His Love

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His Love Page 8

by Jennifer Gracen

  He nodded, wordless, and continued to play with her hair.

  “She really hurt you.” It was more of a statement than a question.

  “I’d rather not talk about her, if you don’t mind.” A muscle in his clenched jaw jumped. “Especially when I’m in bed with you.”

  “Of course. I just…” Toni reached up to caress his cheek. “For what it’s worth, I think she’s an idiot. Because you’re a fantastic guy.” She watched his eyes flicker away, but the hint of a pleased grin curved the side of his mouth. It made her heart squeeze. “And maybe… with this fling… you can finally put that all behind you. You know… by having some carefree good times…” Her fingers did a playful walk down his chest until her hand rested on his flat belly. “…with a fun-loving, American girl…” She toyed with the trail of dark blond hair that led down from his navel.

  He only smiled at her, still twisting her curls around his fingers.

  “We’ll have fun together. Three weeks, no holds barred. And it could get complicated if we saw other people, too… so I agree, being exclusive for the three weeks makes it simpler.” She ran her hand along his hip, tracing the delicious curve of the bone with her fingertips. “But at the same time, we owe each other nothing—you’re not, like, attached to me or anything. Together, yes, but casual. We’ll just… take it day by day, I guess.”

  His smile was so sweet, it made her heart flutter. “We have an understanding, then.” He tipped her chin to softly kiss her lips. “And if you ever need to tell me something, or change your mind about our… arrangement… promise you’ll tell me. We need to be straightforward if this is going to work, I think.”

  “I won’t change my mind. But if I have something on my mind, yes, I’ll tell you. You will too, right?”

  He nodded and kissed her again.

  “Okay, then.” She smiled back at him. “I think it’s going to be a good summer.”

  He fixed her with a long look that she couldn’t read. His eyes drank her in, roamed over her features.

  “I think you might be right,” he finally whispered.

  He kissed her then, deeply, with seductive purpose. God, where did he learn to kiss like that? No one had ever kissed her the way he did. It made her whole body roar to life and her mind go all fuzzy. Her arms slid around his neck and he rolled her onto her back, again aligning his body with hers. The kisses deepened, growing hot and urgent, though their hands were more leisurely this time in their explorations.

  “I’m ready to show you just how long I can draw this out,” he whispered wickedly in her ear, and her breath caught. “That first time was hot as bloody hell, but way too fast.” His hands moved slowly up from her hips and her heart rate started to rise. “No, this time, a little restraint… I want to explore every inch of you…” His lips worked their way along her skin, down to between her breasts. “…I want to take you up slowly, beat by beat… and drive ya mad.” She felt his teeth catch her nipple and a flood of fresh lust surged inside her. “This time, I’ll take it nice and slow…” His hot mouth kissed one breast as his hand squeezed the other, teasing her already pebbled nipples. He moved up a bit and his tongue traced the outline of her ear before he whispered, “I’m goin’ to take you to your limits, until you beg me for release.”

  “Oh, my God.” Her whole body shuddered, already humming with anticipation.

  But he just smiled against her skin, never ceasing his torturously slow caresses. “Ya want me to do that, Toni?” His hand lowered between her legs, and he lightly brushed his thumb against her most sensitive spot, barely making contact. Her hips arched right off the bed. “Ahh, my sweet Antonella Josefina… there’s so much we can do today…”

  She grabbed his face and kissed him hungrily, arching again to press her needy hips against his fingers. “Game on, Doc. Show me whatcha got.”

  Chapter Nine


  The house was quiet. Gavin guessed Anna and Joe had each left at some point, and he and Toni now truly had the whole place to themselves. Unable to wipe the besotted smile from his face, he foraged through the refrigerator for food. He and Toni had been locked in her room for hours and now they were both starving. Thinking of her lying upstairs, naked in her bed and waiting for him, filled him with such a giddy rush that he couldn’t help but chuckle to himself.

  “Looking for these?”

  He whirled around to see his sister leaning against the door frame, dangling his glasses from her forefinger.

  “Jaysus, give a man warning, will ya?” He shook his head at her.

