Kismet (Beyond the Bedroom Series)

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Kismet (Beyond the Bedroom Series) Page 14

by Pittman, Raynesha; Randolph, Brandie

  There was something about Erika that looked familiar. I didn’t want to keep looking her way, but I really wanted to know where I had known her from. It wasn’t a negative feeling when I looked at her, but I couldn’t place a positive one there, either. She was too young to have played basketball with or against me as a teenager; maybe it was her college look that made me feel like I knew her. I don’t know, but I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable while I tried to find out.

  Once we ate and said goodbye, I headed back to the office to start working on the new contract for our Seattle location.

  The opening of a location in Washington and not Chicago was my idea, so I headed this deal. We had grossed Strax Industries more money than previously estimated. As a show of appreciation, not only did we receive bonuses, but they brought in new business. We decided to dedicate the majority of the Los Angeles location to them and work other accounts at a new facility.

  “Stephanie, when you’re done, I need you for a second.” Stephanie had become my personal partner. She had even decided to make the move to Washington with me.

  She said, “What would you do in Washington without me, Savannah? Count me in!”

  I would go crazy without her and she knew it. “Yes, Savannah, what’s up?” All this California sunshine was doing Stephanie some good.

  She had started dating a Los Angeles firefighter and I could tell he was fucking the shit out of her. She even had a new walk.

  “I have some updates I need you to make in my planner, please.” Stephanie closed the door and sat on the table. “Did you fuck Tyrone yet?” She was smiling ear to ear.

  When I told Stephanie my plan of revenge, she said, “This is some real life Kill Bill shit.” She kept tally of everything I did, everybody I fucked and who I was getting pay back on in my planner. When I asked her why she felt the need to keep up with it. “Beatrice Kiddo kept a list.” That girl watched too many movies.

  “Yes, I fucked his sorry ass for three minutes, then the bastard went to sleep on me!” She fell out laughing; I mean, tears formed in Stephanie’s eyes. This shit was so funny to her.

  “This shit ain’t funny, girl.” She tried to stop laughing. “At least you got fucked good by Big Ant, the future NBA star! He had your side hurting for days after he beat you down.”

  Big Ant had put a beating on me. My side killed me for days. As a matter of fact, it was still hurting but BC powder helped ease the pain. I had dicks his size before, but never did they cause as much damage as his dick. He needs a warning label on his drawers.

  “So, when can I have some pussy, or do I need to drive around putting out fires first?” She smiled, “Anytime you want some pussy, you know where you can get it.”

  It wasn’t that I really wanted to fuck Stephanie; I just wanted to make sure I still could. We had been in California going on three years and I had only fucked her twice. She met her fireman six months after we arrived and had been fucking him since. It couldn’t have been too serious because he was married and could only see her once every other month, but like I predicted, her first piece of dick she would get attached to. I bet he couldn’t even fuck. If Stephanie and I weren’t so close, I would fuck his fine ass to see.

  “Can you arrange a dinner with me and Will from the sheriff’s office for his first available date? I put his number in that planner you protect so dearly.” She went flipping through the pages.

  “So, you have already contacted him? Look at you being the aggressor.”

  She would never believe it if I told her the truth, so I didn’t bother. The truth was that I pretended to have jury duty and was the lost jurymen that couldn’t find her courtroom. I was directed to the sheriff’s office for more assistance and passed him on my way there.

  There was some small talk and I threw in a, “We should do lunch and catch up,” and he had agreed. He had plans to hoop with Tyrone that evening and invited me to watch, but I hadn’t fucked Tyrone yet so I didn’t want to screw up my plans.

  “Don’t answer me then, Savannah! I’ll set it up and let you know the time and place.” I had a conference call to update William and Williamson on the upcoming venture in Washington and then headed home. Thank God it was Thursday. Just one more day of the workweek.

  Since I handled all my company’s business Thursday, I took Friday off to chill with Keisha. I wanted her to feel the exact same way I felt when she fucked Kevin. I really thought she was my friend back then and she needed to think I was her friend now.

  “Wake your ass up, Keisha, I’m on my way.”

  There was some hesitation in her voice. “Tyrone, umm. Tyrone spent the night with us last night and he hadn’t left yet.”

  She sounded as if I interrupted her boring ass sex with him. “Tell Tyrone I said hi and all he got is three minutes to finish up the job because I’m on my way and he better not fall asleep!”

  I hung up the phone before she heard my laughter. I laughed so hard both on my sides began throbbing. It felt like I was period bloated, yet there was pain with it. This was the worst the pain had gotten. I had to lie across my bed for a minute until the pain subsided. I swallowed two extra-strength Tylenol and headed out the door.

