The Price of Love

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The Price of Love Page 14

by Cassy Roop

  “You dirty slut! You did! You fucked Tristan Price!” She was jumping up and down and clapping at the same time. You would think she was the one who got some from Tristan by her giddiness.

  “Tell me all about it! I want to hear every last detail. Was he good? How many orgasms did he give you? How big?”

  “Oh my God, Cassie, I’m not telling you that!” I said in embarrassment.

  “I will say that it was the most amazing, wonderful, pleasurable experiences of my life.”

  “Wait. Experiences? As in plural?”

  “Yep,” I said as I popped the P. “Twice. Once last night and then again this morning in the shower.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Sore,” I admitted.

  Cassie laughed at my comment. The soreness of my body was a wonderful reminder that screamed, “Tristan was here.”

  “Well that is to be expected, but I was meaning emotionally. You know with the whole intimacy thing.”

  I thought about it for a moment. The funny thing about it was that once I finally let myself go to Tristan, I didn’t have any conflicting emotions. My thought and feelings were only happy ones. The deep undeniable connection I had with Tristan softened any fear that Brett had left me with.

  “I actually feel wonderful, Cass. If I had known that sex could be like what Tristan and I shared last night, I would have done it sooner. It was amazing. I don’t think I have ever felt like that before. It just wasn’t the sex. It felt different with him. I do not know how to explain it.”

  “Oh my God, Kendall. You are falling in love with him.”

  She said it as a statement, not a question. I did not move. I did not blink. Was what she said true? There was no way I could be in love with Tristan. Lust yes, but love?

  “I think you are jumping to conclusions Cass. I enjoy spending time with Tristan, but I’m not in love with him.”

  “Whatever girl. Tell that to me after you are married and having the man’s babies,” Cassie teased. “Anyway, I am off to go pack. I cannot believe we get to spend three weeks in London!”

  Cassie walked out of my room to start packing for our trip. I paused mid-fold and sat down on the bed. Cassie’s words struck me like a volt of electricity. I cannot be falling in love with Tristan Price. It was great to finally get past all my barriers and let go of some of my control. I feel like I was finally moving on with my life after Brett. I was still hanging on to that horrible fear that if I surrendered my heart to another man again, it would only end up in heartache again. Only this time, with him, I do not think I would be able to recover.

  Chapter 15


  The limousine pulled up at Kendall and Cassie’s apartment a little after five pm. Our flight was to leave at around six, so it left us about an hour to get to the airport. Since we were taking the company jet, we wouldn’t have to fight to get through security.

  I was literally bouncing in my seat. Whether it was from anticipation from seeing Kendall again after this morning, or my anxiousness to get her out of the country I’m not sure.

  “Dude, can you stop with all the fidgeting and leg bouncing? You are acting like a nervous Chihuahua,” Jackson said as he punched me in the arm.

  “Sorry. I am just ready to get the fuck out of New York I guess. I don’t want to take any chances of that asshole getting near Kendall.”

  “I know how you feel, man. Do not worry. We will keep her safe. I promise my life on it.”

  “I know, Jax. I appreciate it man.”

  “I know how you have pined away after this girl for years Tristan. Now that you have her, I am not going to let anyone take her from you,” he said giving my shoulder a squeeze.

  Garrison got out to open the door for us and Jackson and I stepped out to go help the girls with their luggage. After buzzing us in, we headed down the hall to the girls’ apartment. I still was not happy with it being on the first floor, but I know there was no way that I could convince them to move.

  Cassie opened the door and let us in. She was standing next to three large suitcases that looked packed to the max.

  “Damn, Cass. Did you pack the kitchen sink too?” Jackson teased her before giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

  “A girl has got to be prepared for anything. Plus London’s weather is so unpredictable, she offered in a way of explanation.

  I walked down the hall to find Kendall zipping up her suitcase. I took a moment to just look at her. God I was the luckiest bastard alive. I wish I could shut her in this room and make love to her until the sun comes up, but I needed to get her out of here.

  “Hey Angel,” I said from the doorway.

  She jumped and turned around at the sound of my voice. I was rewarded with her beautiful smile. She was in yoga pants, a sweatshirt, and had her hair piled up in a messy bun. Not a lick of makeup covered her gorgeous face. She was breathtaking.

  “You scared me, Sparky.” She giggled holding a hand over her heart. I stalked toward her and grabbed her by the hips, pulling her to me. I crushed my lips to hers and invaded her mouth with my tongue. I will never get enough of this woman.

  Instantly her arms wrapped around my neck to play with the hair at the nape of my neck.

  I love it when she does that.

  I could feel myself start to grow hard and I stepped away breaking our kiss. If I did not stop we would never leave this room.

  “Are you about ready?” I asked her.

  “Yep. Just finished.”

  She reached for the suitcase and I bent down to take it from her.

  “Where are the others?”

  “What others? I have just this one. I am not like Cassie. I do not have to take the entire contents of my closet with me. Especially overseas.” She giggled.

  I offered her a smile, but she looked at me strangely. “Tristan, is everything ok?”

  I was trying my best to calm my nerves, but obviously I was not doing a good enough job. I will feel so much better when we are in the air over the Atlantic and far away from here.

