’ve never experienced this feeling before and I ain’t ready for it to stop yet.


  I don’t know what happened but, after reading his letter, I felt sick to my stomach and ran to the office bathroom to vomit. With my face in the toilet, I kept seeing the words I love you in Dre’s writing in my head. He didn’t love me; he just needed someone to write over the next few years.

  My mouth tasted like all the alcohol I had drank the night before. I hate hangovers. Next, my head will be pounding. As a precaution, I took two Tylenol, extra strength, and then headed back outside to Stephanie.

  “Girl, what did he say?” I handed Stephanie the letter, scared that I would throw up again if I read it. “So, what are you going to do? He said it’s love.” After all this time, she still didn’t know me! I didn’t give a damn what he called it.

  I would never be a drug dealer’s wife. Yes, I did feel something for him, but not love. Especially not in a week’s time.

  “I’m going to take this letter to Detective Thomas and be done with him and Tennessee.” We went to the police department; I did as I said I would, dropped my stuff off at the storage center, and then headed back to Stephanie’s house to have a repeat of last night.

  I got so drunk that I wasn’t surprised when I woke up throwing up, especially after I saw Stephanie face down in her bath tub.

  “We can’t hang,” she said, trying to smile though it was visible she was sick to her stomach. We ate Tylenol for breakfast and Pepto Bismol for lunch. We didn’t regain our appetite until around five o’clock when we decided to get something light, like a sandwich and soup, from the sub shop up the road.

  “With everything going on with you this weekend, I forgot to tell you the good news, Savannah.” I stopped building my sandwich with the sandwich artist and looked Stephanie in the eyes.

  “Don’t you fix your mouth to tell me we got the deal?” She smiled and shook her head yes.

  We started screaming and jumping up and down. I even turned to the guy behind me in line and gave him a high-five.

  “They are giving us full control over all accounting in their west coast markets; he said he was very impressed and I sent him to Mr. Williams for the final contracting.”

  The news she gave me made everything I went through worth it. I would be promoted and there may even be talks of me making partner. Stephanie will get a pay increase until she completes school and passes her exams. Then I’ll hire her on as an accountant for our larger client base since she had proved to be able to handle the job.

  I was so excited about the news. When we got back to her place, I got my things ready for work, showered, and then hit the bed. “No celebration sex?” I didn’t feel like it tonight. What I really wanted was some dick.

  Before Dre, I hadn’t had sex with a man for two months. My last sex partner was Amir and that was a quickie because we were at the gym in the bathroom, trying not to get caught having sex in the one-person sauna. That might be why Dre’s dick was so good to me, he was the first in 60 days to give me some.

  “No, beautiful, not tonight. I don’t think I could get in the mood if I wanted to. I just thought about Dre.”

  She looked a little disappointed, got in the bed and asked me to hold her.

  I held her through the night; every time she rolled over, I adjusted myself in whatever position to keep her in my arms. This was the first night I didn’t have a nightmare, hell, I didn’t have a dream at all.

  I woke up to the sound of Stephanie’s favorite morning show in the middle of the co-host reading a letter from an anonymous listener and giving them feedback on how they would personally handle the situation. I loved this morning show, but never had time to listen to it anymore. I wonder if the host’s nephew still made his prank calls.

  “Go shower; I mad
e breakfast.” She kissed my lips and walked back out.

  After breakfast, we made our way to work. We were congratulated by our colleagues for closing the largest deal the company has ever had. Everything had been going good, three weeks had flown by.

  We had plans to go over the contract with our new client, Strax Industries, this morning, so I woke up two hours early and showered.

  I had recently installed a new showerhead where you can adjust the jets to the way you want it and I loved the way the water was hitting my body. I had the temperature of the water just to my liking, nice and hot. The jets of water were hitting my nipples in a way that stimulated me.

  As I rubbed over my body with my sponge, I stopped and squeezed my nipples slightly, turning them counter clockwise and then back. I lifted my breast to my mouth and sucked on my nipples. Dropping my sponge, I slowly rubbed down my stomach to get in between my legs to my clit. I took a step backward and the water was now hitting my lower stomach. Using my left hand, I put my left breast into my mouth and licked all over the nipple. My right hand was occupied with playing with my pearl tongue.

  The feeling was getting good. I slid down the back of my shower wall until I felt the tub bottom under my butt. The water was now hitting me on the face and chest. I threw my leg over the tubs wall and scooted around the floor of the tub until I got the jets of water to hit me dead between my legs.

  I started fucking myself with my fingers. Laying back and closing my eyes, I pretend I was being sexed wildly by an NBA player. I didn’t have a player in mind because I couldn’t concentrate long enough on anything but pleasuring myself. Whoever the hoop star was, he knew just how to handle me.

  I kept fucking and stroking my pussy. I went faster with every beat of my heart. I felt it coming, oh yes, and I was exploding. I couldn’t continue to fuck myself through the explosion in fear I’d black out due to heat of the water filling my lungs with mist; I just laid back and enjoyed it. Thank you, Mr. NBA basketball player.

  Starbucks was packed. I had never been there at 6 AM and after today; I won’t be back this early. I sat there and had my Frappuccino and danish to get a look at the early birds in hopes of catching my next prey.

  I didn’t eat half of my danish before it came back up. Rushing to the bathroom, I realized I’d been throwing up or waking up horny every morning for the last three weeks and where in the fuck was my period?

