Love Unexpected

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Love Unexpected Page 13

by Raven K. Asher

  He shakes his head. “We couldn’t find any living relatives.”

  “So, you’re all I’ve got.” I breathe out. “You’re the only one who can save me from my mother or else I have to go into the foster system.”

  “I’m not going to let that happen,” Benjamin promises.

  “I appreciate this, but you don’t have to feel obligated,” I stress. “I can handle things on my own if I have to. I’ve been taking care of myself for a very long time anyway.”

  “My sons care about you, and that means that I care about you, Scarlett. I have the means to help you, and I believe that you were brought into our lives for a reason.” He replies.

  He smiles before speaking again. “Do you love my son?”

  “I could see myself loving him,” I answer honestly.

  “That’s good because I believe my son is head over heels in love with you.” Benjamin laughs. “I’ve never seen him care so much about someone other than his brothers before.”

  I smile in response.

  “Anyway, tell me something about you. We’ll go back and forth and feel free to ask me anything. I’m an open book. I have nothing to hide.” Benjamin states.

  My smile grows.

  Within a few minutes, we dive deep into conversation.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  As someone knocks on the door to my hospital room Benjamin and I try but fail to control our laughter. We had been talking for what had felt like hours, and in that time we had gotten to know a lot about each other.

  It was nice, and I now felt closer to him than I had ever felt with another person other than my mother and Ash.

  “Can we come in?” Ash questions as he opens the door.

  Benjamin nods while Ash and Drake come in while glancing between us in question.

  “What’s so funny?’ Drake asks.

  “Scarlett was just telling me about something that happened to Vivian a few years ago,” Ben replies with a light chuckle. “I still can’t believe that man did that.”

  “It was perfect. I nearly wet my pants.” I laugh.

  “Now you have to let us in on this little story.” Ash insists as he moves to my side before grabbing my hand in his.

  He then leans in and kisses the side of my head sweetly.

  “I’ll tell you another day,” I promise.

  Ash nods and then turns his attention towards Benjamin. “What’s happening now? Can we take Scarlett home yet?”

  “We should be able to take her home, but if we want her to stay, then we’re going to have to make some changes,” Benjamin replies. “You can’t fight me on anything, Ash; otherwise we could ruin our chance to keep Scarlett safe.”

  “I won’t do anything to cause trouble,” Ash promises.

  “Good. Now I’m going to speak to the doctor. I want you three to behave while I’m gone, okay.” Benjamin stresses.

  “We’ll be good,” Drake answers this time.

  Ben nods and then stands before he leaves the room.

  Ash turns his attention towards me as he raises his hand towards my chin. “Did she do this to you?”

  I nod. “The doctor saw her. That’s why all of this is happening.”

  “Good. She deserves everything that happens.” Ash growls out.

  Sighing softly I close my eyes. “She lied about my father. I found out that instead of running off with another woman he died in a car accident.”

  “What the hell…?’ Drake breathes out. “That’s an awful thing to lie about.”

  Through all of this, I was finally realizing just what kind of monster my mother had become. The story of my life that I had told Sally had opened my eyes to it all.

  My mother had been nothing short of cruel and neglectful.

  She may not have physically abused me, but she had mentally abused me just like my ex had.

  Sally had been shocked and surprised that I had been able to take care of myself after all these years with my mother.

  Honestly, some of what I had told her had shocked me as well.

  I had hidden so much from myself in order to keep from losing my mind.

  After a few moments of silence, Ash sits down on the edge of my bed. “What’s going to happen now, do you know?”

  I shrug. “As far as I know your Dad is being granted temporary guardianship over me. He told me that you and Drake will have to move to the farmhouse for a while especially since we’re together.”

  “Are we together?” Ash presses as he searches my eyes.

  “Yes,” I answer.

  He grins and then leans down to press his lips against mine. “I was hoping that you’d say that.”

  Drake clears his throat causing Ash to pull away.

  “I’m going to give you two a few minutes of privacy,” Drake states before motioning over his shoulder. “I’ll be right outside.”

  Without another word, Drake exits the room.

  Ash and I watch each other for a few moments before I reach up to touch his cheek tenderly. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too.” He replies before continuing. “Please, don’t push me away again.”

  “I won’t,” I promise.

  He nods and then sighs. “It’s going to suck staying at the farm without you.”

  “We’ll make it work.” I insist.

  “Damn right we will.” He snorts.

  After a moment he becomes serious. “I care about you, Scarlett, you know that, right?”

  “I do, and I care about you too, Ash,” I answer.

  A few more moments pass before I smile shyly. “You know, I never thought that I would fall for you. You were such an ass when we first met. How the hell did you weasel your way in?”

  Ash barks out in laughter. “You weren’t exactly the nicest either, but you had me from the first moment you challenged me.”

  He becomes serious before speaking again. “I didn’t weasel my way in, it just happened.”

