Desire's Awakening

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Desire's Awakening Page 9

by Gail DeYoung

  “I want you to know that I don’t bring subs into my bedroom to play. It’s important that you understand what I am telling you.”

  “Permission to speak, Sir?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Sir, I…don’t know what you want me to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything right now. Just know that you are very special to me and that I don’t take what we’ve just done here lightly.”

  His voice had taken a serious tone as had the expression on his handsome face. Kaitlin realized that he had just opened up and shared a very important piece of information with her. Her heart skipped a beat and she smiled at him. How she wished she could tell him that she felt the same way about him. That even though she had just had some of the most amazing sex she ever had in her entire life, it was nothing compared to the feelings building inside her for him. She stroked his cheek.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  She looked at the clock on the nightstand. It was twelve thirty a.m. In a brief half hour, Mrs. Swenson would be doing a bed check to make sure she complied with the extended curfew.

  “It’s getting late.”

  He glanced at the time and back at her.

  “Yes, it is. But before you leave, I want you to clean my cock. You made it quite wet with your come.”

  Kaitlin moved to get off the bed to retrieve a warm cloth, but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her down to him.

  “Not with a cloth. Use your mouth.”


  She looked at his limp cock slick with her come. The whiteness of it was a stark contrast with his beautiful golden brown tanned body. She ran her hands across the ripped flesh of his stomach and gathered his rod gingerly in her hand. Dipping her head to his cock, she wrapped her lips around it and tasted her sweet juices on him. The smell of musky sex assailed her nostrils. Though he was no longer hard, it was still quite a mouthful.

  “Mmmm,” he moaned as her mouth worked its way up, down and around his manhood. “Don’t forget the balls.”

  She lifted his cock and sucked the balls one at a time into her mouth, rolling her tongue over them and licking all her liquid from him. She noted his head rolling back on the pillow and his eyes closing to concentrate.

  “You have a very talented tongue, girl.”

  She smiled. Apparently he enjoyed her tongue as much as her inner muscles contracting around him. She continued her ministrations until satisfied that she had, indeed, cleaned him very well. To be sure she hadn’t missed anything, she squeezed the tip to open the little hole and stuck her tongue deep into it. His eyes shot open in shock.

  “That did not feel good.” He grabbed her arms and pulled her back on top of him. His stern expression made her sad.

  “Sorry, Sir. I just wanted to make sure I completed my task.”

  He smacked her butt and she vibrated against him.

  “The next time that I tell you to clean my cock, I expect only pleasure from you. Understood?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “Good girl. You will learn what I like and don’t like. It will just take time. But speaking of time,” he turned to look at the clock and nodded his head, “you must get to your room. You are dismissed.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  She rolled off him and stood next to the bed to take one more swig of water. He grabbed her hand as she turned to leave.

  “We’ll do this again, very soon.”

  Chapter Seven

  Corinne met Kaitlin in the kitchen early Sunday morning while Kat was making breakfast. Out of the corner of her eye, Kat watched her mentor to see if she had any reaction to what transpired the prior evening. Apparently Corinne neither saw nor heard anything, for she made no comment about it. Kat sighed in relief.

  “Dr. Fischer will be here tomorrow,” Corinne said as she sat next to Kat at the table. “She’s the gynecologist you were told about. Everyone’s schedule will be different. I will let you know what time your appointment will be later today. You will meet with them in the dungeon. I will not be joining you. Dr. Fischer will do a complete exam on you and will also renew your birth control prescription, if needed. She is a Mistress, so you will address her as ‘Ma’am’. Any questions?”

  “No Ma’am. I understand.”

  “Good. Be sure you’re punctual. You know how Sir dislikes waiting.”

  “Yes Ma’am, I’ll be prompt.”

  “Okay, well, today is another free day, so enjoy your time off. If you wish to help Miss Tiffany, you may, but it is not a requirement.”

