The Lion's Fiery Fox MM Alpha Omega Mpreg

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The Lion's Fiery Fox MM Alpha Omega Mpreg Page 3

by Akita StarFire

  Both had different personalities from the get go. It seemed the eldest was more quite and took his surroundings in with calm understanding, while Vance wailed at the slightest change and everything had to be just perfect.

  The babies had different schedules in their nursing. Attila was a sound sleeper at night and would be awake during the day. Vance stayed up all night and screamed if he were left alone.

  Roland was worn out most of the time taking care of the growing needs of the babies, who demanded his attention and time.

  There were some nights Lee took over nursing the babies from bottles so Roland could get some sleep.

  Nothing thrilled Roland more than to record every action of his babies for Lee, who was working extra hours. He wished his husband could be home more for the boys. But he understood that they now had more mouths to feed.

  It was the same when they learned the word "Mama". Nothing filled his heart with such tenderness and pride.

  Soon they were crawling all over the place and Roland had to keep his eyes open all the time. He made sure they wouldn't get into too much trouble as they explored and learned about their world.

  He enjoyed showing Lee the movie clips he made of them learning to crawl for the first time. Nothing warmed Lee's heart more than to see his boys learning about their world.

  They were so curious about everything.

  "Come to Papa." Lee encouraged, motioning to his son to walk over to him.

  Attila and Vance shoved their little fists in their mouths, gazing at him. Then Attila took his first baby step toward Lee.

  Vance hugged his Mama as if he were afraid to make that first step.

  With trembling steps he walked to his sire.

  Attila grabbed his dad's hand and looked up at him with a bright smile.

  "Good boy." Lee felt a tear form in his eye as his pride overflowed.

  Vance took his first step following his brother without the help of his mother and made his way to his father.

  Lee hugged both of his boys. His alphas!

  Then he hugged them both as he looked at Roland. As the fox drew close, he kissed him.

  "Thank you for such a wonderful life," he said.

  Stay tuned for a FREE bonus story!

  Thank You From Akita StarFire

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  Bonus Story

  The Wolf's Baby Lambs

  Lobo glanced at his watch, tapping his long, strong fingers against his desk. He glanced around his workplace to see if anyone was watching him. He checked his watch again a few moments later to see if the hands had moved yet and grumbled under his breath when they hadn't.

  "When is it going to be lunchtime?" He growled under his breath, thinking of his forbidden lover he was going to meet.

  Lobo looked at his timepiece again for what seemed like the millionth time.

  What seemed like hours crawled by, making impatience boil within him as he sat at his desk.

  A bell rang, echoing through the office. At last!

  The moment lunch was announced, Lobo was in his car. He felt his heart galloping in his broad chest like a mustang attempting to break free.

  As he drove to the park, he worked his jaws as an unbearable tension filled him.

  Using his keen werewolf senses, he sat listening for Roy's car as he waited. He could feel eagerness flood through him, wanting Roy to be here already.

  A small smile spread across Lobo's lips, like the sun breaking through clouds on a gray day, when he saw Roy's car pull up beside his own.

  Lobo gave a quick glance at the mirror, making sure he looked good for Roy. He combed his fingers through his short, brown hair while he waited for Roy to come around and slide into his car.

  His fingers itched to run themselves over the youth's body as he sat waiting, battling his inner lust.

  There were so many who'd say this is wrong, for a sheep and wolf to be in love. Lobo didn't like it one bit. His question was why did so many think it was taboo?

  When the golden, curly haired youth emerged from his car, Lobo felt elated as he waved at him. His 18-year-old lover waved back and Lobo felt a thrill dance up his spine.

  The werewolf loved Roy's soft brown eyes and his ruby cheeks that spoke of his enthusiasm for life, something which Lobo loved about him.

  Battling his impulses to rush out of his car to embrace his lover and plant a passionate kiss on those rosy lips, he held back, waiting for him to enter the car. For Lobo, everything moved in slow motion as Roy walked around his vehicle and slid into the passenger seat.

  Finally, the time came and they melded lips together as their hands roved over one another’s bodies. In the fiery heat of lust, Lobo forgot everything else except Roy and his delicious scent.

  Lobo sniffed the air, inhaling the rich, musky scent of Roy's heat. Nothing stirred his carnal need to mate with Roy, more than his heat as Lobo ripped off Roy's clothes.

  "We can't keep doing this," bleated the sheep when they unlocked their lips. He gazed into his wolf lover's bright green eyes, so full of desire.

  "Why?" Lobo tightened his grip around his forbidden lover, not wanting to lose him. “How can I live without you?”

  "You know we can't show our relationship to anyone." The sheep caressed the wolf's cheek as he stared into his Alpha's summer green eyes.

  "Yes, I know this is forbidden in wolf society." Lobo slumped his shoulders, knowing Roy was correct. "But let's not think of this. I don't want to spoil our small time together."

  "I don't either, but my herd is looking for deviance from what is considered normal and this is an abomination," the ram sighed as he nuzzled his lover's neck, inhaling the almond scent that rose from Lobo's skin.

