Goldie's Bears

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Goldie's Bears Page 2

by Mila Crawford

  But I wasn’t giving up, and I knew they wouldn’t either. Even if I was eighty years old and finally found her, it would’ve all been worth it.

  The truck bounced on the uneven ground, and I took the last turn before the cabin came into view, the headlights flashing across it. I pulled the truck beside the house, cut the engine, and for long seconds the three of us just sat there.

  “We will find them,” I said to first Marcus and then looked over at Kash. They both grunted in response before opening the doors and climbing out. I did the same and the three of us headed up the front steps and onto the porch. And then it hit me, like a punch to the face. I stopped and held out my arm, telling my brothers without saying anything to stay put. But surely they sensed it too.

  The front door was slightly ajar.

  This strong, instinctual feeling slammed into me.

  I pushed the door open, the wood creaking on the hinges. Everything in my body tightened, my muscles flexed under my skin, and my bear rose up, clawing at the surface.

  It was the smell, the scent that awoke something deep and primal inside of me. I growled low, more animal than man right now. And then I heard my brothers do the same. I looked over at them, seeing their bodies become slightly bigger, the shift right there at the surface. All three of us were ready to turn into bears, the aroma alone letting us know one thing.

  Our mate was inside.

  The same woman.

  For all three of us.

  I turned back around and faced the open doorway, my hands curled into tight fists at my side. Every possessive and territorial instinct in me rose up, like this beast demanding to be free.

  Hell, my bear was chomping at the bit to go to her, to claim her, mark her up, fill her with my cum so she was mine irrevocably. It was sheer self-control that kept me rooted to the spot.

  And once I saw her I knew all bets would be off, that not even self-control could keep me from having her.


  I heard this low rumble leave me, knew I was close to shifting, to going in there and claiming my mate.

  She was ours.

  I don’t know why I would have thought we’d get our own, that we’d each have a separate woman to claim. My brothers and I were close, always had been and always would be. It made sense we’d mate with the same woman.

  I felt my nails lengthen, and was aware that if I didn’t watch myself I’d shift, turn right here and hunt her down and mark her neck, making it known she was mine.

  I glanced over at Kash, saw the youngest bear was just as primal right now as we were, that he was barely hanging on.

  “Go the fuck inside so we can have her,” I said, my voice distorted, my animal cawing at me, trying to gain supremacy. I wanted to push Jonas out of the way, but I held my ground, growling out low, letting him know I wasn’t going to fucking stand here and be patient.

  Jonas snapped and bared his teeth at me, but he went inside. Kash and I followed, the air thick, heavy, hot around us. Her scent was potent, sweet, intoxicating. I was hard, so fucking hard I could have drilled holes in steel with my cock. I reached down and adjusted myself, the very thought of parting my mate’s thighs and shoving all my hard, thick inches into her so damn arousing.

  When I finally see her I won’t be able to stop myself. When I finally have her I’m going to get her pregnant.


  My body was strung tight as we made our way into the house. We stopped in the living room first, her scent permeating everything, slamming into every part of my body. I would always have it memorized now, ingrained in every inch of me, straight down to my marrow. I clenched and relaxed my hands continuously, the need to shift so strong inside of me that my body shook from the force of holding back. I stood there next to my recliner, closing my eyes and then inhaling deeply.

  The scent of a mate was unlike anything in this world. Sweet and potent, intoxicating from the pheromones. I opened my eyes and watched as Marcus and Jonas moved into the kitchen. I followed them and saw on the counter the three bowls we’d put in the fridge just this morning. Food out of each of them had been eaten. I leaned down and inhaled deeply once more, her scent stronger than the berries, cheese, even salmon.

  I looked at my brothers, both of them on edge, tense. Just like me. And then we heard a slight sigh. We all snapped our heads in the direction of where the bedrooms were.

  She was in there. Waiting for us … only us.

