Just a Kiss

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Just a Kiss Page 13

by Tabatha Kiss

  “Not true?” I ask.

  Hayden inhales to answer but stops. “No,” he says. “It’s not true.”

  I pause when I realize I’ve been combing the same spot repeatedly.

  “I didn’t fall in love with a normal, everyday girl,” he says. “I fell in love with Penelope Warren.”

  I look forward into the mirror as he kicks off the floor and turns the chair around to face me. He stands up before I can react and takes my hands in his.

  “I can’t even begin to say how much this weekend meant to me, Penny,” he says. “If you still want to move on, I’ll accept that, but… I wanted to see you one last time and tell you face-to-face that I’ll never forget you.” His lips twitch. “I’ll never forget those three days I spent with Penelope Warren for as long as I live.”

  Hayden kisses my cheek before taking a step back and releasing my hands.

  My heart flutters, pounding so hard I can barely hear my own thoughts as he stalks toward the door.

  “Six days,” I say.

  Hayden stops. “What?” he asks.

  I catch my breath. “Twelve weeks, six days, and counting,” I say. “Right?”

  He smiles. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

  I drop my comb and scissors into my apron and step forward as he does. We bridge the short gap in two long strides and he cups my face, drawing me closer and crushing his lips on mine. I kiss him back, completely swooning in his thick arms as laughter takes over my chest.

  “Should we make this official?” he asks.

  I furrow my brow. “What do you mean?”

  Hayden withdraws his phone from his pocket. “Every new haircut deserves a selfie,” he says as he flicks his camera on.

  He sidles to stand beside me and raises the phone in front of us to use the front-facing camera.

  “Smile, Penny,” he says.

  We both grin into the camera and he snaps our photo.

  “Cute on the first try,” he says, admiring it. “Nice.”

  His thumbs tap wildly along the touchscreen.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, growing nervous.

  “New haircut,” he says as he slowly types, “from my girlfriend, PennyLove818.”

  I blink. “Wait, what?”

  “Too late. Already tagged you. Heart emoji. Smile emoji.” He peeks up. “Eggplant?”

  I shake my head.

  “No eggplant.” He deletes it. “There.”

  Hayden drops the phone into my hand and crosses his arms. I quickly turn it to check the screen, my chest clenching at the admittedly cute picture and tag ready to go out to nearly a million followers.

  “It’s up to you, Penny,” he says. “If you wanna keep it quiet, then we will. Otherwise, hit send and we’ll tell the world.”

  My thumbs twitch. I bite my lip. I swallow hard. I take a breath to combat the searing heat taking over my skin.

  Hayden smiles and my heart skips at those fucking dimples.

  I tap send.

  Holy shit.

  I sent it.

  “There,” I say, shoving the phone back into his hands. “It’s done.”

  He grins and checks it to be sure. “And we have a like!” he says. “Two likes!”

  I step closer. “Already?”


  “What?” I peek over his thick shoulder to read. “Who is TrishaSI?”

  He sighs. “That reporter from before.”

  I cringe at the sudden influx of messages… all from her. “Whoa, she’s excited.”

  “Just ignore her.”


  Hayden clicks the screen off and turns to focus on me. “When do you get off?” he asks.

  “Five,” I answer. “Lunch break at noon.”

  “Then, I’ll be back at noon.” He kisses my forehead. “And five.”

  I laugh. “Shouldn’t you be resting your knee?”

  “It’ll be fine.”

  “Are you even allowed to drive right now?”

  He crushes his lips on mine one more time. “Shh,” he says. “I’ll let you know in a minute.”

  I kiss him back while we laugh harder.

  A throat clears behind us. I break away from Hayden to find Ace staring at me from the other workstation, his customer looking just as confused as he does.

  “So… you didn’t snap, then?” he asks as he snips his scissors twice.