  When I pulled up to Keisha’s house, Tyrone was getting in his car to leave. I decided to talk shit to him. “Why are you leaving so QUICKLY, speedy? Do you ever slow down or do you just like finishing fast? I know you got three minutes for me like usual, don’t you Tyrone? What’s wrong; my cat got your tongue? No, that couldn’t be right because your tongue was just as sorry as your dick! I should go in here and tell Keisha about the sorry ass performance you gave me, but that would break her heart, wouldn’t it? The love of her life, Tyrone, fucked her new best friend from her past.” He closed his car door, walked up to me and grabbed me by my neck, shaking me.

  “Bitch, if you ever tell her about us, I will beat your ass myself, do you hear me? You a hoe anyways, you better hope Christina don’t find out you fucked Javier and him paying your cell phone bill or she might just introduce you to her box cutter! I don’t know what you trying to pull by fucking your home girl’s baby daddies, but you barking up the wrong tree. You are going to get what you asking for, Savannah, keep playing with people’s lives and you’re going to lose yours.”

  He let me go and spit on my windshield. “Fuck your karma, Savannah, prepare for your fate.” He pushed me out his way, told me to get my car out of the fucking way, and then drove off. He was so caught up with fate, he didn’t realize that karma helped determined your fate. I was giving those hoes back what they gave me. He was wrong to say karma and fate didn’t work together. Karma was the beginning and fate was the ending.

  Why in the fuck did Javier tell Tyrone about us, anyway? I could kill Javier for telling him. I wanted all six of them to know, but not until I had finished my exit plan from California. I had at least four months left here and I didn’t want to have to deal with drama in them.

  When I made it to the door, I made Keisha call Christina and Melinda and invite them with us. I picked them up and we headed to the spa. During our massages, I got an ear full of girl talk. It was like a movie script.

  Christina: “Did you find out who Ant went to Vegas with yet, girl?”

  Melinda: “Naw, he sticking to his story. He supposedly went with an ex-teammate from high school. I don’t believe his lying ass.”

  Keisha: “I told you not to worry about that shit. I’ll get it out of Tyrone. You know y’all’s baby daddies tell him everything. Soon as I find out, you know I’m going to tell you. Savannah, aren’t you glad you ain’t got to go through this stupid shit with niggas?”

  I stayed silent and hummed an, “umm hmm,” just to give some kind of response.

  Melinda: “Well, if I find out it was with a bitch, I’m going back to jail. Y'all remember what happened the last time he called his self fucking another bitch.”

  Christina: “Yeah, I do, I’m still on probation for the shit, bitch.

  Keisha: “We
did beat her ass kind of bad, that bitch had blood everywhere.”

  There was a roar of laughter. When did these bitches get bite behind there bark? I remember when they had a no fight rule because they refused to mess up their faces. Was Tyrone’s threat about Christina and a box cutter valid? I tried not to think about it, but the longer I stayed around all three of them, the more I found out that these bitches were crazy.

  Keisha had been arrested while pregnant with TJ for hitting a girl over her head with a chair at the food stamp office because she found out Tyrone had gotten some head from her.

  What had I set myself up for? “I thought y’all said that y’all wasn’t with your baby daddies anymore?” It flew out of my mouth. I hoped they couldn’t detect the nervousness in my tone.

  Christina was more than happy to answer. “We not, but they will always be our men. They report to us like we report to them. Javier has started shit with every nigga I have tried to fuck with after breaking up with him.” Melinda finished it up for her. “Ant and Tyrone has, too. We can’t be with each other, but we be damned before we sit back and allow each other to fuck with somebody else, too.”

  Smiling, I said, “Y’all crazy for that one.” All the while, I was thinking I needed to destroy the tapes and as a precaution, I would stay away from them until I was out of California.

  My plan of getting revenge was over. I had to live with the satisfaction of knowing I got my payback without sharing it with them. If they ever found out, they wouldn’t be devastated, they would join up and whip my ass and then sit around the jail house laughing about it.

  I wasn’t prepared to fight anybody. That’s why I had bought a gun, which did me no good because I left it in my night stand for safety. Maybe it was time to start carrying it around.

  It was 10 PM when I dropped them all off at Keisha’s house. Tyrone, Javier, Ant and a few other dudes were sitting on their cars rapping when we pulled up.

  “Aye, Savannah, I got a boy in Nevada who got the hook up on T-Mobile phones. You want his number? He said he can even get your bill paid for a small fee.” Tyrone must have found out about Ant, and me too, because Ant turned his head when Tyrone was done.

  Niggas talked like bitches. When was it ever cool to be a bitch nigga? Was it the new style or fad? Men were supposed to act like men and leave the gossiping to the women.

  I was not going to sit here and let them make me feel like a hoe. I fucked them, whether they saw it that way or not.

  “Is this the same nigga we were talking about earlier? The real fast guy? If it is, tell him I am good. I know somebody who fucked him and his whole crew. Made them feel like bitches then sent them away. Plus, I heard him and his boys were bi-sexual. I heard they sit around like bitches talking about whom they fucked and what bills they paid to fuck. You should be careful of who you pick to be cool with!” Keisha had no idea what we were talking about, but she joined in.

