Song of The Moon Artemis Lupine

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Song of The Moon Artemis Lupine Page 28

by Banks, Catherine

  Ares walked to stand beside me and asked, “Shall we forgive them my Princess?”

  I extended my hands to Koda and Matt. “There is nothing to forgive. You fought, and there were simply too many.”

  Matt shook his head. “We could have taken them.”

  I shook my head. “No more. I do not forgive you for there is nothing to forgive. You did your best at the time and that is all we can ask of you.”

  Matt stood up and kissed the back of my hand before smiling. Koda shook his head and looked up at Ares. “What of you, my alpha? Am I to be punished for this unforgivable offense?”

  Ares picked my hand up and placed it against his cheek. “We have our pack mate back unharmed. I think if she can forgive, then for this instance so can I.”

  Koda stared in shock at Ares then stood up and kissed my cheek. “As Matt said, we are in your debt.”

  I smiled and kissed his cheek. “Then repay your debt by taking me away from here.”

  Victor sighed. “We must find another refuge it seems. The lion’s den is too full for us to hide safely.”

  We started down the stairs and Ares picked me up in his arms, cradling me against his chest. I frowned. “Why are you carrying me?”

  He laid his head against mine and said, “So that I know you are safe. I will not let you out of my sight again.”

  I smiled and kissed his lips softly. “As my alpha wills it.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Isn’t it supposed to be as my king wills it?”

  I shrugged. “Alpha, king, same thing.”

  We were almost to the door when Koda yelled, “Get down!”

  Ares turned and squatted down so that his body was shielding me from whatever was attacking us. I could hear a woman shouting and knew it was Isabella. I tried to get free of Ares’ arms, but he held me. “I will not lose you again.”

  I stared at him in shock and for the first time saw the sadness on his face. “Ares, you have to help them.”

  “Can you stay here, out of trouble?” He asked.

  I nodded my head. He kissed my lips as though it were the only thing he needed to survive, and then disappeared out of the house. I sat on the stairway stunned from the kiss. I could hear them fighting and her rage-filled screams, and then everything went silent. I ran down the stairs and stood in the open doorway, staring in shock at what I saw. Maurice stood covered in moonlight over his dead wife’s body. His dagger like fingers glistened with blood. I swallowed as he looked up at me with eyes burning with power. He asked, “Have you been harmed?” I shook my head. He asked, “Do you feel we have broken our treaty?” I looked at Ares and he nodded. I shook my head in response. Maurice smiled and it made me smile back at him. “Then my job is done.” He turned and floated across the lawn, towards a limo and climbed in.

  Ares rushed to me and glared at me. “You promised to stay there.”

  “I promised to stay out of trouble, and when I came to the door there was no trouble,” I said with a smile on my face.

  He sighed and Koda laughed. “She’s quick.”

  Ares snarled. “Don’t encourage her!”

  I pressed my naked body against his and felt his body respond against me. “I think encouragement is what we all need.”

  He stared down into my eyes and then shook his head taking a step back from me so that our bodies no longer touched. “No, not tonight. Tonight I want to just hold you, while we sleep. To be a united pack again.”

  I frowned, but nodded my head. “Alright.” I walked towards the second limo that I figured was waiting for us, and climbed inside.

  Victor climbed in after me and frowned. “You are bothered?”

  I wiped at the tears building in my eyes and knew I was being stupid and irrational. “No.”

  Koda climbed in next and frowned at me. “What’s wrong?”

  I pressed myself against the seat and stared out the window of the car. Once the door was shut and everyone was inside, the car drove off. I could hear the others whispering quietly, but ignored them trying to console myself for the stupid feeling I was having. Ares had rejected me, but not because he was mad or didn’t want me, and yet it was still rejection. I brought my knees up, hugged them against my body, and buried my face between them. I felt a hand on me and knew it was Ares and did not look up. I stayed in my ball, as I tried to convince myself of how stupid I was being, and yet the sting of his rejection was too much after the drama I had been through. Ares tried to pick me up in his arms and it was too much.