  I nod in agreement. Neither of us had intended for this to happen. I had set out to stay away from him, and he had tried to push me away until neither of us could anymore.

  We had been drawn together from the start.

  “Honestly I’m shocked that you didn’t end up with Drake. You two have a connection there that we don’t have.” Ash states next.

  “Drake has always been more brotherly than anything. Yes, there’s a close connection, but I don’t see him the same way as I see you.” I explain.

  “Good to know that I’m not competing against my brother.” Ash laughs.

  “Now, Trevor on the other hand…he might be able to steal me away.” I tease while waving my hand in front of my face dramatically.

  Ash gasps. “You take that back…”

  I grin mischievously before reaching around the back of Ash’s neck. I then proceed to pull his lips towards mine.

  As he moves closer, I gaze into his eyes. “Don’t worry; I’m all yours.”

  “Good.” He replies simply before pressing his lips to mine again.

  “You might want to break this up,” Drake states suddenly. “Dad is coming back with some lady and the doctor.”

  Ash pulls back before returning to his spot sitting next to me on the edge of the bed.

  Moments later Benjamin, Sally, and the doctor join us.

  “You already look much better.” The doctor states happily before motioning towards Ash. “This must be the guy you’ve been begging to see.”

  “He is,” I reply.

  The doctor nods. “Good, and in other good news, we are going to release you. I am going to give you strict orders to relax for a few days. I’m also going to write you a few prescriptions to help you deal with the stress and to help with pain.”

  “I’ve already given Benjamin everything he needs to make sure you get the things that you need.” He adds.

  “Thank you,” I reply. “Thank you for everything.”

  “You’re welcome, Scarlett.” He replies.

  With tha
t, he walks back out of the room.

  “Like the doctor said we’ve got everything in order for you to be released. For now, Benjamin will be considered your guardian. I’ve also pressed charges against your mother on your behalf, but that doesn’t mean that she won’t be able to contact you.” Sally explains.

  She pauses for a moment before continuing. “Under no circumstance should you be alone with her. If she approaches you, I want you to call someone immediately, understand?”

  I nod. “I understand.”

  “Good. Now, since you’re so close to turning eighteen the best we can do is prolong this instead of fighting for custody. It would get messy, and the judge would more than likely favor your mother since Benjamin isn’t a blood relative.” She then states.

  “Your mother can and probably will fight us, but I’m going to do my best to keep you where you’re safest, which in this case is with Benjamin,” Sally adds.

  After a moment of silence, she turns her attention towards Ben. “I am going to have to stress to you one more time that your sons will have to stay at another residence until this is over. Scarlett will be taken away if that rule is broken.”

  “I understand, and my sons have agreed to stay at our other house with their older brother,” Benjamin replies.

  “Good. I just need a few more signatures, and then you can be on your way.” Sally states while handing the papers to Ben.

  After a moment she speaks again. “As we discussed, I will visit first thing tomorrow morning.”

  “We’ll be waiting,” Benjamin replies as he hands the clipboard back to Sally.

  She smiles in response before looking towards me. “I will see you soon, Scarlett. Keep that smile on your face and your chin up, okay.”

  I nod. “I will.”

  “Good girl,” Sally replies. “Now, go home, get some rest and let these great men pamper you.”

  Sally turns to leave but stops before glancing back at us. “I will turn a blind eye for tonight only if your sons stay with Scarlett. I understand what Ash means to her, and I believe she’s going to need him, but after tonight he’ll have to limit his time with you, Scarlett.”

  Without another word, she walks away.

  Benjamin claps his hands together. “We should get home so that Scarlett can follow the doctor’s orders.”

  Drake and Ben walk out of the room, but Ash stays behind.

  “Do you need any help getting your clothes back on?” He asks as he tries and fails to hide his mischievous grin.

  “I think I can manage,” I reply before pulling him closer so I can whisper into his ear. “But later maybe you can help me take them back off.”

  “Alright…” Ash groans dramatically. “But if you change your mind now I’ll be right outside the door.”

  He stands and then slowly walks to the door before walking out while shutting the door behind him. Once the door is closed, I move to the edge of the bed before I begin slowly redressing myself.

  As I slip my clothing on I smile to myself.

  For the first time in a very long time, I felt loved.

  On the other side of that door were three men who cared more about me than anyone in my life ever had, besides my father. They could never replace him, but I had to believe that maybe, just maybe, my father had sent them into my life to take his place.

  Either way, as long as I was free from my mother and her lies, I would be okay.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  “Are you sure there isn’t anything else that I can get for you?” Ash questions as he moves to sit down on the edge of my bed.

  “I’m fine, Ash, just lay down with me,” I reply while patting the bed.

  He sighs. “I just…I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You’re not going to hurt me if you lay down next to me.” I insist.

  I couldn’t blame him for being so cautious especially after what had happened earlier when we had decided to get a little frisky with each other. Instead of things feeling good my stomach had ached to the point where it had made me sick.