  “I hate when niggas brag on their dicks. You right about that, Savannah. That is some bitch shit. I couldn’t see a group of niggas huddled up giving each other pointers like women do; that just sounds gay.”

  That was all the confirmation I needed to leave my past alone. I felt like I had won a little bit when it came to the word war with Tyrone, but I needed to win when it came to getting revenge, too.

  This time, it wasn’t going to be over until I wanted it to be. I would sleep on it over the weekend and come up with a new plan. There was no way I was going to let my new found fear of the “Hoe crew” stop me, nor was the gossiping little bitches that called themselves niggas going to get away with it.

  I called Stephanie to get an update on Will. “He said he wouldn’t be free for a while but he would call you at the office when he became available. Sorry, Savannah.” I told her good night and hung up the phone. When I pulled into my driveway, I got a call from Javier.

  “Damn, Savannah, if you wanted to fuck me and my boys, why didn’t you just tell me? We could have set up a group activity.” Speechless, I hung up the phone.

  I had gone from being the laughing stock of the girls as a teenager to the new hoe joke between the men. I was so pissed off I didn’t even get out my car. I sat there going over every possible evil thought I could muster and then I thought about Hollywood Blvd. Not for partying purposes, but prostitution. The one thing all seven of us had in common was we all liked sex with different people we hadn’t had sex with before.

  It was time to meet some new friends, preferably the scandalous type, which would do whatever I wanted them to do as long as I paid them.

  I sent a text to Tyrone, Ant and Javier asking them if they were down for a wild night with me and my real friends. I apologized to each of them and explained Georgia had turned me into a little freak and I had some of my freaky friends from college coming in town who I’d love for them to meet.

  I told them that I had honestly thought about fucking all three of them together, at the same time, and then decided against it and planned my individual time with them.

  I asked if they could keep my freaky ways from their babies mamas and come live a day in my life Saturday night. They each agreed, even Tyrone who tried to explain those three minutes he gave me was an accident. I told them all to meet me at my time share property tomorrow at 8 PM.

  I had to move fast, it was already 11 PM Friday night and I had a lot of planning to do. I knew I would need Stephanie in on this one, but I couldn’t give her all the details or she would back out. I told her just enough to get her to agree.

  This was going to be the craziest and deadliest shit I had ever done, but it was worth a try and if I had my way, I would get all six of them at once. I drove down Sunset Blvd and rounded up four of the nastiest looking women I could find walking the street with pussy for sale and offered them each $1000 to be active participants in my plan. All four agreed and said they would have done it for less.

  I dropped them off at my rental property and told them they wouldn’t be paid until the deed was done and I would be back in the morning to take them to the salon and shopping.

  My plan was to turn these pennies into silver dollars, even if it was for one night. I needed them to look their best and I would pay whatever price to get it done.

  When I arrived in the morning, I handed them all douches, soap, washrags, deodorant, sweats and t-shirts. I didn’t expect this to get the scent of the streets out of them, but to calm it down enough to take them shopping in the mall.

  When we got to the salon, I got three of them sew in weaves and the other a short haircut like the one I used to wear.

  By 5 PM that Saturday afternoon, I had a house full of Halle Berry’s. You would have never known these women were walking the streets giving five dollar blow jobs less than 24 hours ago.

  Two of the four women admitted to being HIV positive and the other two hadn’t been checked out in years. I was so glad the master bedroom had its own bathroom. I knew I was going to sell the place for sure after tonight.

  Stephanie had been told my plan and we set up two video cameras that would record the entire night, including the payment I had promised the women. This had turned out to be a $7,000 plan and I hoped I got my money’s worth. It took $250 just to get the scent of uncleanness off the women and out of the house.

  I dimmed the lights and burned oils I had bought from the beach. The picture window that gave the prettiest view of the ocean I had ever seen was wide open to help with lighting.

  The women had been told the plan and I offered each and additional $500 if they could get the men to fuck them without a condom. There was nothing left to do but wait on the men to arrive.

  While waiting, we all had a drink and I gave the women their own blunt to smoke while Stephanie and I puffed on ours. Soon, one drink turned into two more drinks and we were on our second blunt. I would die if these niggas stood me up tonight.

  Chapter 12: Behind the Mask

  It was 10 minutes to 10 when the doorbell rang. Tyrone walked in first, leadi
ng the pack. “Well? What took y’all so long? We have been waiting.” They were high as hell. Javier decided to be the spokesman of the group.

  “Savannah, it was hard as hell getting away from your home girls, then we had to get some weed to bring out here. We drove speed limited all the way here.”

  I wasn’t mad at all. I was happy they finally came. I made introductions and offered them a seat. Tyrone asked for something to roll up on, so I handed him the yellow pages and turned on some music. Ant walked straight to the window to look at the view of the ocean

  “This is a nice ass spot you got here, Savannah, you doing real good for yourself, I see.” I reminded Ant he would have the same soon as he signed that NBA contract, that is, if he isn’t diagnosed with HIV before then.


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