Alphas After Dark (9 Book Bundle of Sexy Alpha Biker Bad Boys)

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Alphas After Dark (9 Book Bundle of Sexy Alpha Biker Bad Boys) Page 4

by Vivian Arend

  The entire time they ate, though, Jim found it difficult to think about anything but what came next. It wasn’t that it had been a long time since he’d been with a woman, but everything about Lillie enticed him.

  And tormented him.

  She lifted a piece of steak to her mouth, darting her tongue out to taste the surface before she placed the portion in her mouth. Jim’s cock pressed against his zipper, and he adjusted position to gain some more room.

  She picked up her bun and broke off a piece, slathering it with butter before popping the entire morsel into her mouth. The noises that followed made it sound as if she were one step away from climaxing right there in the restaurant.

  Jim tore his eyes away from her lips, catching sight of Damon across from them. The wolf’s jaw hung slightly open, his face flushed as he damn near panted.

  Under the table, Jim kicked him. Hard.

  Damon jerked out of range. “Oh, don’t tell me you wouldn’t be thinking the same thing if you were in my boots.”

  “Your boots had better start walking.” Jim tilted his head toward the exit. They’d had enough sharing time, and his plans for the rest of the evening were not group activities.

  Lillie glanced between them, the cutest expression growing as she puzzled over their discussion. “You don’t want any dessert?”

  A flash of mischief crossed his best friend’s face. “You have no idea how much I’d love some dessert, but I’m being put on a diet. You kids have fun.” Damon gave Jim a two-finger salute. “Let’s meet tomorrow. I’ve got something for you.”

  “Deal.” Anything to get the bastard away from the table as fast as possible. He waited until Damon’s back disappeared out the wide open doors before calling for the bill.

  “And you don’t want dessert either. That is unexpected. Huh.” Lillie was licking her fingers clean, and the aching need in Jim’s gut shot from want now to ready to explode.

  One after the other, the slim digits slipped between her lips. She swirled her tongue around them. Closed her mouth and pulled out with a pop.

  He had her out of the restaurant and into an elevator before she had a chance to grab any dinner mints. The elevator doors closed, and he used his access key, desperately resisting temptation. He was not about to pick her up and push her to a wall, pinning her in place with his body as he ravished her lips.

  Lillie stared at the corner of the small room. “They’ve got cameras in here, don’t they?”


  “Huh.” She twirled to face him, cuddling under his jacket and nuzzling affectionately. “Thank you for dinner. And your friend Damon is funny.”

  “I’ll make sure I tell him. Often. Because that’s exactly what his ego needs. To be reminded that a beautiful woman thought he was funny.”

  She tilted her head back far enough he could peer into one hazel-green eye, the rest of her face still pressed to his chest as if she were cocooning. “Really?”

  “Well, I sure as hell am not going to tell him you think he’s sexy. Funny—that I can do. That’s one step away from being called a good friend or a nice guy, both of which sting like death from a woman’s lips.”

  The elevator doors opened on to his suite, and Jim gestured her forward. There were so many things he needed to consider. Which room should he take her in first? And on the bed? Floor? Couch?

  But first he had to make sure his shy little bear got comfortable. He’d have to keep petting her until things were juuuust right.


  Lillie paced into the living room, admiring the beautifully decorated apartment.

  Jim stopped by a low cupboard. “Take a look around,” he ordered. “I’ll grab us drinks.”

  Her heart was thumping as if she were a virgin about to be sacrificed on some sexual altar. She made her way to the windows, trailing her fingers over the back of the grey leather couch, its surface soft and cool to her touch.

  Outside, the city spread in a circle, the glittering line of the Strip lit up and stretching into the distance. Taxis and cars with their white headlights and red taillights made interesting patterns as they moved in a synchronized manner.

  Below them, the manmade lake was highlighted from all sides by brilliant spotlights. Jim’s suite was in the exact location so when a spray of water shot skyward, it was perfectly visible. She pressed closer to the glass, watching eagerly.