  Anna sauntered towards him, a knowing smirk on her face. “I found these on the kitchen counter. So I went to bring them up to you, in your room. You weren’t there.”

  Gavin schooled his features, staying neutral. “Aye. So?”

  “So then I heard… somethin’… so I went to Toni’s door.” Her smirk blossomed into a full-blown cat-ate-the-canary smile. “Figured you two would come out for air or food eventually. Sounded like you were working up quite an appetite.”

  “All right, enough,” he snapped, grabbing his glasses from her and putting them on. He couldn’t look her in the eye. It was one thing to get ribbed by his older brother for this kind of thing, but his younger sister? Bloody hell. He opened the refrigerator again and ducked his head inside.

  Anna only laughed. “Gavin, I’m just teasing you.”

  He scowled and rubbed his jaw, feeling the start of stubble while still staring into the fridge.

  “Hey there. Hey! You! Doctor Gavin Padraig McKinnon,” she said with the firm command of a drill sergeant. “Look at me, will ya?”

  He straightened and did, his jaw clenched tight as he waited for however she’d continue to have her fun.

  “I’m happy for you. Both of you.” Anna’s eyes twinkled. “Seriously!”

  His held breath came out in a whoosh, the tension dissipating. “You are?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” Her brows furrowed in mild confusion. “You’re two of the best people I know, neither of you have been with anyone in the longest time, and you’ve been sniffing around each other like puppies from the day ya met.”

  “You saw that?” he asked in disbelief. “That I liked her?”

  “It was as plain as the nose on your face, lad.”

  He stared at her in surprise for a moment, then had to return her grin as he shook his head. “You never cease to boggle my mind, little sister.”

  She preened, fluffing her hair. “It’s a gift.” Still smiling, she went to him and hugged him. “I can’t believe you thought I’d be angry if you and Toni hooked up.”

  His arms wrapped around her to return the hug. “I wasn’t sure.”

  She pulled back to look up into his face. “I saw you liked her. It was all over your face, every time you looked at her. Like Cupid himself shot an arrow into your arse. Ya poor bastard.”

  Gavin had to laugh at that, pulling away from her to return to the refrigerator. “I was that obvious to ya, huh?”

  “Aye, and it was adorable. But you’re so damn reserved these days, I didn’t think you’d make a move on her.”

  “It was kind of a mutual thing,” he said. “We, ah… moved on each other. Just last night, that was the first time. But today… well. Guess ya heard it all, didn’t you.” He shook his head again at the thought of that.

  “Aye, and God bless ya both.” Anna sat down at the table while she watched him pile fruit and cheese onto plates. “I’ve been worried for you, you know. Since your breakup. You really retreated for a while. Like a bloody turtle.”

  He shrugged as he worked. “Seems a normal, appropriate reaction when you’re dumped by a longtime partner.”

  “I know, but it still concerned me, Gavvy.” Anna’s voice grew uncharacteristically somber. “I just hated that you were so sad.”

  He looked over at her, blinking in surprise at her earnest tone. “Thank you, Anna. Aye, it was dark for a while. But I’m fine now. Honestly.”

Gettin’ away on holiday helped, I’m sure.” Anna reached up and fiddled with her hair, examining the red and blue ends. “Gettin’ with a new girl helps even more, I’ll bet.”

  Gavin shot a frown at her as he put the rest of the food back in the fridge. “Toni’s not a replacement for Siobhan. It’s not… I’m not using her like that.”

  “I know.” Anna grinned. “And I say good for both of ya. Life’s short.”

  Snorting out a laugh, Gavin looked in three cabinets before finding what he was looking for—a tray. Plastic and covered in pink tropical flowers, he put the plates on it, both piled with food, then grabbed two bottles of Corona from the fridge. “Having fun watchin’ me there, are ya?”

  “I wouldn’t say fun, but I am enjoying myself. You’re cute when you’re squirm.”

  “Bog off.”

  Anna snickered and got to her feet. “All right. I’m hoppin’ in the shower, got to get to work soon. Will I see you two tonight at the Nest?”