  “Thank you. I really like working with Miss Tiffany. I’d love to help her with dinner preparations.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll be spending time with Sir Damien going over next week’s schedule, so I won’t be available until later tonight. If you need anything, please see Mrs. Swenson.”

  “All right.” Kaitlin smiled, but her heart wasn’t in it. She watched Corinne disappear around the corner and shook off the disappointment of knowing that she would most likely not see Sir Damien on her day off. He was going to be with Corinne. Well, at least she had the satisfaction of knowing that Corinne had no clue about last night. That in itself was a reason to be happy.

  * * * * *

  The knock at the office door annoyed Damien. Before she entered, he knew it was Corinne. He didn’t know why it bothered him so much, but just the fact that he had to spend time with her today made him anxious and wary. Though they had many discussions in the past months about why he was not interested in taking on a sub of his own, she always seemed to slip in a comment during their conversation about how perfect she would be for him. He shifted in his high-backed chair to re-arrange the paperwork on his mahogany desk, then pulled out his scheduler to enter some names and addresses of new clients.

  “Come in.”

  Corinne bowed slightly as she entered the office and stood in front of his desk with her pink leather binder clutched to her chest. He made her wait a few minutes so he wouldn’t lose his train of thought before acknowledging her. Finished with his entry, he lifted his head to regard Corinne.

  “Sit. We have a lot to accomplish today.” He handed her a business card with three numbers written on the back. “Call these numbers and set appointments for these Doms to bring in their subs on Wednesday. I met them at the club Friday night. Then contact Sir Jonathon and Sir Bradley and have them pick up their subs on Tuesday. Samantha and Louise have completed their training. We need to make room for the new girls’ arrival. Have their rooms ready for Wednesday. Also, prepare the bills for Jonathon and Bradley and mail them once they have taken their subs home. As you know, Doc Fischer is coming tomorrow, so I’m revising the schedule, which I’ll have done soon so you can inform the girls. Any questions?”

  He watched her make notations in her notebook, then she raised her head.

  “Yes Sir.”


  “Sir, I just want to confirm my understanding of my authority.”

  Though he thought it was a strange request and wondered what her motive might be for wanting specifics on something he was sure she already knew, Damien answered her question.

  “First of all, you have limited authority, so it should not be a problem. Your main role is to ensure the girls are following orders and to give them advice along the way. You can handle minor infractions, but anything of a serious nature deserves my attention. At that point, we will discuss it, if necessary. In the meantime, I expect your complete cooperation with regards to all the subs in the household.”

  “Yes Sir. I’ll make these calls and get back to you.”

  “Good. Also, ask Mrs. Swenson to see me. I have some information for her.”

  “Yes Sir.” Corinne stood and bowed before leaving but paused before the door with her hand resting on the door knob. She swiveled back in his direction.

  “Sir, one more thing.”

  Damien groaned inwardly. If he were a betting man, he’d wager that she was going to ask about her status ag
ain…for the hundredth time!

  “Sir, have you given any thought to my suggestion about making me your sub, Sir?”

  “I have and the answer is still no. When the time comes, I will choose a sub to be my mate, but I am not ready to do so at this moment.”

  “Yes Sir,” she said, then closed the door quietly behind her.

  A nervous tic worked his jaw. Though Corinne was definitely an asset when it came to handling administrative details and ensuring the girls followed orders, she had her drawbacks. He often noted the jealousy in her eyes when he spoke to the girls in training. She challenged his decisions whenever she could without overriding his authority. He had a feeling that some day they were going to come to blows.

  He realized that one of the reasons he had not even considered taking another sub was because he didn’t want to hurt Corinne’s feelings. Due to her constant nagging on the subject, he felt it wouldn’t look right to pursue someone else in her presence. Yet he now understood that was the wrong way to handle the situation. He should have told Corinne a long time ago that he had no interest in ever being her Master. Though it would be a tough conversation to have, it was something that needed to be done…soon.

