Rekindling the Widower's Heart

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Rekindling the Widower's Heart Page 3

by Glynna Kaye

  “You said you were originally from Canyon Springs?”

  She shrugged. “I moved there when I was fourteen.”

  Something flickered through her eyes and he sensed a story untold. But he wouldn’t press her for details. The less he knew about their new tenant’s personal life, the better off he’d be. Although...if she’d be hanging out with Anna and Travis and the youth group this summer, it might be worthwhile to get to know her better. A parent had to be proactive these days when it came to who you allowed to influence your kids. Delaney was awfully young to be taking on responsibility for the group.

  He cleared his throat. “So, how would tomorrow afternoon work for you to retrieve the rest of your belongings?”

  She tilted her head. “You’re sure?”

  “I’m good with it. After lunch? I could pick you up at one o’clock.” If Garrett couldn’t tag along to help with the sofa, he’d get one of his friends in the neighboring town to assist, then recruit another family member back here to unload.

  “I’ll be ready. And thanks.”

  “No problem. But I guess I’d better finish up and get on out of here so you can get settled in.” He turned away, intending to head to the loft, then tensed as he glimpsed a colorful flier atop Delaney’s luggage by the door. He motioned toward it. “Where’d you get that?”

  “What?” She turned to see what he was referring to. “Oh. I found that tucked in my door. Haven’t even looked at it yet.”

  She picked it up. Flipped it over. “It looks as if someone plans to run for town council. There’s a preliminary campaign gathering Monday night.”

  Someone intended to run for an opening on the town council all right. Sunshine Carston. An outspoken young woman who settled in town a couple of years ago and rallied a growing number of local artists to take a more active role in the community. She’d been a thorn in the side of quite a few longtime Hunter Ridge residents.

  He slipped the flier from Delaney’s fingers and glanced down at the photograph of the woman who would be his mother’s probable opponent this coming fall. An attractive, eloquent young woman but, oh, what a pain in the neck at times.

  “One word of advice, Delaney.”

  The blonde stared up at him with a slight frown. “And what would that be?”

  “If you want the kind of summer you’re hoping for, steer clear of local politics.”

  A dimple surfaced in her smooth cheek, the frown evaporating. “That bad, huh?”

  “Could be.” He returned the flier and she folded it in half before tossing it back to the top of the suitcase.

  “I assure you that while I do my civic duty at the polls, I’ve never been interested much in politics. However...” She flashed him a smile that forced his heart rate up a notch. “Should you decide to run against Miss Sunshine there, I might consider joining your team.”

  Warmth heated the back of his neck. Was she only teasing? Flirting again? He was so out of practice with that sort of stuff. Local ladies had long ago given up the chase, which suited him fine. He had no intention of sticking around Hunter Ridge much longer anyway.

  He took a step back. “Thanks for the vote of support, but no politicking for me.”

  She didn’t look surprised at his statement, only amused. With effort, he drew his gaze from hers.

  “Guess I’ll get things checked out here and be on my way.”

  But he’d barely started up the stairs to the loft when a dog barked from the open door behind him and a much-loved voice called out.

  “We found you, Daddy!”

  With a grin, he reached the bottom of the staircase before eight-year-old Chloe, raced forward to launch herself into his arms for a welcoming hug. He laughed as he scooped up the dark-haired girl and she planted a kiss on his cheek. It was the highlight of his day. “You’ve missed me?”

  “Uh-huh. This much.” With a giggle he never tired of hearing, her arms tightened around his neck and she gave him another kiss.

  That’s when he caught sight of Delaney standing off to the side, an uncertain look coloring her expression.

  “Delaney? I want you to meet my daughter, Chloe.” He didn’t try to keep the pride out of his voice. “Chloe, this is Delaney Marks. She’s going to be living in here this summer.”

  “Good to meet you, Chloe.” Delaney reached out her hand and his little girl shyly shook it.