  “I don’t know.” Gavin scrubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “Toni goes back to work tomorrow, so I don’t know if she’ll be up to going out. And I…”

  “Hope to stay in with her,” Anna finished, shooting him another grin. “See you tomorrow, then.” She patted his shoulder before leaving.

  He stared after her. His sister was a piece of work, all right. And he adored her. Somehow, having her approval for his and Toni’s… arrangement… made him feel the tiniest bit better about it. He could admit that to himself.

  Not that he would have stopped being with Toni if Anna had disapproved. No way. He felt mentally lighter and physically satisfied in the best ways… and for three weeks, he intended to stay that way. Being with Toni that day had somehow finally set him free from the dull chains that had held his soul prisoner since Siobhan had dumped him. And it wasn’t just about the sex—about getting past the vulnerability of sleeping with someone new for the first time in a very long time, or the plain mind-bending physical enjoyment of being with such a gorgeous and sensual woman. No, it was also about his head and his heart… today he’d realized that they’d healed enough to risk something new, and he’d gone for it. Progress made. Huge progress. It was a bolder move than he’d taken in a long time.

  He only hoped he had, and would continue to, make Toni feel as good as she had him. He had three weeks to try and do that. It was a wonderful goal to set his mind to, and he planned to give it his all.


  Toni stared at her computer screen, seeing nothing. Lost in her head, all she saw was Gavin McKinnon. The day before had been so wonderful, it felt like a dream. Hours of lying in bed with him… exploring each other’s bodies like the new, exciting, uncharted territory they were. Then, at his insistence, they’d gone out to dinner. They went to an upscale Italian restaurant, then for a long, leisurely walk on the boardwalk. The conversation was as easy as it had been since they met; if she’d worried for even a minute that maybe it could get awkward now that they’d spent the day naked together, that worry was gone. If anything, they were even more comfortable with each other now. They walked and talked until after dark.

  When they’d gotten home, the house was empty. They’d been unable to resist another round of mattress gymnastics, but at the end of the night, Gavin had gone back to his own room. She had to go back to work in the morning, and didn’t want to wake him as she got ready.

  Plus, she wasn’t sure of the boundaries now. Yes, they were sleeping together. But did that mean they actually would sleep together, share a bed, at night? She’d told him plainly that she wasn’t playing a game, but had thought it best that they each retreat to their own corners to sleep, to have that space. He had been completely understanding, in agreement, and sweet. He’d kissed her good night, leaving her in her tangled sheets, but stopped at the door and turned back around. “Toni…” His hair was as adorably rumpled as the T-shirt and shorts he’d pulled back on, and his eyes were bright. “I just have to tell you… this was an incredible day. I can’t tell ya how much I enjoyed every single part of it. Of you.”

  She’d smiled back at him. “Me too. Really.” She felt like she should say something more, but what? She didn’t know. So she just went with, “Good night, Gavin. See you tomorrow when I get home from work.”

  He nodded, but his expression seemed deeply pleased. “Sleep well.”

  “You too.”

  He grinned at that. “Oh, believe me… I’ll sleep like the dead, I’m sure.” Tossing her a wink, he closed the door behind him.

  Toni had settled into her blankets, inhaling the scent of him still on her pillow, and fallen asleep with a big, goofy smile on her face.

  She hadn’t seen him in the morning, and hadn’t been able to concentrate on her work all day; she hadn’t been able to think of anything but him. He was sweet and smart and a million times sexier than she’d ever suspected. God, what he’d done to her. No man had ever made her feel like that… the memory of his mouth on her skin, of his hands on her body… a delicious shiver skimmed over her, raising goose bumps on her flesh, and she bit down on her lip with a secret smile.

  Her cell phone dinged with a text, and she glanced at the screen. Had he felt her thinking about him, she wondered, her smile blooming. Hi, the text read. It’s Gavin. How’s your day going?

  Casual enough, she thought, checking the time. Just past two. Nice timing on his part; he’d given her space all day, but was checking in now so she wouldn’t feel slighted. She gave him a gold star in her mind and texted back, Hi. It’s dragging. I want to be at home, on the beach. What are you doing today?

