Forrest, Dawn - Alphas' Prize [WeresRus] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Forrest, Dawn - Alphas' Prize [WeresRus] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 20

by Dawn Forrest

Mate, instinct urged. He turned her around and pressed his big body against hers. Mate now. She fumbled with the ties of her heavy cloak then pushed it off her shoulders. Mate. It slipped off her naked body and pooled on the ground between them. Mate and bite. She dropped to her forearms and knees, braced herself by widening her stance, and raised her ass high. Mine.

  He desperately wanted to immediately plunge his cock into her, claim her in the most primal way. He held back because this was his little mate, the one who brought meaning to his long life. He must please her and make her scream with ecstasy so that she would long for each full moon and crave the beast. With that thought in mind, he knelt down behind her and gently poked his snout between her thighs.

  She hissed at the first contact of his wet nose against her clit, moaned as he snuffled against her warm flesh, and cried out in undisguised pleasure when his long, rough tongue licked along her already-sopping slit. She surrounded him with the sound of her passion in his ears, the vision of her seraphic beauty in his eyes, the smell of her desire on his nose, and the taste of her sex in his mouth. Mine, all mine.

  She began to pant before she convulsed and climaxed around his supple tongue.

  “Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod,” she chanted. “Pleeeease.”

  He understood her need. As a beast he had little patience and would never deny her this. He reared up and spread his legs wide to get low enough to position his turgid cockhead between her engorged, glistening labia. Growling softly, he gripped her sturdy hips and pulled her onto him as he thrust forward and sank into heaven.

  He tried to go slowly, but toward the end he lost himself in their combined euphoria. Action, reaction, he wasn’t sure where he ended and she began. Wild and wanton, she moaned and cried out under him, urging him on. Her knees left the ground as he dragged her up onto his shaft to penetrate deeper with each thrust. He ploughed her hard to almost-agonizing completion.

  * * * *

  Nothing she’d been told, nothing she had ever done, could have prepared her for this night of claiming, of forming the permanent mating bond that could only be broken by death. Euphoria so intense that it ripped her soul from her body and allowed her to join completely with her werewolf at the moment of his bite and their climax could never be adequately described. There were just not words to convey either the significance or the sheer unadulterated joy of the act of true-mating. She’d thought that what she’d experienced before with Mike was the pinnacle of pleasure, but this was more than a meeting of body and soul, this was a permanent joining, a melding of their hearts and minds that neither would ever put asunder.

  When they both came, his cock had thickened and stretched her crammed channel to its limit, locking them together in nearly painful rapture. They had stayed tied for nearly twenty minutes, during which time Mike petted and stroked her. He licked clean the small wound on her shoulder and covered her with his furry body to keep her warm. The sound of howls in the distance sent a shiver down her spine. Angela hoped that her new friend was okay.

  When they separated, he loped off to run and hunt while she crawled under the warm furs in the teepee. He returned twice more in the night. Fucked to exhaustion, she fell asleep, a most complete and happy woman, and a more-than-satisfied mate.

  * * * *

  Joanna paced in the clearing. The guards had gone, the moon was about to rise, and she could feel its tugging attraction to her beast. She quickly stripped and threw her clothes into the teepee. God, it was a cold night, but at least it was dry. This was only her second change, and she wasn’t looking forward to the accompanying pain. Apparently it got easier and faster with time, and that was something to look forward to. She gasped as the first cramp hit and her legs buckled. She tried to coach herself through it. Relax, let it flow. It had been much easier the first time with her mom there to help. She clamped her jaws shut to try to stop from crying out, but the searing agony could not be contained, and she screamed through her clenched teeth.

  In the far distance she heard a cacophony of barks and brays. Pack. Sweat broke across her skin with the effort of the change, but it came faster now in response to two distinct howls that cut through the crisp night air from another closer location. They were calling to her. When the change was done she lay panting on the ground for a few minutes. The moonlight was now a balm to her body, cool and soothing on her soft pelt.