  On any other occasion a mated shifter was territorial, ready to kill if anyone came close to their female, but I was mated to the same woman as my brothers, and we were connected, all of us. We’d each have her alone, make her pleasure-filled, have her calling out our names. I could sense no jealousy from my siblings, and knew that there never would be.

  And then we found ourselves right in front of the bedroom where she was. I reached out and pushed the door open, her scent so strong I had to brace my hand on the doorframe to steady myself. I heard my brothers inhaling and exhaling roughly, the same as me.

  There she was lying in the center of the bed, her blonde curls fanned out over the pillow. She was in Marcus’s bed, and that just pissed me off. I wanted her in mine, as well, her body wrapped around my sheets.

  I knew one thing without a doubt. The only thing that we’d fight over was who would knock her up first.



  I heard loud, labored breaths, yet I kept my eyes closed. It was like how I assumed a man would sound after a hard day’s work. I slowly opened my eyes, sleep still present in me, trying to pull me under, but the feeling of being watched too strong to ignore. My vision cleared and I pushed myself up on the bed, my heart stopping as I took in exactly who was watching me.

  There wasn’t just one person standing at the foot of the bed, but three very large, very feral looking bear shifters. I could tell that right away, could see it in their huge, muscled bodies. The noises that came from them were feral and enough to make any sane person run, but I found them comforting, strangely enough.

  I should have been scared.

  I should have screamed.

  I should have run.

  But all I wanted to do was curl up on the bed and have these beautiful beasts surround me with warmth and love. I’m insane. Or maybe I’m dreaming.

  I knew, without a doubt, that these three giants were all mine. It was instinctive in me. I belonged to all of them. It was this realization, this epiphany that told me I was theirs and they were mine.

  As I let my gaze roam from one man to the other. I began to feel warmth spread through my entire body and felt wetness between my thighs, right at my pussy, soaking my panties. A longing that I had never known existed now took over me, and I could feel my body hunger for these men. I wanted them to touch me in every way possible. I wanted their hands to caress me, memorize every inch of me … own me.

  As the thought took over I couldn’t help but let my gaze move down their bodies. I felt my eyes widen as I took in the fact they were erect, all three of them. The outlines of their cocks were large, huge in fact. The “shortest” of the three men, which wasn’t saying much since they were all well over six feet in height, had this smirk on his face, one that had a shiver racing up my spine.

  “See something you like, sweetheart?”

  I felt my cheeks heat at the fact they’d noticed I’d looked at that part of their bodies. “Cause I sure as fuck like you looking down there, checking it out.”

  He might have been a few inches shorter than the other two, but Lord have mercy, his arms were massive, probably the largest biceps I had ever seen in my life. Some primal part of me wanted to lick their skin, feel the muscles bunch and flex under my tongue. I felt my face get hotter. I was beyond embarrassed at where my thoughts were headed. But I couldn’t help myself. It was like this other entity had taken over me.


  That one word slammed into my head. I knew what it was, what it meant.

  I was theirs irrevocably.
/>   “Aren’t you the cutest thing, blushing. It makes a man wonder what other parts of you are pink like those pretty little cheeks,” the one standing in the middle said with a hint of humor in his eyes. Then suddenly the tallest out of the three gave a visceral growl and stepped toward me. He seemed like he was on the verge of losing control.

  “Easy, Kash,” one of the men said.

  “Gentle, brother,” the other said to him.

  The one who’d growled snapped his head back and looked at them, but I saw he was visibly relaxing. When he looked at me again, gone was that primal expression.

  “Hi, darlin’. Don’t be scared, we would never hurt you.” His voice was scratchy, harsh even.

  “We’d never hurt you,” one of the other men said.

  They were brothers. I could see the similarity in their faces, in the way they held themselves.

  “I’m Jonas,” said the tallest out of the three.

  He moved a step closer until I could inhale his scent. It was woodsy, wild even. The other two came closer, one stopping at the foot of the bed, the other beside me. The three of them surrounded me, their scents making me feel drunk.