  “I’m fine, Angel. I am just trying to show restraint and not throw you down on that bed and do delicious things to your body,” I said with half-truth. I was dying to make love to her, but her safety took priority over that.

  We all climbed into the limo to head to the airport. It was a relatively quiet ride and I was thankful for it. I was not in the mood for idle chit chat.

  After arriving at the airport, our luggage was loaded into the plane and we made our way on board.

  “Damn Price! This is some nice digs!” Cassie said as she took in the luxurious interior of the jet.

  “I have to travel a lot for business. If I have to do it, I am going to do it comfortably,” I replied.

  We took our seats to get ready for takeoff. Kendall sat next to me and Jax and Cassie sat in the front. I was thankful for the distance. I just wanted to be alone with Kendall. I was half tempted to take her off into the bedroom in the back of the plane.

  A young stewardess approached us asked if we wanted anything before take-off.

  “I’ll take a scotch on the rocks please,” thinking that maybe the alcohol will help soothe my nerves.

  “Nothing for me thank you,” Kendall said courteously.

  Once we were in the air and after I had pounded two tumblers of scotch, I could feel myself start to relax. Kendall was by my side and I knew she would be safe.


  I could tell something was bothering Tristan. He smiled, but it didn’t meet his eyes. Was he feeling weird now that we had been intimate? He did have a reputation as a “love em and leave em” kind of man. Maybe he wanted to get rid of me but did not know how. The thought had me feeling sick to my stomach. Maybe we could sit down and talk in London. If he did not want a relationship, then we needed to establish that.

  I slept for most of the eight hour flight to London. I had been exhausted from the night before after Tristan's and my extracurricular activities. I woke up to the pilot a
sking us to put our seat belts back on to prepare for landing.

  After landing we took a taxi cab to Luxe London. Driving on the left hand side of the road was a bit terrifying for me, but Tristan just chuckled and said that I would get used to it.

  Luxe London was no less beautiful than the New York location. Tristan again put us up in the penthouse suite. We were in London a week earlier than the time I spent at the New York location. Tristan said that he wanted to show Cassie and me around London and do some sightseeing, before we had to get back to work next week writing our review for the hotel. I thought it was an excellent idea.

  I was shocked to find that Tristan booked both penthouse suits. One for him and me, and one for Cassie and Jackson. Maybe he did still want to be with me?

  When I looked at him strangely after we entered our suite he turned to give me a quizzical look,

  “What’s the matter, Kendall? If you prefer, I can share a room with Jackson and you and Cassie can be in here. Although that would put a big damper on the plans I have for you.” He said with a sly smile at the end.

  “I just...well,” I stammered as I walked over to the large cream colored couch in the sitting room of our suite and plopped down.” were acting different on the plane. I kind of assumed that maybe you got what you wanted and was finished with...with this,” I gestured with my hand between him and me.

  Tristan stomped over to me in two steps and sat down next to me. He took my head in his hands and brushed his thumbs across my cheeks.

  “Kendall, I could spend every single moment that I am breathing with you and it will never be enough. You have no clue what you do to me Angel.”


  Tristan gently pressed his lips to mine. Warmth radiated from my body with a need to be with him. I really had to be careful, or I risked doing just what I told Cassie I would not do. Fall in love with him. I needed to compartmentalize my feelings and just enjoy the experience of being with this gorgeous man.

  Tristan’s beautiful green eyes shined with lust as I gazed into their emerald depths. Once again, I was swept away with familiarity. Tristan deepened our kiss and things started to get hot quick.

  I was just about to climb into Tristan’s lap when Cassie and Jackson came busting in through the door.

  “Come on you two! Plenty of time for hanky panky later. We are starving. Let’s go get a late dinner,” Cassie whined.

  I heard Tristan sigh. I was feeling the same unfulfilled ache he was feeling. But I was hungry.

  Tristan growled as he stood up and reached for my hand to follow Cassie and Jackson to go in search of food.

  I am being released tomorrow morning. I got word that that bastard took her to London. That asshole gets off on fucking with my life. I have suffered for eight years in this fucking prison to be able to have Kendall.

  She is MINE!

  If I find out that bastard has touched her, I will kill him. I had no clue that they have gotten as close as they have to one another.

  I will have my flower one way or another. Since my parole forbids me from leaving the country, I will have to find a way to lure Kendall back to me.

  Does she know that he has been lying to her? Deceiving her? If she knew who he really was, she will hate him. She will probably be angry with me for her parents, but I will convince her that I did it all for her. I will not stop until she is mine again.

  After dinner, Tristan and I went back to our penthouse. I was exhausted from the jet lag and from all the yummy food that was now sitting in my belly. I could barely keep my eyes open in the cab. Tristan half carried me to our room.

  One we got there, Tristan placed me on my feet. “Wait here,” he whispered. He disappeared into the bathroom for a few moments and then returned wearing only a towel around his waist. He approached me with a sexy stagger that nearly had me drooling at the mouth. This man’s body was built like a Roman god.

