Desire's Awakening

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Desire's Awakening Page 4

by Gail DeYoung

  “I’ll have it inside, near the French doors so I can look at the pool while I eat.” He sat on the recliner and waited for her to complete her task.

  “Yes Sir. As you wish.”

  The sub carried the tray filled with coffee, eggs, Canadian bacon, two slices of whole wheat toast and grapefruit to a folding table, which he had placed in front of him. After he pulled it snugly against his lap, she handed him silverware and a napkin.

  Damien watched the sub perform her tasks with total perfection. Melissa had learned her lesson well. Her perky little breasts peeked over the top of the apron and her sweet pussy was open for inspection when she stood. This one would be ready for the auction soon.

  “The young Dom I’ve been training will join me this Friday night at Club Exotica. It will be Sir Timothy’s first time working with a submissive in public. I believe you would work well with his style. You shall join us.”

  “As you wish, Sir. Will that be all?”

  “Yes. You are dismissed.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  He watched her slowly back away from him, turn on the balls of her feet and close the doors behind her. She had received her daily spanking from him a short while ago and her bare ass still bore a faint handprint. He smiled. The girls all looked forward to their spankings from him.

  Damien picked up the remote control from the ottoman and turned on the news to watch while eating. Crossing his ankles, he relaxed in his favorite chair, sipping his black coffee. The mid-morning breakfast routine was the perfect break from the intensity of his training schedule. Though he had very little down time, he preferred it that way.

  His days were filled with training, answering calls to Doms and Dommes, reading and answering responses to ads he placed and exercising in the gym. Every Friday night, he attended a gathering at Club Exotica and once a month, he took the trained subs to the auction. He left the household chores to the women and parties were arranged by the Activities Director. His life was orderly with no time for extra-curricular hobbies. He liked it that way.

  The more he kept busy, the less time he had to think about his lost love, Sara. It pained him to think of how she had died so tragically at the young age of twenty-four. He blamed himself for the car accident. He knew the brakes needed repair and had scheduled it for two days after the accident. Had he known that they would give out sooner, he never would have allowed her to use the vehicle.

  He recalled their last few moments in the emergency room. He held Sara’s hand and told her of his undying love. She was unconscious, but he hoped that somehow she heard him.

  The new girl reminded him of Sara…the way she fidgeted the first time she met him, the ease with which she responded to his touch, the gestures she made. But there were differences too. The new girl’s eyes were the deepest blue he had ever seen and the thick, black lashes framing them made them stand out even more. He was grateful for the rule that submissives could not look directly at their Dominants, for her eyes were so expressive and provocative that they could surely turn his convictions to mush.

  He had to guard his interest in this girl in the presence of Corinne. She had a bad jealous streak and would take it out on the new trainee. For months, she had been begging for more responsibility in the household. Thus, he had made her the mentor for the girls.

  But Corrine wanted more…she wanted him. Oh she hadn’t told him directly, but he knew when a woman desired him. She thought revealing her Switch side would make her more attractive to him, but her jealousy turned him off. No, despite her sultry beauty and her magnificently endowed body, Corinne could not sway his heart.

  He looked at his watch. Almost eleven thirty, time for his next appointment. He turned off the TV, took a last swig of coffee and with one more lingering look at the pool, erased the vision of last night from his mind before going to meet his next trainee.

  * * * * *

  Kaitlin’s back ached. While the other subs seemed to be given easy, relaxing tasks, Kaitlin had been instructed to scrub the floors on her hands and knees until her knuckles were raw. She hoped there was a hierarchy where the longer you lived in the household, the easier your tasks became.

  The other girls worked with poise and perfection, whether it was preparing tea or polishing silver. She would try to copy their actions when she got to that stage in her development. For right now, she concentrated on making everything sparkle so she didn’t have to repeat the chores.

  Corinne arrived shortly before one thirty to inspect Kaitlin’s work. She seemed pleased, but at the same time tried to find fault.

  “Did you clean behind the toilet?”

  “Yes Ma’am.”

  “What about the rug in the hallway? Did you take that outside and beat it?”

