Clark, Rachel - Alicia's Awakening (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Clark, Rachel - Alicia's Awakening (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 10

by Rachel Clark

  “Cabbage, Sir,” I say more confidently.

  “Would you like to use your safe word, little sub?”

  I’m so thrilled to hear him call me “little sub” again I almost forget to answer the question. Apparently he takes my hesitation as a negative response because he begins to move his hand away.

  “Not yet, Sir,” I finally answer honestly. I’m terrified by some of the stories I’ve read about anal sex on the Internet. So many things can go wrong, but I trust Doug to know what he’s doing. I can’t guarantee I’ll like it, but I’m at least willing to try for Doug’s sake.

  “Good girl,” he answers as he kisses the back of my neck and moves his fingers back to where they were. “Thank you for being brave…and for being honest.”

  I want to melt at his encouraging words, but the thick finger prodding at my anus keeps me in the here and now. Instead of pushing his way in, Doug seems to play with the puckered muscle, almost like he’s teasing me. The thing that takes me by surprise is that my muscles seem to relax and open without my conscious thought. I can honestly say I never expected that to happen.

  The finger he pushes deep into my ass feels so strange, but I can’t deny the sensual feeling. He keeps me lying on my side, my knees bent slightly toward my chest as he finger-fucks my ass. My own moan takes me by surprise. Am I actually enjoying this? I chose to let him do this because he wanted to. I never expected to derive any pleasure from it. I’d thought only to endure the experience because it was what my Dom wanted.

  But now I’m even wriggling in his hold, gasping as my orgasm creeps closer. He pins me down, lifting his leg over my hip, his other arm wrapped firmly around my middle, anchoring me in place. The forced immobility suddenly frightens me. I’ve always had wriggle room, the illusion of being able to escape. Now I have nothing and he’s forcing more fingers into my ass.

  Fuck. I’m on the verge of orgasm, yet I’m absolutely terrified. My breathing starts to quicken, my muscles begin to tremble, tears fill my eyes as the most ridiculous mix of emotions screech through my mind. My safe word trembles on my lips.

  “It’s okay,” Doug says quietly, lifting the weight of his leg slightly, loosening his grip around my waist. He even removes all but one finger from my ass. He continues to fuck me slowly, but this time it’s comforting, no longer frightening, his touch familiar and reassuring.

  I want to apologize for letting him down, but he thanks me for being brave instead. I hiccup as I try to hide my reaction.

  “Come on, little sub,” he says as he begins to move away. “Shower time.”

  * * * *

  Lachlan was very glad to be flying first class. He’d asked his personal assistant to book the next flight, any flight, any seat, but with the current mood he was in he was liable to scare the passengers in coach just with the expression on his face.

  “Would you like a drink, sir?” the flight attendant asked with a friendly smile.

  “Soda water,” he said, trying not to growl the words. “Thanks.”

  What he really wanted was scotch, neat, but a couple hits of alcohol might just lead to a couple of punches landing squarely in that asshole’s face. He, and many other Doms at the club, had warned Robert of the dangers inherent in erotic asphyxiation. They’d even gone around the club making certain that the submissives understood that it was not only banned at their club but that everyone knew why. Even Casey had assured him that she would never give her consent to breath play.

  And it seemed that she hadn’t.

  The phone call he’d gotten from Mitchell several hours ago had just made him angrier. A safe word was a sacred rule to all involved in BDSM activities. Only mongrels and wife beaters ignored when their submissive was hurting. If she’d used her safe word, Robert should have immediately ceased what he was doing, released her from her bonds, and offered first aid treatment if needed. The fact that he’d continued their play, nearly suffocated his sub, and then not even gone with her to the hospital made the man’s worth less than nothing. If Robert had been standing beside him when he’d gotten that phone call, Lachlan would have been tempted to strangle the man until he had a heart attack.

  As it was all he could think about was Alicia. She didn’t even know the man, had only just been introduced to the lifestyle, and Lachlan fully planned to claim her as soon as he got home, but it didn’t quell the fear in his heart. He cared for Casey, hoped that she made a full and quick recovery, but it was fear for Alicia’s safety that stopped him cold.