  “I saw this online,” Lillie murmured. “The fountain shows. Too bad we can’t hear the music.”

  “Who says we can’t?” Jim’s lips touched the side of her neck. He threaded his fingers through hers and brought her with him onto the balcony. Plants of all sorts covered the low concrete terraces on the exterior wall of the suite. Trickling waterfalls fell between the greenery, all of it a lush paradise in the middle of the desert.

  Jim pressed a small button. The opening strains of “Con Te Partiro” rose from the speakers mounted above them. Lillie settled onto the cushiony loveseat Jim guided her to, her eyes glued to the show flawlessly displayed below.

  “You can turn on the television to hear the music as well,” Jim explained, “but since I prefer watching the real show outside, I had my own system installed. There’s a radio transmitter tucked into one of the main speakers on the ground level that relays up to my suite.”

  He was pirating the signal. Lillie dragged her gaze from the show to examine him closer. “That sounds technical.”

  Jim shrugged. “The guy I hired said it was pretty easy.”

  Ahh. So Jim himself was not the hacker. His guy was right, if you knew what you were doing, it would be simple.

  Lillie turned back to the performance, keeping her comment to herself.

  The temperature was falling, but before it grew cool enough to feel a chill, Jim wrapped her in his arms, her body tight to his side as they reclined on the overstuffed cushions and enjoyed the show.

  Her bear had more than woken up. With all the kerfuffle, the poor creature was no longer in its typical sleepy February frame of mind. As they sat quietly, that side of her tested the waters, wondering if Jim’s grizzly planned to do something horrifying like eat her.

  Lillie held her tongue. As a human, she was shy—she got that. But her bear took being a delicate beastie to an extreme. Still, they were intimately connected, and there was no arguing with this one.

  Jim had to convince both sides of Lillie he was a safe bet.

  He was doing a marvelous job so far. He had laid his arm along the back of the loveseat, her shoulders resting against his biceps. He draped his hand over her arm and held her lightly, tracing circles with his thumb. A gentle sweep back and forth as if he wasn’t even aware he was doing it.

  Her mouth had gone dry, and a whole lot of other places had gone wet, just from that touch.

  She curled her legs up, her left knee rising slightly over his right leg. It was natural to lean her head on his chest as the music continued to serenade them. His chin brushed the top of her head, and he rubbed back and forth, matching the mesmerizing touch on her arm.

  It was like a game of Operation, only he had no intention of avoiding hitting her buzzers. Every contact sent an electric pulse racing, shooting all directions until they careened together in a massive pileup directly over her clit.

  Her bear was no longer afraid. Instead, the creature was sniffing around, curious why they were not pouncing upon this fascinatingly hunkalicious fellow.


  She jerked upright in surprise, far too slow in figuring out what was going on. She tugged her phone free and examined the text.

  This is your breathing check. Please respond if you are able

  A snort escaped as she turned to Jim. “Sorry, have to get this.”

  He gestured her to go ahead.

  Addie’s concern was cute, but her timing sucked. What if I didn’t answer?

  I’d be there so fast your pointy little head would spin

  What if I was BUSY?

  Addie added three dots i
n a row before coming back with and are you likely to be “BUSY” anytime soon?

  Lillie went for broke. Yes. I’m having a fling

  Oh sweetie

  Not good. Not good when her best friend started with “Oh sweetie…”

  You’re too tenderhearted to go and fool around willy-nilly. This is a disaster waiting to happen

  She screwed up her courage. It’s my last chance. I have to. I want to

  K. But call if you need me

  She put away her phone, not as worried as she usually would have been after Addie had offered a warning.

  Beside her, Jim adjusted his position, the heat in his eyes perfect for melting her final doubts.

  “Are you ready to go in?” he asked.

  He stood, bringing her to her feet. One hand slid around her back, guiding her into his apartment and the sea of pale blue walls and Mediterranean accents.