  “Yes Ma’am.” Kaitlin was relieved when given a nod indicating she was finished.

  “You may eat lunch and take a break now,” Corinne told her, “but be back at four o’clock to help the cook prepare dinner.” She turned on her heel and left.

  “Yes, of course, Ma’am,” Kaitlin muttered under her breath, irritated at the amount of work doled out to her in one day. There were six other submissives in the house, yet it seemed as though she had been assigned most of the chores. It doesn’t seem fair, but then she’s probably still trying to punish me.

  She prepared a sandwich and took it into the recreation center located at the far end of the hallway past what appeared to be an office. The room was huge with a flat-screen TV above a stone fireplace, a bar, a pool table, video and book libraries, and a CD player.

  Kaitlin liked the warm feeling of the slanted wood ceiling and the wooden shutters over the windows. There was enough leather furniture to seat at least thirty people at one time. This was definitely a party room. She liked it. She walked around the room reading titles on books, CDs and videos. Her curiosity was piqued by a button on the far wall. She pressed it and the entire wall of wood panels opened into another room.

  When she flipped a light switch on the far wall, the room was bathed in dim purple fluorescent light. The décor in this room was quite different. It reminded her of the dungeon. Several wooden horses were scattered about the room. Three wooden crosses with shackles stood against the wall, shackles hung from the ceiling and a ten-foot wheel with eight spokes seemed to be the center of attraction.

  Whips, crops, paddles, butt plugs and gags were laid out upon a table in the corner. She turned off the light and closed the wall, having seen enough to wonder what kind of visitor spent time in that room. She gulped. Chances were, she’d find out. She was standing there, staring at the wall when her thoughts were interrupted.

  “Having fun?” Startled, Kaitlin turned to meet the Activities Director’s piercing gaze. How long has Mrs. Swenson been standing there?

  “Um, y…yes, I am. This is my first time in this room and I was just checking it out. There certainly are a lot of toys in here.”

  She could tell by the guarded expression and the way Mrs. Swenson looked her over from head to toe that she had seen something. The older woman circled the furniture in the room to get closer to Kaitlin and stopped within a foot of her.

  “Plenty to keep everyone amused. Did you know that you are also a toy?”


  Mrs. Swenson’s hand stroked the full length of Kat’s hair.

  “Do you like it here so far, girl?”

  “Y…yes, although I still have a lot to learn.”

  “Yes, you do.” Mrs. Swenson focused on the movable wall. “I see you found our playroom.”

  The Activities Director walked over to the wall and pushed the button that Kaitlin had discovered. As the panels opened to expose the back room, Kaitlin’s legs wobbled.

  “Here’s something you can learn right now. I am in charge here. This room is off-limits and is only used for parties. If you are caught here without permission, you can be punished. Didn’t your mentor tell you about that rule?”

  “N…no, she didn’t.”

bsp; Mrs. Swenson’s eyebrows shot up in disbelief. “Hmmm. I hardly believe that. So you were curious. Did you get a good look around? Perhaps I should give you a tour so you won’t break the rule in the future. Come.”

  She grabbed Kaitlin’s hand and yanked her into the room. A chill went up Kat’s spine. There was just something about the stocky older woman that made her skin crawl.

  “Have you ever seen a Violet Wand?” Mrs. Swenson showed Kat a small black tool with a lit tip extending from the base.

  Kat shook her head. “No.”

  “It provides an electric stimulus. Would you like a demonstration? I am very talented at using this.”

  Kaitlin backed away from the older woman, shaking her head.

  “Are you scared? Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you. However, I’m going to have to tell the Trainer about your infraction and I’m sure you’ll receive some sort of discipline for that. He may have you stand in a corner holding a penny against the wall with your nose for hours or kneel on uncooked rice…very uncomfortable, so I’ve heard. Unless, of course, you could give me a reason to forget that this ever happened. For instance, you could take off my clothes and pleasure me.”

  Kaitlin backed into a thick metal pole and looked around nervously for an escape route. The thought of seeing Mrs. Swenson naked made her stomach churn. And to think of pleasuring her! Oh please not that! She shook her head.