  I cringe and wipe my mouth. “Sorry, Ace. This is my boyfriend, Hayden,” I say, testing it out… and loving every syllable. “Hayden, this is my considerate and forgiving boss, Ace.”

  Hayden nods. “How’s it going, man?”

  Ace chuckles. “Good.”

  “Hayden was just leaving,” I say, nudging his ribs.

  “Right.” Hayden steps back and salutes the room. “I’ll get out of your…” he laughs, “well, hair.”

  Ace flips his comb and starts in on the customer’s other side. “Go with him,” he says.

  I blink. “I’m sorry?”

  “You look peaked,” he says. “You should go home and get some rest. Come back tomorrow.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask.

  “I can handle the place until Iris gets here.”

  Hayden snatches my hand, seizing opportunity. “You know what, sir, you are absolutely right. She even feels a bit too warm. So, I’m going to take her home and put her right to bed. Thank you.”

  Ace smirks. “You’re welcome.”

  I pull my apron off and hang it in place of my jacket. “Thanks, Ace,” I say.

  “Tomorrow,” he says. “Bright and early.”

  “Yes, sir.” I nod and wave at the still very confused customer in his chair. “Bye.”

  Hayden yanks me along with him and we bolt outside only to immediately stumble right back into each other’s arms again. He gets that look on his face; a look of soft inquisition that I didn’t quite understand until now. Hayden’s been looking out for me since the beginning, since the moment I asked him to.

  He really is just a big sweetheart.

  “I’m okay,” I say before he can ask. “I’m sure. This is what I want.”

  “Yeah?” he asks.

  I nod. “This is perfect,” I say.

  Hayden grins and kisses the edge of my mouth.

  “It really is,” he says.



  I am so nervous.

  I stare at myself in the mirror behind the bar. A thin layer of sweat covers my brow and my suit is starting to feel a little bit like a sauna.

  Today is either going to be the start of the rest of my life.

  Or it’s not.

  A man emerges from behind the bar with a crate of bottles in his hands and I smile the moment I see his rough, black hair and card-suit tattoos.

  “Hey, Doc,” I say.

  He turns his head up and grins. “Holy shit!” he says. “Of all the dives in Vegas, Hayden Botsford walks into mine.”

  I laugh. “It’s been a while.”

  “About a year?”

  “Sounds about right.”

  He sets the crate on the far side of the counter and heads back over to me. “What have you been up to?” he asks.

  I take a deep breath. “Just living life, man.”

  “Sounds boring,” he jokes. “Want a drink?”

  “Yeah, anything. As long as it’s strong.”

  He chortles as he grabs a bottle of vodka and an old-fashioned glass. “Do I want to ask?”

  “I’ll let you know in the morning,” I say.

  “Oh, hey!” He points at me. “I saw the game last week. Two home runs? And a double play?”

  I push out my chest. “Someone’s gotta knock Hunter down a peg.”

  “That was badass, man. I got laid that night just by telling a girl I knew you.”

  I extend my fist. “Happy to assist.”

  He gives it a bump. “How long will you be in town?” he asks as he pours my drink.

  “Just thro
ugh the weekend,” I answer.

  “You free tonight? I can save you a seat at the table downstairs.”

  I shake my head. “Gonna be a busy one, I hope.”

  He sets my drink down in front of me. “Well, you have my number. Let me know if that changes.”

  “I will.”

  “Hey, hot guy.”

  I smile.

  A woman stands down the bar to my left. She wears a tight, red sundress and strappy, black heels. Her strawberry hair rests atop her head in a stylish ponytail that brings a few unsavory images to my mind as I allow my eyes to ride her perfect curves down to the floor.

  I glance over my shoulder, feigning ignorance. “Moi?” I ask her.

  She slinks in closer, so close the edge of her hip touches my thigh. My eyes dip down her fierce neckline and I bite my lip at her cleavage.

  “You want to make twenty bucks?” she asks.

