34 “reading,” Elizabeth reported: Elizabeth to Sam, April 5, 1846, DF.
34 “Your letters always”: Elizabeth to Emily, February 14, 1846, Folder 45, Collection MC411, SL.
34 “So our young giantess”: Elizabeth to Marian, May 15, 1846, Folder 61, Collection MC411, SL.
35 “The more . . . important one”: Elizabeth to Sam, March 8, 1846, DF.
35 “I trace out”: Elizabeth to Sam, April 5, 1846, DF.
35 “whether I . . . at night”: Elizabeth to Marian, November 1, 1846, Reel 76, LC.
35 “Do listen”: Elizabeth to Hannah, February 28, 1847, Reel 42, LC.
36 “the famous Trojan”: Elizabeth to Sam, March 8, 1846, DF.
36 “I did not know . . . lives”: Elizabeth to Sam, April 5, 1846, DF.
36 “I beg thee”: Elizabeth to Hannah, February 28, 1847, Reel 42, LC.
37 “thin as an aspen leaf”: Anna to Blackwell family, August 3, 1845, Reel 71, LC.
38 “a thinking talking couple”: Elizabeth to Marian, June 22, 1847, Reel 76, LC.
38 “Poor A”: Sam’s journal, May 19, 1847, Folder 90v, Collection A77, SL.
38 Elizabeth sought interviews: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 60.
38 “You cannot expect”: Ibid., 61.
39 “It was to my mind”: Ibid., 62.
39 “I cannot tell you”: Elizabeth to Emily, 1847, Reel 76, LC.
39 “The beauty of the tendons”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 59.
40 “to purchase a black baby”: Elizabeth to Sam, August 5, 1847, DF.
40 “I determined not”: Ibid.
40 “I must accomplish”: Elizabeth to Emma Willard, May 24, 1847, Reel 44, LC.
41 “most extraordinary request”: Stephen Smith, “The Medical Co-Education of the Sexes,” in Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 256.
42 Of the 113 students: Register of Geneva College, for the Academical Year 1847–48 (Geneva: Merrell & Dey, 1848).
42 “At the instant”: Stephen Smith, “A Woman Student in a Medical College,” in In Memory of Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, 5–7.
43 “For the first time”: Smith, “Medical Co-Education,” in Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 257.
43 letter from Geneva: Charles Lee to Elizabeth, October 20, 1847, Reel 46, LC.
44 “Dear Milly”: Elizabeth to Emily, October 27, 1847, Folder 45, Collection MC411, SL.
44 “though not surprise”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 64.
45 “The weather”: Elizabeth to Marian, November 9, 1847, Reel 76, LC.
45 “Think of the cases”: Ibid.
46 “the utmost friendliness”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 68.
46 “Oh, this is the way”: Ibid., 70.
46 “Today when I”: Elizabeth to Marian, November 9, 1847, Reel 76, LC.
46 “The little fat Professor”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 70.
46 “a pretty little specimen”: “Females Attending Medical Lectures,” Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 37 (December 15, 1847): 405.
46 “Nothing has transpired”: “Female Physicians,” Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 37 (January 12, 1848): 506.
46 “inexpedient”: Hunt, Glances and Glimpses, 217–18.
47 “special branches . . . present”: “Female Physicians,” Buffalo Medical Journal 3, no. 8 (January 1848).
47 “We admire MISS BLACKWELL”: “A Medical Maiden,” Punch 14 (1848): 117.
47 “flat, heavy feeling”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 69.
47 “In the amphitheatre”: Ibid., 73.
48 “See the one in pink!”: Ibid.
48 “I believe the professors”: Ibid., 69.
48 “as at a curious animal”: Ibid., 70.
48 “I told him . . . desire”: Ibid., 72.
49 “He could hardly”: Ibid., 71.
49 “Dr. Webster, who”: Ibid., 72.
49 “saying . . . gods”: Smith, “Woman Student,” in In Memory of Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, 11.
49 “The lectures on anatomy”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 259.
51 “some respectable practitioner”: Catalogue of the Medical Institution of Geneva College, Session of 1846–47 (Rochester, N.Y.: Jerome & Brother, 1846), 15.
52 “Medicine is always”: Elizabeth’s lecture notes, Reel 46, LC.
52 “blood is the fuel”: Ibid.
53 “The human body”: Ibid.
53 “’Twas a horrible”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 72.
54 “[Elizabeth] says”: Sam’s journal, January 16, 1848, Folder 90v, Collection A77, SL.
54 “they treated me”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 74.
54 intricate diagrams: Elizabeth’s lecture notes, Reel 46, LC.
54 “tracing out”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 74.
