On Becoming His

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On Becoming His Page 12

by Russell, Benjamin T.

  Easing back, Luke inhaled deeply as he pushed three fingers deep inside. When he spoke, his voice was barely a whisper. “I know, my Kat. I know. You have my heart.” Tugging back her head, he leaned down, hovering over her until their lips barely touched. “You belong to me and I want you.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her entire body shuddered from the invasion and as he continued thrusting in and out of her pussy, her muscles constricted. The man could drive her wild with barely a single touch. “Oh…Sir…” Closing her eyes, she shifted her ass back, meeting every forceful push with one of her own.

  In and out he continued to drive into her cunt as he nipped her neck, biting down until she cried out. He eased back and removed his fingers and in a quick move, yanked the thin dress over her shoulders, pitching the material onto the floor. “Come suck me.”

  With no hesitation, Jessie turned and dropped to her knees as she tipped her head, gazing at his face, his sensuous face. Fumbling with his belt and button, she finally maneuvered his zipper down, freeing his already throbbing cock. She loved giving him oral sex and truthfully he never needed to ask her. Almost always when he came home she was waiting for him, on her knees, hungry to suck his cock. This moment was no exception.

  “Yes, touch me, suck me. Don’t tease me, Jezebel.”

  Every time he said her full name she swooned just hearing the deep timbre, almost dangerous in tone. Wrapping her hand around the base of his cock, she stroked up and down slowly as she took her other hand and traced lines and circles down the length until she reached his balls. They were already swollen with seed, longing to fill her with his cream. Would he or would he hold back from her? Spanking wasn’t a punishment to her and neither was standing in the corner or loss of any privilege period. He knew the one thing that drove her completely nuts and forced her to obey him – she hated when he withheld his cream from her.

  “Yes. And I have something special planned for tonight.” Intertwining his fingers in her long hair, Luke jutted his hips forward.

  Inhaling deeply, the rich scent of the man, her man, was musky and excited every part of her body. Darting her tongue out, she licked across the sensitive slit as she wrapped her hand around his balls, rolling the tender sac between her fingers. She knew how much he loved the way she touched him and could bring him to the brink of cumming and then pull back. The man was practiced in the art of tantric sex and could and usually did hold back from her, but that meant for spectacular sessions of wild sex.

  “I said, don’t tease me.”

  Coming in the fall of 2012…

  Enjoy Jessie and Luke’s continuing journey




  Betrayal? Monica Preston ate betrayal for breakfast and refused to allow the damning fact that the very man of her dreams had decided on a younger and thinner version of herself to stymy her heart. Everything would’ve been all right if her entire career hadn’t been riding on the fact she was sleeping with her boss. Somehow the perks seemed to have dried up in a flash. When an unexpected call from a family member came, she jumped at the chance of getting the hell out of Chicago. Unfortunately the sweltering heat of Phoenix Arizona didn’t suit her city slicker ways. That is until she met three of the most gorgeous cowboys this side of the Mississippi and her bad girl fantasies kicked into high gear. But she had a job to do and one that would stretch her boundaries. There was no time for a shameless tryst. In a move similar to selling her soul to the devil, she figured out a plan to save the ranch. Unfortunately the decision was one that might condemn her with the men she was falling hard for.

  Thorne and Dylan Kemp were identical twins, but there was little about them similar in hungers or in their soul. Their beloved dude ranch, one that had been in their family for generations, was in threat of foreclosure and they had no clue how to change the inevitable. After all, a respected friend had squandered away their inheritance. When a voluptuous beauty arrived to change their lot in life, Dylan was incensed and committed to exposing her as the enemy. Determined to get to the bottom of the rouse, Thorne discovered every inch of the beautiful woman carnally and longed for more than a casual fling. As he and Dylan came to terms with their respective desires for the woman, both realized they wanted to share her for life. Just as they believed they could have everything they’d ever longed for -- including a wife -- her suspected betrayal resurfaced. And then tragedy struck, forcing them to question their deepest beliefs. When the truth behind the ranch’s demise was revealed, for one of them, life would change forever.