  Then, a frown puckering her forehead, Chloe looked around the open space. “Why don’t you have furniture?”

  Delaney laughed, catching his eye. “I’ll have furniture just as soon as your dad helps me move it in.”

  Chloe looked at him solemnly. “You’d better get busy, Daddy.”

  “I guess so. And I guess we’d better get going as soon as I check a few things out upstairs.” He lowered his daughter to the floor and set her on her feet. “Homework tonight?”

  She shook her head, not meeting his gaze.

  Likely story. “Homework tonight?”

  She started to shake her head again, then giggled and nodded, reaching out to clasp his hand in both of hers as she looked up at him mischievously.

  “You don’t need to check the appliances upstairs,” Delaney said, drawing his attention again. “Despite recent evidence to the contrary, I’m perfectly capable of poking plugs into outlets.”

  He couldn’t help but smile. “So you say.”

  “If I run into any unforeseen difficulties, I know where to find you, right?”

  Her words sounded flirtatious enough, but had the interest he thought he’d recognized earlier diminished somewhat since the arrival of his child?

  “That you do,” he confirmed, irritated that he longed to ignite the spark in her gaze once again.

  “Well, then?” She made a sweeping motion toward the door. “Be on your way.”

  Yes, on his way. And the farther he stayed from Delaney Marks the better.

  Chapter Three

  Daddy. The next morning when she crawled out of her sleeping bag in the loft, Delaney was still chiding herself for being surprised her new landlord was a parent. Luke was older than her and an attractive, seemingly nice man. It wouldn’t be unexpected for him to have been in a serious relationship. To have a kid.

  But the no ring thing had thrown her off.

  Was he a widower? Divorced? Either could account for the apparent sadness she’d glimpsed earlier in his eyes—a look that evaporated with the arrival of Chloe.

  Even now, chatting on the phone with her closest friend early Sunday evening while awaiting the arrival of the youth group, Delaney couldn’t stop thinking about Luke Hunter. About how he’d scooped the squealing child into his arms with a smile that transformed his already handsome features. Brought him to life.

  “Actually, I’m not too swamped with wedding preparations to keep me from popping over to see your new place.” Paris Perslow’s voice carried over the phone with a surprisingly carefree lilt for someone who was only weeks away from her wedding day. Most brides were a bundle of nerves at this point. “Like I said, we’re keeping things simple, which is why you’re my only attendant this time. Too bad Cody’s best man is married.”

  “Believe me, that’s for the best.” Delaney’s relationship with coworker Dwayne Moorley, like her job in Sacramento, had expired only weeks ago. This morning when drying her hair, she’d firmly reminded herself that although the outcome of their time spent together the past two years was disappointing, another unforeseen loss in her life, she wouldn’t look back. In retrospect, she’d stayed in the relationship much too long, for reasons she was only now coming to fully understand.

  “You’re well rid of that guy,” Paris continued as if reading her thoughts, ever loyal since a grieving Delaney, several years her junior, had arrived in Canyon Springs all those years ago. “He’s way t
oo controlling, thinking it’s up to him to not only run his life, but yours, too. I’m beyond relieved you’ll be my maid of honor without him showing up in my wedding photos.”

  “I, too, am delighted to save you from that blot on your special day.” Delaney restlessly rose from the borrowed sofa to peep out a street-facing window where the sun cast lengthening shadows across the road. Movement caught her eye and hope sparked as she angled for a closer look. Was that activity in front of the Hunter Enterprises office? Yes. But, unfortunately, no one she knew. Only a handful of people who’d paused outside to visit.

  She hadn’t so much as caught a glimpse of Luke since he’d left with his daughter on Thursday. At their agreed-upon time Friday afternoon, two young men identifying themselves as cousins of Luke arrived with a pickup truck, offering an apology on his behalf.

  How silly to be disappointed at the substitution. She was too old for crushes. Besides, even if Luke was a free agent, so to speak, an eight-year-old came with the package. So it was just as well.

