Alphas After Dark (9 Book Bundle of Sexy Alpha Biker Bad Boys)

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Alphas After Dark (9 Book Bundle of Sexy Alpha Biker Bad Boys) Page 10

by Vivian Arend

  “Or you could forget all of them, say screw the whole business and we take off for an extended bike trip.” Damon raised a brow. “There’s still Lady Luck on the line. I handed her in to the judge yesterday, and the man is not going to give her back to anyone who hasn’t met the requirements we arranged.”

  Jim stilled for all of half a second. “Screw Lady Luck.”

  “Seriously?” His friend’s jaw hung open. “You know damn well you have a better chance in this race than I do. Your bike is faster and you’re a better rider than I am. You’re really willing to throw away your chance to win rather than staying here for one more day, two tops, and getting it done? I mean, the woman up at your house can sit there for weeks, for all that it matters.”

  “And what am I going to do when Lillie returns? Tell her I have to go talk to the woman who is supposed to be my wife, so I can break it off with her, but hey, stick around. I should be back in no time.” The entire situation had turned crazy so quickly, Jim’s head was spinning. “No. You do the ride, and get Lady Luck. I’m going to make my own luck and get what I want. And who I want, and it isn’t this strange woman, it’s Lillie.”


  “Give it up, Damon. It’s just a damn coin. Lillie is real flesh and blood and passion, and I’ll be damned if I let anything come between us.”

  Damon stared for a long while before he shook his head. “Okay. I got your back. You track down your betrothed, convince her to return to the old country, and in the meantime, I’ll do my best to find your missing lady.”

  Jim clutched his hands. “Thank you.”

  “No guarantees that I won’t have convinced her I’m the better catch,” Damon teased. He ducked Jim’s halfhearted swing. “Go on. Fix your fucked-up personal life, and call me if you need anything. I’ll keep you up to date.”


  It should have taken him five hours max to go from his condo to McCarran Airport to Whitehorse. Instead, it took twice that long as he scrambled to find transportation. He had to hire a new private plane.

  He’d forgotten that part of arranged marriages. When the Board had failed to reach him, they’d probably contacted his assistant who would have ordered the Halcyon plane to pick his fiancée up.

  But after a bunch of finagling and crossing palms with cash, Jim finally made it. The snow-lined runway reflected the blinking red and white plane lights as the small jet rolled up to the single-story square building that was the main terminal. He took deep breaths of the icy-cold winter air as he transferred to the ground, marching straight through the building and back out to crawl into the private car waiting for him.

  Whitehorse in February. This was why he owned a place in Vegas.

  Thirty more minutes to kill as the car headed up the Alaskan Highway from the tiny Whitehorse airport to his home in the mountains. Jim fought to keep from drumming his fingers on the fine leather upholstery.

  In his earlier scramble, he’d convinced someone to come up with a name. Katherine Lileas Ruadh. He’d never heard of her, or her clan, giving him even more reason to believe she was a European import. But at least he had that much—the name of the unfortunate woman he was about to send packing.

  He stared out the window as the trees grew thicker and the car wove its way up the long approach to his driveway. The sun had already set, but there were twinkling lights visible at moments through the trees.

  The last time he’d been in Whitehorse he’d rented a Jeep, hauling his parents along to show them the spot he’d selected for his home.

  The aching sensation in his chest wasn’t just from missing them. They were gone, and that was always going to hurt, but they’d given him so much and always been there for him when he needed them.

  They’d shown him a perfect example of a couple in love.

  He wanted that, and he wanted it with Lillie. The sooner he dealt with this escalating situation, the better.

  It would be dealt with, though. This wasn’t going to ruin him, or his future. He had to reach out and take what he wanted, with both hands, and that he could damn well do.

  They approached the front entrance to his home, and curiosity finally won. Updates had arrived on a regular basis from his general contractor, along with the occasional swatch of granite or paint sample to make decisions about. But mostly, after his parents had died, he’d allowed others to deal with the day-to-day issues.

