Love Unexpected

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Love Unexpected Page 6

by Raven K. Asher

  Hopefully, it would be sooner rather than later.


  Morning comes way too soon, and with it comes my mother’s voice from the other side of the door.

  “Scarlett…” She sings.

  I groan and bury my face against my pillows.

  Without warning the door swings open and my mother walks into the room before gasping in horror.

  “What is this?” She questions. “Where the hell is your bed?”

  Sighing roughly, I roll onto my back. “This is my new bed.”

  “Have you lost your mind?” She blurts.

  “I’m not the one who bought it. You can thank Benjamin’s sons for this lovely new piece of furniture.” I reply while sitting up.

  Her mouth opens and closes a few times before her brow scrunches. “Why on earth would they buy you a bed; and this of all things?”

  “I guess they felt guilty that someone had sex in my bed,” I answer. “But I also think it was a joke that kind of backfired on them.”

  This time her brow rises in question. “Why did their joke backfire?”

  I shrug while looking around at the bed. “I kind of like it.”

  Mom bursts into laughter while placing her hand against her chest. I remain still as she struggles to regain her composure.

  Once her laughter dies down, she shakes her head. “Of course you would like this bed. It suits you and your whorish ways.”

  I roll my eyes in response.

  Without another word, she turns and then walks back to the door. She pauses and then glances back at me.

  “Breakfast is ready downstairs. I expect you to join us, and after we’re done eating you and I are going to go shopping for school clothes.” She states.

  With that she exits the room, shutting my door behind her.

  I had completely forgotten all about school. Time had escaped me and the change in the seasons hadn’t been that noticeable with everything going on. But it was that time of year when school restarted, and I would be faced to walk into another building full of strangers who would more than likely make my life even harder than it already was.

  Lying back down I close my eyes and then take in a deep breath to calm my nerves.

  No matter what, I had no choice but to go along for the ride.

  Of course, shopping for clothes with my mother wasn’t going to be a walk in the park either. Oddly enough there was a part of me looking forward to it.

  “I must be losing my mind,” I whisper to myself.

  That had to be the only reason why I would even play with the thought of enjoying a shopping trip with my mother.

  Sighing softly I roll out of bed and then quickly move into the bathroom to clean myself up so that I would be presentable enough for breakfast. If I didn’t, then I’d never hear the end of it.

  Once my hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and my face is washed, I move back into the room to grab some fresh clothes.

  A few minutes later I leave my room behind to go downstairs.

  I move slowly through the house before stopping near the kitchen as laughter filters out of the room. It was laughter that I hadn’t heard in a very long time.

  Mom was actually laughing.

  Without warning Mom and Benjamin walk out of the kitchen.

  Mom’s laughter dies as she looks at me in question. “What are you doing standing in the hallway, Scarlett?”

  I shrug. “I didn’t want to ruin your moment.”

  She nods once and then smiles. “Come on; join us for breakfast in the dining room.”

  With that, she walks past me with Benjamin following close behind.

  After a brief moment, I turn and then move to the dining room.

  I stop in the doorway as Drake and Ash look at me from their spots sitting at the table.

  “Don’t just stand there, Scarlett, sit down.” Mom demands gently.

  I nod and bite my lip before moving towards the only empty seat left across from where Ash was sitting.

  As soon as I sit down, he turns his attention back to his plate stacked high with pancakes in front of him. Drake doesn’t even glance in my direction again as he begins to eat quietly.

  Before I can dwell on it too much, Mom places a plate filled with an assortment of fruits down in front of me before also placing a plate with a small stack of pancakes.

  I look at her with surprise. “Are you sure I’m allowed to have pancakes?”

  “Oh, don’t be like that, Scarlett. Eat and enjoy them but make sure you eat the fruit too.” She replies with a wave of her hand.

  Instead of questioning her further I quickly begin eating.

  Chapter Ten

  “Scarlett, if you don’t get out here then you’re going to be late for your first day of school.” Mom calls out from the other side of my bedroom door.

  I roll my eyes and then rub my hands nervously over the light blue top and black Capri pants that I was wearing. It was one of the less revealing outfits that Mom had picked out for me on our shopping trip.

  To be honest, I kind of liked most of the outfits that we had picked out together.

  And I may have enjoyed our time together more than I had initially expected.

  Since coming back after the party, my mother seemed to have changed. She seemed happier than I had seen her since my father had left.

  It was refreshing, but at the same time, it made me nervous.

  I couldn’t allow myself to get comfortable because it would end; it always came to an end and Mom would be ten times worse than before.

  She would lash out at me, and there would be no place for me to run.

  Once I’m able to calm my nerves I move towards the door before opening it.

  Mom’s eyes widen with surprise as a smile spreads across her lips. “Oh my goodness, Scarlett, you look beautiful in that outfit.”

  “You don’t think it’s too much for my first day, do you?” I reply while glancing down at myself.