  He trusted Doug to protect her. He really did, but fear for the woman he loved wasn’t rational, wasn’t based in logic. Robert had been a trusted Dom at the club, a close friend to many of the other Doms. If they’d all read him so poorly, it was possible that there were others just like him.

  Lachlan needed to see Alicia, to hold her, to love her, to assure himself that she was okay.

  He rubbed a hand down his face, annoyed at the conflicting emotions. He’d asked Doug for help simply because he never, ever got personally involved with the subs he trained. Was it possible that his cold aloofness could put the woman Lachlan loved in danger?

  A few hours ago he would have said “definitely no,” but how the hell could Lachlan trust his own judgment after what a man he’d thought of as a close friend had done even when he knew the deadly risks?

  Chapter Fifteen

  I’m still tingling all over from our very long, very intimate shower when the door chime sounds. I’ve gotten so used to being naked that it takes nearly five seconds for me realize it and start thinking of places to hide. I’m halfway down the hallway to the bedroom when my Dom calls me back.

  “Where are you going, little sub?” he asks as he grabs both of my hands and pulls them behind me. I already recognize the sound of them being clipped together, so my heart rate leaps erratically.

  “The door…” I swallow nervously as he leads me back into the main living area. “You have a visitor.”

  “That I do,” he says as he eases me down so that I sit on top of the glass coffee table. I’m already embarrassed by the thought of being found like this, but I can’t deny that it’s also turning me on. We discussed exhibitionism in our contract negotiations. At the time it had sounded rather kinky and it was only someone else watching, not touching, so I’d agreed to it. Judging by the fact that I can barely breathe from a mixture of anxiety and excitement, it seems I might like it even more than I realized. Doug pushes my knees apart, tilting me forward slightly so that my wet pussy lips smear my juices on the glass. He brushes the back of his hands over both my breasts, and as usual the oversensitive nipples pucker instantly.

  I flinch when the door chime rings through the apartment again.

  He grins, squatting down in front of me as he gives me his instructions.

  “No talking, little sub. The only word you are allowed to say is your safe word. Otherwise I expect you to be silent. Understood?”

  I nod my understanding, shivering slightly as I imagine who might be about to walk through that door. Hopefully, it’s someone I met at the club or maybe earlier at the hospital. Or, maybe not. Perhaps I’d be less embarrassed to be found like this by someone I don’t know.

  The quiet conversation of two deep voices seems to stretch out interminably. Anticipation is pounding through me. I need to know who Doug is talking to. I need to be seen like this. Somehow, even though I’m terrified, I’m committed to this course of action. I want—no need—it to happen now.

  Finally, I hear footsteps coming this way. I know I’m supposed to keep my eyes lowered, but I peek up through my lashes anyway. Fuck, I’ve never been known for my patience.

  “Nice table ornament,” the unknown man says as they pass through the room and head into the kitchen. I hear Doug thank him for his compliment but then they continue the conversation they’ve been having. It takes forever and I’m beginning to consider mutiny. I don’t like being ignored. I’ve never liked it. Maybe if I do something bratty, Doug will have to punish m
e and I’ll get the exhibitionistic experience I’m now craving.

  Heat swells through me at the idea of being spanked to orgasm in front of a watching stranger, but then the shame I would bring to Doug by openly defying him makes me hesitate. I want to make the man proud. Not make his friends think he’s lousy at training subs.

  I try to relax. Doug has warned me before not to move around while my arms are secured behind my back. The idea of tripping and breaking my nose because I can’t save myself is not a pleasant one. I return to work in just over four days. I really don’t want to explain two black eyes to my boss.

  Or to Lachlan.

  For the first time I can ever remember I’m not excited about Lachlan’s homecoming. He usually arrives on my doorstep that evening with a bottle of wine and a couple of movies. We talk every day on the phone, so there’s never any need for that “catching up” conversation. It’s just really nice to sit in the same room with my best friend.