56 “It cheered me”: Ibid., 75.
56 “I suppose they were”: Ibid.
56 “They talked over”: Ibid., 76.
57 “Maiden of earnest thought”: William H. C. Hosmer, “To Miss B., A Candidate for Medical Honors,” Western Literary Messenger 10, no. 3 (February 19, 1848): 33.
57 clarify his stance: William Hosmer, Appeal to Husbands and Wives in Favor of Female Physicians (New York: George Gregory, 1853).
58 thirteen and eighteen degrees: Lawrence, Almshouses and Hospitals, 165–66.
58 This ice: Croskey, History of Blockley, 131.
58 Cholera and puerperal: Ibid., 59–60.
58 Wealthy visitors: Ibid., 47–48.
59 “Blockley is the microcosm”: Ibid., 133.
59 “all were prepared”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 77.
59 “Resolved that permission”: Blockley admission, Reel 46, LC.
59 “I feel disposed”: Elizabeth to Marian, March 1848, Reel 76, LC.
60 “Most of the women”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 79.
60 “It was thought”: Ibid., 77.
60 “the hideousness”: Ibid., 79.
60 “Within one week”: Elizabeth to George, June 1848, Folder 51, Collection MC411, SL.
61 “I see a great deal . . . wrong”: Elizabeth to Emily, April 16, 1848, Folder 45, Collection MC411, SL.
61 “Today, for the first time”: Elizabeth to Marian, March 1848, Reel 76, LC.
61 “stepping out”: Elizabeth to Emily, April 16, 1848, Folder 45, Collection MC411, SL.
61 “When I walked”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 80.
61 “the very loveliest”: Ibid., 78.
61 “I glean a little”: Elizabeth to Emily, April 16, 1848, Folder 45, Collection MC411, SL.
62 “I find that some . . . physician”: Elizabeth to Marian, March 1848, Reel 76, LC.
62 “Ensconced in her armchair”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 78.
62 “I drank tea”: Elizabeth to Henry, August 20, 1848, Folder 61, Collection MC411, SL.
63 “mere hands”: Elizabeth to Marian, March 1848, Reel 76, LC.
63 “voice as gentle”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 78.
63 “one, ‘Letters from Ireland”: Elizabeth to Henry, September 8, 1848, Folder 61, Collection MC411, SL.
63 “fear predisposes”: Elizabeth’s lecture notes, Reel 46, LC.
63 “Without employment”: Elizabeth’s thesis ms on Ship Fever, Folder 61, Collection A145, SL.
64 “In truth we know”: Ibid.
64 “The eyes were bloodshot”: Ibid.
65 “well worthy”: Ibid.
65 “the practise of washing”: Elizabeth Blackwell, “Ship Fever: An Inaugural Thesis, submitted for the degree of M.D. at Geneva Medical College, Jan. 1849,” Buffalo Medical Journal and Monthly Review 4, no. 9 (February 1849): 530, DF.
65 “I am not afraid”: Elizabeth to Marian, March 1848, Reel 76, LC.
66 “There are a few strong ones”: Elizabeth to Emily, April 16, 1848, Folder 45, Collection MC411, SL.
66 “As I learnt to realize”: Elizabeth to Anna, May 20, 1848, Folder 61, Collection MC411, SL.
67 “so there seems . . . ear
nestness”: Elizabeth to Emily, 1848, Reel 74, LC.
67 “[W]omen will . . . effort”: Ibid.
68 “a history of repeated injuries”: Stanton, History of Woman Suffrage, 70.
68 “persevering and independent”: Ibid., 809.
68 “I don’t sympathize”: Elizabeth to Henry, August 20, 1848, Folder 61, Collection MC411, SL.
68 “full of enthusiastic”: Ibid.
69 “The study and practice”: Elizabeth to Emily Collins, August 12, 1848, in Stanton, History of Woman Suffrage, 90.
69 “I have curious glimpses”: Elizabeth to Henry, August 20, 1848, Folder 61, Collection MC411, SL.
70 “dreamy & indifferent”: Elizabeth to Henry, September 8, 1848, ibid.
70 “They form . . . object”: Ibid.
70 “As I watched”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 81.
71 “while all around . . . prevailed”: Elizabeth to Emily, October 15, 1848, Folder 45, Collection MC411, SL.
72 “People still gossip”: Elizabeth to Sam, December 27, 1848, DF.
72 “I’ve never met”: Ibid.
72 “He is to me utterly”: Elizabeth to Marian, December 1848, Reel 76, LC.
72 “Your life . . . our college”: Elizabeth to Emily, October 15, 1848, Folder 45, Collection MC411, SL.
