His Love

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His Love Page 5

by Jennifer Gracen

  “That job pays you close to nothing and you don’t even like it. Maybe you should do something else?” And of course, Maria’s favorite jab. “When are you going to move out of that beach house and start acting like an adult?”

  On that last comment, Toni had opened her mouth to shoot back a retort, but the door had opened and Princess Belle had swept in with her husband and their sweet little one-year-old daughter. Toni could barely tolerate Clark, but she adored her only niece. She just hoped they wouldn’t turn Winnie into a spoiled brat too soon. The little girl was so adorable.

  “There she iiiis!” Maria rushed across the kitchen to lift the baby from her daughter’s arms. In a singsong voice that grated Toni’s nerves, she trilled in the baby’s face, “Hello, my sweetheart! Grandma’s so happy to see you!”

  Toni gave perfunctory hellos, nuzzled her niece with love, then retreated to the backyard to escape the noxiousness that was her mother and sister together.

  The afternoon dragged on, with Toni wishing she were back on her own back deck, joking with her friends and being near Gavin. She really liked him. The night before, just the two of them, had felt like a date even though it wasn’t one. They talked, they ate, they talked, they took a long walk on the boardwalk, they talked, they went down to the sand after it got dark and dipped their toes in the ocean… those electric blue eyes… that soft smile…

  “She hasn’t heard a word I said,” Maria said in a loud, annoyed tone. She snapped her fingers at Toni. “Hello? Rude.”

  “I wasn’t ignoring you,” Toni said. “I was just… thinking. Daydreaming.”

  “That’s our Toni,” Maria groused to the group. “Head in the clouds. Which is why at this rate, she won’t make me a grandmother until I’m seventy.” She bent her head to coo into little Winnie’s face. “But I have you, don’t I? Yes. Yes I do!”

  By the time Toni had managed to get out of there, she’d sworn to herself she wouldn’t go back for a family get together of any kind until the holidays.

  Now, she looked around her wide living room that flowed into the kitchen. Anna wore a stars and stripes bikini top and white shorts, dancing as she held the blender cover on and it churned away. She’d added streaks of red to her blonde hair, so along with the blue, even her head was “showing support for the Yanks”, she’d stated brightly. Wren and her boyfriend, Billy, were out on the deck, talking and laughing with everyone. Joe was at the grill, flipping burgers and hot dogs. And Gavin… he was enjoying himself, Toni could tell. Whether he was helping Toni make drinks, bringing supplies to Joe, or sitting outside in the group just listening to the chatter around him, he was more at ease than she’d seen him since he’d arrived. Maybe he was finally comfortable there, which made Toni happy. After their discussion on Saturday night about his ex, she’d gleaned enough to see that whatever had happened, he’d been deeply hurt by the breakup. It made her want to do something to put the light back in his weary expression when he spoke of it.

  Of course, she also just plain wanted him. Whenever she was close to him, she felt a buzz through her body that was like a slow fire, simmering, and the heat level increased the more time she spent with him.

  She caught a glance of Gavin now as he entered the kitchen and made his way to his sister’s side. Dressed in a light blue T-shirt and long gray shorts, her eyes roved over his long arms and legs, the way his shorts hung low on his narrow hips, the easy grace with which he lifted two cases of beer and carried them out to the deck… his back was broad and strong, and she longed to run her hands down the slope of it to rest on his fine, tight ass. A thrumming sensation pulsed through her belly, settling lower, as she envisioned what his body would feel like on top of hers.

  What she’d give to see if there was hidden fire beneath his quiet exterior. Didn’t they say it was the quiet ones that you had to watch out for?

  “Toni!” Anna yelled to her from the kitchen. “The front door! Someone actually rang the bell. Didn’t ya hear it?”

  “Sorry,” Toni said, scrambling from the couch to answer the door. Standing before her was a strikingly attractive couple. The refined-looking woman had dark hair pulled back in a ponytail, wide dark eyes, attractive in a black tank sundress; the man was tall, lean, with an air of rugged assurance and several tattoos, and had incredibly blue eyes.

  He cocked his head sideways as he looked at Toni. “I’ve met you before. Toni, is it?”

  “Good memory. Hi, Sean,” Toni said. “I’ve been to your bar a few times, happy hour with Anna.”