  “I’m Kash,” the one at the foot of the bed said.

  “And I’m Marcus,” the third brother said, all three looking at me like they wanted to devour me.

  “Tell us your name, mate,” the one named Marcus said, this serrated feel to his voice, like a knife running over my body.

  I felt my breath catch and the blood in my veins simmer. It was like this wild entity was inside of me, begging to be set free, telling me I was finally home. And then Jonas reached out and touched my cheek softly. I found myself leaning into his touch, unable to stop myself.

  I longed for all three of them to surround me, to touch me, to love me … to fuck me.

  “Goldie,” I whispered. “My name is Goldie Lockwood.” And these are my three bears. I looked between the three of them. “We’re mates, aren't we?”

  I heard the low, deep rumble of their answer.

  “You belong to all three of us the same as we belong to you,” Kash said.

  “You. Are. Ours,” Marcus said, and I felt like he was the most unstable one right now, the one who was having a hard time controlling himself.

  I couldn't breathe, couldn’t even think right now.

  “Let us take care of you. Let us tend to our mate,” Jonas said and smiled, his hand still on my cheek.

  “Let us show you how long we’ve waited for you, how much we want you in our lives,” Kash said.

  “You’re ours, and we want to show you,” Marcus finally said. He turned and grabbed a change of clothes for me, ones that would be far too big surely, but ones I looked forward to wearing because they were theirs.

  “I’ll run her a bath,” Kash said, his voice soft, but his tenor deep, strong. He left and went into the adjoining bathroom. A second later I heard the water running.

  I couldn't lie and say the idea of a bath didn’t sound wonderful at the moment.

  “And I’ll get you something to eat,” Jonas said, looked me in the eye, and then smiled. I felt warmth spread through me that these men wanted to tend to me.

  Before I knew what was happening, Kash took Jonas’s place beside me, and had me out of the bed and in his arms seconds later. I gasped and wrapped my arms around him. He growled low, and the sound went to every intimate part of my body. It felt so good being in his arms, being with all three of them.

  I buried my head in the crook of his shoulder, the scent of woods and clean mountain air filling my head, making me intoxicated and heady with need and desire. But most of all it made me feel and realize I was right where I should be.

  When we got into the bathroom, my breath caught in my throat at the sight. It was rustic yet modern, with exposed wood and white granite. The bathtub was large and round, with claw feet and rose-colored handles. The water already halfway filled it, and the scent of roses slammed into my nose.

  “We’ve been preparing this home for you, for the arrival of our mate,” Kash said and gently set me down on the edge of the counter. He took a step back, his huge body blocking out everything behind him. “Our only thought, only goal, was to find you and make this home yours, to make you as comfortable as possible.”

  Oh, I was comfortable all right.

  I knew this was a crazy situation, that I should have thought this out more. But I couldn't deny that all of this was right, that I felt like nothing else mattered.

  I felt like this is where I was always meant to be.

  Kash ever so gently started to peel away my clothing, one layer at a time. I didn't stop him, because I wanted this, desperately. I couldn’t help but notice that for such a huge man he had the gentlest hands, the softest touch. I could feel the calluses on his fingers, which told me that he was used to doing manual labor.

  The rough texture felt seductive against my skin, making my flesh vibrate with desire and need. Once I was naked Kash took a step back and examined me fully. I watched as his eyes became half-lidded; saw how his nostrils flared almost violently. I felt my heart race.

  “Don’t be scared. I’d never hurt you. None of us would.” His voice was deeper, slightly distorted. I knew his bear was at the surface. “It’s just that I--we’ve--waited a long time for you. My bear wants out, wants to claim you, see for himself what you feel like, taste like.”

  God, I was so wet. I shifted slightly, watching as he inhaled, his chest rising and falling rapidly. I knew without asking he could smell my desire.

  He stepped closer and I found myself lifting my hand and gently touching his face. He had a days’ worth of stubble on his cheeks and chin, the abrasive feeling arousing.