  For several hours he worked in silence, reading and answering e-mails, checking the web for any fresh faces on the D/s site and reviewing his balance sheet for the month and year-to-date. Damien smiled. He had done quite well during the past five months. If the trend continued, he would be able to cover all expenses and bank a profit of more than three hundred thousand dollars by the end of the year. Not bad for doing something I really like.

  A knock at the door interrupted a phone call he was making to confirm an appointment.

  “Hang on a second, would you, Doc? Yes, come in.”

  Mrs. Swenson opened the door. He motioned to her to have a seat while he finished his conversation.

  “Sorry, Doc. Now exactly what time will you arrive and how long do you plan to be here tomorrow? Yes, I have five in training at the moment. Uh-huh, I see. Fine. We’ll look forward to seeing you at nine o’clock. Goodbye.”

  “You wanted to see me?” Mrs. Swenson crossed her arms across her large bosom.

  “Yes. I made quite a few contacts at the club the other night and I want you to make sure to invite these new Doms and Dommes to the party on Saturday.” He handed her a list of names and phone numbers. She studied them for a moment.

  “They are all new. We will have a full house on Saturday night if everyone comes.”

  “Yes. Coordinate with Miss Tiffany to make sure we have enough hors d’oeuvres on hand. I trust you to take care of those details. We will also have three new subs arriving on Wednesday. Samantha and Louise are leaving on Tuesday. I’m interviewing two potential subs during the week, so that may add to our household when rooms become available. It’s going to be very busy. I’m depending on you to take care of all the details with Corinne.”

  “Oh that one. She thinks she runs the house. We always argue about who is supposed to do what.”

  “Look, you two need to work that out. Understand?” He raised his eyebrows for emphasis.

  Mrs. Swenson sneered. “Sure, but one of these days!”

  “Yes, I know. But not today, Mrs. Swenson. You may go.”

  He watched her leave and heard “You’ve got mail!” from his computer. Looking at the screen, he noted that the sub he just wrote to a short while ago had already answered. He checked his calendar and wrote back to her confirming Thursday afternoon. That meant he had one appointment in the morning and one in the afternoon on Thursday, which filled his calendar for the week. There were no more openings.

  Damien printed the revised training schedule for Corinne and glanced at his watch. It was nearly three p.m. and he hadn’t stopped for lunch. His stomach growled. He shut off the computer, set aside the paperwork and closed the office door. As he passed the kitchen counter, he saw Corinne’s pink leather binder. He opened it and stuck the schedule inside, certain that she would find it.

  Searching through the refrigerator, he discovered the leftover chili. He warmed a bowl of it in the microwave and sat at the kitchen counter to eat while scanning the newspaper’s personal ads for any prospective clients.

  The sound of giggling came from the pool area. He looked out the window and saw Louise and Samantha sunbathing and another sub swimming in the pool. Two others were sitting at the picnic area, but Kaitlin was not among them. Then he noticed her heading down the hallway toward the recreation center with a book tucked under her arm. He looked up just as she was about to pass him and swiveled around on the high-top chair. He grabbed her arm and stopped her, turning her to face him.

  “Good afternoon, girl. You may speak.”

  “Good afternoon, Sir. I noticed you were reading your newspaper. I didn’t want to disturb you.”

  “I will let you know if you disturb me.”

  “Yes Sir. Well, goodbye.” She continued on her way. No, she isn’t getting away that easily. Not after I haven’t seen her all day. He put his dishes in the sink and followed her to the recreation center a few minutes later.

  She was seated on the big leather couch in front of the stone fireplace reading her book when he arrived. She looked up at him rather quizzically.

  “I just remembered. I owe you a spanking for your insolence last night.” He sat at the end of the couch. “Come.” She obeyed and lay across his lap.

  The first smack landed squarely on her right cheek and a pretty blush colored her buttock. He rubbed the area to feel the heat it evoked. She hadn’t said a word, but her body had jumped slightly at the impact. The left cheek received a matching mark. Again, he massaged her as soon as the handprint rose to the surface.