  Breathing in his Alpha's scent, caused Roy's body to react to it. All he needed was to listen to his instincts of mating with his Alpha. The need to have his Alpha brand him as his and sow babies inside his fertile Omega womb was all he desired.

  Stripping from their clothes as wild lust overcame them, they mated each other with the passion of long lost lovers. They became an inferno of passion as they slaked each other’s needs, becoming one in body, mind and soul for one painfully short moment.

  Once their peaks were reached and they came down from their high, Roy stared at Lobo, then slipped his hand down Lobo’s tummy. He felt it and immediately thought about babies.

  Can I say what I need to? How can I do this?

  "We need to cool this relationship off." Roy looked at him with troubled eyes as he nibbled on his lower lip. Would he understand?

  After sharing this passionate moment like this, how could I bare to tell him it’s off? Roy felt his stomach rot in him while nervousness shook through him as he opened his mouth.

  "Why?" Lobo slammed his fist down on the dashboard making Roy jump.

  Fear raked through the ram's heart as he saw the predator emerge from his lover. He sat there not knowing what to do.

  "I was almost caught by the sheep dog that runs my farm. What would he think if he knew that I was mating with a wolf? What about my brothers in the herd? What would they think?" he said, giving a strong bleat. He begged Lobo to understand.

  "You want to break up because of peer pressure?" Lobo curled his lips in a contemptuous snarl. "I thought I meant more to you than that!"

  "How could you say that?" Roy spat. "I just don't think it's wise to have this illicit affair under everyone’s nose? What if we got caught?"

  "Caught? We
won't get caught!" Lobo rolled his eyes as a sigh escaped his lips. "We've got something that’s special."

  "You can't promise me that." Roy glared at him wanting to make a point.

  "No, but our love is strong, or am I wrong?" Lobo felt that the sheep didn't have enough courage to continue this relationship.

  "You're impossible to talk to! It's over!" Roy snorted, jerking the door open and then slamming it as he stalked back to his car.

  "Fine! Sheep are too stupid to understand things!" Lobo felt his fury boil over, their passionate love-making was forgotten in the flames of fury as the werewolf peeled out and sped away.


  "It's been two weeks since I broke up with him. I've got to move on!" Roy grumbled as he absent-mindedly rubbed his belly.

  Picking up his coffee mug, he sipped the hot liquid as his mind wandered to his ex-lover. Though he tried to hide his wild emotions deep in the dark corners of his brain, his love for Lobo wouldn't die.

  He rubbed his tummy and it gave him a sickening twist in return. He swallowed back the sour bile that wanted to explode from his mouth. Roy raced to the bathroom and bent over the toilet. When he looked up and wiped his lips, he felt better.

  He looked at his tummy as a smile spread across his lips. I must see if I'm right. Joy filled his being at the thought of having his babies, holding and snuggling them.

  He raced off to the store as he inwardly danced with joy. I just might be with child!

  How I've wanted to have kids! It's going to be so fun to raise them, teaching them what they need to know. I hope I’ll be a good daddy to the babies!

  Then he stopped dead in his tracks.

  What am I going to do? I need someone that I can love and will take care of me and my children. What if some could turn into wolves and give away my secret?

  What would people think if they found out? Roy was horrified at the thought of what his brothers would whisper behind his back.

  He couldn’t take it. Sadness filled his heart as he knew he couldn't be with Lobo, no matter how much he desired him, he couldn't have him.

  When Roy saw that the pregnancy test came out positive, he leaped into the air, whooping with joy.

  Grabbing his cell phone, he started to dial Lobo's number so he could shout the good news to him. Then clicked his phone shut, shaking his head sadly.

  When he returned home, he plopped down on his chair. His fingers raced over the keyboard as a dating site appeared before his eyes.

  "The perfect dating site. Now I must fill out the forms and soon, I'll be dating again," he said with a self-satisfied smile, though he wished he was still with his wolf.

  The next day Roy checked and found he had three replies to his file. He read over their personalities and selected one. Roy wrote him and talked to the weretiger, hoping that there would be a spark, though he knew the odds were against it.

  Roy hurriedly dressed and drove to the restaurant they agreed to meet at. He walked in, eager to greet the tiger. At least I'm dating an acceptable species instead of a wolf.

  They enjoyed a nice dinner and a dance. Roy felt this was going rather well. Finally, he was having fun again like he did when he had dated Lobo. He pushed the wolf's image away so he could enjoy the rest of the night.

  The strong tiger led him up to his doorway, at the end of their fun, they stopped, looking in one another’s eyes.

  The tiger looked at Roy with raw arrogance in his golden-speckled green eyes, making Roy swallow and wonder what had gone wrong.

  Roy thought he was going to kiss him. Should I allow it?

  "I expect my Omegas to always tell me where they are every second of the day." The tiger informed him in a no-nonsense tone. "I expect you to obey my commands like the rest."

  Is he serious? The ram felt his eyes widen in shock.

  "I enjoyed our dinner together, but we haven't made a commitment to one another." Roy told him, wondering what this was about.

  "I'm the Alpha and I decide when we make a commitment. Not you, you're an Omega, you have no choice," he told him flatly, with a hard look in his glowing green eyes.