  “Ah, right! Sure!” A grin broke onto his features. “Where is my little sister, and what color is her head this week?”

  “You know your sister, all right,” Toni said. “I’ll wait ’til you see for yourself.”

  “Oh, bloody hell.” He put a hand to the small of the beautiful brunette’s back. “This is my wife, Cassandra.”

  “Please, just call me Cass,” she said, shaking Toni’s hand hello.

  Toni ushered them inside, taking the bottle of red wine Cass offered. Then a loud, happy shriek pierced the room and Anna flew in, throwing herself into Sean’s arms for a bear hug.

  “Ah, Annie, it’s damn good to see ya,” Sean smiled as he returned the hug, lifting his sister off her feet. Then he touched her hair and laughed. “Oh, for Chrissakes. What’d ya do now? You look like the flag itself!”

  “I’m showin’ my American spirit,” Anna declared before hugging her sister-in-law. “Goodness, Cass, you always look so beautiful, even on a muggy hot day.”

  “Thank you,” Cassandra smiled. “But actually, I could use a glass of ice water.”

  Toni caught the look of concern Sean shot his wife. “You all right, love?”

  Cassandra nodded. “Yeah, I’m just a little overheated.”

  “Sit down,” he told her. He gently pulled her further into the living room.

  “Stop hovering,” she laughed, but sank onto the couch.

  “Anna,” Toni said, “I’ll get them both some water. Why don’t you find Gavin and let him know they’re here?”

  “Thanks, Toni.” Anna beamed at her brother and sister-in-law again before going out to the back deck. Toni went to the kitchen to fill two cups with ice water.

  A minute later, the glass doors between the deck and kitchen slid open and Gavin entered with Anna. He shot Toni a smile before going with his sister into the living room. Toni followed in time to see Gavin and Sean clasping each other in a jovial hug. She handed Cassandra both cups.

  “You look good!” Sean said, appraising his brother. “The beach agrees with ya.”

  “Have you been enjoying it here so far?” Cassandra asked.

  “Aye, it’s been lovely.” Gavin sat on one side of Cass, Sean sat on the other. As he took one of the cups from his wife, Anna curled up on the nearby armchair.

  “I’ll leave you to your family reunion,” Toni smiled at the group. “But come outside soon and get something to eat, okay?” She directed the last at Sean and Cassandra.

  “Absolutely,” Sean said.

  “Thanks for this,” Cassandra said, raising her already half empty cup.


  Gavin’s eyes followed Toni as she walked out, then turned back to his family. “Well! It’s really good to see ya both. Last time I did was the wedding. How’s newlywed life treatin’ you two?”

  “It’s fantastic,” Sean said, looking into his wife’s eyes. They smiled at one another before he added, “And we have news. We were waiting to tell you both in person, today.”

  Anna’s eyes widened. “Spill it!”

  “Cassie’s pregnant,” Sean said proudly. “I’m goin’ to be a father, if you can believe it.”

  Gavin could swear he saw his brother’s chest puff out with masculine pride.

  Anna let out a joyous scream and leaped out of her chair to hug the happy couple. “I’m so happy for ya both! Ahh, I’m goin’ to be an auntie again! I get a baby to spoil on this side of the ocean! He or she is all mine!”
br />   Sean pointed a finger at her. “You’re not allowed near my kid’s hair without supervision, ya hear?”

  They all laughed.

  Gavin hugged them both as he congratulated them. “You look well, Cassandra. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m fine,” she said, but added, “I just get tired sometimes. And the heat’s been getting to me a little, but that’s all. Baby’s healthy, I’m healthy. We’re fine.”

  “I’m so glad,” Gavin smiled, leaning in to squeeze her hand. He looked to his brother. “You? A father? God help this kid.”

  “Don’t I know it,” Sean said, the grin sprouting so wide it made his eyes crinkle. “And now that we’ve had the pleasure of tellin’ you two in person, I’ll call everyone back in Ireland tomorrow to tell ’em the news.”

  Gavin chuckled as he asked, “You haven’t told Ma and Da yet? Are ya mad?”

  “I really wanted to tell you two first,” Sean said. “Get to see the looks on your faces. Now I have, and it was worth it.”