  I moved across the limo as fast as I could to sit beside Jean Pierre. Ares snarled at Jean Pierre and he shrugged. “I did nothing Ares.”

  Ares asked, “Then why did she run to you?’

  I hid my face behind Jean Pierre’s arm as I answered. “He is not wolf and I need a second to clear my head.”

  Ares voice was short as he asked, “Why?”

  I opened my mouth to tell him and then stopped. I asked instead, “Why didn’t you tell me I am half sidhe?”

  Everyone instantly stopped moving, so much so that I couldn’t hear a heartbeat. Ares asked, “Who told you?”

  I whispered, “Isabella. It is one of the reasons she wanted me. They were trying to force me to learn my powers.”

  Ares sighed. “I did not tell you because the fey are not our allies right now. If they learned of your existence, they might join in the hunt for you.”

  I chanced a look at Ares and asked, “Why does everyone want me dead?”

  “Everyone wants you because you’re valuable,” Ares said with a sympathetic smile. He then held his hand out to me. I stared at it and then turned my face into Jean Pierre’s back. Ares snarled. “Why are you refusing me?”

  I asked still pressed against Jean Pierre, “Why did you reject me?” Ares laughed softly and I looked up to glare at him. “You think this is funny?’’ The car stopped at the mansion. I hurried out of the car before Ares could stop me and ran up to the doors. The guards stared at me in shock at first. I realized that I was still naked. I straightened my shoulders and spoke in as firm a voice as I could, “Open the doors for your Princess.”

  The guards bowed their heads and hurried to open the doors. Ares was close behind me now. I ran inside as fast as I could into the bedroom. It surprised me that I remembered how to get there. I ran straight to the bedroom and locked the door behind me. I turned the shower on and climbed in letting the hot water beat against me as I cried for a reason I knew I shouldn’t be. Sometimes being a woman means that your emotions don’t always make sense. I heard the door crack and knew Ares had broken the door down. I didn’t look at him. I continued to cry and face the back corner of the shower stall.

  I felt his anger as he came closer to me and cringed as he opened the shower. I whimpered as his anger hit me like a waft of hot steam. He inhaled, then exhaled, and the anger was gone. He turned me around to face him and I dropped my gaze immediately. He tilted my chin up and kissed my lips, but I pulled away. He whispered, “Artemis.” He said it almost chiding and I turned away from him to face the corner again. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered into my ear, “Silly woman. I did not reject you.”

  I whimpered. “You did. You said you just wanted to…”

  He nodded his head against my hair. “That I wanted to hold you and be a united pack. Not that I didn’t want you. Artemis.” He turned me around and stared at my face. His small smile vanished and he put his hands on either side of my face. “Artemis, I could never reject you. You are all I want and more. I just did not want sex with you tonight, because the thought of losing you was too much…”

  Koda answered from outside the shower. “You should see the dining room.”

  Matt sighed. “It will take many days for the holes to be repaired.”

  Ares growled. “Who invited you?”

  Koda and Matt stepped into the shower and stood on either side of us. Koda smiled. “She is our pack mate too.”

  Ares frowned. “You see? Even if we had wanted time
alone, we would not get it.”

  I smiled a little and then shook my head. “But you did reject me.”

  All of the men sighed. Ares asked, “Are you ready for that step? Are you sure that you want to do that?”

  I thought about it and asked, “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Ares smiled. “You have only known me a few days.”

  I smelled Victor come near the room and spoke loud enough for him to hear, “A good friend of mine said that love is not something that we should waste. That if I love then I should love. I have realized that… I do.” I looked into Ares’ shocked eyes and said the only thing I knew truly in my heart, at that moment, “I love you Ares. All I could think about when I let those men take me was how angry you were going to be at me and how hurt you were going to be… because I left…” I began to cry again and Ares hugged me.

