Love Unexpected

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Love Unexpected Page 16

by Raven K. Asher

  Drake hoots loudly in response before he runs back towards the house.

  Benjamin shakes his head while chuckling. “I haven’t seen him this excited in a long time.” He pauses for a moment to look at me. “You’ve brought a light back into this family that we desperately needed.

  “It was all meant to be,” Ash replies while wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

  I had to agree. There was a reason that they had come into my life. They had saved me in more ways than one and I had, in turn, saved them.

  This family had given me a freedom that I never thought that I needed.

  They gave me hope for my future.

  “You guys better get inside before Drake eats the cake without you,” Trevor stresses.

  Benjamin snorts in amusement. “He’s not lying. That boy once ate an entire cake on his eighth birthday.”

  Ash barks out with laughter. “I remember that. He hid in the closet with it.”

  I laugh along with them as we begin making our way to the house. With each story they told me about their lives I found myself fitting into place even more within their family.

  To be honest, I felt as if I had been a part of it all along.

  As Ash and Benjamin walk inside, I pause and then turn to look back at Trevor.

  “Are you coming?” I ask.

  He grins. “I’ll be in as soon as I take her back to the horse trailer.”

  I nod and then turn back around to walk inside.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  After a long day of opening gifts and eating cake, it was time to call it a night.

  “Well, kids, this old man needs to sleep,” Benjamin states as he stands up. “I’ll see you all in the morning.”

  Without another word, he walks away.

  Trevor sighs. “I should go too. I need to take care of the horses.”

  He had gone back to the farm earlier to get Perdita settled in before returning to celebrate the rest of my special day with us.

  Between Drake and Trevor, they had become the best big brothers that any girl could ask for.

  They both took their roles seriously.

  Of course, they teased me relentlessly all day, but I had secretly loved every second of it.

  After a few moments, Trevor stands and the scuffs my hair as he walks past with a cocky smirk. “See you later, little sister.”

  I laugh in response while fixing my hair.

  Without another word he leaves.

  Beside me, Ash yawns. “I think it’s time for me to call it a night too.”

  He then looks at me. “Are you coming with me or are you going to stay down here with Drake?”

  “I’ll go with you,” I reply before yawning. “I’m getting tired.”

  He nods and then stands before extending his hands towards me. I take them and allow him to pull me up to my feet.

  I stumble forward, and Ash chuckles while wrapping his arms around me.

  I gaze up into his eyes while smiling as he looks down at me.

  After a few moments Ash cups my cheek before leaning down to press his lips firmly against mine. Within seconds our kiss turns more demanding.

  “Get a room…” Drake barks out with amusement before tossing a pillow at us.

  Ash pulls away with a grin. “Gladly…”

  Before I have the chance to stop him, Ash scoops me up into his arms before he begins carrying me away from the living room.

  “Goodnight, you two,” Drake calls out as we enter the hallway.

  “Goodnight, Drake,” I yell back.

  Wrapping my arms around Ash’s neck, I lay my head against his chest. His heartbeat fills my ear as he carries me up the stairs and then down the hallway to my room.

  He carries me inside before placing my feet onto the floor.

  “You never got to see your surprise up here.” He states before flipping on my light.

  I bark out in laughter. “Are you serious…?”

  Before Ash can reply, I move towards the heart shaped dressers. They matched the bed perfectly. I instantly loved them.

  “It took nearly two weeks to track down someone who knew a place that sold things like this,” Ash explains.

  I shake my head before moving back towards him.

  “I love them.” I declare before kissing him sweetly.

  “Good. I was hoping that you would.” He replies before continuing. “But this isn’t the last surprise that I have for you.”

  “What else did you do?” I question while bouncing on my heels.

  Instead of saying a word he grabs my hand and then leads me out of my room and then to his bedroom door.

  He stops and smiles before kissing me one more time. “I love you, Scarlett.”

  I smile back at him. “I love you too, Ash.”

  His grin grows before he reaches out to open the door.

  My jaw drops as I take in the twinkling lights and the rose petals scattered across the room.

  “Wow…” I whisper.

  “This isn’t even the best part,” Ash replies as he grabs both of my hands to pull me inside the room.

  Once we’re in the middle, he kisses me before kneeling on one knee.

  I stare down at him in confusion until he pulls a small silver ring from his pocket.

  “Ash…” I whisper.

  “I know that our relationship is still young, but I wanted to give you this ring as a promise.” He states softly as he slips the ring onto my left ring finger. “With this ring, I promise to be yours. I promise to never make you cry. I promise to hold you and comfort you when you need me. And I promise to love you with every fiber of my being.”

  He pauses for a moment before continuing. “I love you, Scarlett. I always will.”

  “I love you too, Ash,” I reply while pulling him up to stand. “I love you too.”

  Before he has the chance to say another word I grab hold of his shirt before leaning up to press my lips against his.

  I loved him more now than I ever thought that I could.

  After a few moments, Ash pulls back slightly. “When the time is right I’ll replace this ring with an engagement ring and then after that a wedding band.”