  Recuperating. ;)

  She laughed, charmed, her insides warming. LOL! Anything else?

  Not really. Been sitting out on the deck, reading. Took a swim in the ocean an hour ago. Just relaxing.

  Good. That’s what you came to NY to do, right?

  Right. Almost a full minute went by before his next text came. I hope it was okay to text you. Not trying to smother or anything. Haven’t done this in a while, so I’m not sure of the rules, you know?

  Well, that was straightforward. She appreciated that. Smiling, she wrote, Of course it’s okay. It’s nice to hear from you. Truth is I’m not sure of the rules either. And another truth: I was just thinking about you.

  Oh good, came his quick reply. On both counts. And funny thing: I’ve been thinking about you too. Nonstop. Yesterday was amazing. YOU were amazing.

  Something wobbly unleashed in her stomach, a burst of happy excitement. She wrote, It sure was. And you were too. She drew a shaky breath and typed before she lost her nerve, And I want more.

  I was hoping you’d feel that way, he answered. So do I. Are you busy tonight?

  Nope. You?

  Nope. So… what time do you usually get home from work?

  Around 6:30. Want to have dinner together?

  Yes, that’d be great. Looking forward to seeing you.

  Smiling like a besotted fool, she tapped her fingers restlessly on her desk, then jumped in again, texting: Want to get naked after that?

  LOL!!! Gavin wrote. And, well… yaaaaasssss.

  Toni laughed in delight, and her stomach did a full out flip. She hadn’t felt this heady in a long time. It was like Gavin had breathed fresh air into her life and filled it with color again, virtually overnight. He was just so easy to be with… she’d let herself enjoy the rush and not think about the clock ticking on their time together.


  The rest of the week quickly fell into a pattern. During the day, Toni went to work and Gavin relaxed on the beach or at the house. When she got home in the evening, they’d have dinner together, sometimes with Joe, and the three of them would go down to the Nest for an hour or so before Toni and Gavin would go back to the house together.

  The sex was hot, wild, and intense. They couldn’t get enough of each other. It was raucous, the way they’d go up to her room and start tearing each other’s clothes off the second she closed the door. She drank in hi
s need, greedy and consumed, loving the way his mouth felt on hers, the way his hands felt on her body, the way he’d groan out her name when she did something he particularly liked. It was intoxicating, being wanted like this. No man had ever made her feel so desired, or so desirable. The way he looked at her sometimes was overwhelming. There was more there than lust… there was craving in his eyes. And something deeper, and she couldn’t fathom that. Because she felt it, too.

  On Friday night, they’d gone out to dinner instead of staying at home, back to the seafood place they’d gone to the night Anna had thrown them together—which she’d admitted to doing now that they were together. “I saw the way you two kept looking at each other, so I tried to nudge ya along a bit. And I’m not sorry. I was right!”

  After dinner, they’d gone back to the house. Joe had gone out for the night, Anna and Wren were working, and they had the house to themselves. Without warning, Toni pushed Gavin down onto the living room couch, a devious sparkle in her eyes.


  It made Gavin’s heart miss a beat. “What are you up to?” he asked, eyeing her warily.

  She dropped to her knees in front of him. “Having my dessert.” Her eyes locked with his as she wet her lips seductively, dragging her tongue across them with slow promise. His blood started to pulse, heating in his veins. Slowly, her fingers crept under his shorts and slid up the insides of his thighs. His breath caught as she ran her hands along his legs, deliberate and tantalizing. He took off his glasses and put them on the cushion beside him, anticipation heating his insides. She lowered her head to drop kisses on his belly, her lips warm as they trailed across his skin, and the muscles in his belly and thighs tensed.

  “Oh, mother of God,” he murmured in ecstasy. His heart rate took off as her fingers brushed against the front of his cargo shorts. She gave a satisfied hum, then pressed her palm against the length of him before she reached to his snap and zipper. His hands went out to caress her face even as he lifted his hips to help her remove his shorts. “Toni…”


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