Heat of Passion

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Heat of Passion Page 13

by Pamela Yaye

  “How is the mango gazpacho coming along?” Robyn asked, raising her voice to be heard above the whir of the blender. “Will everything be ready by one?”

  Gabby vigorously nodded her head. “Absolutely, and I hope Enrique and his entourage are hungry, because I made a double portion of everything, even the empanadas.”

  “Thanks, girl. You’re the best.”

  Robyn heard her cell phone chime and retrieved it from her dainty side pocket. The message was from Sean, and reading it made her feel irresistible, like the sexiest woman alive. Her smile was so wide her jaw ached, but she couldn’t stop grinning from ear-to-ear.

  I can’t wait to see you. I’m counting down the minutes. Make sure you eat a big lunch, because you’re going to need your strength. I’m going to love you all night long.

  I hope you do, Robyn thought, licking her lips.

  Her cell phone rang, and her heart sped up with excitement. But it wasn’t Sean. It was Kim, and Robyn knew why her best friend was calling. Kim wanted to ensure everything was ready in the private dining room for Enrique’s impending arrival, and Robyn wouldn’t be surprised if Kim had some last-minute suggestions as well. “Hey, girl, what’s up?”

  “I need you to come to my office right away.”

  Robyn frowned, stared down at her phone. Kim sounded worried, on edge, unlike her calm, confident self. “Why? What’s wrong?” she asked, feeling a flutter of panic in the pit of her stomach. “Is everything okay?”

  “No, it’s not. Hurry. I’m waiting.”


  Fear knotted inside Robyn’s chest. Had Kim found out she was secretly dating Sean? Was she going to ask her to leave the resort? Or worse, fire her? Shaking from head to toe, Robyn summoned her courage and marched briskly toward the main building, praying her days as the lead event planner at the Belleza Resort weren’t over.

  * * *

  Kim’s office was done in bright tones, filled with designer furniture, and had more African-American artwork than the Getty Museum. It wasn’t as big as Sean’s office at the SP Grill, but it was just as lavish. Glass sculptures, antique bookshelves and the vibrant decor made the space look grand and sophisticated.

  Robyn’s legs were wobbling, but she walked confidently across the room as if she was on top of her game, in complete control.

  “What’s up?” Hearing her stomach growl, she grabbed a handful of Skittles from the candy dish on Kim’s fuchsia desk and plopped down on one of the padded, leather chairs. “You sounded upset on the phone. Is everything okay?”

  “No. I need a huge favor.”

  Robyn sighed in relief. Her secret was safe and so was her job at the Belleza, and since she wanted to keep it that way, she nodded and said, “Sure, of course, what is it?”

  “I just got off the phone with Enrique. He’s not coming.”

  “What?” The word exploded out of Robyn’s mouth. “What do you mean, he’s not coming? I’ve been working my ass off on the presentation for weeks.”

  “I know, and I appreciate all your hard work, but I need you to fly to Guadalajara today.”

  Mexico? But she had a date with Sean.

  “I need you to meet with Enrique at his villa,” Kim continued, clasping her hands together on her desk. “He’s feeling under the weather and requested you make the trip instead.”

  “Why can’t he come here one day next week?”

  “I suggested that, but he’s travelling to Kuwait on business tomorrow and isn’t sure when he’ll be back in the States. Furthermore, his thirtieth birthday is six weeks away, and he wants to get the ball rolling now.”

  “I understand that, Kim, and I agree time is of the essence, but—”

  “But what?” she demanded, raising a thin, perfectly arched eyebrow. “To be honest, I’m surprised by your reaction. I thought you’d be excited. You’re going to Guadalajara, and it isn’t costing you a dime. What could be better than that?”

  Having a romantic date with Sean, that’s what!

  Robyn gripped her armrest, dug her fingernails into the plush leather. Her face must have showed her true feelings—how pissed she was—because Kim wore a sympathetic smile and spoke in a soft, soothing tone, like a mother consoling a child. “Sorry, I know the last-minute change of plans is frustrating, but Enrique’s dad and my father are old friends, and if I ignore his request, it’ll be seen as an insult, and it might cause tension between our families.”

