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Moan Page 9

by Kenya Wright

  “We’re coming,” I said. “We just had a problem.”


  “We had a wardrobe malfunction.” I gazed at Emi’s clothes crumpled and wrinkled all over the ground. Feathers scattered in other places. I’d made a real mess of her costume. “We need a new gown for Emi.”


  “Just go to Sadie on the fourth floor. She’s one of the project managers of tonight. She’ll have Emi’s measurements and some emergency gowns for her.”

  “Emergency gowns?” Butter asked. “Are you fucking serious?”

  “I wanted to be prepared.”

  “You designed more gowns for her?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “What happened to her gown?”

  “It was ripped.”

  “With your dick?” Butter asked.

  “What type of question is that?” I rubbed my forehead.


  “Fine, yes, it was with my dick,” I whispered into the phone and put my back to her. “But it’s not what you think. She’s not a conquest. She’s just. . .getting to me.”

  Butter exhaled on the other line. “I can’t fucking believe this.”

  “Look. Get the gown. Bring it to the third room, I’ll help Emi put it on and we’ll be ready to go to the next room.” I gestured for a waiter to come over as I hung up the phone and turned to Emi. “We should get something to eat. My partner is getting you a new gown.”

  “My gown might be okay.”

  “No way.” I grabbed my jacket and helped her into it so she wouldn’t be so exposed. It looked so big on her, but it covered all the parts that no one should’ve been checking out.

  The waiter arrived. “Sir?”

  “Are you hungry, Emi?

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  Naked, I rose and went to the waiter. “Bring me over something nice. Let’s make it a little picnic. Make it quick too, please.”

  The waiter nodded.

  It must’ve taken him a good ten minutes to return. By then, I had on my pants and shirt. I’d made a blanket with Emi’s gown as she lay in my arms in my buttoned jacket.

  “What did you order?” she asked as the waiter began laying several platters down.

  “It’s the foods of this room.”

  “Beltane inspired?”

  “Yes.” I pointed to the bowl. “That’s dandelion salad crumbled in bacon. The Beltane bread has almonds in it, just in case you’re allergic to nuts.”

  She grinned. “I’m not, but thanks for thinking about that. This is quite a spread here.” She crawled over and checked some of the other dishes. “What’s this?”

  She gestured to a bowl full of odd bouquets. Stems that held fried food at the end of them. My stomach groaned.

  I grabbed one. “Those are elder flower fritters.”

  “Real flowers?”

  “Yes. It was a medieval dish that I found in my research. I thought it would be fun to have them here. The flowers are mixed with egg, rose water, honey, and I think a little brandy, and then deep fried.”

  “That doesn’t sound bad.” She picked up one and nibbled. “This is good. I taste a little lemon too.”

  “I hired great chefs.”

  “Did you design the menu?”

  “Yes. All twenty-five of them. Each room has its own menu. Then downstairs there are others—a bar menu, the sit down lounge one, etc.”

  “And you could probably tell me all of those dishes?”

  “If necessary?”

  “You have a good memory?”

  “No.” I shook my head and grabbed a fritter too. They were crisp and delicious on the tongue. I grabbed another one. “I love to plan events, ever since I was young. My mom would ask me for advice, when she planned my uncle’s or father’s birthdays. Eventually, my friends and family would seek me out before putting anything together—from super bowl parities to weddings. I must’ve been a best man in over twenty weddings, solely because the groom knew I would put on a mega bachelor’s party. It’s all fun to me, so every detail is easy to remember.”

  “What clicked for you, during that depression? What made you decide that this is what you should do?”

  “So many things. I got tired of being down and out. I wanted more. I’d already been a millionaire and knew that although I could pay my bills, I hadn’t been happy. I vowed day by day, as I pulled myself out of depression, to be happy. Whether or not that happiness involved money, I didn’t care.” I grabbed the bottle of wine that the waiter had left and poured us both a glass. “It helped that you kept me off the couch. I must have masturbated in the shower about you, then thought about my future.”

  “I’m glad I could help.” She giggled. “I was just hoping my interviews would be informative to most, and maybe just maybe inspire another little black girl staring at me on the screen to go after her dreams.”

  “Oh I bet there are tons of black girls and ones of other colors who are inspired by you.”

  “I hope so. Either way, I didn’t think my interviews would make someone horny.”

  “I’m hoping I’m the only one who’s jacked off to you.”

  She laughed some more. “Me too.”

  I picked up some other dishes and lay them around her folded legs. “Here’s pork medallions with Riesling sauce. And over here is asparagus with chive blossoms.”

  “I’m not a fan of asparagus, but I’ll try the pork.”

  “What?” I frowned. “Not a fan of asparagus? That’s it. I thought you were the one, but now I see I was wrong. I just can’t be with a woman that doesn’t respect asparagus.”

  “Oh dear.” She pouted. “And I can’t be with a man who enjoys to eat asparagus.”

  “What will we do?” I asked.

  Butter appeared from the shadows with three huge gowns draped over his arms. “Perhaps, you two should separate. Maybe it will be for the good of asparagus and other things. Important things.”