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  Chapter One

  “Come here, baby. I’m rock hard and need to slip my cock deep inside of you.

  Sauntering toward him, Monica grinned and licked her lips, freshly stained a deep ruby color and exactly the shade Mike loved. “Who me?” Wagging her finger, she swished her hips back and forth playfully.

  “You heard me. I’m your boss in and out of bed.”

  “I guess you are, but only here at the office.” Unfastening her coat, she eased the thin material off her shoulders, enjoying the soft sounds as it hit the floor around them. Now standing only in four-inch stilettos, there was nothing like seeing the way his hungry eyes drank in every inch of her curvaceous body. While this wasn’t her normal behavior, she was ready to kick up the heat in their relationship. There was truly something so exhilarating about being very naughty after hours. After all, her sexy boyfriend owned the posh business. They could afford to take a couple of sinful risks.

  “I said come here or the birthday girl is going to be planted over my ass and receive a long, hard spanking.”

  “Maybe I’d like that.” God, yes she would. She’d been craving more than just vanilla sex for so damn long.

  Crooking his finger, Mike raised his eyebrow and huffed. “Now.”

  Inching forward, when he reached out and yanked her forward, forcing her into the heat of his body, she gasped. When he crushed her mouth with his, pressing his tongue deep inside, she moaned. When he reached behind her and gave her a series of hard cracks on the ass, she melted.

  Crack! Pop! Slap!

  Shuddering, Monica closed her eyes and longed to beg him for more. Their tongues entwining, shivers skated down her spine and all she could do was place her hands on his shoulders, submitting to his desires. This just wasn’t her man at all. And damn, her pussy was clenching with desire. When he broke the kiss, she purred and inhaled his exotic scent that was all male. “What’s gotten into you?”

  “Can’t I desire my woman?” His voice was gruff, filled with a lust filled husk. He pushed her back and nodded toward his crotch. “Take out my cock.”

  “God, yes.” Fiddling with his buckle and belt, it took her two full minutes to free his throbbing shaft. Inhaling deeply, the scent of him, musky and exotic, filled her nostrils and she wanted nothing more than to suck him until he came into her mouth. Flicking her finger back and forth across his cockhead, she pursed her lips and cooed. “Should I suck you, baby?”

  “Later. You can clean off my cock. I have other things in mind for you tonight. You’re such a damn bad girl teasing me all day long, coming into my office half dressed. I need to punish you for hours.” Chuckling darkly, he thrust her over his knees and began to spank her methodically and evenly from one cheek to the other.

  Crack! Pop!

  “Oooohhh…” Monica squealed as she wiggled in his arms and knew her juice was trickling down onto his pants already.

  Slap! Crack! Slap!

  “Your ass is going to be red and on fire for a very long time. Just like you deserve.” His voice growled into the oversized space.

  She lay limp in his arms as the heated discipline continued and she was already sated from the dramatic change in his demeanor. “Mmmm…”

  “Now I fuck you.” When he
was finished, he yanked her up and in a split second forced her legs around his waist, impaling her in one deep thrust.

  “Fuck!” Clawing his arms, Monica moaned and threw her head back. This was pure heaven.

  Monica Preston adjusted her sunglasses as she climbed out of the rental car, studying the façade of the building with growing interest, and pushed back the same memory she’d been thinking about all damn day long. Hot sex. “Damn it!” There was no going back – not to Mr. Jerkoff anyway. Sighing, she furiously wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead before they trickled into her makeup yet again. Not only was it sweltering outside, but the air conditioning in the way too small car just couldn’t keep up with the damn Arizona desert heat. Why the hell she’d agreed to a temporary job selling timeshares for her cousin’s dude ranch she’d never know. Perhaps she needed a damn cat-scan. Even the name of the place seemed daunting or perhaps telling. Pensive Steed was at least catchy.