  Robyn held her tongue, took a moment to gather her thoughts. She thought of lying, of telling Kim that her mom was sick at home with pneumonia and that she had to go to Palm Springs to take care of her, but she couldn’t bring herself to say the words. Robyn felt trapped, caught between a rock and a hard place, and didn’t know what to do.

  “Enrique’s birthday parties are legendary, attended by the who’s who of the business world and tons of A-list stars, and this year I want it here at the resort. Imagine the free publicity we’ll get,” Kim gushed enthusiastically. “Enrique wants to rent out the entire resort for his guests, and I don’t have to tell you what that could mean for the Belleza.”

  Kim didn’t have to remind her. She wanted the contract just as badly as her friend. But she also wanted to be with Sean tonight.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I had Antoine make all of your travel arrangements.” Kim grabbed a manila envelope off her desk, handed it to Robyn and checked the time on her diamond watch. “You’re booked on the eleven-thirty flight to Guadalajara, so you have to hustle. Enrique will send a car to pick you up from the airport and bring you to his private villa.”

  “I hope I’m flying first class,” Robyn said, peeking into the envelope and scanning her two-page travel itinerary. “It’s the least you can do.”

  “If you marry that South African businessman, your days of flying commercial would be over, you know. He has his own plane. Not to mention several multimillion dollar properties in California.”

  “I don’t care if he owns the state. I’m still not interested.”

  “It’s time you got back out there, Robyn. I found the man of my dreams, right here at the resort, and I want the same for you.”

  The only man I want is Sean. And I can’t have him.

  “I don’t have time to date,” Robyn said with a shrug. “I’m too busy with work.”

  Sure, that was a lie. But what was she going to say? “I’m dating your brother, and I’m happier than I’ve ever been?” She couldn’t, not unless she wanted to ruin their friendship. And that was one thing Robyn couldn’t stand. Kim and Gabby were the sisters she’d never had, and she couldn’t imagine her life without them in it.

  Kim shifted uncomfortably in her chair. “There’s one last thing...” She fiddled absently with her engagement ring, then finally met Robyn’s gaze. “Don’t tell Enrique that Sean left the resort. Enrique loves my brother’s cooking, and if he finds out Sean isn’t the executive chef of The Pearl anymore, he might take his business elsewhere, and we can’t afford to lose this contract to one of our competitors.”

  “Are you asking me to lie?”

  “No,” she said with an impish smile. “I’m asking you to fudge the truth.”

  Robyn thought about it for a minute, then decided Kim’s request made sense. Her loyalty was to the Belleza, and if she wanted to keep her job, she had to support Kim. “Okay, I’ll do it,” she said, rising to her feet. “I’d better get going.”

  Kim waved. “Thanks, girl, I owe you one. Have a safe flight.”

  Twenty minutes later in the privacy of her condo, Robyn called Sean’s cell phone. The moment she heard his deep, oh-so-sexy voice, her heart smiled. His dreamy tone aroused her, and several moments passed before Robyn regained her composure.

  “I was just about to call you,” he said smoothly. “Are you having a good day?”

  She had been, until she’d found out she had to fly to Guadalajara.

  On the drive back from the main building to her condo, Robyn had rehearsed what she was going to say to Sean, but now that he was on the phone, she couldn’t get her thoughts in order. If she told Sean about her meeting with Enrique, it could jeopardize the deal, and she didn’t want to let Kim down. “I’m not feeling well,” she blurted out, the words falling out of her mouth in a nervous gush. “I think I might be coming down with something.”

  It was true. She didn’t feel well. Her heart was racing, and her stomach was in knots. Robyn knew Sean would be pissed if she told him about her trip to Guadalajara, so she told a white lie instead. “I’m going to bed to try to sleep this thing off.”

  “I’m disappointed, but I understand.”

  Releasing the breath she’d been holding, Robyn sighed in relief for the second time in minutes. She’d make it up to Sean when she returned from her trip and knew just what to do to get back in his good books. I’ll make him dinner and serve it buck naked.