  Gavin leaned across Cassandra’s lap to clap a hand on his brother’s knee. “Happy for ya, Sean. This is fantastic news. Thanks for the great surprise.”

  Anna leaned back on her knees to look Cassandra over. “How far along are you? You’re barely showin’!”

  “Oh, this is a loose sundress,” Cassandra grinned wryly. “Trust me, I’m showing now.” She held the fabric taut to show them her small but visible baby bump, and Anna squealed with excitement.

  “When’s the baby due?” Gavin asked.

  “Just before Christmas,” Cassandra answered. “December sixteenth.”

  “Christmas seems to be our best time of year,” Sean said, slanting a look of pure love at his wife before kissing her.

  Gavin averted his eyes. Would he ever find a woman that would make him look the way Sean did when gazing at his wife? That glow of true, real, deep love? He hoped so. He doubted it, but he hoped so.

  The four of them talked for half an hour, all catching up on each other’s lives, before Cassandra said, “I hate to say it, but I really, really need to eat. Like, right now.”

  “There’s tons of food out on the deck!” Anna cried, getting to her feet. She adjusted the strings of her bikini top and ran quick fingers through her hair. “Come, we’ve got to feed ya, and my newest niece or nephew!” She took Cassandra by the hand and pulled her along.

  “Think she’s a bit excited,” Sean remarked dryly.

  “Ya think so?” Gavin joked. “At least she’ll be here, in New York, when the baby comes. We’ll all come to visit at some point, but Anna will be the only one lucky enough to really know your child.”

  “Aye, that’s true,” Sean said. Both men stood and headed towards the sliding door. “I’ll be glad for her bein’ here. I mean, Cassie’s family and friends all live fairly nearby, in the city and here on Long Island, and they’ve been great. They treat me like I’m one of their own. We told them all the news yesterday—they were all at her friend Bree’s house for a big barbecue—and everyone was so happy for us. But… aye, I’ll be glad for some McKinnon blood around my kid, too.”

  “Well, you could always move back home,” Gavin said.

  “No way,” Sean said without a moment’s hesitation. “I’ve made a bloody good life for myself here. New York’s been good to me, it’s home. Besides, Cassie’s a New Yorker through and through, she’ll never live anywhere else. That’s fine with me. My life is here now.”

  “I knew you’d say that,” Gavin confessed. “But it was worth a try.”

  They stepped out onto the deck, into the middle of what had become a louder, livelier party. There had to be over fifty people out there now, talking, laughing, drinking, some of them dancing. Gavin searched until his eyes landed on Toni, all the way across the deck, dancing with Wren and a few other girls to the bouncy pop song playing. At the sight of Toni dancing, wearing only a purple striped one-piece swimsuit and a flowy lavender sarong wrapped low around her hips, his eyes almost popped right out of his head.

  Sean’s elbow nudged his ribs. “Stop droolin’, before I have to get a rag to mop up your chin.”

  “Shut up.” Gavin felt his face heat and tore his gaze away. “Christ, am I that obvious?”

  “To me, you are. But I know ya.” Sean peered over at Toni, then back at his younger brother. “She’s a gorgeous girl. Seems nice, too.”

  “She is,” Gavin said.

  “So… have you and she…?” Sean’s brows lifted, punctuating the question.

  “No!” Gavin said fiercely. “No, of course not!”

  “But you want to, obviously. So why not?”

  “What? What do ya mean, ‘why not?’ Because I’ve been here only a few days, for one,” Gavin began. “And because they’re all being kind enough to let me stay in their house for a month; I’m a guest here. And she’s friends with Anna, for Chrissake!”

  Sean fixed him with a shrewd look, then ticked off his responses on long fingers. “Number one, so you’ve only been here a few days. So? You’re only goin’ to be here for four weeks in all. If you like her, you don’t have time to waste, son.” His brows arched to punctuate that. “Number two, aye, they let ya stay here, but you’re paying your share. And Anna’s your sister, so you’re a bit more than a mere ‘guest’. Which brings me to number three, that Toni’s friends with Anna.” Sean snorted in protest. “Ya think Anna would stand in the way of you gettin’ some action with a friend of hers? Knowing our free-spirited sister, she’d likely be cheering you on for gettin’ some. Sorry, Gav, but all your excuses are just that—excuses.”

