Alien Sex 104

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Alien Sex 104 Page 6

by Allie Ritch

  * * * *

  Huv awoke to his lover’s familiar scent and the toasty comfort of a warm bed. Instead of a soft breast in his palm, however, he shifted his fingers to discover Lexy’s firm pectoral muscles covering his heart. That should have thrown him off, but he found it wasn’t as strange as it used to be.

  Still, Huv worried if he moved too fast, if he broke the moment, things could feel weird again. Last night, he’d nearly panicked when Lexy had insisted he touch him. Up until then, Huv had been a selfish lover—accepting but not actively participating in their exchanges. Lexy’s insistence that Huv handle him had forced him out of his passivity.

  He’d worried about his reaction. After all, he’d never touched another man’s cock before. What if he’d been disgusted?

  As it turned out, disgust had been the farthest thing from his mind. Stroking Lexy, knowing he was giving him pleasure, had blasted Huv’s desire through the roof even as it had terrified him. Over the years, he’d learned the female body, how to arouse it and bring it satisfaction. Ironically, with another man, he hadn’t a clue. This was all new territory, leaving him a helpless novice. That was not a feeling Huv enjoyed.

  Thank the gods Lexy had told him what to do. His voice, strained as it was, had pierced the haze of panic gathering in Huv and steadied him like nothing else could have. Like every other male in the universe, he’d been whacking off since he was a teenager. Applying the same technique to another man wasn’t exactly rocket science. Once he’d figured out what he was doing, he’d … okay, yeah, he’d enjoyed it.

  Actually, he’d more than enjoyed it. He’d gotten off on it. The last thought in his head before he’d come in his pants was to wonder what Lexy’s cock tasted like. It was that split-second urge that had sent him over the edge.

  What was happening to him? Things like that were so far outside his comfort zone they shouldn’t even have occurred to him, yet such erotic images popped into his mind more and more frequently. Huv felt off inside, like he didn’t fit in his own skin anymore.

  “You’re thinking so loudly I can hear you from here.” Lexy’s sleepy voice held a smile, one that flashed across his face when he rolled over to look at Huv. “Care to share your thoughts?”

  Huv took a minute to study those hypnotic blue eyes and the golden curls that never failed to attract him. He hesitated a moment before remembering it was okay to touch. Catching a rogue curl between his fingers, he gave it a gentle tug.

  “I think I’m chewing myself up inside.”

  Warm amusement was instantly replaced by concern. “Why?” Lexy laid a hand over Huv’s chest to rub soothing circles.

  “I don’t know.” He traced Lexy’s features and felt the rasp of morning whiskers under his fingertips. They felt so wrong. And so right. “My mind won’t stop spinning. I’m just so—”

  Scared. Although it humbled him to admit, Huv was scared half to death, and he didn’t know what to do about it. The worst part? He wasn’t even sure what frightened him. Was it the thought of commitment? Of being in a serious relationship? No. Surprisingly, the realization that he had somebody, that he and Lexy might share a future, was comforting to Huv. He felt like he’d finally found what he’d been searching for all along. Was it the thought of being with a man, then? A lot seemed to center around that, but there was no denying Huv desired Lexy as a male. He really … cared for him. So what the hell was this?

  “Stress.” Lexy cradled Huv’s cheek. “You’re under a lot of stress. You’ve taken on so much: the move, the job, us. All these changes may be good things, but they still cause stress. It’s no wonder you’ve tied yourself in knots.”

  “Is that it?” Huv felt a tendril of relief unfurl inside him. Maybe he was just stressed out.

  Lexy smiled. “That’s my diagnosis. Come on. Let’s grab a shower, and I’ll give you a massage under the jets.”

  Although a whisper of unease rippled through him, all Huv did was arch an eyebrow.

  Lexy chuckled. “Your back. I’ll massage your back. Don’t worry. I promise not to molest you in there.”

  Strangely, Huv wasn’t sure if he was bolstered or disappointed by that announcement.

  Following Lexy into the shower, he stepped beneath the hot spray, which was already kicking up bursts of steam. The sensation of the water sluicing over his skin was such a simple, uncomplicated pleasure he hummed in enjoyment. Then Lexy lathered his hair with shampoo and rubbed soap over his body, and Huv found himself returning the favor.