  I had one two weeks before I met Dre. It’s been three weeks since the police raided my house and that happened six days after I met him. That makes me two weeks late.

  Me, pregnant? Hell naw! I’m on every type of birth control on the market. Somebody is getting sued if I am pregnant. I get a shot in my ass, swallow pills daily and practice safe sex. This shit can’t be real.

  Dre must have gone inside me raw while I was sleep. Not only will I get a drive-by abortion, but a full STD screening. My gynecologist bill is going to be ridiculous because I want the works.

  I hoped I still had time to take the abortion pill; I can’t stand to get another DNC. The last one felt like someone ran in me with a train.

  When I walked out the bathroom, I sat down at the table to get myself together. I forced myself into believing today would get better, but it didn’t.

  The meeting with Strax Industries was going well until we reached the terms of the deal. They agreed to give us 100% control of all accounts as long as I was managing them.

  On the upside of this deal, I would make partner of my accounting firm, be given a right in decision making since I would now be the tie breaking voter, have a projected $140,000 a year salary before additional bonuses and the best part, Williams and Williamson might have to change their name to Williams, Williamson and James.

  With figures thrown in your face like that, how could there be a downside? There is always a downside when getting or making money. That’s where my ‘How much is it really worth?’ rule kicks in. Never let the money be the decision maker. Think about what comes with making it? Will I have to work longer hours? Will I be in a safe environment? Will it shame me or my name? And how much ass will I have to kiss once I’ve accepted it?

  This rule can be used when you’re given money, too. Does the giver expect something in return? If so, will I walk away with the respect and pride I had for myself before I accepted the money? And my favorite question again, how much ass will I have to kiss once I’ve accepted it?

  In this situation, the downside would be more work and longer hours, but they would be the hours I decided I needed to give. I would have to manage a whole office of accountants and make decisions on what deals will make or break us if we accepted them. That didn’t seem too bad; the part that was hard for me to stomach was moving back to California.

  The office I would be over was our California, Downtown Los Angeles/ Mid-Wilshire location. Mr. Nguyen, the owner of Strax industries, said he would only be comfortable if I handled his account and if I didn’t, he would withdraw his offer.

  I was shocked that I had impressed him so much. My goal was to get him as a client of our company, but the way he worded everything, he was becoming a client of mine.

  He said he would personally pay for my relocation, including shipping of my belongings and vehicles. He would pay the rent up on wherever I decided to live for three years, which should give me time to get settled into my new environment and he would give my firm one year to get ourselves together to take over his workload while his current contract with his accountant runs out.

  I needed time to think it over. If anything went wrong, it would all fall on me. I asked if we could reschedule the meeting in a month so I could give it some thought. Everyone agreed, even Mr. Williamson, who looked disappointed when I made the request.

  I felt like the HBIC (head bitch in charge) and if I requested some time, then I would take some time, so his disappointed face meant shit to me.

  Once the meeting was over, I went and told Stephanie what the offer was. No one in my office knew about my hate for my home state but Stephanie.

  “Don’t worry, Savannah, you will get another 60 million dollar deal… one day.”

  I didn’t know if she was being sarcastic and really meaning, ‘Bitch, you will never get a deal this big again; pack up and move back to Cali,’ or if she was on my side and meaning what she said. Either way, the decision was mine to make and I had 34 days to decide by the date we arranged in the meeting. I was so stressed. I met Marcus at Houston’s and smoked a blunt with him in the car.

  “Awww, shit, what’s wrong? Any other time I ask you to smoke with me, you are too busy to, so I know something’s up!” I hit his blunt two more times without answering him. He hit unlock on his door.

  “Follow me in your car; I’m going to park mines and we gonna hit a bar.” I wasn’t in the mood for a typical bar. I was stressed, horny and hadn’t had any dick in over a month. I had sex with Marcus a few times before, so I knew it wouldn’t be a problem with getting him to fuck me tonight.

  I pretended to be ladylike about asking for some dick and suggested he followed me to the Renaissance on Peachtree because they had a bar. He knew what was up as soon as I made the suggestion.

  “I’m going to make a stop, but I’m right behind you. Go get a room and have the drinks waiting on me.” He handed me $300.

  “Text me the room number when you get it and take that blunt with you to smoke on the way, you know all of the hotels you like got a no smoking rule.” He was right, they did have a no smoking policy and if he paid for the room, he would want us to stay all night. His sex was average to me. If I was going to get sexed good, it was going to be by somebody who knew what he was doing and somewhere I could smoke freely. Amir came to mind instantly. I needed some of his Jamaican loving tonight.

  I told Marcus I needed some time to find a place with smoking rooms and would call him later. If he was still available, we would meet up then.

  I would use Marcus tonight as my round two dick because Amir was a 59-minute man; o
nce he got his, he wasn’t getting back up for a few hours. I could leave Amir’s and sleep with Marcus the rest of the night. I’d still be recovering from the beating Amir puts on me which would make Marcus’s sex feel a lot better and I would get the stamina Amir was missing with Marcus because his dick seemed to never go soft.

  Marcus popped X. I don’t know if he liked to be high or if it was his youngster version of Viagra, but both times I had sex with him, he had taken a pill first.

  Amir said we would hook up around 8 PM at his place, so I texted Marcus and told him to meet me at the Hilton at 11 PM. He agreed and said he would bring liquor with him.


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