  Now he looked up at the home he’d designed, with its grand front entrance, and felt a touch of pride. The wide stairs rose toward massive twin front doors, enormous pillars strategically placed along the entire house frontage that turned the three-story building into a castle in the wilderness.

  It was gorgeous, and he let himself out, staring up at his home.

  He’d told Damon the truth. A week ago if he’d gotten word his bride was waiting for him, this meeting would have had an entirely different feel to it. Now the excitement of looking around his home was muted by the irritation of having to send away someone who didn’t expect his rejection.

  This wasn’t going to be fun for either of them. He might know what he wanted, but he didn’t have to be an asshole about it. He had a fine line to walk, and he really hoped the woman would be reasonable in return.

  He brought the heavy brass knocker on the front door down sharply against the doorplate. The ringing sound echoed off the tall walls, and the front door swung open.

  The well-dressed young man’s smile faded rapidly as he snapped to attention, his gaze skipping over Jim’s face. In the process, the huge door in his hands got away from him, and he had to chase after it to stop the heavy weight from slamming into the wall. He brought his flustered self back to attention, body stiff and chin held high as he refused to meet Jim’s eyes. “Mr. Halcyon. Please, come in, we’ve been expecting you.”

  Jim pressed past him into the foyer, torn between examining every detail of his new home and just getting to the bottom of why he was there. “Where is she?” he demanded.

  To his surprise, the doorman stepped back, hands dropping in front of him as he tangled his fingers nervously. “About that, sir. About the lady who arrived earlier today…”

  “Yes. My betrothed. Where is she?” Jim asked again, frowning at the delay. Why had the woman not gotten to Whitehorse until today? He’d gotten the message a few days ago.

  “It’s just that… I mean, I want to prepare you, sir. She seems a trifle more nervous than most brides-to-be. She’s been acting strangely ever since she got here, and I thought…” The youth swallowed hard. “You’re rather intimidating to meet for the first time, sir.”

  Good grief. As aware as Jim was of needing to be gentle with the woman, he did not want to waste time coddling his staff. Not when he had things to do.

  Still, these were the people who had been hired to help take care of him, even though this boy looked as if he should still be in the nursery. They needed to know he could be trusted.

  The fact he could hear Lillie taunting him to be nice kicked his butt, hard. He was itching to take off, but for her sake, he slowed and took the extra time. “What’s your name?”

  “Peter. Sir.” The boy blinked hard, his dark gaze darting away as he fidgeted with the sleeves of his suit coat, but refused to run like he obviously wanted. Bobcat shifter, if Jim scented correctly.

  Jim hid his smile. Nothing wrong with the kid’s spunk. “Thank you for being honest, and for the warning, and I promise I will tread softly, but you need to tell me where she is.”

  Peter swung his arm and pointed up the curved staircase. “I tried taking her to the master suite, but she insisted on being shown to a guest room.”


  “Really.” Jim glanced around. He should have known this answer, but he’d been too busy ignoring his northern holdings until ten hours ago. “How many staff on the premises? Just you and a cook? Or more?”

  “Full staff, sir, ever since the building was completed a month ago. There are six of us.” He flushed
. “My mom is your chef. Dad’s in charge of cleaning and maintenance.”

  Ahh, now his baby butler’s presence made more sense.

  Another thought hit. Great—his staff had been hanging out for a month, everything running nice and quiet, and today would be their first glimpse of their new master in action.

  He hoped the girl didn’t cry. That would just cement his reputation as a heartless monster. “You gave her the room at the top of the stairs to the right, correct?”

  “Yes. Second suite. I can show you.”

  “I think I’ll be fine, Peter. I designed the house.”

  Jim took the stairs two at a time, grabbing the heavy walnut post at the top and swinging himself onto the landing.

  “Be calm and go slow. Be calm, and go slow,” he muttered.