  "Excuse me, I've got an announcement to make. This is our first date. It's the last one because I never want to see you again," Roy hissed, not liking the tiger's attitude.

  That was the first of many shattered dates that Roy went on, hoping that he'd find someone to fill the hole in his heart. Heaviness filled his heart as each day went by with no progress. He continued to date, seeking a mate, whom he could love and share his heart with, but to no avail. Often, he found himself wondering how Lobo was doing.

  Roy mused about the fun times he and Lobo had as he gazed into the starry night. "Have you found someone special?" He whispered out loud as a tear fell down his cheek.


  Lobo knocked on his boss’s door, loathing the thought of this evaluation. I hate working here. Why can't I start my own restaurant and dump this job?

  "Sit down," the large bear growled, jabbing at a chair.

  Here it comes. Lobo put on his best face. The shit I must put up with for a paycheck.

  Swallowing, he did as he was commanded, hating every second that passed.

  "Your production has gone down these few months. Why?" His boss looked up from some papers, glaring at him as if he were a cockroach crawling up on a wall.

  The wolf felt a bead of sweat trickle down his back as he waited for the harsh words that would fall like slashing hail. I should have known my performance would falter when I broke up with Roy. It's been months and I still haven't gotten over that stupid sheep.

  "Family issues." Lobo fell back on that lie, not wanting to admit his personal problems that bled into his work life.

  "That's not a good enough excuse!" His boss slapped the papers on his desk and gave him a low intimidating growl as if he'd been stung by a hive of hornets.

  I hate this! I want to follow my dream and open my own fucking steakhouse. Lobo didn't like feeling like a small pup that was being chewed out by his father.

  "Your family doesn't matter!" Bellowed the werebear, slamming his fist on the table that echoed through the room.

  Lobo jumped in surprise at his boss’s fury and recoiled back into his chair. All the while, he held his boiling rage in check as fury raged in his heart like a caged lion.

  I want to leave your business but I need the money! That's why I keep working for this dump.

  "Yes sir. Things will improve," Lobo promised as his stomach tightened, and a sickening, gut wrenching urge to vomit suddenly overcame him.

  I'm nothing more than a numberless slave, working for low wages and doing whatever my bosses wanted. Lobo clenched his teeth so hard they creaked as tension worked its way up his shoulders.

  "You'd better make that commitment,” his boss snarled, content that he had intimidated his employee enough to get him back on track. Making money was the most important thing to him and he'd drive his workers to the ground to do it.

  "Yes..." Lobo wanted to commit to the job but his words stuck in his throat and wouldn't come out.

  Quit denying what you feel. You don't want to work here! You want to make a name for yourself, not be his slave! Am I going to try for my dreams or stay here on this treadmill?

  When will I start following my dreams? That question opened his mind. Do I want to be an old man before pursuing my desires?

  He slowly rose to his feet, placed his hands on the desk and glared into his boss’s hostile brown eyes.

  "I quit," he growled back as he stared into his boss’s shocked expression.

  Lobo strode from the room, slamming the door behind him. He thought he'd be afraid of what the future would hold for him, but instead a great weight fell off his shoulders.

  Maybe I can brainstorm with my family, they'll have plenty of ideas. Another plan would be to take out a loan. How about playing the lottery? I haven't felt this good since the breakup! He whistled as he left his old work and thought of his bright future.

>   As the months passed, Lobo, with the help of his family and their network of friends, found the perfect spot to purchase the restaurant he sought. When the process was completed, he owned his own Steak House.

  I'm the master of my fate.

  Lobo looked at his pride and joy and realized that this is what he wanted, to be the boss. He would be the best and make tons of money.

  Lobo pushed back the sad, wailing emotion that gnawed at him like a lost soul. He knew he wanted to find someone that he could share his dreams with. He only wished that Roy was here to see his triumph, to celebrate with him that he’d accomplished his dream.


  "Really? Lobo's Steak House is that good?” Roy looked at one of his brothers who'd been telling him about this new restaurant he'd eaten at.

  "Yes, and the food is to die for,” Troy told him with a smack of his lips.

  Maybe I should eat there, Roy thought as he decided to try out this new place.

  "When did it open?" Roy wondered if his Lobo had opened it or was it another wolf. How many wolves named Lobo could there be?

  "A month ago. I'm telling you, you've got to eat there.” His brother couldn't stop raving about it.

  It must be good. He never praises anything that much.

  "I'll stop by there and eat then," promised Roy.

  The next day Roy waddled up to the restaurant’s entrance, admiring the colorful flowers, and stopped to look at the fountain with four bulls surrounding it.

  This is so welcoming and homey. Roy smiled to himself, knowing his brother was right. So many of my herd sang praises of this place and it looks like they might be right.

  Roy stopped to take in the Old Western feel to the place before he went to the hostess to be seated. He marveled at the western paintings, branding irons, iron skillets and horseshoes that decorated the wooden walls.

  "Here's your table sir," the host said, motioning to a large seating section. "The waiter will be here to take your order."

  "Thank you." Roy squeezed into the booth, feeling so uncomfortable as the babies grew larger.


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