  He kissed my cheek and said, “I was not angry or hurt, just, well…okay I was angry, but not how you thought. I’m just happy that you are alive and safe.” He pulled back from me so I could see his face and I realized that everyone else was gone. He smiled at me. The look in his eyes said it before he did. “I love you too, Artemis. More than you will ever know.” He kissed my lips and I kissed him back. I let my hands travel up his body and into his hair and he pressed me up against the glass of the shower stall.

  Ares’ hands ran along my sides, but traveled no where else, as though he were worried of what I would and wouldn’t allow. I grabbed his hands and brought them forward to cup my chest. I whispered, “I want to finish our connection, to truly be your mate. I want to be Artemis Lupine. I want you, Ares.”

  He stared into my eyes, his face full of conflict. Then his need took over and he kissed me back.

  What started in the shower, ended on the floor. It is a wondrous thing to have someone make love to you. I knew without a doubt in my heart that Ares and I loved each other. In those moments, it didn’t matter to me that I had been destined for him or that he was a killer at times. He was mine and I was his. That was all I needed to know. We lay breathing heavily on the floor, as our bodies tried to calm down. I turned my head and stared at his handsome face. He smiled at me, making his eyes shine with the happiness he felt. It was the first full smile I had seen on him. I asked, “Will it be like that every time?”

  He shook his head and I frowned. He laughed and pulled me against his body, proving that he could go again if I wanted to. He said, “It’s better, the longer you are together.”

  I smiled at him, then Koda cleared his throat. I looked over the top of Ares’ body at him and frowned. “How long have you been there?”

  Koda smiled. “Do not worry, we just came in.”

  Ares sighed. “Koda, what is it?”

  Koda blushed a little and spoke in a voice barely above a whisper, “I do not mean to interrupt, but we too have craved the attention of our pack mate.” I stared at Koda in shock. He shook his head and waved his hands back and forth, “Not like that! We just want to sleep with you.” I opened my mouth in shock and Koda groaned. “Artemis! To sleep with you, you know SLEEP!”

  Matt tossed two robes at us. Ares quickly put his on and faced his two pack members. I slipped mine on and stood beside Ares. “Are you asking for me to come to bed so we can sleep in our pack?” Koda and Matt nodded their heads in unison. I smiled. “Very well.” We walked quickly to the bed and I hopped up in the center. Ares climbed in on my left side and I laid my head down on his chest, while Koda climbed in behind me and molded himself to my back. Matt lay down at our feet and wrapped his arms around my legs. I smiled happily and closed my eyes. “I love you all.”

  Koda kissed my cheek softly. “I love you as well.”

  Matt kissed my foot. “Me as well.”


  Chapter Eleven

  We left France early in the morning, but without Victor or Jean Pierre. They were forced to stay behind to discuss some impending threat, which I assumed was regarding the attacks on the other countries. The connection between Ares and me was stronger than ever. I needed to have constant physical contact. We grabbed the first flight and I felt my worry ease as we left France.

  “Where are we going, Ares?” I asked as I relaxed against the seat.

  Ares smiled happily. “My home, in Germany.”

  I stared at him in shock for a minute and then smiled. He did have German features as did Koda and Matt.

  My smile left as a thought came to mind. “Great. Big, German, werewolf women. You couldn’t have come from a country with small women, could you?”

  Ares kissed my cheek. “You’ll be fine.”

  I smiled evilly. “Maybe I’ll just toast them with a fireball.”

  Ares shook his head. “You aren’t allowed to use your sidhe powers unless absolutely necessary. No one must know that you have them.”

  I groaned. “Great. I finally get powers and now I can’t use them.” After a little accident this morning, where I’d torched a hand towel, we realized I was able to use my sidhe powers.

  The plane touched down and we walked through the airport to the waiting vehicle. A man, standing at least seven feet tall, leaned against the hood of a strange European vehicle. He smiled at Ares and bowed at the waist. “Greetings Ares.”

  Ares bowed. “Greetings Brother.”

  The man turned to me and smiled as he spoke to Ares. “I see your taste in women has improved.”

  My lip twitched in a snarl and Ares wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “This is my mate, Ulger and your Princess.”