  Mrs. Swenson took a step forward so that her body was mere inches from Kat. She placed her hand on Kat’s pussy and stroked. Kat leaned her head back against the cold metal pole and clenched her eyes, trying to ignore the wetness building between her legs. Mrs. Swenson’s fingers played with her lips and clit and slipped inside her. Kat discovered she could get just as aroused by a woman touching her G-spot as she could by a man. She had never been pleasured by a woman before, and now for the second time today, she was getting the experience.

  “Have it your way. But know this—it wouldn’t hurt you to have an ally in the house, just in case things don’t go as you planned.”

  Kat’s eyes flew open. What did she mean by that?

  Mrs. Swenson pulled her hand back, wiped Kat’s moisture on her dress and shook her head.

  “Now get out of here so I can close the panel.”

  Kat’s breath came in gasps and her heartbeat quickened.

  “Yes Ma’am.” Kat wanted to get away from the Activities Director as quickly as possible. She slipped past her and ran back into the recreation center where she took a seat on the couch.

  Mrs. Swenson passed Kat as she left the room. “We host a meet and greet party here quite often. I’m sure that you will be invited to a party very soon as long as your training has gone well.”

  Kat nodded. Despite the heavy accent, she understood the Activities Director clearly.

  “Thank you.”

  Mrs. Swenson shook her head and left the room, leaving Kat to wonder when the Activities Director would inform the Trainer of her infraction.

  * * * * *

  Cooking with Miss Tiffany in the spacious kitchen turned out to be great fun. Kat was delighted to spend time with someone without worrying about being punished. They talked about their failed recipes and favorite foods.

  She learned that Miss Tiffany was the next-door neighbor who had offered to bring Sir Damien dinner after he lost his fiancée, for he was too distressed to cook. She was hired on the spot to be the cook seven days a week at a very handsome salary. Miss Tiffany had no problem with his profession because she understood that all the girls were here by their own request and able to leave any time they wished.

  Kaitlin had a feeling that deep inside, Miss Tiffany found the lifestyle exciting but didn’t want to commit to the rigorous training it took to become a “lifer”.

  “How long will it be until dinner?” Corinne interrupted their chatter abruptly and appeared to be displeased to find Kat and Miss Tiffany having a good time.

  Miss Tiffany turned away from the pot of stew cooking on the stove to answer. “Another fifteen minutes. You can round up the girls if you’d like. I’ll have Kaitlin set the table.”

  “Fine,” Corinne replied, giving Kaitlin a look that said, “I’ll deal with you later”.

  When she left, Kaitlin felt the need to find out more about her mentor.

  “What’s her story?”

  “That one? I wouldn’t trust her as far as I could throw her. She’s got issues. She’s been here six months—longer than any other sub—and thinks Sir Damien is going to claim her and ask her to stay on permanently. She doesn’t want to leave. Between you and me, I think she has a thing for him. Not good.”


  “Yeah. The worst thing you can do is become attached to the Trainer. Dominants like him can’t afford to have a loving relationship with their wards. Besides, it’s against the rules. In the end, he would only break your heart. So let me give you some good advice and a warning. He may be the most gorgeous bachelor in this town, but his heart is not available, so stay away.”

  “Is she in love with him?”

  “I wouldn’t put it past her, which makes it doubly dangerous for you to have any interest in him. She’s got a nasty temper and is very possessive. You don’t want to tangle with her, especially since she’s your mentor. That position gives her lots of privileges. Take care.”

  “I will.”

  The rest of the trainees gathered around the table in silence once again to eat their dinner. Kaitlin noted Corinne looking her way and smiling with smug satisfaction. Did she know about the incident in the recreation room? The other girls kept their eyes diverted from one another and concentrated on eating their meal. Apparently, they all had learned their lessons well in regard to speaking rules. Kaitlin made a mental note, for the less discipline she received for transgressions, the better.

  After dinner, she assisted Miss Tiffany with cleaning the dishes and tidying up the kitchen.