  “I plan on living the rest of my life with you.” He adds seriously while gazing deep into my eyes.

  “I want that too, Ash. I want you and only you for the rest of my life.” I reply wholeheartedly.

  “That’s my girl.” He breathes out before pressing his lips to mine.

  And when those times came to become his fiancé and then wife, I would gladly say yes. Even now my heart knew that wherever he was, I would be happy.

  Ash was home to me.

  Lifting me into his arms Ash carries me to his bed before laying me down.

  As he moves over my body, I stop him.

  “Ash…” I breathe out softly. “Before we go any further there’s something that I need to tell you.”

  His brow scrunches together. “Is something wrong?”

  I shake my head and then sigh. “No. it’s just something that I probably should have told you a few weeks ago.”

  He searches my eyes. “Just tell me, Scar.”

  I close my eyes briefly before releasing a nervous breath. “I lied.”

  “About…?” He presses.

  “I lied about the pregnancy test,” I confess.

  “Wait, what…?” He whispers. “Didn’t the doctor test you at the hospital?”

  “They did, but they lied to my mother. I begged them to.” I reply before reaching up to place my hand against Ash’s cheek. “You’re going to be a father, Ash.”

  His eyes widen with shock as he stares down at me.

  After a few tense moments, his shock wears off. Within seconds his eyes begin to glisten.

  “Ash…?” I whisper.

  “Give me a second.” He breathes out while closing his eyes.

  When he reopens his eyes, he smiles. “I’m going to be a father.”

  I nod. “Yes, you are.” />
  “Holy shit…” He laughs.

  His laughter dies seconds later as he gazes lovingly into my eyes. “I didn’t think that I could get any happier, but I think this does it. I have the girl of my dreams, and I get to be a dad.”

  “Does my dad know?” Ash questions abruptly.

  “He knows, but Drake and Trevor don’t yet,” I answer.

  Ash nods and then kisses me. Pulling away he moves down my body before lifting my shirt to expose my stomach.

  He looks up at me as I push myself up onto my elbows.

  “I hope it’s a girl.” He breathes out before tenderly pressing his lips to my belly.

  All of my worries disappear as he whispers softly to the baby growing inside of me. At that moment I was confident that even though we were young, he would make an amazing father.

  After all, he had been raised by one of the best.

  There had been a moment where I had feared bringing a baby into the world, but now all I felt was joy.

  And as long as I had Ash by my side, we would make it through anything.

  Looking down at the man I adored I smile brightly. “I love you, Ash.”

  He smiles back. “I love you, Scarlett.”

  It was funny how much things had changed from the moment I stepped into this house until now. I had come here expecting a short stay, but instead, I had found an unexpected kind of love.

  I had found my forever.

  6 Years Later

  “Are you ready for this, Babe?” Ash questions as he rests his chin on my shoulder as I stare at our reflection in the mirror in front of us.

  “I don’t know,” I reply honestly.

  “It’s not going to be so bad.” He insists.

  Sighing softly I turn to face Ash. “It’s been six years, Ash. I don’t even know what to say to her or how to feel. I don’t even know if this is even a good idea.”

  “No matter what, I’ll be right by your side,” Ash promises.

  “Are you sure that she even wants to see me?” I whisper.

  “Dad said that she reached out to him, so I believe that she does. I doubt that she would have contacted him if she didn’t want to see you, Scar.” Ash replies while cupping my cheek in his hand.

  I lean against his touch while closing my eyes.

  After a few moments, I reopen my eyes to look up at the love of my life. “I’m glad that I have you, Ash. I don’t know what I would have done without you all these years.”

  “And I’m glad that I have you too, Scarlett.” He replies before kissing me sweetly.

  Once Ash pulls back, he raises his brow in question. “Are you ready now?”

  “No.” I snort. “But I guess I should see her before tomorrow.”

  “Exactly; you’ll regret it if you don’t at least see what she wants,” Ash replies. “Maybe she’ll want to make amends. If she does, then you’ll be able to include her tomorrow like you wanted to.”

  I nod. “You’re right, as always.”

  Ash grins brightly. “Damn right.”

  I laugh and then grab his hand in mine before squeezing it lightly. A moment later Ash takes the lead and guides us out of our bedroom and then downstairs.

  We stop in the living room where we find Drake and Trevor.

  “Don’t you two have some more work that needs to be done?” Ash questions them.

  “Everything is done,” Trevor replies.

  “Daddy, daddy, daddy…” Ren chants as he runs into the room suddenly.

  Ash picks him up. “What are you doing here? I thought Grandpa was supposed to be watching you.”

  “Pappy’s coming. He’s just slow.” Ren replies as he swipes his blonde hair away from his eyes.

  He was an exact copy of Ash and the best thing that we had ever been blessed with.

  A few moments later Benjamin walks into the room. “There you are.”

  He then looks at me. “I thought you two would already be gone.”

  “We were on our way out,” Ash replies.

  Benjamin nods. “Well, Ren decided that he wanted to spend some time with Uncle Trevor and the horses instead of hanging out with me.”