  The thought giving her a needed chuckle, she glanced around the perimeter and had to admit the scenery was breathtaking. From the craggy mountains to the prickly cactus and brightly decorated wildflowers adorning even the highways, Phoenix was a beautiful city. Unfortunately along with hating extreme heat, she loathed being outside of her beloved Chicago – for any reason. Born and raised on a farm smack in the middle of nowhere, the minute she landed in the prestigious city she was hooked. Without a doubt she preferred being able to indulge in shops and clubs, donning her finest slinky dresses and heels rather dowdy attire.

  Glancing down, she cringed and kinda had to admit her rather voluptuous body wouldn’t look good in faded blue jeans and some madras type shirt. However she did have an affinity for cowboy boots, or maybe just cowboys in general and preferably naked and hungry. Groaning, she dragged her mind out of the gutter and wiped her sweaty hands. This would be an interesting working respite.

  Still, her cousin needed what he called her expertise and there were few in the family who could or would offer. Ricky wasn’t the type to ask for help either so the situation must be pretty bad. Then again running off to parts unknown chasing after a girl certainly didn’t help the ailing location. That was her cousin though, a wild and free spirit who drove his black sheep reputation into hell and back. Monica glanced across the desolate area and cringed. A solid month was going to kill her. Grabbing her suitcases out of the car, she headed for the main house and wondered if there was anyone staying in the vacation spot at all. “Where the hell is everyone?” A quiet floated around the ranch almost like a blanket of death. She was used to teeming activity and this tumbleweed mentality was going to try her last nerve.

  Standing in front of check in, she waited as patiently as she could for any sign of a human as she eyed the old-fashioned bell ringer. Clearing her throat instead of slamming her hand on top of the well-worn wood, she turned her attention to the incredible interior and was more than impressed. From the massive stone fireplace nestled in a charming and down right comforting family room type area to the scattered and very vibrant artwork adorning the walls, the log style interior was gorgeous. “Wow.”

  “Wow is right.”

  Jumping, Monica slapped her hand over her mouth as she turned and faced the source of the kind, male voice.

  “I didn’t mean to frighten you. You must be Monica.”

  There was something so engaging about the older man’s dashing blue eyes that she was mesmerized for several seconds. “Yes, I…I am and…” Laughing, she held out her hand. “I was beginning to wonder if there was anyone here.”

  “It’s our slow time and sadly our observations are right. We’re certainly not as busy as we once were. We have a few folks out and about, but during the extreme heat of the day the guests tend to stay in their cabins.” Grabbing her hand, he smiled. “Forgive my manners. I’m Jessie Walters. Some call me the caretaker here.”

  Smiling, she felt instantly at ease as she shook his hand. “Pleased to meet you.”

  “May I say your cousin didn’t do you justice? He just said you were pretty. Damn the man must be blind.”

  Blushing, she slowly took her hand away and smiled. “My cousin hasn’t seen me since I was fourteen. I was into all things nerdy then including braces, acne and a bad hairdo.”

  “That certainly has changed. Woo-we woman. You’re like a spitfire of fresh air.”

  The mystery voice was sensual and dripping of an unmistakable lust. Swallowing hard, Monica tilted her head, trying to remain cool as a cucumber, but the instant she saw the rugged man’s face and carved body she melted. Holy fuck. I’ve died and gone to heaven. If this is what cowboys looked like, she was going to sign up for the entire digest version. “Whew.” She hadn’t realized she’d said the word audibly until Mr. sex-on-wheels grinned, his eyes twinkling.

  “I haven’t had that kind of reaction from a beautiful woman in a hell of a long time.” Inching forward, the hunky cowboy gazed down the length of her before licking his lips.

  “That’s what we call full court press,” Jessie chortled as he leaned over the counter.

  If this was full court press, Monica knew she had to have the entire rancho deluxe ride. Suddenly visions of the sensual dark haired man entered the back of her mind and in a blinding flash she could see herself naked, writhing under him as he thrust his cock deep into her pussy, harder and faster with each plunge and… Fanning her face, she had to look away for fear her lust filled desires were going to give her away. My God, how long had it been since she’d had a man’s dick in her?