  “It’s so beautiful here.”

  “I like it.” Jim pulled her away from examining a conch shell she’d found on the dining room table. “Lillie. I’m going to kiss you now.”

  The fact he’d thought to warn her only made it that much more unbearable to wait. They stood in the middle of the room, his hands rising to cup her face. Slowly he leaned in, tilting her head so when he touched their mouths together they were perfectly lined up.

  For the first moment, his touch stayed soft and sweet, as if he was cautious of not frightening her other side. She returned his kiss, licking into his mouth with her tongue for a second of torturous delight.

  He waited, letting her explore before he took over, nibbling and tasting as if she were precious and fragile. Things rapidly heated up, and he kissed her far more hungrily. His mouth slid over hers in a sensual attack she had no way of escaping, and no desire to either.

  When he nipped her bottom lip, she gasped, sighing with satisfaction as he eased the sting with his tongue. They were close enough she felt every inch of his muscular body.

  He slipped one hand into her hair, the other down to rest on the upper curve of her butt, controlling her and holding her in place. It was impossible to keep from moving in response, undulating slowly, his cock hard against her.

  Jim took his time kissing her, and it was lovely, and not nearly enough.

  Then his target changed. His lips still nibbled and possessed, drifting along her jawline to her earlobe. He drove her wild, sending tingling sensations over her skin. His fingers dropped to the buttons of her shirt where he made short work of the tiny disks considering how big his hands were.

  She clutched his biceps, the fabric of his suit smooth under her hands, but not what she wanted to caress. Even as he opened her blouse, Lillie flipped open his suit button and reached high to shove his jacket from his shoulders.

  Jim raised an eyebrow. “I seem to have lost an article of clothing. Let’s level the playing field.”

  His gaze dropped to the skin revealed by her open shirtfront. She shrugged out of the soft material, catching the shirt before it fell to the floor, instead tossing it on top of his coat.

  She shivered under the intensity of his gaze as he took in her bare skin from waist to hairline, only the small bits covered by her lace bra still secret from him.

  “Leave that on,” he commanded.

  Orders now? Oh yes, please. This was going to be a delightful evening. And Lillie suddenly knew exactly how she wanted to begin.

  She’d gone over the list of fantasies she’d mentally orchestrated over the years, scrolling through the lot of them and looking for her absolute favourites.

  The trouble was most of those had involved mysterious men with blank faces. They’d been extraordinarily wonderful in terms of saying the right things, and doing the right things, but they hadn’t been real.

  Faced with a very real, very solid grizzly bear who was staring at her as if she was delicious, none of the fantasies stood up to what she wanted to happen.

  Which was fine, because she had said he could be in charge. Another lovely shiver tickled her from top to bottom. Exploring sex was always fun.

  But until he did take over, she was going to play.

  She caught hold of his belt in both hands. Pulled back on the leather and slipped loose the metal buckle. The long length came free with a sound like a soft exhale, or maybe that had been her. Carefully, she undid his button and lowered his zipper over the straining bulge.

  Once again she couldn’t decide where to look. Tilting her head back meant enjoying all the emotions flickering across his face. Desire, heat, mounting frustration as she moved infinitely slowly to pull his cock free.

  That? Was the other fascinating direction to stare. As she released his pants, his erection greeted her. Commando. Lillie swallowed hard, stroking her palms over his length. Soft skin and rising heat rubbed her fingers, a slight bit of moisture at the tip she captured with her thumb.

  “You should see how big your eyes are. Like you just got the best present in the entire world.” Jim’s fingers were tangled in her hair, holding her so gently. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I’m pretty sure I do.” Lillie slipped up on her tippy toes and pressed a kiss to his rough jawline. “Last hurrah, and all that. I definitely have this on my to-do list.”

  There were so many things she wanted, but with the thick length in her hands, his hips rolling slowly against her in a smooth rhythm, she could put the rest of them aside.

  She dropped to her knees, the carpet warm under her.