  “Dinner was delicious. I hope I will be assigned kitchen duty again tomorrow. I really enjoyed myself today.”

  Miss Tiffany winked at her. “I’ll put in a good word for you. It was a pleasure also. See you tomorrow.”

  “Good night.” Kaitlin waved goodbye to Miss Tiffany from the front door as the cook left for home.

  Once again, the thought of a swim to relax her sore muscles became foremost in Kat’s mind. She walked out the double sliding glass doors onto the patio and looked up at the full moon. People get crazy during a full moon, she recalled, and smiled at the old wives’ tale. Yes, today was a perfect example. She watched the clouds slowly move into position over the moon’s midsection. Except for those few clouds, the sky was mostly clear and stars twinkled in the backdrop.

  Kaitlin closed her eyes to breathe in the sweet scent of gardenias planted around the pool. Ah, heavenly! Though the air was very humid, it didn’t bother her. Summer nights in Florida were usually hot and moist.

  She reflected upon her experience so far. There were good and bad points. Once she learned her lessons, she imagined things would get easier. The house certainly had every amenity a girl could ask for. She sighed contentedly.

  Then she recalled the conversation with Miss Tiffany. I shouldn’t get comfortable with my situation. This is not my home, he is not my Master and as soon as my training is complete, I’ll leave here and never see him again. Perhaps it was best, since thoughts of him had bothered her all day long. She walked over and swirled her hand in the cool water. Mmmm, just the way she liked it.

  She dove in and swam to the far end of the pool. The water refreshed her sticky skin and made her feel alive once more. Wanting a good workout, she did twenty laps then stopped to catch her breath by the waterfall. Breathing heavily, she shook her head and wiped the hair from her face. Instinctively, her eyes were drawn to the upstairs railing.

  She saw the Trainer looking up at the moon then down at her. She froze for a moment and felt warmth creeping up her neck to her cheeks. Nervously, she cast her gaze downward a
nd pretended to exercise by swirling her arms in the water. How long has he been watching me? Even though she was not right next to him, his presence still had a devastating effect on her senses. It was as though the air became electrically charged between them. Amazed at the power he had already established over her, she could hardly breathe around him without her core going into a spasm.

  What was it about that man that drove her crazy? Damn, why did he have to be so devastatingly handsome? She was sure she wouldn’t feel the same attraction if he had been out of shape, ugly or had warts all over his body.

  She looked his way again and he nodded to her then turned to walk into his room. Breathing a sigh of relief, she leaned her head against the rocks at the base of the waterfall and closed her eyes. He was no longer in sight, yet his sexy image was burned into her mind. She tamped down thoughts of being wrapped in his arms, making love to him.

  Dangerous territory. That man is off limits. She worried about which would be harder…taking beatings or having to spend time with him. No contest. It would definitely be him.

  Chapter Four

  The next morning, Kaitlin awoke ten minutes before Corinne arrived in her room. When the door opened, she smiled and greeted her surprised mentor.

  “Good morning, Ma’am. I’ll be in the dungeon in twenty minutes, totally shaved and wearing these cuffs.” She displayed the leather restraints.

  Corrine looked as though she had the wind taken out of her sails, but quickly recovered. Her eyes narrowed at Kat.

  “Did I give you permission to speak?”

  Kat raised her hand to her mouth. “No Ma’am. I’m sorry.” She bowed her head.

  “The next time you presume to speak before being given approval, you will receive ten lashes. Is that understood?”

  Kat nodded. “Yes Ma’am.”

  “All right then. I’ll meet you in the dungeon.” Corinne slammed the door behind her as she left. Kaitlin sighed. She had hoped today would start better than yesterday. She was wrong.

  Bath time took exactly fifteen minutes, including double-checking to make sure she had shaved properly. Her breasts and buttocks were still a little tender from yesterday’s discipline. She hoped that she would soon get accustomed to the rigors of this life and learn to sleep through the discomfort. When she looked into the mirror, she noted faint black and blue marks on her breasts. Thank you, Corrine.


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