  “You are getting your jewelry into the Hunter Ridge Artists’ Co-op, aren’t you?”

  Paris’s words drew her back to the present. “It’s not a sure thing. I have an appointment on Monday to present samples of my work. So say a prayer that they’ll like what they see.”

  “They will. I absolutely love the earrings you made for me.”

  “I know Hunter Ridge’s art community is small, not anything like Sedona, Jerome or Santa Fe, but if I can get my foot in the door here, it’ll be a start. Hopefully, one that will encourage Aunt Jen to see my artistic leanings in a more positive light.”

  “I saw her at church this morning.” Paris’s words came cautiously. “I don’t think she looks well.”

  “I don’t think she does, either. But she insists she’s fine and is mad at me for taking the church position so I can stick around in case she needs me. She says the longer I’m unemployed, the more unemployable I’ll become.”

  Which might well be true. But when her parents, widowed grandmother and younger sister had been killed in a car accident, her childless aunt and uncle had opened their home to her. Not too many years later, Uncle Del died in a boating accident, so how could she not be there for her aunt now?

  “Well, I think you’ve made the right decision, Delaney. She’s obviously not her usual self.”

  When the conversation ended with a reiteration of Paris’s promise to visit soon, Delaney pocketed her cell phone and returned to the seating area. She had things remaining to be unpacked, but the open space now held a welcoming touch with soft lamplight and fat flickering candles rowed up on top of the woodstove. She’d arranged comfy, oversize throw pillows around the area for additional seating and, keeping the teenagers in mind, subs, chips and veggie sticks were on the coffee table.

  Her introduction at the church service had gone well. Or at least she assumed so since no one had booed or thrown rotten eggs as Luke had led her to anticipate. But he and his daughter were nowhere to be seen that morning.

  She straightened a stack of napkins, then stepped back to look around the room. She already loved this place, the openness of it and the way the sun shone through a fixed window at the front, above the porch. How the ponderosa pine branches cast moving shadows across the polished wooden floor.

  Would the kids enjoy coming here?

  And how would they respond to the annual summer project she’d chosen for them? With the help of Lois Grant, the women’s ministry leader at the church, and a thumbs-up from Pastor McCrae, she’d quickly committed to an undertaking that was already near and dear to her heart. One that without a doubt had God’s seal of approval, too.


  With a sense of anticipation, she turned as the pastor of Christ’s Church and a handful of teens stepped through the door. Introductions were quickly made. Brothers Kendrick and Nelson Bennett, both redheaded and freckle-faced, towered over her though they were probably not much older than sixteen. Curly-haired Sybil, her eyes rimmed in black as dark as her obviously colored tresses, wandered the room with interest, and “Scottie” Scott, a petite brunette with a pixie haircut, immediately made herself at home as well.

  But Anna—a ponytailed, tomboyish-looking blonde dressed in well-worn Levi’s, a striped knit top and Western boots—hung slightly back. Unlike the other teenage girls, her face was devoid of makeup but, nevertheless, a natural prettiness was clearly evident. Hunter, she’d said her last name was. Could half the town be somehow related?

  Fifteen minutes later, when the group grew to a dozen teenagers chatting and meaningfully eyeing the food, Garrett clapped his hands to draw their attention.

  “Let’s give God thanks and dig in.”

  A murmur of agreement rippled among the young people and, following Garrett’s prayer, they loaded their plates.

  That’s when she saw them in the doorway.

  Without a doubt they were father and son, although the younger’s darker hair, parted in the middle, lay in unruly layers down to his shoulders. As tall as his father standing beside him, the lankier, sullen-eyed teen brushed by the older man to saunter over to the seating area where he plopped down on the couch beside Scottie. Bare legs outstretched from his baggy, below-the-knee shorts and feet encased in leather sandals, he cast his father a you-can-leave-any-time-now stare. Then he deliberately slid his arm around the girl next to him and pulled her close.

  Scottie giggled.