  “I know you’d never hurt me. I know none of you will.” And even though I didn't know them, even though I’d just met them, there was no doubt knew that they’d keep me safe no matter what.

  I could have given myself over right then and there, but Kash just closed his eyes and shook his head before taking a step back. “First we take care of you,” he seemed to say to himself.

  The next thing I knew he had me in his arms again and gently placed me in the tub. The warm water and bubbles felt amazing against my sore muscles. Kash used a washcloth to gently clean me, and I let him. This felt like the most natural thing in the world.

  “Let us take care of you, treat you like the queen you are.”

  Once he was done with my body he went to my hair, rubbing in the shampoo and massaging it in. It was heaven.

  I felt all the fear that I’d had earlier in the woods fade away as if a distant memory.

  I was home.

  I was safe.

  I was mated.



  My bear was itching to get out, to shift, to pierce her neck and show my mate that she was mine—ours. But I kept him in check, knowing that right now I needed to tend to her. But seeing her naked, her womanly curves calling out to the male part of me, her full breasts with her rosy peaked tips, her nipples hard, making my mouth water, was almost my undoing.

  And then her pussy, with that trimmed thatch of golden hair covering her slit, had me growling out low.

  God, my cock was hard, my dick digging into my zipper, wanting free, wanting to be buried in her lush, hot pussy.

  I wanted to see her bent over, her ass spread, and her pussy on clear display. Fuck, my balls were drawn up tight, my cum built up, ready to fill her, make her pregnant. I made a low sound in the back of my throat, watching as her nipples hardened further. The scent of her desire was like a blooming flower in my nose.

  I stared at her in the tub, the bubbles moving along her skin, something I wished I were doing with my hands. She closed her eyes, resting back against the porcelain, her contentment clear.

  Male pride filled me that I’d brought that out in my mate. I reached out and ran my knuckles over her cheek, her skin so smooth, like silk. She let out a sigh and my cock jerked, the fucker wanting to be buried
deep inside of her.

  “That feels so good,” she whispered softly and I couldn’t help the rumble that came from deep within my chest.

  “I want to make you feel even better,” I found myself saying. She was looking right at me, her pupils dilated, the black eating up the bright blue of her irises. I didn’t want to rush her, knew my brothers would feel the same, but the need in me was too strong.

  We had found our mate and the instinct to claim her rode us hard. It was instinctual, something we couldn’t stop, something we couldn’t control. And even though she was human, she felt the connection between us as well. It was an ingrained sensation, a feeling that her body and mind recognized us as hers.

  “I want you to make me feel good,” she whispered and licked her lips, her pink tongue running over her plump bottom swell.

  I moved my hand lower, having it disappear underneath the water, along her full breasts, and down her curved hip. I let my fingers linger there, her skin silky from the water, slick from the bubbles. I stared at her face, watching as she started breathing harder, faster.

  Then I touched her pussy, wet not just from the water, but no doubt because she needed a cock ... our cocks in her.

  My dick jerked again and I felt pre-cum drip from the tip. I started rubbing my fingers through her folds, watching her expression change as the pleasure took over. She closed her eyes and moaned.

  And then I slipped my fingers into her pussy, her inner muscles clenching around my digits. I groaned as her body sucked me in deeper. I used my thumb to play with her clit, rubbing that little bud back and forth, needing her to come for me.

  “Let go,” I ordered. “Come for me, let me see you unhinged.” She reached out and curled her hand around the edge of the tub, crying out as she climaxed, as she obeyed me. I couldn’t help myself; I pulled my cock out and started jerking off as she came for me. “Look at me,” I demanded. She opened her eyes and started at me. I had my fingers lodged in her cunt, and my hand wrapped tightly around my dick. And then, as I finger-fucked her, I found my own release. I groaned out just as she came a second time, her mouth parted, her eyes wide. I came all over the side of the tub, my seed shooting out of me with the need to shove my cock deep in her body, shooting my load into her womb, make her big with my child.


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