  It wasn’t good enough for him. “If I were a better man I would stop you completely, but since I’m nowhere near that good…”

  He scooped her up. Lillie squealed, laughing as he carried her. His open pants slipped down his hips as he brought her to the couch. They collapsed in a tangle of limbs until he settled her on the floor between his legs, a soft cushion under her knees.

  His cock rose from a thatch of dark hair. Straining upward as he eased his shoulders back against the leather sofa. “Now you can go ahead. Have a blast.”

  He was joking, but she was honestly looking forward to having fun. She stroked him with both hands, increasing her pressure until he groaned, his eyes fixed on her, hands gripping the leather as if he were afraid to allow himself loose.

  “I want to taste you,” Lillie whispered.

  “Dessert now being served.”

  Lillie leaned against the couch as she held his cock vertical. She licked up one side, swirled her tongue around the head twice, then stroked down the other.

  Jim hummed happily.

  She did it again, only this time when she swirled her tongue she paused, wrapping her lips around the sensitive tip and pulsing.

  Jim hummed, harder.

  Teasing was fun, but it was time to move on. Lillie put her mouth over him and pushed down, getting him wet enough she could pump her hand over the root and suck on the sensitive head.

  Jim’s hum lost its stability, changing to a ragged putt-putt-putt noise.

  A salty taste swirled through her mouth, and she swallowed, increasing suction as she pulled back. Increasing the pressure with her hand. He’d grown thicker in her fingers, stretching her mouth wider as she tried her best to please him.

  She glanced up. Her mouth was full, hand moving rapidly, and his eyes had rolled back in his head. His hum turned into an all-out moan as he caught hold of her head, his hips shaking. The salty taste of come filled her mouth as he lost control.

  Lillie sucked and pumped and played until Jim stopped her. Locking her in position as his climax faded.

  She pulled off his cock with a satisfied smile. “I like the desserts they serve around here.”

  It was as if a whirlwind hit. One moment she was on her knees, the next she was sitting on the couch, her pants, undies and socks torn from her.

  Cocky arrogance of the best sort on his face. “Pretty bit of trouble, aren’t you?”

  “Am I trouble?” She reached her arms over her head to grab the top of the backrest, the position pul
ling her breasts higher, still covered in see-through white lace.

  He stared as if she were a priceless painting. “No trouble at all.”

  He leaned over and pressed a kiss to where her pulse was beating a tango in her throat.

  The next kiss landed on her collarbone. The one after that along the edge where her bra and skin met, the upper slope of her breast tickled by the scruff on his chin.

  When he pressed his lips to her nipple, she about shot off the couch. He opened his mouth and sucked both the fabric and the sensitive tip in. Using his tongue, he alternated licking with sucking until she grabbed his head, desperate to tear him away and remove the layer between them.

  Trying to move him was like trying to move a brick wall.

  His low laughter turned to a steady stream of cool air as he blew on the moistened tip, causing it to tighten further. “You wouldn’t be trying to take control, would you? Because you’ve used up all your get-out-of-jail-free cards.”

  Somehow she found the courage to speak bluntly. “I want your mouth on my skin.”

  He smiled. “You said that so prettily, how can I refuse?”

  Jim eased back far enough from his position between her legs to open room between them. He caught hold of her bra cup, folding the material in half to expose her nipple and the upper slope. He repeated the move on the other side, leaving her displayed and lifted to his eager mouth.

  Lillie closed her eyes and let him play. Every touch added to the pressure building between her legs, pleasure wrapping itself around her with a familiar ache.

  When he left her breasts to press a kiss to a spot beside her belly button, Lillie brought her hands from above her head, biting her fingers to stifle her scream of frustration. She didn’t want him to stop what he was doing, but she need something more, and soon.

  He adjusted his position, sliding his hands from her hips to her knees. “How flexible are you, sweetheart?”

  Lillie stuttered for a moment. “Pretty good… Not sure. Oh…”


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