  Stupid. He needed one of those signs that said: Be calm and have a double shot of whiskey.

  A colourful piece of paper caught his eye. It had been folded into an elaborate three-dimensional origami star, and it looked totally out of place on the delicate antique table that had obviously been moved from its regular position along the wall to a spot in the middle of the hall. The note had his name written on some of the outstretched prongs, and he picked up the creation with a rising sense of dismay.

  He didn’t want her writing love notes, and that’s what the bright pink paper seemed to indicate.

  But the actual contents of the page surprised him. When he unfolded the sheet of construction paper all he discovered was his name on the front, and on the opposite side the words We need to talk.

  He walked slower, his shoes sinking into the thick, plush carpet, the massive windows facing to the south, dark and cold. Only the table lamps and wall sconces cast golden glows on the pristine wallpaper and plaster, warming his path.

  Another piece of paper, this one folded into a bright green tree, sat on the floor, and he stooped to grab it. Inside, her writing went from neat to messy, as if she’d written in a hurry or she’d grown more agitated in the process.

  I’m sorry for leading you on.

  Jim blinked. That made no sense at all. Just who was this woman he’d been sent?

  Next note: a pale blue bird shape, the dark black writing bold and firm in contrast, and this time Jim swore, not believing his eyes as the message appeared. I was fine with marrying you up until a week ago, but now I can’t.

  Holy. Shit.

  Maybe this was going to work out better than he thought. He followed the trail of notes down the hall, snatching them up and reading with a rapidly rising hope.

  Red, folded into the shape of a maple leaf: I’ve fallen in love with a wonderful man—well, I think he’s wonderful. I haven’t told him that yet.

  Two more steps to reach an orange circle, like a shining sun: He deserves love, and so do I.

  A purple crescent moon hung balanced on the edge of a lamp beside the guest room: So, I hope you’ll be okay with us breaking our engagement.

  Yellow, the paper simply folded and tucked into the doorframe: Um, I’m a little scared to tell you this in person, but I knew I had to be brave enough to say it.

  Jim knocked on the door. “Katharine? May I come in?”

  No answer.

  He tried twice more before abandoning his manners and cracking the door open.

  No one was there. God, he hoped she hadn’t done something stupid like jump out the window. Strangely, there was no sign of any bags, or anything of hers.

  Another note waited for him on the pristine bed. A plain white piece of paper.

  He picked this one up and crossed his fingers for no final surprises.

  If you’re done being growly, I’m waiting in the kitchen.

  He considered dancing a jig, right there and then. The whole mess could be straightened out in a few minutes. He’d pop his ex-fiancée on a plane, rushing her home to her sweetheart with his blessing, then be back on the hunt for Lillie before he’d had a coffee.

  On second thought, he might stay for an hour or two—look around the house and meet the staff. Let them know he intended to return soon with his real partner.

  You could make it back to Vegas in time to join Damon. You could still do the road race, his ambition enticed.

  Fat fucking chance of that.

  Lady Luck means nothing to me. Shut up, and let me concentrate.

  He didn’t need the coin anymore—he needed his copper-headed goddess with the willing laugh and bright smile who’d beguiled his heart.

  Jim tucked the final note with the others in his hand, and headed to the kitchen to tell his fiancée goodbye.

  She’d been sitting on pins and needles for the last eight hours, and she was tired and worried. The day had been one nightmare on her nerves after another. First she’d had to screw up her courage to face the airport, sweet-talk her way past the private-plane attendants, and then stew for the entire four-hour flight from Vegas to Whitehorse as she practiced turning down her future husband.

  And then the bastard didn’t have the decency to be home when she got there. Instead, she’d gotten extra time to fuss and worry herself into a tizzy. Only the memory of Jim’s touch and the look of tenderness in his eyes gave her the courage to keep going forward.

  The house she’d been brought to was incredible, but Lillie couldn’t feel sad at turning down marriage to the man who owned such a fabulous retreat. She could have happily lived there—more comfortable than in busy Vegas—but it was the man she wanted, not the setting.