  They were coming for her, and she could sense them drawing near. Galvanized, she sprang to her paw-like feet, wobbling at first, as she orientated herself within this new, bigger body. Agitated, she paced in front of the teepee and then in a moment of reckless abandonment she whipped her head back and howled like a hurricane. Run, she must run, nature insisted. Why? Why run from my mates? At that moment two huge, very, very aroused, snow-white male werewolves came crashing into the clearing. Shiiit was her last rational thought as she yelped, turned tail, and fled.

  She ran faster than she’d ever run before, dodging through the thick forest, leaping over a fallen tree trunk and a small creek, not daring to look back. She could hear their pursuit and a blend of fear and excitement spurred her on. The moon on her back and the thrill of the chase freed the primal creature completely. She wanted to run, to hunt, but most of all she wanted her mates.

  She slowed down, suddenly aware that she could no longer hear the males. Now that she had lost them, she felt compelled to find them. Ah yes, this night could go both ways, and the hunter could be the hunted. She moved stealthily, careful not to make a noise. All the while she sniffed the air, needing only the thinnest thread of their scent to latch onto. There, she detected one of them, “Yuri,” her mind whispered, though the name mattered not to the creature she was. There was blood with that scent, the smell of a fresh kill, raw meat to feed upon. She started to drool. It beckoned her on, and she cautiously moved closer, staying downwind as her mom had taught her.

  He stood, magnificent in the moonlight, with a deer at his feet. She realized that she was back in the very clearing she had started in. She hadn’t noticed that she’d run in a circle. It was something to caution against in the future. His back was to her, and she took time to bask in the scent and the sight of him. Gorgeous. Tall, strong, and virile, a good hunter and provider, he would make the perfect father for her cubs. If her beast hadn’t been in complete ascendance she would have balked at the very idea…perhaps.

  She watched him intently as she stalked closer. Settling back on her haunches, she prepared to leap on him and take what was hers by right. She sprang at him, but he turned with astonishingly fast reflexes and caught her in his long, heavily muscled arms. He didn’t even stagger back at her surprise attack or with the weight of her momentum. He’s prepared for it, she realized too late. The other male moved in, and she was effectively trapped between the two of them. A word coalesced in her primitive mind, ambush.

  * * * *

  She was robust and beautiful in her beast form. Her coat was very short on her front and very long from her head to the tip of her tail. It was darkest brown with a hint of red, like the dark night on the edge of a glowing campfire. She was tall, nearly seven foot, lean, and muscular. He should have known that the daughter of two werewolves would be a glorious creature.

  He had stalked her through the forest as she made her way back to the clearing where Yuri waited for her. He desperately wanted to jump and mate her straight away, and it took all his self-restraint not to do it before she reached his brother. They had agreed, beforehand, the way it would be and devised a unique plan to entice their extraordinary female werewolf. The smell of a fresh kill and mating pheromones lured her to them, as it would no other woman. His sharp teeth were revealed when he grinned at their cunning.

  Now that she was in Yuri’s arms, he didn’t want to wait a moment longer. His balls were nigh onto exploding to deliver their load deep inside her. His heart quickened at the thought of bonding with her forever. It surprised him that she hadn’t put up more of a struggle, but then he was even more shocked with the
form her aggression took. She was all over Yuri, climbing up his bigger body, wrapping her long legs around him as she rubbed against him, licking and biting at his muzzle. His brother reciprocated, and was clearly caught up in the moment and their mate. Yuri held her tight against him with his forearms under her thighs and his hands on her hips.

  Vlad quickly moved to stand close behind Joanna. He grabbed the mane on top of her head and pulled her mouth away from his brother’s. He snarled at her, and she whimpered in need. He licked her face and rubbed his cheek against hers while he dipped his hand between her legs. Her vagina felt swollen and moist, and the scent of her sex seized his senses and stretched his control toward its limit. He withdrew his hand and offered up his fingers for his brother to sniff. They both growled low with hunger for her. The scratch of her claws through his thick fur and onto his skin snapped his restraint. He grunted to his brother.