  Oh why don’t you wait to discipline me later. I know. I know. I should’ve waited, but I couldn’t.

  “Thanks for bringing the gowns.” I rose and checked them out. “Is there something that’s sky blue. I think that would look lovely with her skin.”

  Butter targeted me with a confused gaze. “Have you fucking been doing drugs?”

  “No, I just. . .fuck it. Give me the gowns. Let’s let Emi decide.”

  “Oh yes.” Butter twirled his hand in the air. “Let’s let Emi decide.”

  Emi watched us both as she nibbled on a piece of pork. “Any color is fine with me.”

  “Thank you.” Butter nodded. “I’m also thinking that we should change this interview a little bit. I should take Emi around, and Roman you have other things to do.”

  “No.” I shook my head.

  “Trust me.” Butter walked over to Emi. “You have other things to do.”

  Emi finished chewing and slowly got up, making sure that she didn’t reveal too much to Butter or the people passing by. She took the first gown and luckily it was a sky blue something that would bring out the richness of her brown skin. It wasn’t as magnificent as what I’d designed, but it would still look breathtaking on her. A corset was at the top, but the bottom didn’t have that hoop effect. Instead, it would hug her thighs and flair out like a mermaid’s tail.

  “Okay. I’ll be right back.” Leaving us alone, she went on the other side of the bonfire and probably began to dress.

  Butter got to my side. “She has nice legs.”

  “Don’t look at them.”

  “You slept with her.”

  “Let’s deal with that later.” I got in front of him. “Understand this, however, I’m taking her into the room.”

  “We don’t have time for that now.”

  “Why not?” I asked.

  “The devil is here, and he’s not pleased with the fourth room.”

  “We knew that.”

  “Yeah.” Butter nodded. “But we hoped that she’d already seen it fi
rst. Now he’ll know that she’s in there, when he knows that she’s a reporter following you.”

  “We’re just going to talk about this now.” I gestured around us.

  “When you started fucking her, I disabled the microphones. They can still see us though.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me. I was scared that you were going to give something away as you hooked up with her.”

  “I wouldn’t.”

  “You’re already being reckless with this mission.”

  “What do you expect? I’m a party planner, not one of your spies.”

  “I expect you to act like you’ve had a woman before, and not go crazy with this one.” He bent down and picked up a fritter. “I expect you to go into the fourth room and talk to the devil. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you didn’t ruin your microphone in the jacket. Emily will have to wear the same mask.”

  I frowned. “That mask won’t go with any of the new gowns.”

  “I will not go to the trouble of putting a microphone in a new mask just so she can coordinate her costume. Get your head in the game.”

  “I’m there.”

  “Fine. When she gives you back the jacket, I’ll do the mic test. You put it on, and then go. I’ll make sure she’s listening.”

  I gazed at the area that Emi had disappeared behind. Would she be comfortable with Butter? Better yet, was I okay with her being with him myself? He was a playboy, like me. After being with her for a few minutes, anything was possible. Could I trust him to keep his hands off her body?

  I fisted my hands thinking of him trying to kiss her.

  Hell no.

  Butter backed up as he looked at me. “What?”

  “Don’t fucking touch her while I’m gone.”

  “Are you going mad?” He raised his hands in front of him. “I’ve got enough women on my plate. Your Emi is safe with me.”

  “Stop calling her that.”

  “Fine, Romeo. Emily will be safe with me.”

  And that was when she appeared in front of us. Gliding like a beautiful angel decorated in blue, she took my breath away. The silk molded around her. No detail of her body was left to the imagination. She might as well have been naked.

  “Maybe,” I licked my lips, “Maybe we should get you another gown.”

  Butter tapped my shoulder. “We don’t have the time, Romeo. And damn, I don’t think I want her out of that dress.”

  I glared at him.

  “I was joking, Romeo.” Butter shrugged. “Now come on. Get your jacket. Let’s do what we came to do. Let’s start this dance with the devil.”



  Roman left me and he didn’t seem pleased at all. In fact, he looked close to punching his partner in the face. They’d explained to me that enough time had been wasted. It was time to deal with the real reason why I was here.

  And that would be in this fourth room.

  Fear gripped my heart, once Roman left. I wasn’t afraid of Butter, but I’d been so used to being with Roman. Additionally, I had no idea what to expect in the next room. What could it be? I considered all of the evil things done with sex and decided not to think about it too long or I would further scare myself.

  The new dress was easier to walk in and more contemporary. It smoothed against my skin in utter elegance.

  Butter watched me as he placed the mask on my face. “Are you nervous?”


  “Don’t be.”

  “Why? You’ll be there to save me?”

  “Yes. That and there’s many places where you can run.”

  “I’m not sure, if that makes me feel any better.”

  “It should.” He made sure the feathers hid the microphone in my ear.

  We’d tested it out a few times, before sending Roman off.

  I could hear it now. Roman mumbling something as he headed to that room on his own.

  “Are you getting anything?” Butter whispered.

  “Yes,” I said. “I think he’s cursing under his breath.”

  “Well, at least that’s a good sign.”

  “What would be a bad sign?”

  “Him tearing off your gown and fucking you in the middle of this party.”