  “I’m going to make you my famous garlic and kale soup and bring it over tonight. It’s packed with veggies and spices and guaranteed to make you feel better.”

  Robyn spoke without thinking and regretted the words the moment they left her mouth. “No. Don’t. You can’t come here. It’s a bad idea.”

  “But I want to see you.”

  “No, not tonight,” she said in a calmer voice. “Maybe on the weekend, once I feel better.”

  The silence lasted so long Robyn knew Sean was mad at her. Her conscience tormented her, but that was nothing new. These days, guilt was her constant companion. She lied to Kim so her best friend wouldn’t find out she was dating Sean and kept secrets from Sean so he wouldn’t know she was lying to clients about him leaving the resort. You’ve created a fine mess this time, pointed out her inner voice. And if you’re not careful, all your lies and half-truths are going to come back to haunt you.

  It was a chilling thought, but Robyn didn’t have time to dwell on it. She had a three o’clock meeting in Guadalajara and couldn’t afford to miss her flight. “I have to go.”

  “Drink plenty of fluids and get some rest. Is it okay if I call you later?”

  “I’d like that. Thanks, Sean. Bye for now.”

  Robyn hung up the phone, zipped up her Louis Vuitton carry-on bag and exited her suite. She felt horrible for lying to Sean, guilty about canceling their plans at the last minute, but she had a job to do, and she wouldn’t let her feelings for him stand in the way.

  Chapter 12

  At two o’clock, when Robyn walked out of the Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla International Airport, a black Mercedes-Benz limousine was waiting for her at the curb. The female driver, clad in a tight navy-blue uniform, was holding a piece of paper bearing Robyn’s full name and smiled in greeting as she approached. “Welcome to Guadalajara, Ms. Henderson,” the brunette said with a heavy Spanish accent. “It is my pleasure to drive you to the Salazar villa this afternoon.”

  “Gracias.” Seconds later, Robyn was sitting in the backseat of the limousine, enjoying a complimentary glass of wine. And, boy, did she need it. It had been a mad dash getting to LAX during midday traffic, and if not for a kindly TSA agent, she would have missed her flight.

  Robyn wanted to call Sean to check in with him but thought better of it. She was supposed to be at home resting, not cruising through the streets of Guadalajara in a stretch limo, and she didn’t want to have to lie to him again about her whereabouts.

  Sipping her zinfandel, she sat back comfortably in her seat and crossed her legs. Having never been to the city before, Robyn was surprised to see dozens of American stores, boutiques and restaurants. Known as “The Pearl of the West,” Guadalajara’s deep colonial roots and old-world charm were evident across the city, and the historic buildings were an architect’s dream.

  Robyn wondered if she’d have time to do some sightseeing before her eight o’clock flight that evening and made up her mind to check out the Guadalajara Cathedral and Degollado Theater once her meeting with Enrique wrapped up. The traffic was light, and just as Robyn opened her file folder to review the notes for her presentation, the limousine slowed to a stop.

  “We’re here. Ms. Henderson,” the driver said. “This is the Salazar estate.”

  Two burly Mexican men opened the wrought-iron gates and nodded at the limo driver. The grounds were spacious, filled with towering palm trees, pretty gardens and elaborate stone statues. To her surprise, Enrique was standing in front of the villa, talking on his cell phone, but the moment he saw the limousine, he ended his call and jogged down the steps.

  Robyn’s mouth dried, and her hands trembled. It was the moment of truth. Her time to shine, to convince Enrique that the Belleza was the place for his birthday bash.

  To calm her nerves, she took a deep breath, then downed the rest of her wine. She’d met Enrique before—at a pre-Oscar party at the Belleza last year—and hoped this time he wouldn’t flirt with her, because she wasn’t in Guadalajara to make a love connection; she was there to score the biggest contract of her career. With that thought in mind, Robyn stepped out of the limousine, adjusted her fitted Christian Dior suit and greeted Enrique with a dazzling smile.

  “It’s great to see you again, Robyn. I’m thrilled to have you here at my villa.”