  He knew that each subsequent smack would reverberate deeper into her tissues. It wouldn’t be long before the burn would start. This would be a quick spanking for the transgressions were minor last night. But he had promised her discipline and he was going to deliver on that promise. Though she had begun to whimper toward the end, she did not scream or attempt to cover her buttocks, which were bright red and on fire at that point.

  “I see you have learned to tolerate the pain well. You’ve come a long way since your first day here. I’m impressed.” He flipped her upright to see her face. It was streaked with tears. He brushed them away tenderly with his thumbs and smiled at her. She briefly gazed at him then abruptly looked down. He didn’t remark on it. He loved looking into her eyes. A warm feeling ran through his veins every time he was near her.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You’re welcome. Now about tonight…”

  The startled look of fear on her face as she stared at the doorway stopped him from completing his next comment. He turned to see Corinne standing there. He had no idea how long she had been in the room or what she had heard, but the scowl on her face told him she was not pleased. He turned back to Kaitlin and handed her the book.

  “You may continue reading now.”

  He stood and met Corinne at the door.

  “Do you wish to speak with me?”

  “Yes Sir. I finished making all the calls and was looking for you to get the list so I could inform the girls of the new schedule. You weren’t in your office and I thought I heard a noise in here, so I came this way. It seems I found you.” She looked over at Kaitlin again and the hatred was now evident in her eyes. So she was upset with Kaitlin, not him.

  “Come,” he said, leading her into the kitchen. He opened her binder and showed her the list that he had stuck inside.

  “Is this what you’re looking for?”

  A surprised look shone in Corinne’s eyes and her face flamed red.

  “Why yes, it is, Sir. I didn’t know.”

  “Now you do. Good day.” He turned and headed for the stairs. The anger building inside him needed release and the gym was the best place to relieve it.

  * * * * *

  Kat gasped as the book was ripped from her hands and thrown to the floor.
Corinne hovered above her from behind the couch.

  “I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but maybe I didn’t make myself clear. I want you to stay away from Sir Damien when you’re not training with him. Do you understand?”

  “Y…yes Ma’am. I didn’t do anything. He wanted to spank me. I thought he has the right to do that whenever he wants.”

  Corinne squeezed her cheeks between her thumb and forefinger. “That’s not what I’m referring to and you know it. I don’t know what’s going on yet, but I’m keeping an eye on you, bitch. Don’t mess with me or you’ll be wishing you never arrived at this house. Understand?”

  Kaitlin could only nod her head in response. Finally, after several tense moments, Corinne released her brutal grip. Kat’s face felt as if it had been mashed into an unrecognizable form. “Your appointment tomorrow morning with Doc Fischer is at eleven thirty in the dungeon. Be prompt!”

  “Yes Ma’am.”

  It was very difficult for Kat to get back into the chapter she was reading in the book. She didn’t know what disturbed her more, Sir Damien interacting with her in broad daylight when Mrs. Swenson or Corinne could catch them or the venom spat at her by her mentor. Apparently, there was a lot between those two that she wasn’t aware of and Miss Tiffany’s warning was accurate. Tears welled in her eyes, not because her bottom and face were hurting, but because her heart felt as though someone was squeezing it. Why do things have to be so complicated?

  After a half hour, she gave up trying to read and headed for her bedroom. She knew Miss Tiffany would be coming soon. Though Kat originally wanted to help with the dinner preparations, she had no desire to be around anyone at the moment. Before Miss Tiffany came through the front door, Kat sneaked down the hallway and closed her bedroom door behind her. She stayed there all night, not even coming out for dinner.

  Chapter Eight

  It was past eleven p.m. when Kat was awakened from a deep sleep by a gentle shake of her shoulder. She could barely open her eyes to see who held a flashlight on her face in the darkened room. Her hand flew up to shield her eyes from the bright light.


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