  This time I don’t even know when he’s flying in. I don’t even know why he’s flying in. Does he know Casey? It’s clear that he knows at least a couple of Doug’s friends, but with Doug living such a different lifestyle it seems an unlikely connection. I’ve just always assumed that Lachlan doesn’t know about Doug’s kinks. Maybe that was an erroneous hypothesis on my part.

  I’m so deep in thought that I jump at the quiet sound of the front door closing. Was that someone coming in? Or was that Doug’s visitor leaving. I shake nervously as all kinds of scenarios race through my head. Doug is here. He wouldn’t leave me alone in the apartment. If someone did come in the front door unannounced and uninvited, Doug is within screaming distance.

  I’m relieved to see him walk back in from the front foyer. It’s a little disconcerting that two full-grown men were able to walk through the living area without me noticing, but then the reality of the situation sinks in. Whoever my Dom’s visitor was, he wasn’t staying to watch. Maybe Doug changed his mind when it comes to exhibitionistic tendencies. There were several hard limits on his side of the contract as well as mine, and we did write in a clause about discussing changes if either one of us discovered an issue we’d not considered relevant at the time.

  But it would have been nice to discuss his change of mind first.

  He steps into the room, says the words “good girl,” thereby thoroughly derailing my internal rant, and then undoes the zipper on his pants. His cock grows longer as I watch it, his own hand working to make it harder.

  “Open your mouth,” he says as he steps closer. I can see the bead of pre-cum glistening at the tip, and I lick my lips in anticipation. Our agreement says that any oral sex is to be accompanied by a condom or dental dam but after this morning’s unprotected sex, it’s clear that we’ve moved past that. His first thrust pushes him to the back of my throat. I struggle to adjust, gagging slightly as I try. He eases back just a little, giving me a moment to realize I can still breathe, and then pushes deep once more.

  With my hands clipped behind me I have no control. He twists his fingers into my hair, holding me hard against him, not letting me move away. I panic a little. With my mouth full I can’t utter my safe word, but I’m almost surprised to realize I trust him enough for it not to matter. His quiet admonishment to mind my teeth makes me realize I’m not exactly powerless here. The thought almost makes me laugh. Too bad I have a cock in the way.

  He thrusts again but then pulls back, easing his cock from my mouth as he tilts my face up so that I’m looking into his eyes. He’s smiling when he growls one word. “Concentrate.”

  I try to nod in acknowledgement, but he thrusts his cock back into my mouth, and all I can do is groan. He starts a steady pace, forcing me to take all he has to offer. My eyes are watering as I suppress the reflex to gag, but it’s his encouraging words and sensual groans that have me wanting to give him more. I finally manage to swallow around him, concentrating so hard on flexing the correct muscles that I’m barely prepared for his response.

  “Shit,” he growls as his fingers tighten in my hair and his cock throbs in my mouth. “Do that again.” I try hard to follow his instructions, whimpering slightly when I feel him slide deeper down my throat. He holds still. “Swallow.” Finally I manage it, and groan with him this time. “Do you need to use your safe word, little sub?”

  I try to shake my head, but his grip holds me still. He seems ready to withdraw so that I can answer him verbally. I suck harder instead, taking him by surprise. “Perfect,” he says as he starts fucking my mouth harder, faster, sliding deeper. Soon he’s my whole world, my only thought to control my gag reflex and swallow when I can. He’s panting, grunting, gripping my hair harder. I feel him twitch, his cock suddenly seeming wider as he pulls back slightly and bathes the back of my throat with his cum. I swallow convulsively as stream after stream pulses into my mouth.

  Groaning a sound of satisfaction, he carefully eases from my mouth. He gathers a drop of cum from my lips with his finger and presses it onto my tongue. I lick his finger, closing my eyes as I savor the taste.

  “Thank you, little sub,” he says as he leans down to press a kiss to my lips. “I’ve never done that without a condom before.”

  “Never?” I ask, feeling a little stunned. Most people don’t understand that oral sex without a condom can be just as dangerous as unprotected vaginal sex when it comes to sexually transmitted infections. Thankfully, we both know the results of our latest tests, and we’ve already discussed my lack of sex life before meeting him. But there is one question I probably should have asked, though. “When was the last time you trained a sub?”