  I had barely made it to the bathroom before I had thrown up.

  “Are you sure?” He whispers.

  “Yes, Ash, I just want you to hold me while we sleep. That’s all I need right now.” I reply while holding my hand out towards him.

  He sighs again before nodding his head. “Alright, but if for one second your stomach starts to hurt again you need to let me know.”

  “I will,” I promise.

  Thankfully he doesn’t argue with me anymore. He lies down and then wraps his arms around me as I snuggle against his body.

  We lay in silence for what feels like forever until Ash falls fast asleep. I watch as his chest rises and falls with each breath he takes. I smile while gently tracing my fingers along his strong jawline.

  Never before did I ever believe that I would feel this way about anyone.

  There wasn’t a single thing about Ash that could turn me away. I liked him best even with his flaws, and I could only hope that he would feel the same about my very own imperfections.

  After a few minutes, I sigh and slowly remove myself from Ash’s embrace. Once I’m free, I scoot off of the bed and then stand.

  I glance back once to make sure that Ash is still asleep before moving towards the door.

  Somehow, someway, I manage to exit the room without making a sound.

  I make my way through the house and then into the kitchen.

  Drake looks up at me with a raised brow. “How did you manage to get away from Ash?”

  “He fell asleep,” I answer.

  “Are you hungry?” Drake questions next.

  As if on cue my stomach belts out a loud grumble.

  He grins. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  After a moment Drake stands up and then begins searching through the cabinets.

  “You don’t have to make me anything, Drake.” I insist while moving next to him to stop his search.

  “The doctor said that you need rest. That means you should sit down and let me make you something to eat.” He replies sternly.

  “I’m not going to take no as an answer.” He adds.

  Sighing softly I nod my head and then move to sit down at the table across from where he had previously been sitting.

  Drake returns to searching through the cabinets until he finds what he had been looking for.

  He shoots me a bright grin while holding up a can of chicken noodle soup. “This will be perfect. It won’t be too harsh on your stomach, and it will take some of that hunger away.”

  With that proclamation, he turns back around to find a pot.

  Once he has one he moves on to the stove before he begins pouring the can’s contents into the pot before adding a little bit of water.

  I watch as he turns the burner on and then as he returns to the table to sit down across from me.

  “Can we talk?” Drake questions abruptly.

  “What do you want to talk about?” I reply curiously.

  “I want to talk about my brother.” He replies before continuing. “This relationship or whatever you’re in with him better last. The last time my brother had his heart broken it nearly cost him his life.”

  He pauses for a moment before speaking again. “There was a girl, Liz, who came into our lives, much like you did. She was sweet and innocent at first, but her true colors came out quickly.”

  Drake scrubs his hand over his face as he takes a breath.

  “She twisted Ash’s mind so much…” He whispers before continuing again. “Anyway, I was finally able to get through to him, but the damage had been done. A week after she left Ash was in such a deep depression he took a bunch of pills and then drank until he passed out.”

  “I’d be lying if I didn’t say that this relationship between the two of you scares the hell out of me.” He then states. “I don’t want to lose my brother if you suddenly choose not to be with him one day.”

  “Ash feels so much deeper than most
people do.” He stresses.

  “I’m the same way, Drake,” I reply softly.

  “Then you two being together is a dangerous combination,” Drake stresses.

  “I think we balance each other out pretty well actually.” I insist. “And just so you know I’m in this relationship for the long haul. I’ve never found someone who gets me like Ash does.”

  “I’ve never had anyone care about me like your family has either,” I add.

  Drake nods and then sighs. “And that brings up another subject that we need to talk about. I need to know that you’re not going to end up breaking my father’s heart too. He is investing a lot of time and energy into you, and the last thing we need is you running off.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I promise. “Like I said before, I’ve never had anyone care about me this way, and there is no way in hell that I’m going to let that go.”

  “Good.” Drake breathes out.

  After a moment he stands and then moves over to the stove before pulling out a fork to stir the soup in the pot.

  I stand and then move towards him as he turns back around to face me.

  We watch each other for a few moments before I bow my head briefly.

  “Drake, I’m scared,” I whisper.

  His brow rises in question. “What are you afraid of?”

  “My mother…” I answer honestly. “I’ve never defied her like this, and she’s never been caught being neglectful. I have no idea how she’s going to react, but I have a feeling that it’s going to be bad.”

  “You don’t have to be afraid of her.” He insists. “Ash and I will keep you safe.”

  “What about when you’re at the farm, and I’m here alone?” I question.

  “I don’t know, but we’ll figure out something,” Drake replies. “I’ll talk to my dad as soon as I can tomorrow morning.”

  Before I can say another word, Ash rushes into the room before coming to a stop.

  “There you are.” He pants out. “You scared me to death, Scarlett.”

  “What are you doing down here?” He then questions while glancing between Drake and me.


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