  “You gonna introduce yourself to the lady or do I need to do that for you?” Jessie shook his head, the tone of his voice dipping.

  “Oh yeah, right. Been so long since I’ve seen a sexy woman I lose myself.” Wiping his fingers down his jean coated thigh, he finally held out his hand. “Thorne Kemp and we heard you were coming. Course if I’d a known you were such a beautiful woman I would have fixed myself up. If there is anything, and I do mean anything my brother and I can do for you while you’re here, just let us know. We’re at your service day and night.”

  The moment they shook hands Monica thought she might just have to fall to her knees and suck his cock. Blinking furiously, the inner bad girl in her hadn’t been let out of her cage in so long she was temporarily shocked into silence. Seeing his skin-tight blue jeans and even tighter tee shirt, covering a body that God had to have invented out of a damn Chippendale’s calendar, was enough to drive her into insanity.

  “Let the little lady settle in before you wine and dine her,” Jessie chastised.

  Giving the older man a gentle salute, Thorne grinned and tipped his hat. “All right beauty, but you and me have date coming and I won’t take no for an answer.”

  Tilting her head, she couldn’t help but admire the way the faded denim wore his ass or vice versa. You need to fuck that man and more than once. Monica sucked in her breath and her raging libido and attempted to look unfettered. But Jesus fucking ‘A’ the cowboy did things to her pussy few ever had. Christ she was hot all over.

  “You’ve met the man about town. At least one of them.”

  “Um, there are two of them?” The question seemed ridiculous.

  Jessie leaned even further over the counter. “Twins.”

  That was it. She hadn’t brought enough vibrators or batteries to keep her hunger in check. Nope, she was going to hell in a hand basket. And one way or the other she was going to fuck the man and possibly his brother at the same time. The thought alone made her giggle. “I think I’m going to like my stay.”

  Grinning, Jessie handed her a key and nodded toward the bank of windows on the side of the house. “Let me show you to your cabin. We have a damn amazing cook and Bertha prepares three full meals a day for our guests here at the main house, but you can always come in for a snack or share a glass of whiskey with us boys if you would like. I also handle mostly of the manly grilling, so you can anticipate kick ass steaks.”

  “Cabin? I certainly didn’t expect any specia
l treatment.”

  “Trust me, Miss Monica. You don’t want to be around her every night when the rowdy boys kick up their heels. That is when they aren’t in town running smack into mischief.” Tipping his hat, Jessie’s eyes twinkled as he walked around the counter. “Come on, pretty lady. Just down the road less than a mile.”

  Trailing behind him, Monica climbed into her car and followed him in his jeep down a dusty road toward the mountains. She could see horses and cattle during the ride, along with what had to be miles and miles of desert and little else. When Jessie stopped behind a small but very quaint cabin style home, she smiled. Maybe a little time in the country would do her some good. There were others buildings close by and she gathered they were the cabins for rent and for purchase. She had to admit the entire dude ranch seemed like an ideal operation. Her cousin barely mentioned specifics but she gathered the horrendous economy had taken a toll.

  “Let me take your bags. I stocked up the pantry and refrigerator for you including some wine and feminine type stuff, but not knowing your tastes, you might want to venture out to the store tomorrow after it’s light.”

  “Why after it’s light?”

  “There are some beasts in the mountains you know, and they love to feast on a pretty lady.”

  Stopping short, she placed her hands on her hips and cleared her throat. “My guess is you say that to all the guests.”

  About Cassandre

  Cassandre started writing stories and poems before she knew how to ride a bike and proceeded onto novels by age eleven. By the time she was an early teenager, she had written fifteen novels. As early adulthood, college and life settled in; writing was placed on the back burner but never forgotten entirely. Suddenly awakened by the rampant fantasies and untold stories of characters that flowed through her dreams every night and filtered into her daylight hours; she could hold back the creative process no longer.


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