73 “I did more laughing”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 82.
73 “the accomplishment . . . utterance”: Ibid., 83.
73 “How little they know”: Ibid., 84.
74 “Believe me, brother mine”: Elizabeth to Henry, December 17, 1848, Folder 61, Collection MC411, SL.
74 “told everybody”: Elizabeth to Sam, December 27, 1848, DF.
74 “pretty blind girl”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 84.
74 “a constant concert . . . exposed”: Elizabeth to Marian, January 19, 1849, Reel 76, LC.
74 “the very thought”: Elizabeth to Emily, October 15, 1848, Folder 45, Collection MC411, SL.
75 “I have the strengthening”: Elizabeth to Marian, December 1848, Reel 76, LC.
75 “the examinations . . . circumstances”: Elizabeth to Marian, January 19, 1849, Reel 76, LC.
75 “Nothing but a vast”: Margaret Munro Delancey to Josephine Delancey, January 29, 1849, Museum of the City of New York.
76 “I can neither disgrace”: Elizabeth to Blackwell family, in Anna Blackwell, “Elizabeth Blackwell,” English Woman’s Journal 1, no. 2 (April 1858): 91.
76 “for the purpose of striking . . . suppose it wouldn’t”: Henry to Blackwell family, January 23, 1849, Reel 50, LC.
77 “A silence deep as death”: “Geneva Medical College Commencement,” Geneva Gazette, January 26, 1849.
77 “Sir, I thank you”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 87; Henry to Blackwell family, January 23, 1849, Reel 50, LC; Geneva Gazette, January 26, 1849; Margaret Munro Delancey, January 29, 1849.
77 “feeling more thoroughly”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 87.
78 “You have learned how”: Lee, Valedictory Address, 5–6.
78 “It has been said”: Ibid., 13.
78 “who would be better employed”: Ibid., 23.
78 “witches and impostors”: Ibid., 26.
78 “ministering angel . . . admiration”: Ibid., 27–28.
78 “would have more practice”: Margaret Munro Delancey to Josephine Delancey, January 29, 1849, Museum of the City of New York.
79 “to the great astonishment”: Henry to Blackwells, January 23, 1849, Reel 50, LC.
79 “I was glad”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 87.
79 “Beloved Relations”: Henry to Blackwell family, January 23, 1849, Reel 50, LC.
79 “God be with our dear”: Sam’s journal, January 24, 1849, Folder 90v, Collection A77, SL.
79 “has thousands”: Marian to Charles and Eliza Lane, February 14, 1849, Folder 21, Collection A145, SL.
80 “I trust her life”: Hannah to Charles and Eliza Lane, February 12, 1849, ibid.
80 “But oh what a life”: Hannah to Henry, February 12, 1849, Reel 75, LC.
80 “affection & sympathy”: Elizabeth to Hannah, February 25, 1849, Reel 42, LC.
80 “partly to give”: Elizabeth to Sam, December 27, 1848, DF.
80 “When the laws of health”: Elizabeth Blackwell, “Ship Fever: An Inaugural Thesis, submitted for the degree of M.D., at Geneva Medical College, Jan. 1849,” in Buffalo Medical Journal and Monthly Review 4, no. 9 (February 1849): 523–31, DF.
80 “glowing . . . research”: “Doctress in Medicine,” Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 40, no. 1 (February 7, 1849): 26.
81 A writer signing himself D.K.: “The Late Medical Degree to a Female,” Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 40, no. 3 (February 21, 1849): 58–59.
81 A letter in response to D.K.: “The Late Medical Degree at Geneva,” Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 40, no. 4 (February 28, 1849): 87.
81 startling footnote: Lee, Valedictory Address, 28.
83 “Dr Lee . . . invited”: Elizabeth to Henry, February 20, 1849, Folder 61, Collection MC411, SL.
83 “My mornings”: Ibid.
83 “rubbing up my French”: Elizabeth to Hannah, February 25, 1849, Reel 42, LC.
84 “Is Emily teaching”: Ibid.
84 “Obstacles overcome”: Sam’s journal, April 19, 1849, Folder 90v, Collection A77, SL.
84 “I could not keep down”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 95.
86 “I gave myself . . . to the heart”: Elizabeth to Blackwell family, May 2, 1849, Reel 42, LC.
88 “all manner of drugs . . . doors & windows”: Elizabeth to Blackwell family, May 10, 1849, Reel 42, LC.
89 “I parted from Portway”: Elizabeth to Blackwell family, May 17, 1849, Reel 42, LC.
89 “the lung of a frog . . . power of working”: Ibid.