  Ulger dropped to one knee in front of me. “Forgive me, Princess, I had not heard that Prince Ares took a mate.”

  I looked at Ares for help, but he just smiled. “Uh, you’re forgiven,” I said awkwardly.

  Ulger stood up and kissed the back of my hand. “Thank you, Princess.”

  Ares cleared his throat and Ulger turned to him. “Darius wanted me to tell you that Darren has escaped our trackers. We aren’t sure where he has gone, but we’ve sent additional trackers to pick up his trail.”

  “My dad got away? He’s still alive?” I asked in shock.

  Ares wrapped his arm around my shoulders and whispered, “I won’t let him hurt you.”

  His words and touch calmed my nerves and I relaxed against his side. “I know.”

  Ares opened the back door and smiled brightly. “Are you ready to meet more of our kind?”

  I shook my head. “No, but what choice do I have?”

  We drove in silence for a few hours and my mind began wandering. What were these women like? Were they all as beautiful as the ones I had seen? Ares tried to pull me into his lap and I resisted, pulling away from him. He frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  I saw the look of concern on his face and forced the words out before I lost my nerve. “If I let you, would you leave me, for these women?”

  Ares smiled, his blue eyes sparkling. “Not a chance. Artemis, I love you. I thought you were over this?”

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry. I’m just nervous.” I leaned against him and closed my eyes.

  He whispered, “You are the only woman for me. Whether you feel the same for me or not, I will always love you.”

  I looked up at him and saw the pain in his eyes. He thought I was trying to tell him that I didn’t truly care for him. I whispered, “I do love you, Ares.”

  Ares whispered, “It’s our destiny to be together. Are you rehashing old issues because you don’t want to discuss the new ones with me?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said indignantly and looked out the window to my left.

  Ares whispered, “I know it’s hard to deal with the fact that you aren’t a virgin anymore, but isn’t it satisfying to know that you’ll be with the one that you gave it to, the rest of your life? Not many humans can say that.”

  I turned to him and kissed his lips. “I love you Ares. I’m just insecure.”

  He shook his head. “You have no reason to be insecure. I only hav
e eyes for you.”

  Koda groaned and turned around from the passenger seat. “That was so cliché Ares. You’re how old and you couldn’t come up with something better than that? I mean, you did work with Shakespeare!”

  Ares frowned. “I was trying to be cute. Thank you for ruining our moment.”

  Koda winked at me. “Just here to help.”

  We drove for hours through a thick forest on an unmarked dirt road, until finally coming to a small gate with two male guards. Ulger rolled down his window and spoke in a foreign language, I assumed was German to the guards. The guards opened the gate, bowing to our vehicle as we drive past. The trees began thinning and we came to a large wood barn. Ulger stopped the car and we all climbed out. I stretched my arms up over my head, squealing as I stretched.

  Ares wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. “You keep doing things like that and we won’t make it to the village.”

  I blushed and tried to step out of his arms. “Ares, don’t tease me.”

  He licked my cheek, holding on tightly to me. “I believe I was just saying that to you.”

  Ulger parked the car inside the barn and then walked back to us. “Ready?” he asked as he cracked his neck from side to side.

  Ares nodded his head, smiling wide. I asked, “Ready for what?” Koda pulled his shirt and pants off, and then dropped to his hands and knees shifting forms flawlessly in seconds. His wolf form was more beautiful than I remembered. I fought the urge to run my hands through his fur and turned towards Ares, who was taking his shirt off.

  I sighed. “Fine, but I’m not changing back until we’re somewhere I can get dressed. I don’t want to parade around naked.”

  I took my shirt off slowly, noticing Ares watching me and folded it nicely on the ground. I slowly pulled my pants off, wriggling my butt excessively. Ares took a step towards me and Koda stepped between us, whining and barking. I stripped my underwear off quickly and changed shapes. It felt good to be a wolf again. My wolf felt ecstatic at being let out and we stretched from head to tail. Ares sniffed my shoulder and I wagged my tail. Let’s run!


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