  Whoever had said location, location, location hadn’t been talking about the heart.

  All the staff at the mansion were wonderful as well. They went out of their way to ease her fears, though at the same time some of what they shared made things scarier.

  They had never even seen the man she was supposed to marry—he’d refused to come to any events in the area. He’d given lists of what he expected to have available at all times, but never shown up to see his will was obeyed.

  He didn’t need to worry on that account. No one dared to take a chance the head of the Halcyon clan was one of the tyrant types who were whispered about in the bear community.

  Lillie had the file Addie had sent her filled with all sorts of juicy gossip about the man. She’d refused to look at it. It was bad enough she was there to tell him goodbye. Nope. Details about Jamieson Halcyon could stay a mystery.

  Lillie shot to her feet as the sweet young doorman who’d been so nice to her slipped through the doors.

  “He’s gone upstairs.” Peter patted her shoulder kindly. “He looked a lot less fierce than I expected. Why don’t you stay here? We’ll make sure everything is fine.”

  She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around herself in a hug. Summoning the courage she’d need in the next few moments.

  Around her the smells of cooking helped center her, something simmering on the stove. A soothing rattle of pots and pans washed over her as Peter’s mom and another woman worked together, their voices low as they conversed.

  Peter didn’t say anything more, but stood nearby and looked protective.

  And then Jim walked in.

  Lillie’s stomach fell all the way to her toes.

  “Oh no. No.” Too many things slammed through her brain as she took in the shock of him being in exactly the wrong place. How had he…? Why…?

  This was not good.

  “What are you doing here?” She rushed forward, fisting her hands in his jacket and going up on her tiptoes to try to get in his face. “I told you I would be coming back. You can’t be here, not now. It’s not safe.”

  The last thing she needed was the man she loved getting into a fight with the man she was supposed to marry.

  A crease formed between Jim’s brows. “What do you mean, it’s not safe?”

  She gave up on tugging him, instead pushing hard and attempting to shove him back toward the door. Maybe if she got him outside she could convince him to hide until she’d spoken with her betrothed.

  “I have
to talk to someone, and he’s not going to be happy with me. And I don’t want you here and getting in a fight, so please, go away.”

  She should have known pushing him would be as successful as trying to move the Great Wall of China.

  “Lillie. Stop trying to tip me over, and let’s see if you can make sense.”

  “I don’t know how you managed to track me down,” she protested. “But I’m sure if you give me a while I can convince my fiancé to call it off—”


  Lillie squeezed her eyes together, slapping her hands over her ears. She didn’t want to hear or see what came next.

  Strong fingers wrapped around her wrists and gently tugged her hands loose. Jim moved close enough heat passed between their bodies. He let go of one hand and pressed his fingers under her chin, tilting her face upward.

  Only he didn’t say anything. He kept staring into her eyes, while he barked out an order at the staff. “All of you. Get out, now.”

  “But, sir—”

  “Out.” The word was said quietly, but with a force of nature behind the command.

  Lillie wasn’t surprised to discover the staff had abandoned her. No matter how brave they were, she wouldn’t have disobeyed that tone of voice, either.

  But this was Jim. Her Jim, and she knew he’d never do anything to harm her. She sighed heavily and tried to reason with the big beast. “Promise me you won’t get into a fight with him.”

  His lips twitched. “With your fiancé, you mean?”

  She dipped her chin as much as his fingers would allow.

  Jim held a hand in the air, his expression going completely solemn. “I swear to not lay a hand on the man.”

  Lillie let out the breath she’d been holding. “I still have no idea how you found me, but if you’ll just let me—”

  He didn’t let her say another word. Instead, he kissed her, holding their lips in sensual contact while his right hand slipped to her back so he could crush their torsos together. Lillie gave up trying to push him away, instead clinging tight. Giving him back her caresses. After less than a day apart, she craved his touch.


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