  “About three months ago,” he says absently as he moves around me to unclip my wrist cuffs. I cry out when he moves my arms. I didn’t realize that I’d been bound long enough for it to hurt. He massages my shoulders and upper arms as I try to remember why I asked my question.

  “Three months?” I finally ask in alarm. There are diseases that can take more than three months to show up in blood tests. Surely he knows that.

  “Hey,” he says quietly as I begin to shake in reaction. “I don’t have sex with all the subs I train.” He squats down in front of me. “I wouldn’t have discarded the condoms if there had been any chance it wasn’t safe for both of us.”

  “Oh,” I say, feeling awful for having doubted him. But I am very glad for his reassurance. I still can’t contain my curiosity though. “How long has it been since you had sex before me?” I quickly tack on the word “Sir.” Technically we are still Dom and sub right now.

  He smiles and laughs softly. “Longer than I care to admit.” He must read my next question in my eyes because he lifts a finger to my mouth, shushing me. “More than twelve months. That’s all you need to know.”

  I press a kiss to his finger—I can’t help myself—but I’m still a little miffed by his evasiveness. Hell, I had to tell him the exact number of months. He lifts his finger higher to tap my nose.

  “Behave, little sub, or I won’t give you your reward for being so good while I had a visitor.”

  My reward? I grin. I like rewards. The last one he gave me for being good left me completely, utterly, thoroughly exhausted. I really hope it’s one of those types of rewards.

  “Good girl,” he says, obviously reading my excitement in my eyes. “I have some paperwork I need to do. I want you to go have a nap. You’re going to need your strength.” His wide grin suggests I’m in for a hell of a ride, but I can see that his enthusiasm for it doesn’t really match mine. Not knowing what it is, maybe I shouldn’t get so excited. The past few days he’s pushed me to my limits and beyond several times. I suspect he’s trying to get me to use my safe word. I’ve only felt the need that one time, but he stopped before the word left my lips. He smoothes a thumb over my brow, perhaps trying to ease the worry line that is probably there. “It’s okay, little sub. I’m pretty sure you’re going to like this reward.”

  “But you won’t, Sir,” I say, without really making it a question.

/>   “I’m not sure yet,” he says with a crooked smile. “Get some rest. I’ll come and get you in a couple of hours.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I say, glancing down at the mess I’ve made to the glass table.

  He laughs softly. “Clearly, exhibitionism is something you want to explore.”

  I know I’m blushing, I can feel the heat in my cheeks, but it’s soon forgotten when he lowers his fingers to my pussy and pushes inside.

  “Perhaps my little sub deserves a part of her reward now.”

  I nod eagerly, moaning as his fingers push deeper and his other hand eases my knees wider apart. His thumb finds my clit and rubs over the tender nub at the same time that he presses his lips to mine. I wrap my arms around him, holding on for dear life as his firm touch quickly drives me to the brink of orgasm. My sadistic Dom holds me there for a while, teasing my clit just enough to make me insane.

  Finally he says, “Come for me, little one,” before plunging his tongue back into my mouth and forcing his fingers deeper into my pussy and his thumb harder against my clit. I shudder all over, shaking violently as orgasm overwhelms me. He gentles his movements, easing me through the maelstrom of sensations, kissing me lovingly as my body settles down and liquid heat flows through my veins. I moan, oversensitive to his touch as he slowly pulls his fingers from my body. He continues to kiss me softly as he lifts me into his arms and carries me toward the bathroom.

  He places me feetfirst on the cool tiles and holds me close until I’m steady enough to stand on my own. “Quick shower and then into bed.”

  With a last kiss on the tip of my nose, he leaves the room.

  * * * *

  Doug quickly cleaned up the living area and then headed into his study. Usually when training subs he kept this area as his own, but with Alicia he’d broken his own rules and invited her into his inner sanctum. He glanced at the wide leather chair he’d dragged in here for her to sit on so that he could keep her close even when he was working. He’d been lucky this vacation. Only a handful of work-related things had needed his attention, but it had been very satisfying to have Alicia so close while he did what was necessary.


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