  “Delaney.” Luke leveled a meaningful look on the boy, who she guessed to be sixteen or seventeen. “I’d like you to meet my son, Travis.”

  The teen gave her a cursory nod of acknowledgment before reaching for a sandwich.

  Luke frowned, then motioned to the pretty tomboy glaring at Travis. “I assume you’ve already met my daughter, Anna.”

  Delaney steadied herself with her hand to the back of a chair. Luke had three kids, not one? And two of them were teenagers?

  The girl who’d earlier identified herself as a Hunter gave Delaney a reassuring smile, almost as if determined to make up for her older brother’s dearth of manners. Delaney didn’t see much resemblance between father and daughter. She must take after her mom.

  Garrett made a sweeping motion toward the coffee table. “Help yourself to a sandwich, Luke. Delaney’s put out quite a spread here.”

  Luke’s querying gaze met hers as if seeking permission—and maybe forgiveness for his son’s behavior?

  She nodded encouragingly. “There’s more than enough.”

  “Thanks.” A barely-there smile surfaced, causing Delaney’s heartbeat to skip. He looked especially attractive tonight in jeans and a blue T-shirt that not only matched his eyes but emphasized an unquestionably athletic frame. Thank goodness he’d eat and be on his way so she could keep her mind on the youth group business at hand.

  Luke filled his plate, then settled on the floor between Nelson and Kendrick. But even after everyone had devoured most of the food, and Garrett’s short devotion set the tone for an evening of Bible study, discussion and board games, Luke didn’t seem in any hurry to depart.

  To Delaney’s surprise—and irritation—he didn’t.

  * * *

  His son had outdone himself. He hadn’t wanted to come, but Luke had insisted. Understandably, Travis was disappointed that the male college student slated for the summer had pulled out at the last minute. But there was no excuse for what he was doing tonight.

  Delaney had graciously overlooked his behavior. But he could tell by her earlier almost nervous glances around the group as she’d tried unsuccessfully to encourage the sharing of personal experiences and spiritual challenges that his son’s conduct had in many ways set the tone for the evening. He was a popular kid, one who the others looked up to. Despite the buoyant enthusiasm Delaney brought to the mix, if Travis decided youth group was no longer coo
l, well, it wasn’t going to be cool to anybody else, either.

  Then again, maybe Delaney wasn’t a good fit. He glanced across the room where she’d returned from the kitchen with another supply of snacks. With Garrett called away, she was trying to get the attention of the now-laughing, chatting gathering of young folks setting up board games and paying her little attention.

  A jolt of sympathy—and irritation—shot through him.

  While Travis played a role in the evening’s debacle, this was his cousin’s fault. Garrett had allowed Delaney’s bright smile and pretty face to sway his decision-making in selecting a replacement for the college intern. She was young and inexperienced and it was apparent that the kids, following Travis’s lead, didn’t view her as an adult leader.

  But whoever’s fault it was, he’d had enough of this.

  His piercing whistle sliced through the high-ceilinged room, startling the kids into silence. They turned as one, eyes rounded, to his uncompromising glare. Then he gave a brisk nod toward the equally wide-eyed woman who was all but staring at him openmouthed, a flash of fire lighting her eyes.

  She was mad at him?

  “I think,” he said, dismissing her reaction as he carefully looked at each young person present, “that Ms. Marks has something to say to you.”

  Cowed—except for Travis who cast him a disgruntled look—they all looked at her.

  Standing before them, almost as if in front of a firing squad, she made an apologetic motion, the rings on her fingers catching the light.

  “I... I won’t interrupt your games long. I want to tell you a bit about the annual project the youth group will be doing this summer.” A tentative smile touched her lips as she looked hopefully from face to face for signs of interest. But she avoided his gaze. “High Country Hope Ministries has the opportunity to move one of their disadvantaged families into larger accommodations, enabling a family that’s been forced apart this past year to be reunited in a single dwelling.”


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