  “Jaysus, ya got it all figured out, don’t ya,” Gavin grumbled good-naturedly.

  Again, Sean looked across the partygoers to Toni, watched her for a few seconds, then looked back to his brother. “You’re just scared,” he said quietly, so only Gavin could hear. “Siobhan ran you over, and you haven’t gotten back up yet.”

  Gavin met Sean’s eyes, but said nothing.

  Sean shook his head. “She did a real number on your head, that bitch. But… well… it’s a bit crass, but sometimes the best way to get over someone is to get under someone, know what I mean?”

  Gavin’s jaw tightened. “Bloody hell. I’m not going to use Toni like that,” he said firmly. “She’s better than that.”

  “Ah.” Sean stared at his brother, a grin curling the corners of his mouth. “There’s nothing wrong with a short summer fling, ya know. Doesn’t make you any less a gentleman, or her a lady, if that’s what you’re worried about, Prince Proper. But some fun like that might not be a bad thing for you. Get ya back in the game.” He shrugged, and sang under his breath, “Summer lovin’, had me a bla-aaast… summer lovin’, happened so fa-aaast…”

  “Shut it, ya bellend!” Gavin laughed, giving Sean a punch in the arm. “Let’s go find you somethin’ to eat.” But as the song over the sound system changed, he couldn’t help but look over to where Toni was dancing with her friends, sexy and free and full of spark. She was laughing, caught in the moment, her hips swaying sensually to the beat and making his whole body tight with need. Sweet Jesus, he wanted her.

  He wondered what she’d do or say if he made a play for her. Was there a chance she might be open to a little summer fling? He knew she liked him fine; they got along splendidly. But as for something more… he had no idea.

  He sighed. Maybe, if he could pull his bruised self-esteem up from the gutters, and be the man he was before Siobhan steamrolled him, he’d be bold enough to find out. Lord knew he hadn’t been able to get Toni out of his head from the moment he’d met her.

  Chapter Six


  Later that night, when the sky was dark and fireworks shot brightly overhead, everyone oohed and ahhed as they watched the show. The town of Long Beach had hired barges to shoot them from out in the ocean, so many could see them, but not have debris raining down on them while they did. Someone had put on an old Led Zeppelin album, and the music was a welcome accompanime
nt to the light show in the sky. Halfway through, the slower, dreamier song Ten Years Gone came on, and Gavin smiled as he sank back further into his plastic deck chair. He’d always loved this tune; it was one of his favorites by them. To watch incredible fireworks overhead, out at sea, on a beach in New York while listening to this song made him deeply happy, content to his soul. Life was good.

  He glanced to his left where Sean and Cassandra sat together, her curled on his lap, his arms around her waist. They were so connected, so in love… it was heartening to think that existed. Then he glanced to his right, where Anna sat looking up at the sky with childlike wonder. He leaned over and ran his hand over her hair to say hello. She gave him a huge smile and a pinch on his cheek before looking back to the skies.

  Then he stealthily looked across Anna; Toni sat on her other side. She also had her face tipped up, and reflections of color from the fireworks covered her in an ethereal glow. She’d pulled on a red and white striped T-shirt and denim shorts at some point, which he found adorable. Her long, dark curls streamed down her back and her smile was pure glee. He wished he could pull her onto his lap the way Sean had Cassandra. He wished he could string his fingers through her curly hair, nuzzle the spot where her neck met her shoulder, and just breathe her in.

  She must have felt his stare, because she turned to look at him. Their eyes met and she smiled at him openly. There was even… no, he must be imagining it. But damn if there wasn’t a hint of flirtation in her expression. Her gaze held his for a long beat before she looked back up to the fireworks.

  Gavin exhaled hard, realizing then that he’d stopped breathing for a minute. With new warmth inside, he smiled as he sat back in his chair, crossed his long legs at the ankles, and watched the rest of the show in the night sky.


  On the lounge chair, Toni breathed in the salty ocean air and stared at the stars. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore lulled and soothed her as she laid still. Damn, she’d had too much to drink after all. She couldn’t go to bed just yet, or she’d be in horrible shape when she woke up. The slightly swirly feeling in her stomach was testament to that. So, even though she was exhausted, she’d opted for some time in the fresh air, warm though it was.


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