  To impress him, she replied in Spanish and laughed when he kissed her excitedly on both cheeks. Robyn gave Enrique the once-over, studied him closely and decided he wasn’t sick.

  Panic churned in her stomach, and the truth hit her like a slap in the face. She’d been set up. Again. First, the South African businessman, and now, Enrique. Kim had tricked her, so she was stuck in Guadalajara for the rest of the day. Did he think this was a date? Was that why he was talking to her in a silky, smooth voice and tenderly caressing her forearm?

  “Let me show you around.” Enrique rested a hand on her lower back. “This villa used to belong to my great-great grandfather, and I inherited it when I turned nineteen.”

  After a tour of the grounds, they retired inside the villa for cocktails and appetizers. Robyn entered the living room and decided it was the most beautiful space she’d ever seen. It was an explosion of color—vivid reds, oranges and yellows—twice the size of her condo and filled with gleaming marble, elaborate chandeliers and plush furniture.

  Robyn was sitting on the couch, plotting how to get even with Kim, when Enrique turned to her and said, “Tell me your vision for my birthday bash.”

  His words puzzled her, “Tell you my vision for your birthday bash?”

  “Yes, of course. That’s why you’re here, right?” Mischief filled his eyes, and a grin tickled his lips. “Unless you dropped everything and flew over fifteen hundred miles to ask me out on a date. If that’s the case my answer is hell yes!”

  Robyn laughed. It turned out she was wrong. Kim hadn’t set her up after all. Relieved, she crossed her legs and clasped her hands around her knees. “Let’s get down to business, shall we? I have tons of great ideas, and I’m anxious to share them with you.”

  Robyn spoke with passion and excitement as she gave her presentation, and she could tell by the expression on Enrique’s face that he was impressed. Straightening in his chair, he stared at her intensely, as if he was hanging on to her every word.

  “I love the Godfather theme, and I think guests will enjoy Beyoncé’s performance, but the party needs to be flashier, more dynamic.” To emphasize his point, Enrique gestured with his hands as he spoke in rapid-fire Spanish. “Money’s no object, so think big. Think huge.”

  Robyn scoffed inwardly but hid her true feelings behind a polite smile. Was he kidding? she thought, disappointed by his response. What could be bigger than gourmet food, a fireworks display and a performance by the biggest pop star on the planet?

p; “I got it!” Enrique snapped his fingers and flashed a triumphant grin, one that showcased every pearly white tooth. “The showgirls will pop out of my birthday cake, do a ten-minute routine draped all over my lap, then pose with guests from inside the cake. Brilliant, huh?”

  No, it was tacky and cliché, and there was no way in hell Kim would ever go for it. But Robyn couldn’t tell Enrique the truth, not without offending him, so she nodded and pretended to write his suggestions down on her notepad. “I’ll speak to our executive chef and get back to you.”

  “Does Sean still work at the Belleza?” Enrique picked up his glass tumbler and took a swig of his drink. “I heard from an acquaintance that he quit the resort months ago, but when I asked Kim this morning, she insisted it was nothing but a crazy rumor.”

  Robyn avoided Enrique’s pointed stare. Kim’s words came back to her, blared in her head like a siren. If he finds out Sean isn’t the executive chef of The Pearl anymore, he might take his business elsewhere, and we can’t afford to lose this contract to one of our competitors.

  Robyn felt a lump in her throat, and her mouth was painfully dry, but she forced her lips to move. “Of course Sean works at the resort. It’s a family-run business, and everyone’s committed to—”

  Hearing footsteps behind her, Robyn glanced over her shoulder. A gasp fell from her mouth. No, no, it can’t be! I must be dreaming! But the image remained. It was Sean. He was standing in the doorway, scowling at her, and anger blazed like fire in his soulful brown eyes.

  * * *

  Silence engulfed the room. The air was thick with tension, so suffocating Robyn couldn’t breathe. A cold chill whipped through her body, but her skin was scalding hot. “Sean, what are you doing here?”

  Sean shook his head. “You first. You told me you were sick, but that’s obviously a lie, because you look gorgeous.”

  “I second that!” Enrique said with a wink and a smile.


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