  For all the lovers he’d had over the years, he realized this was the most intensely intimate situation he’d ever shared with somebody. He became hyperaware of everything: the sound of Lexy’s voice as he talked about breakfast and work and mundane things, the breadth of his shoulders and his flat stomach running down to his trim waist, the connection between them whenever they touched. It wasn’t sexual, although lust was never far away when they were naked together. Instead, the situation was comfortable.

  “There you go. You feel like you’re loosening up now.” Lexy’s hands worked magic as he massaged Huv’s neck and back from behind.

  Combined with the beating of the water jets, the sensation was heavenly.

  Huv felt a tender feeling swell within his chest until he found himself wanting to say something he’d never told a lover before. “Lexy, I…”


  I love you. Although Huv’s heart nearly stopped with the realization, he knew it was true. He loved Lexy. It was a wonderful, thrilling, terrifying emotion—one he’d never experienced before, yet recognized instinctively. He wanted to tell Lexy, to let him know in some grand, romantic way.

  Lexy’s hands stopped. “What is it?”

  “I—” Huv choked. Bowing his head, he let the words wash away. “I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with Xindra and Quinn next Friday.”

  “You want me to meet your cousin and her husband?” Lexy resumed the massage.

  “We could postpone it if you’re not comfortable.”

  “No, that’s fine. I’d love to meet them. I’m sure we’ll find a lot to talk about.”

  Huv leaned back into Lexy’s hands. “That’s what Xindra said. She’d love to get your opinions on some of the things she’s doing with her class.”

  “Is she looking for a Cedecian perspective in particular?”

  “More like your professional opinion.” Huv didn’t mention he hadn’t told his cousin about Lexy’s race. There didn’t seem to be a good way to bring it up.

  “I look forward to it.” Lexy sounded happy. “Maybe I can get her to spill some childhood stories about you.”

  Huv tried to laugh, but inside his gut was roiling again. And he didn’t think he could blame it on plain old stress.

  * * * *

  When Friday evening rolled around, Lexy was surprised to discover he felt keyed up. He and Huv had enjoyed dinner together a couple of nights during the week, and everything seemed to be fine, but he was plagued by a vague sense that there was something tenuous about their relationship. Hopefully meeting more members of Huv’s family would help dispel the feeling. Family was very important to Huv, and Lexy was anxious to make a good impression.

  Unfortunately, their nerves seemed to feed off each other as Lexy drove Huv to the restaurant. The conversation was stilted despite their best efforts, and Lexy felt like he was too tightly wound by the time he found a parking space and got out. Hoping to ease the tension, he slipped his hand in Huv’s as they walked to the front door of the small restaurant. Huv returned a small grin, although he didn’t meet Lexy’s gaze.

  Just as they reached the door, Huv pulled his hand free. The small retreat stung, but in the next instant, Huv smoothly opened the door for him. Had Lexy imagined the withdrawal?

  “Huv, over here.”

  Before he had time to dwell on it, an Allurian woman who had to be Huv’s cousin Xindra waved at them from a table across the room. Beside her sat her husband, a handsome New Earthling with bronze hai
r and blue eyes a couple shades darker than Lexy’s.

  Ignoring his nerves, Lexy put on a friendly smile as he followed Huv to their table. The expression grew difficult to hold when he realized the couple wasn’t reciprocating. On the contrary, the two wore a quizzical look as they leaned to the side to peer around him. Lexy followed their gazes, but he didn’t see anyone behind him.

  Huv cleared his throat. “Hi, guys. I’d like you to meet my … I’d like you to meet Lexy. Lexy, this is my cousin, Xindra, and her husband, Quinn.”

  The couple stood and offered to shake hands.

  “It’s so nice to meet you.” Lexy was thankful everyone’s good manners prevailed. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

  Although it was late in coming, Xindra’s smile appeared genuine. “Likewise. My cousin has told me such wonderful things about you.”

  The compliment soothed Lexy and started a warm glow inside. So Huv had talked about him to his family?