90 “He must be no longer”: Elizabeth to William Elder, May 1849, Reel 43, LC.
90 “He would neither”: Elizabeth to Anna, May 22, 1849, Reel 71, LC.
91 “I have not time”: William Elder to Blackwell family, May 28, 1849, Folder 204, Collection MC411, SL.
91 “I cannot give”: Elizabeth to Anna, May 22, 1849, Reel 71, LC.
91 “où allez-vous”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 112.
91 “miserable little town”: Elizabeth to Anna, May 22, 1849, Reel 71, LC.
91 “launched boldly”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 113.
91 “I am utterly . . . very much”: Elizabeth to Anna, May 22, 1849, Reel 71, LC.
92 “I have great trouble . . . headdress”: Elizabeth to Blackwell family, May 1849, Reel 43, LC.
93 students at the École de Médecine: McCullough, Greater Journey, 106–7.
93 “Well,” she sighed: Elizabeth to Emily, June 1849, Reel 42, LC.
93 “Some of them are certain”: “An American Doctress,” Daily Union (Washington), July 27, 1849, 1.
93 “hung round with”: Elizabeth to Blackwell family, October 22, 1849, Reel 42, LC.
94 “I am obliged”: Ibid.
94 “He will pursue”: Elizabeth to Marian, June 5, 1849, Reel 42, LC.
94 “ignorant and degraded . . . in the world”: Ibid.
95 “fearful descent . . . in the world”: Elizabeth to Kenyon, June 22, 1849, Reel 42, LC.
95 “We passed through”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 121.
96 “Young ladies all”: “An M.D. in a Gown,” Punch 16 (1849): 226.
96 “funniest little cabinet”: Elizabeth to Hannah, July 1, 1849 Reel 42, LC.
97 “tremendous projecting teeth”: Elizabeth to Howard, July 1849, Reel 42, LC.
97 “with the injunction”: Elizabeth to Hannah, July 1, 1849, Reel 42, LC.
97 “a large wooden stand . . . very droll”: Ibid.
98 “I almost fainted”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 143.
98 Her dortoir: Elizabeth to Hannah, July 1, 1849, Reel 42, LC.
98 “Of course I lie”: Elizabeth to Blackwell family, August 1849, Reel 42, LC.
99 “I am learning to take wine”: Elizabeth to Hannah, July 1, 1849, Reel 42, LC.
99 “we have every variety”: Elizabeth to Blackwell family, August 1849, Reel 42, LC.
100 “deliciously reposing”: Ibid.
100 “I have been handling”: Elizabeth to Hannah, July 1, 1849, Reel 42, LC.
100 “a very intelligent . . . affection”: Elizabeth to Blackwell family, August 1849, Reel 42, LC.
100 “Shall I describe”: Elizabeth to Henry, 1849, Reel 50, LC.
101 “he colours”: Ibid.
101 “His sentiments”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 146.
101 “I think he must have been”: Ibid., 144.
102 “and it sounded”: Elizabeth to Hannah, July 1, 1849, Reel 42, LC.
102 “Everything delights them”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 140.
102 “promenading the bedsteads”: Elizabeth to Henry, 1849, Reel 50, LC.
102 “He wished I would”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 144.
103 “I am actually”: Elizabeth to Marian, 1849, Reel 76, LC.
103 “the pleasure of looking”: Elizabeth to Blackwell family, October 22, 1849, Reel 42, LC.
103 “a woman of great experience”: Elizabeth to Blackwell family, August 1849, Reel 42, LC.
103 “I imagined a whole romance”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 147–48.
104 “a little grain of sand”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 154.
105 a pharmacopeia: James Rennie, A New Supplement to the Pharmacopoeias of London, Edinburgh, Dublin, and Paris (London: Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, 1826), 76ff.
106 “For the first few days . . . poor E’s eye”: Anna to Blackwell family, November 22, 1849, Reel 72, LC.
106 “if the portion mortified”: Ibid.
106 “The pupil presents”: Anna to Blackwell family, December 13, 1849, Reel 72, LC.
107 “She is even sometimes . . . symptoms creates”: Anna to Blackwell family, November 22, 1849, Reel 72, LC.
107 “I do admire”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 156.
108 en congé illimité: Registre d’entrée des Élèves Sages-Femmes, Cours de 1849 à 1850, La Maternité.
108 “I felt very weak”: Blackwell, Pioneer Work, 157.
108 “as through thick mist”: Sam’s journal, February 3, 1850, Folder 90v, Collection A77, SL.
108 “I suffered according to”: Elizabeth to Blackwell family, January 15, 1850, Reel 42, LC.
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