  Yuri hoisted her up and then swiftly impaled her on his huge and ready shaft. She yelped in surprise and then moaned in pleasure. Not to be left behind in this race to mate, Vlad moved to squat behind her. He palmed her ass cheeks wide, and with a drool-coated tongue gave her a lubricating wet lick. She wiggled her butt, anticipating what was to come. He reared up and helped to support her with his hands under her ass, still keeping her taut cheeks spread open. With no further warning he thrust up deep into Eden.

  They went feral as they snarled, bit, and clawed each other, writhing and grinding in an effort to get closer. She had one arm around Yuri’s neck and the other around his. They pounded into her, and she bounced up and down between them, riding them both hard. It didn’t take long for them to come together. She slid firmly down the long lengths of cock crammed into her cunt and rectum and was locked tightly to them both as they swelled within her clenched channels. The howl she gave sent shivers from the top of his head down his spine to the tip of his tail and toes. Yuri clamped his jaws on one side of her neck, and he did the same on the other. She first bit Yuri, who yowled, and then took a good piece of his shoulder between her jaws. Yes! Their combined climax was boosted again, and it went on and on, until he thought he might die from a pleasure overload.

  The bond formed, strong and indestructible. He could sense both his brother’s and Joanna’s states of mind, their emotions and desires mixed with his own. His beast only processed that here was its true-mate, that she accepted him, but the man, Vladimir, by God, he loved his mate and his brother with all his heart and soul, and they knew it as surely as he knew of their love for him.

  It was the best night of his long life. After the mating, they tore into the deer, devoured it with ravenous hunger, and then they ran for miles and miles, playing chase, hide and seek, mock stalking and fighting. She was very young and a novice of the change, which was why she’d made a racket when she had attempted to sneak up on Yuri, and why she didn’t realize that she was the one being stalked. They had much to teach her, but that was fine because they had plenty of time, and it would be their pleasure.

  Of course, each bout of play fighting ended in mating again, and they took her individually on all fours and then bent over a fallen tree, and the final time together again, front and back, lying on their sides on the forest floor. They ran all the way back to their cabin at The Den, arriving just as the moon disappeared. Her change happened much slower and with more difficulty than theirs, but they used their bond connection to help pull her through it. She slurred her thanks as he picked her up and mumbled that she loved them as he carried her to bed. She was asleep before she hit the sheets.

  He looked down on her smooth, now-hairless skin. She was a gift of nature and she was his mate. Yuri stood next to him, and Vlad knew that he was thinking the same thing. Their twin bond seemed to be stronger since their joining. He just hoped that her mom was okay and that Jo would forgive them for not telling her about the danger her mom was in.

  Chapter 17

  They raced, hunted, and played together with wild abandonment, rejoicing in the liberty of the full moon, free and pure beasts, uninhibited with each other and unconcerned about human affairs. Craving the pulse of their mating bond, they had joined many times. When she bit him, an avalanche of power and energy cascaded through her body and soul, and he roared like the God of thunder. They couldn’t get enough of each other and the connection they shared.

  Just before the moonset they came upon her cabin, and exhausted and replete they curled up together on the ground and awaited the change. He morphed quickly, with an ease that she envied. It took her a little longer, but she felt his presence guide her through it, making it a smoother transition than normal. He scooped her up and held her to his firm chest, smooth, naked skin against skin.

  “Hi,” she croaked.

  He looked at her as if she was their mistress, the moon, personified. A wide smile began on his mouth and ended in his bright, twinkling eyes. It was hard to reconcile that happy visage with the beast that had so recently ripped a throat out, or fucked her to near oblivion.

  Mmm, so strong and handsome. Her sleepy mind blurred her thoughts and impressions of him, but for a certainty she wasn’t disappointed with his physical appearance.

  “Hi yourself.” His voice was as deep and soft as a thick duck-down duvet and just as comforting.