  Butter signaled for us to move on. “You’re a beautiful woman. I can see what the big fuss is about.”

  “Thank you. I think.”

  “Just be careful, Emily. Now isn’t the time to pursue a relationship. This is about something more.”

  “Okay, but will I finally figure out what all of this is about?”

  “Yes.” He guided us out of the Beltane room. “Just be careful what you ask for. And no matter what you see, try to keep a straight face, and not throw up.”

  “Don’t vomit?” I dragged myself behind him. “What the hell do you mean?”

  “Hell is right.” He took my hand and practically dragged me forward. “Quickly, before we get two new friends.”

  “Where did the other ones go?”

  “They’re sleeping something off.”


  We got to the fourth room in no time. I wished it took more time. My stomach twisted in tight knots. My legs felt wobbly in the heels. I grabbed his arm and he stiffened against me.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I have to lean on you. I’m freaking out over here.”

  “You can lean on me for now, but when we get inside and spot Roman, make sure you step away. I don’t know where his head is at right now.”


  “Do you hear something, yet?”

  I pressed the mask’s bud closer to my ear. “No talking just some weird music.”

  Butter opened the door. “Weird music like this?”

  A dark red glow spilled out into the hallway. A haunting, dark music played, creeping me out more than the lightning.

  “Yes,” I whispered. “Weird music like that.”

  “Come on. He’s in here. That’s another good sign.” He held onto my arm and guided me forward.

  Crimson silk coated the walls like blood. Rock music rose in the air. It wasn’t the traditional type. There were words about Satan, sex, and Jesus. I wasn’t sure, if I should even focus on them, but it was hard not to.

  “The Beast he fucks him to the core.” The man’s voice taunted the guitar’s notes. “Until he’s nothing more, than a vessel.”

  The performer screamed.

  I jumped a little.

  “Are you okay?” Butter asked.

  “Yes.” I took in all of the men around me.

  They wore long black robes. All of them were the same. Long black masks hid their faces. They were all the same and shaped like crows’ beaks at the ends. Unless there were women behind those masks, I assumed they were men. They all towered over me and many had big shoulders and were wide as if they might’ve been chubby. None had the flair of the other guests in the castle. It didn’t seem like they’d come for the glitz and glamour.

  There were several massive thrones in the back of the room made out of skulls and bones. The things looked uncomfortable and real as if someone had just skinned several dead bodies and hammered their skeletons together.

  Large wooden crosses dangled from the ceiling. I stopped right there, when I realized that there were people climbing on the crosses. But it wasn’t the fact that they were high above me. It was that they looked like kids.


  They were naked with small arms and legs. I looked away. Bile rose in my throat.

  Butter took my waist and led me over to one of the red walls. “Calm down. Remember. You have to keep a straight face.”

  “Are those kids?” I said through clenched teeth. “Please, tell me they’re not kids.”

  “They’re not. Trust me. Roman may be bad with some things, but he would never go that far. But this is why you’re here.”

  I risked a glance at the small people on the crosses, spotted them, and then turned away
again. “No, they look young.”

  “Come with me, Alice to my wonderland.” The singer’s voice came back. “Watch me eat your soul in my wonderland.”

  “They’re bodies look young, but you have to study their faces.” He made me turn around. The whole time he scanned the crowd. Sweat beaded on his forehead. “Keep a straight face, Emily.”

  I concentrated on one of the girl’s faces. Maybe he was right. I sure wanted him to be correct. Although she appeared short from here, I guessed she might’ve just turned eighteen and had been a super petite one. She barely had any breasts. Her body was small too.

  “They’re all eighteen trust me, Emily.”

  “These men like them young looking?”

  “They like them young,” Butter said. “This was Roman’s compromise. Men and women that looked prepubescent.”

  I leaned Butter’s way. “What is this room’s theme?”

  “The beast will fuck you hard in my wonderland. He’ll make you grip the sand and moan so loud it will rip your core.”

  “What does this look like to you?” Butter asked.

  “It looks like some sort of fucked up church for a crazy cult.”

  “You’re pretty smart. Can you think of any messed up ones in our world?”

  “No. Granted, every religion has some darkness, but nothing comes to mind.” I took in the wooden crosses and the young people rubbing their naked bodies against them.

  “How much do you know about the Catholics in Medieval Europe?”

  “Not much.”

  “The Vatican held power even back then. And you know whose home is there?”

  “The Pope.”

  “Yes, but let’s be happy that we are not up against him. As far as I know, the Pope knows nothing about this. But there is a man that whispers in the ear of the Pope, and that is the one that we need your help with.”

  I shivered. “This is getting dangerous.”

  “Yes, it is. There is a group of nine Roman Catholic cardinals appointed to serve as advisers to the Pope after his election. This man is one of them and he has a lot of power all over the world.”

  My heart boomed in my ears.

  Butter whispered in my ear, “This is your moment to run.”

  “The Beast! The Beast! The Beast!” The music boomed a few seconds longer and then shut off. I had no idea where the band was because the room was packed with many tall, dark, masked men, but I was grateful that they’d be moving on to a new song.


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