  “Sorry for the strange reaction.” Quinn offered the apology with a crooked smile. “The only physical description we had of you came from Rix. I take it you’re Cedecian?”

  “Yes.” Lexy answered automatically, although the question hit him like a sucker punch. He turned to Huv with dawning horror. “You didn’t tell them?”

  Huv seemed intent on studying the floor, as if he expected it to open up and swallow him at any moment. “I didn’t get around to it.”

  Shocked, Lexy turned quickly to see his cousin’s reaction. He caught Xindra’s concerned glance before she came to the rescue.

  Her tone was light and friendly. “That was probably my fault, Lexy. I peppered Huv with so many questions about you I didn’t really give him a chance to volunteer anything. Rix was right, though. You are gorgeous. You must have the most spectacular head of hair I’ve ever seen.”

  “Hey,” Quinn protested.

  Lexy liked the woman immediately. Although the flattery was nice, it was the way she took the blame and tried to make everyone comfortable that won him over. Despite his irritation with Huv, he felt himself settle.

  It was easy to reciprocate the compliment. “You obviously haven’t looked in the mirror lately.” The woman had long, satiny locks of purest purple. “I’ve decided I’m a fan of Allurian coloring. Huv has all these beautiful undertones when you get him out in the sun.”

  Very deliberately, Lexy reached out to caress the hairs at Huv’s nape. Huv shot him a sheepish look, but he didn’t pull away.

  They finally took their seats.

  “I hope the food here is good.” Quinn was already perusing one of the menus.

  Huv jumped back into the conversation. “You mean you haven’t been here before?”

  “No, but several of our students came here and haven’t stopped raving about it. I’ve had a craving for soup and dumplings ever since I overheard them.”

  Zeroing in on what he wanted, Lexy placed his order when the waitress hustled over. Once she was gone, he looked at the biracial couple across from him.

  “How is your class going, by the way? Huv told me a little about it, but I’d love to learn more.” Lexy was genuinely curious.

  Xindra’s enthusiasm for the topic was evident. “The whole thing has really worked out far better than we’d dared hope. Our group of students is very adventurous. We tried to choose bolder, more experienced applicants, although we do have one young virgin in there as well. She’s a sweet girl, kind of shy. Surprisingly good at martial arts. She’s been taking lessons from me.”

  “It’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for,” Lexy pointed out.

  Xindra laughed.

  Obviously well in sync with his wife, Quinn picked up where she left off. “We use a combination of teaching methods. Each lecture starts with your usual anatomy lesson, except we use live models and allow the students to touch as well as see the various erogenous zones and sexual organs. Whenever possible, we also try to work in advice for providing greater pleasure without sounding like an instruction manual.”

  “It’s not always easy to keep a good balance,” Xindra said, chiming in again. “We don’t want this to turn into another dry, sterile biology lesson, but we don’t want it to become something tawdry either. Quinn and I have worked very hard to create a safe, comfortable environment for everyone, and we try to impart real, usable information.” She rolled her eyes and seemed to laugh at herself. “Of course, there’s no denying some of the demonstrations can be quite titillating.”

  “So I gathered.” Lexy slid his arm over the back of Huv’s chair as their server deposited their meals in front of them. “Huv and I met right after he got done modeling for you. I should probably thank you. Your class helped open his mind to certain possibilities.”

  Quinn chuckled. “He wouldn’t be the first. We’ve noticed our class seems to be working like a matchmaking service.

  “Really?” Huv sounded surprised. “Who’s hooked up so far?”

  “You remember my friend Mera?” Xindra asked.

  “The one who was part of your bridal escort?”

  “That’s the one. Well, Mera is now with our Ibration student, Trett. It’s pretty obvious the way things are going, so I’m just waiting for the day it’s my turn to attend her wedding.” Turning to Lexy, she quickly explained. “Mera is Oquaran, and she had some bad experiences in the past.”

  “Ah.” Lexy had treated more than a few Oquarans in his practice. Thanks to their level of sexual sensitivity, they found it difficult and often painful to have intercourse outside their race. Lexy’s clinical curiosity took over. “And your friend hasn’t had any problems coupling with an Ibration?”