  Lazily she placed her arms around his neck, and he carried her to the bedroom. There was much she wanted to ask him. Who was this man, and what was his name? Did he know who she was? But her energy was spent, and she was so tired that she needed to rest, to sleep for just a little while. The questions could wait. The answers wouldn’t change that which could never be undone. The mating bond was solid. She sighed with gratitude when he placed her in the big bed and lay down beside her. His naked body curled around hers, enveloping her in his scent and warmth. Yes, just a little nap, and then she would have her answers.

  Hours later she awoke with the cold, weak light of day on her face and the smell of bacon teasing her nostrils. Eh? Her sleep-sodden thoughts were slow and disjointed. She rolled over and was pleasantly assaulted by the most wonderful smell in the world that lingered on the empty pillow, better even than the aroma of cooking bacon that was poking at her empty belly and making it grumble. My mate…my mate! She bolted upright and frantically looked around. Her slow thoughts caught up. My mate is cooking breakfast. Could a woman ask for more?

  She swung her legs out of bed and shoved her feet into her fleece-lined, comfy boots. Clothes, she needed clothes, but they were in her pack in the next room. She saw a polar-fleece blanket over a chair and wrapped it around her otherwise-naked body. It looked cold outside. The sky had clouded over quickly, and now a few flakes of snow swirled to the ground. It was pleasant to view from the window of a warm, cozy cabin. Thank goodness for LPG heating. Cautiously and with some trepidation she opened the bedroom door.

  He was standing by the cooker and turned toward her when she entered the room. So it hadn’t been a dream. Here was her mate, and he was the most gorgeous man she had ever laid her eyes on, tall, dark and handsome with a smile that made her heart and loins flutter.

  “Good morning,” he said softly as he switched off the gas and wiped his hands on a dishtowel, not taking his eyes off hers.

  He was wearing only loose-fitting sweatpants that seemed to hang precariously low on his muscular hips. If there was an ounce of fat on him, it was hiding well. His long raven-black mane was tied back at the nape. All thoughts of food fled, leaving her hungry only for him.

  She grinned at him. “Yes, it is. My name’s Katherine.” She decided to use her real name and not her assumed identity. “Katherine Akara.” She moved farther into the room.

  “It is my life’s pleasure to meet you, Katherine, my mate.” No messing around then, direct and straight to the point. “I am Siwilli Hawke, although I prefer Will.”

  What? Her heart clenched as the pain of betrayal lanced through it. She felt the blood drain from her face, along with her happiness. Will Hawke, Prime of the North American Packs?
The lying bastard! He had assured Joanna that he would not pursue her if he knew of her location, but here he was. She felt sick as she concluded that her mate was the type of man that took what he wanted without consideration for the wants of others. What if she hadn’t been his true-mate? He would have taken her anyway because he was just like all the other stinking Alphas she’d met. Had he somehow led Khan to her?

  “Motherfucker.” She gasped as she stumbled backward until she hit the wall. He started to move toward her with a look of concern on his deceitfully beautiful face.

  “Stop right there,” she yelled and automatically went to reach for her knife before she remembered that she was naked. She clutched the blanket around her body with one hand and warded him off with the other. “Don’t you come any closer to me.” She wasn’t sure that she could resist him if he did. Even now it was a struggle, but one she was determined to win.

  “What is wrong?” he asked. His eyes desperately searched hers for answers.

  “Everything, my whole fucking life is wrong,” she dragged in a breath, not wanting to cry in front of him.

  “You–you are not pleased with me?”

  She could feel and hear that he was very distressed. It was like a physical pain. Perhaps she wasn’t the only one about to lose face. Tears began to stream down her cheeks.

  “We trusted you. You gave your word that you would not come here. Obviously you are a man without honor. It’s an old fashioned concept, I know, but one I happen to greatly respect. How can you be my mate? Am I such a bad person?” She wailed, “We’re supposed to be compatible.” And I still want you, crave your touch…shit. She growled in anger, frustration, and most of all, disappointment. “Would you have raped me last night? Would you have cared if I wasn’t your true-mate?”

  “Katherine, you are my mate, and there is no need to fear or cry, let me explain.” He took a step closer.


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