  Tristan reached behind and relieved my hair from my messy bun. Shaking it loose, he ran his fingers through my hair before bringing his fingertips to massage my scalp. It felt wonderful. Leaning in he placed a gentle kiss on the spot just below my ear. Shivers of delight rippled down my spine.

  He lifted my t-shirt over my head and his fingers grazed my ribcage. Next he peeled off my yoga pants letting the palms of his hands run down my thighs. His touch was light and gentle, but God was it turning me on.

  Standing back up, Tristan clasped my hand in his intertwining our fingers. He then led me to the bathroom where I stopped mid step and gasped. Surrounding the tub were hundreds of flickering candles. They lit the room with a gorgeous dancing glow. Smells of vanilla and lavender filled the room.

  Tristan finished undressing me by relieving me of my bra and panties and we both climbed into the warm water of the enormous bathtub. He sat behind me and placed me in front of him, between his legs with my back to his chest.

  I leaned back and placed my head on his chest and moaned.

  “This is wonderful, Tristan. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure, Angel. I want to take care of you tonight. Just relax.”

  Tristan cupped his hands to bring water up to trickle over my shoulders. He then reached for the body wash sitting on the edge of the tub. Squirting it into his hands, he then placed them on my shoulders and began to massage it into my skin. His hands felt wonderful on me. They were big and strong, but gentle at the same time.

  His hands trailed down my back as he urged me to sit forward. He made small circles with the pads of his fingers and he kneaded them into the tight muscles of my back. No one had ever taken care of me this way. I was seeing a whole different side of Tristan than what I was used to seeing. Here was this billion dollar CEO business mogul in a bathtub surrounded by candles and I was the one being pampered. The thought thrilled me. I felt cherished, important, and beautiful.

  Tristan left no spot untouched on my body, all except for the spot I ached for him the most. I could feel my eyelids grow heavy as he paid special attention to my legs and feet after he adjusted our position in the tub to where I was facing him.

  The next thing I remember was Tristan lifting me out of the tub and draping a towel over me to carry me into the bedroom. Once he placed me on the bed he grabbed one of his t-shirts and slipped it over my head. He pulled back the covers and we both climbed in. He slid in right next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

  “Good night, Angel,” he whispered just before kissing the top of my head.

  That was the last thing I remember as I drifted off into the most pleasant, deep and comforting sleep of my life.

  Chapter 16


  It had been nearly two weeks since we all arrived in London. Our first week was spent gallivanting around to see all that London had to offer. We took a ride on the London Eye, paid a visit to Tower Bridge, and even went on a tour of St. Paul’s Cathedral.

  I had so much fun spending time with Cassie, Jackson, and Tristan, I almost forgot the reason we were even in London to begin with. Being with them felt like I was on vacation with family. It was a special feeling that I had not felt in eight years since my parents were taken from me.

  Our days had been filled with lots of sights, great food, and every night was spent with Tristan and me absorbing ourselves with each other’s bodies. If we did not make love, he held me. It felt perfect. Too perfect.

  Cassie and I began our third week in London working on our review for the hotel. Cassie had gotten some great shots of Luxe for this month’s edition. We were once again pampered by everything that Tristan’s hotel had to offer us.

  I did not tell Tristan that sometime last week, I started receiving strange letters delivered from the staff. When I asked them who they came from, I always got the same answer, they didn’t know.

  They always had the same theme.

  You don’t really know him.


  He isn’t who you think he is.

  I shrugged them off, thinking that it was p
robably one of Tristan’s past love interests trying to get to me. I really did understand why they would be so jealous. Tristan Price was one hell of a catch. I was the lucky girl who got to be with him at the moment.

  I still needed to be careful because my feelings for Tristan were starting to run deep. When he was off at meetings or doing work, I missed him. I craved his touch and his presence. I was starting to have an empty feeling when we was not around and I was now treading into dangerous territory.

  Early into our third week in London I had developed a horrible cold that kept me trapped in the penthouse for a few days. Tristan, Cassie, and Jackson all took turns trying to babysit me. I kept telling them all that I was fine, but they wouldn’t listen. Tristan kept insisting that I see a doctor and when I refused, he had one sent to our room.

  Tristan finally eased up on the watchdog duties when the doctor gave me some medication and told him that I in fact just had a cold and that I was going to be fine with lots of rest and fluids.

  After three days of being trapped in the room, I was dying to get out. Just when I was about to leave the penthouse, there was a knock on the door.

  “Delivery for a Miss Jones,” the muffled male British voice said through the huge mahogany doors. I opened them to an elderly gentleman holding a big bouquet of daisies.

  “Thank you,” I said as I reached for the vase, “let me get my wallet. I’ll be right back.”

  “No need Miss, but thank you,” he said as he bowed and turned on his heel to live.

  I took the vase into the sitting room and placed it down on the glass table. Tristan really was wonderful and probably assumed the daisies would make me feel better.

  A few moments passed as I admired the flowers when the doors to the penthouse opened. Tristan came strolling in loosening his tie.

  “Kendall, I’m back. How are you feel…” he paused mid-sentence. His eyes were dark and feral looking as he took in the sight of me standing next to the flowers. He marched over to me in two angry steps.


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