  “No, it’s just right. You’ll fit in perfectly with the other students.” Mom insists.

  Taking her word for it, I nod and then reach for my bag next to the door. I then take a deep breath before releasing is slowly while lifting my head high.

  I could do this.

  Moving slowly, I walk with my mother down the hallway and then downstairs where we stop at the bottom of the stairs.

  She turns to face me. “Make sure you make the right friends, Scarlett.”

  And there she was; the true face of my mother. I should have known that her motherly side would disappear, but I had fooled myself into thinking it would last for a little while longer.

  “I doubt that I’ll make any friends, Mom,” I reply before continuing. “But that really doesn’t matter to you. I have to go before I’m late anyway.”

  Without another word, I push past her and make my way through the rest of the house and then into the garage where Ash and Drake were standing next to one of their vehicles.

  “Are you riding with us?” Drake asks loudly.

  I shake my head and move outside where my truck was parked.

  I remain quiet as I climb into the driver’s seat. I barely even notice Drake backing his car out of the garage or him exiting the car to move to my door.

  He knocks, and I turn my head to look at him.

  “Is everything alright?” He questions.

  Grabbing the steering wheel, I tighten my grasp while grinding my teeth together. I was sick and tired of this. I was fine without all of them in my life.

  “Get the hell away from me.” I snap.

  Before he can respond, I shove my key into the ignition before starting the engine.

  With one last look in Drake’s direction, I put the truck into reverse and hit the gas pedal. The truck’s tires screech against the pavement until it gains traction. Drake watches me from the driveway as I back up until I reach the main road.

  I quickly put the truck into drive before speeding off.

r />   All too soon, I reach the parking lot of the school.

  I park my truck next to two sleek black cars before shutting the engine off. Sighing softly I lean my forehead against the steering wheel while closing my eyes tightly.

  I nearly jump out of my skin when someone knocks on my window.

  Moving reluctantly I turn my face to look at whoever had disturbed my moment. Instead of Drake or Ash, I find a blonde haired guy with an easy grin.

  “What are you doing in there? Come on out.” He states with a hint of humor in his deep voice.

  I smile and then open my door.

  “You must be new here.” He laughs before becoming serious. “I would remember a beautiful face like yours.”

  After a moment his eyes narrow. “Actually, I have seen you before…”

  He pauses for a moment before nodding. “Yeah, I did. You were at Drake and Ash’s party. You were the girl drinking whiskey in the kitchen.”

  Another moment passes before he barks out in laughter. “You pissed off Mandy and Ellie that night. Everyone has been talking about the mysterious girl, but now here you are.”

  As his smile grows, he holds out his hand towards me. “I’m Jace, and you are?”

  “I’m Scarlett,” I answer while placing my hand in his.

  “Damn; and a sexy name to boot,” Jace replies. “I think I’m really going to like you.”

  I inwardly groan while plastering on my best smile. The sooner I got away from this guy the better I would be. I knew his type all too well. He was sweet on the outside but once you got too close his true colors would come out.

  Jace was nothing more than a jerk wrapped up in a good-looking disguise.

  His brow rises a second later. “So, how do you know Drake and Ash?”

  “I don’t.” I lie simply.

  Before Jace can say another word, Drake pulls into the parking lot before exiting his car along with Ash.

  In an instant, their attention falls on me.

  Cursing under my breath, I turn my full attention towards Jace while giving him my best grin. “Since I’m new here would you mind showing me around?”

  He nods enthusiastically. “Of course...”

  With that, he wraps his arm around my shoulders before he begins leading me towards the main entrance of the school.

  Just as we reach the doors, I glance back at Drake and Ash who were following close behind.

  Neither of them appeared to be very happy, but thankfully they stay silent.

  Once inside the school, Jace leads me to the right while Ash and Drake move in the other direction. I glance back one more time at Drake and Ash as they walk away.

  Sighing softly, I turn my attention back towards the hallway in front of me.

  After a few moments, Jace stops in front of an open door. “Right in there is the office. They’ll be able to give you what you need, but if you want me to stay and guide you to your first class, I wouldn’t mind.”

  “You can go, but if I need any help, I’ll find you,” I reply sweetly.

  He nods and then smiles. “Alright, I’ll see you later then.”

  Without another word, he turns and then walks away.

  As he disappears into the crowd of people walking in through the main entrance, I turn to step into the school’s office.


  “Alright, I think that about does it.” The kind older lady behind the counter states as she hands me a stack of papers and a red folder. “All we need to do now is get you into your first class.”

  I quickly put the papers and folder into my bag while she moves around the counter.

  She waves her hand for me to follow her as she exits the office.

  I’m forced to nearly run to keep up with her as she walks down one hallway and then another.

  Moments later she comes to a stop. “This is the science room. Your next class is three doors down, but if you get lost or need any help, please feel free to come back to the office.”

  I nod in understanding.