  Drake gasps dramatically as he stands up. “You didn’t want to hang out with me, little man?”

  Ren giggles. “You stink, Uncle Drake.”

  He gasps again. “I do not.”

  We laugh as Drake reaches for Ren. He dodges Drake’s grasp before jumping out of Ash’s arms. Seconds later he runs through the house with Drake following close behind.

  After a few moments, Benjamin turns his attention to me again. “Are you going to be alright?”

  I nod. “I will be.”

  “If you want I could come with you,” Benjamin replies.

  “Drake and I could watch Ren.” Trevor chimes in.

  “No; but thank you,” I reply. “I think this is something that Ash and I have to do together.”

  “If you change your mind I’m only a phone call away,” Benjamin replies.

  “We’ll be alright, Dad,” Ash assures.

  He then glances down at his watch before looking at me. “We better leave now, or we’ll be late.”

  I nod and then take his hand in mine before squeezing it lightly.

  Without another word we walk out of the living room and then outside where we find Drake holding Ren up in the air while pretending to be an airplane.

  We couldn’t ask for a better uncle for Ren. Trevor and Drake were his heroes. From day one they had done everything in their power to make him the happiest little boy ever.

  They spoiled him rotten.

  Ash and I laugh lightly before moving towards our car.

  We climb in and then drive off, leaving the farm behind.


  As we pull into a parking space in front of the only restaurant in town, I begin to panic. My heart beats rapidly as I take a deep breath in to calm myself.

  It doesn’t work.

  “Babe, we can leave if you’re not ready,” Ash states gently as he reaches for my hand.

  “We’ve come too far to turn around now,” I reply before rambling on. “I don’t even know what to say to her. Do we tell her about Ren, do we even tell her about tomorrow?”

  “We’ll figure it out as we go,” Ash replies. “We don’t have to tell her anything that you don’t want to. I’m more than happy to keep our lives a secret. You know how I feel about her anyway.”

  I nod and then release a long-winded sigh. “Alright, let’s get this over with.”

  He gives me a reassuring smile before opening his door. He gets out and then runs around the car before opening my door.

  Moments later we walk into the restaurant together.

  I spot her sitting all alone at a booth not far from the entrance.

  Once again my nerves begin to get the better of me, but instead of allowing them to control my life I place one foot in front of the other.

  As we reach the table, she looks up.

  “Scarlett…” She breathes out.

  “Mom…” I reply.

  “Please sit.” She states softly while motioning towards the seat across from her.

  I reluctantly sit down before sliding over to give Ash enough space to sit down next to me.

  An awkward moment of silence passes by before Mom speaks again. “I’m glad that you came. I was beginning to think that you wouldn’t.”

  “I almost didn’t,” I reply honestly.

  She nods in understanding before bowing her head slightly. “I’m sorry, Scarlett. I’m sorry for the way that I treated you. I should have been a better mother to you.”

  I remain quiet as she looks up at me while her eyes glisten. “I am happy that I left you behind though. It seems as if you’re happy.”

  “I am happy,” I reply simply.

  She looks towards Ash. “You’ve taken good care of her.”

  He nods.

  Another long pause passes before Mom glances down at my hand. “Did you get married?”

  “Not yet,” I reply.

  “Oh…” She breathes out.

  Before she says another word, I speak. “Can you tell me why you lied about my father?”

  It was the one thing that I hadn’t been able to understand completely. Over the years it had bugged me, and now that I had my mother in front of me again I had to know the truth.

  I had to know why she would do something so horrible.

  Mom sighs while closing her eyes. “I lied for selfish reasons. He loved you dearly, and you loved him more than you ever loved me. I guess I wanted you to hurt.”

  “I was just a child.” I snap.

  “I know, and I shouldn’t have treated you that way, but I couldn’t seem to stop.” She replies. “After I left you I realized just how much I had done. The next day I checked myself into a counseling center, and for the past five years I’ve been trying to fix my mistakes.”

  She pauses for a brief moment before continuing. “You’re the last person that I needed to apologize to.”

  “I was terrified to face you.” She adds.

  “I can’t just forgive you. If that’s what you want.” I breathe out.

  “That’s not what I’m asking you to do.” She insists. “I want another chance to get to know you. I want to gain your trust and forgiveness.”

  “Is that really all that you want?” I press.

  She nods. “Yes. I want another chance to be the mother that I should have been all along.”

  I glance towards Ash.

  He looks back at me for a few moments before shrugging his shoulders.

  I turn my attention back to my mother. “If you want another chance then we’ll start out slow. If you even so much as treat me with an ounce of disrespect that will be it, understand?”

  Mom nods. “I understand.”

  “Alright, then I guess I should invite you to our wedding.” I breathe out while grasping Ash’s hand under the table.

  “It’s tomorrow,” I add.

  Her eyes light up. “That’s wonderful.”

  “Also, you have a grandson,” I admit.

  “A grandson…?” She whispers hoarsely.

  “He’s six, and his name is Ren,” I reply.


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