  Xindra’s eyes sparkled. “Quite the contrary. Apparently Ibration males and Oquaran females make for multiple orgasms of epic proportions. Mera is an extremely happy woman right now.”

  Lexy would have to remember that. It might help one of his patients in the future.

  “So who else?” Huv blew on his soup before swallowing another mouthful. “One couple hardly qualifies as a matchmaking service.”

  “Try three couples,” Quinn retorted. “Krux and Katra’Ruma—our Brachoi and Duosien students—are now an item, and Whitt and Spri are together. Sort of.”

  Huv appeared to goggle. “Whitt? The young Allurian?”

  Xindra nodded. “Yeah, we were sort of surprised, too. Unfortunately, it looks like they have a lot of issues to work out. If Whitt had waited for our lecture, he would have known sex for a Litting means a marriage commitment or close to it.”

  “Most of the issues I see in my practice stem from communication breakdowns,” Lexy said. “We’re so immersed in our own culture we take our viewpoint for granted. It’s not until you start interacting with others and realize how much diversity there is that you take notice.” Beneath the table, he patted Huv’s leg. “Huv and I had that happen to us early on. I expected him to run screaming when I told him I change my gender on a monthly basis.”

  A blush worked its way up the back of Huv’s neck and across his cheeks. “It did come as a surprise.”

  “I’d love to get your opinion, Lexy.” Xindra looked at him earnestly. “As a therapist, is there anything you would recommend? Any advice?”

  Now Lexy was flattered on both a personal and professional level. He answered honestly. “It sounds like you’re doing a great job. Too often, people treat sex like an embarrassing medical problem. It’s good you’ve opened the doors for an earnest, respectful discussion.”

  Xindra leaned forward in her chair. “I’m glad you think so. Do you think you’d be interested in modeling for us?”

  Huv choked on his soup. Lexy was pretty sure he’d have mimicked the reaction if he’d been swallowing too.


  Quinn exchanged a look with his wife. “We’d love to have a Cedecian included, and with your credentials you have a unique perspective.”

  “You wouldn’t have to do a full demonstration if you don’t want to,” Xindra hastened to assure hi
m. “No one would even touch you if that makes you uncomfortable.”

  Not sure how to react, Lexy turned to Huv, but his lover kept his expression studiously blank. “Would you give me time to think about it?”

  Quinn nodded. “Of course. You’re not on the spot. It’s just we’ve sort of been flying by the seat of our pants as far as models go. We thought more students would volunteer as the course progressed, but it seems like we’re always doing a last-minute scramble to set up for the next class.”

  Wanting to know more, Lexy remained noncommittal. He continued to ask questions and then chatted with the couple until they’d all finished dinner. Afterward, they went for a short stroll to work things off. Lexy lagged at the back with Xindra while Quinn ranged ahead pointing out various buildings and street signs to Huv.

  “You know you’re good for him, don’t you?” Since she was shorter, Xindra had to tilt her head to look at Lexy, but she remained graceful as she walked.

  As her question registered, Lexy felt his eyebrows shoot toward his hairline. “For Huv? I certainly hope so, but what makes you say that?”

  She returned a knowing smile. “I’ve never seen my cousin so awkward before. You’ve got him tripping all over himself.”

  “And that’s a good thing?”

  “Of course.” She sounded quite sure. “I haven’t gotten to see Huv a lot as an adult, but news travels fast, even all the way from Alluria. My cousin has something of a reputation as a smooth ladies’ man. He certainly talks a good talk. Do you know what that tells me?”

  Intrigued, Lexy had to ask. “What?”

  “None of those women mattered to him.” Xindra gave Lexy’s shoulder a friendly bump. “It’s easy to be slick with someone who’s nothing but a fun time and a vague memory. You only tie yourself up in knots over someone you care about. You might remember that when he’s making you crazy.”

  Lexy gained a new level of respect for her. He had a feeling Xindra was one of the few people who saw Huv for who he really was, with all his complicated layers. A new sort of tension—one wholly sensual—built inside him as Lexy imagined peeling back one of those layers very soon.


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