  She then points towards my bag. “Make sure to have your teachers sign the paper that I gave you, and return it to me at the end of the day. It’s just to make sure that each teacher is made aware that you’re a new student.”

  I nod again. “I will.”

  “Alright, well let’s get you inside.” She replies.

  With that, she opens the door and then walks into the room. I follow along reluctantly as she moves directly towards the teacher.

  The entire class breaks into hushed whispers as I fidget nervously.

  After a few moments, the woman from the office walks back out of the classroom.

  “Class, it seems as though we have a new student here at Willow High.” The teacher announces as she looks at me with a bright smile. “Everyone, let’s give Scarlett Higgins a warm hello.”

  The class mutters some hellos while the teacher moves closer to me.

  “Scarlett, you can take the seat in the back next to Ashton.” She instructs while motioning towards the one person that I hadn’t expected to be in this class.

  I inwardly curse my luck before giving her my best smile.

  As she moves back towards her desk, I walk through the room until I find the only empty seat next to Ash.

  He doesn’t even look in my direction as I sit down.

  “Since, Scarlett missed the first part of my speech I’ll start over again.” The teacher begins, causing the class to groan out in unison.

  “Now, now, it’s not like this is going to kill all of you.” She laughs.

  Becoming serious she begins speaking again. “As I said before, I’m Mrs. Macintosh, but you can all call me Mrs. M.”

  As Mrs. M. continues talking I glance in Ash’s direction.

  “Are you mad at me?” I whisper.

  He looks at me before shaking his head. “No.”

  Not another word is said as he returns his attention towards the teacher.

  Sighing softly I focus my attention towards Mrs. M. too. Right now there wasn’t anything that I could do to get Ash to speak to me any more than he already had.

  Later I would try again though.

  Hopefully, he would say something more than just one word.

  Chapter Eleven

  “You have got to be kidding me.” I groan softly as I enter my last class of the day.

  “Ah, you must be the new student that everyone has been talking about all day.” The teacher states as he greets me with a friendly smile and his hand stretched out in my direction. “Welcome, to my class. I’m Mr. Henderson, and in here, please feel free to be as creative as you’d like.”

  He then glances around the classroom before looking back at me. “It seems that I only have one seat left, so you can sit next to Drake.”

  I nod and then walk towards the empty seat.

  Every single class that I had walked into throughout the day had held either Drake or Ash. And every single time the only seat left had been right beside them.

  Fate was a cruel mistress.

  No matter how hard I had tried, I hadn’t been able to get any more than a word or two from them. It was as if I had done something to make them absolutely hate me.

  I didn’t like the thought of them hating me.

  Yes, I had wanted space but not like this.

  This felt wrong.

  Sitting down next to Drake I sigh roughly before placing my head into my hands while resting my elbows on the desk in front of me.

  “What’s wrong, Scarlett?” Drake questions gently.

  I look at him with a raised brow. “Are you serious?”

  “Did someone say something to you? Was someone mean?” He presses.

  “Yeah…” I reply while nodding. “You and Ash haven’t exactly been the nicest to me.”

  “Scarlett…” He breathes out. “We were giving you space. You kind of seemed like you needed it this morning.”

  I sigh. “I guess I deserve that. I was kind of a jerk.”

  “You we
re.” He replies with a light laugh.

  Before either of us can say another word, Jace appears and then sits down on the edge of the desk close to me.

  “Hey, there, stranger…” He greets. “How’s your day been?”

  “It’s been as good as it could possibly be,” I reply.

  He nods and then glances towards Drake. “Are you having a party this weekend?”

  “We always do.” Drake answers.

  “Awesome.” Jace hoots before returning his attention towards me again. “So, Scarlett, would you want to go to Drake’s party with me?”

  “I don’t know…” I reply.

  “Give her time to get to know everybody, Jace. I’m sure she would rather go with someone else, or maybe she doesn’t want to go at all.” Drake chimes in.

  “Well, she has all week to decide,” Jace replies with a hint of annoyance.

  Drake nods and then smirks at me. “So, are you coming straight home after school?”

  He knew damned well that I didn’t have any other plans. He was just saying this to announce that I was currently living in their house.

  “Wait, wait, wait a second.” Jace blurts before he narrows his eyes. “Are you saying that Scarlett is staying at your house, Drake?”

  Drake’s smirk grows. “She is. Her mother is dating my father.”

  “Damn…so that’s why Mandy and Ellie are so ticked off.” Jace laughs.

  “Actually, they don’t know that she’s living with us,” Drake admits.

  “You are playing with fire, Drake. If they find out, you and Ash are done. You two will be single in a heartbeat.” Jace replies.

  “I don’t know about Ash, but I ended things with Ellie at the last party we had,” Drake states while glancing in my direction.

  “Man, you screwed up. Ellie is too damn hot. If she were my girl, I never would have given her up.” Jace replies as he stands up.

  “If you want her, then go for her, Jace. She’s all yours.” Drake insists.


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