  I stare forward and raise my glass to take a sip. “I’m sorry, miss,” I say. “I already have a girlfriend.”

  Her red lips pout. “Is she prettier than me?”

  I side-eye her up and down. “Nope.”

  She playfully slaps my shoulder and I laugh. I wrap my extended arm around her waist and hoist her against me to plant a firm kiss on her wicked mouth.

  “Hi, Penny.” Doc waves from a foot away from our faces. “Don’t mind me or anything. Continue your weird roleplay lap dance thing.”

  Penelope grins at him as she props her rear onto the empty stool beside mine. “How you doing, Doc?” she asks.

  “I’m great. How are you?”

  “Fan-freaking-tastic,” she answers.

  “Can I get you anything?”

  “No, I’ll just have what he’s having.” She pinches the rim of my glass and slides it toward herself.

  I don’t fight it. Might as well get used to what’s mine is hers.

  Doc smiles. “Well, holler at me if you need anything. I’m gonna fetch more limes from the back.”

  “Will do,” I say. “Thanks, Doc.”

  He waves and disappears behind the curtain again.

  Penelope takes a sip from my drink. “What are you thinking about?” she asks.

  “Oh, you know…” I exhale hard. “Just wondering how badly it’ll hurt if I run upstairs and leap off the roof.”

  She snorts. “It won’t be that bad, I promise.”

  “I don’t want to screw this up,” I say.

  “You won’t screw it up. Just be yourself.”

  “Being myself got me pegged a dirty, rotten cheater last year. Remember?”

  She waves a hand. “No one even remembers that. Besides, if I can live down being the chick you almost banged in front of your mom backstage at a concert, then you can live down a few questionable Instagram choices.”

  I bite my cheek. “Fair point.”

  Penelope rubs my arm. “I’m telling you, Hayden. The dust from last year has settled.”


  “Completely.” She flashes me that sweet smile. “And if I’m wrong, and my mother walks in here and gives you even a little bit of that passive-aggressive shade, then you can scoop me up, take me back upstairs to our room, and fuck my brains out.”

  I squint. “You know I’m just gonna fuck your brains out either way, right?”

  She runs a warm hand over my thigh. “Yeah but this way we get up there faster.”

  I hold my hands in prayer. “Please let there be shade,” I whisper to the ceiling. “Please let there be shade.”

  Penelope smacks my shoulder again as she laughs.


  Here we go.

  We slide off our stools and turn around to see Trey and Mary Lou Warren walking toward the bar. I perform a quick looksie over their shoulders to scan for stowaways but it appears Dickweed McQueen has finally gotten the fucking point.

  Stay the hell away from my woman.

  Man, it feels good just thinking that.

  Penelope smiles. “Hi, Mom and Dad.”

  Mary Lou opens her arms and gives Penelope a hug.

  “Hayden!” Trey thrusts his hand toward mine. “I’m so happy you could make it again this year.”

  I give him that firm Botsford handshake he loves so much. “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” I say. “Thanks for inviting me back.”

  “Hey, as long as my daughter can’t get enough of you, then neither can I!”

  Penelope frowns. “Dad.”

  I laugh and turn to look at Mary Lou. “Hi, Mary Lou. It’s nice to see you again.”

  “Hello, Hayden,” she says, smiling. “You look great. New suit?”

  I glance down at my jacket. “Actually, yeah. Brand-new. You’ve got a good eye.”

  “Gift from your mother?” she asks with a wink.

  I pause. “Yes…”

  She laughs. “Fiona went suit shopping last week for you boys and she let me tag along. Found a few gorgeous pieces for Trey as well.”

  I shift with unease. “Oh, yeah?”

  Mary Lou looks me up and down. “I helped her pick out this one. Said the color would bring out your eyes and I was right!”

  Penelope nudges my ribs.

  “Well… thank you,” I say. “You chose well. I really like it.”

  Mary Lou claps her hands together once. “Wonderful!” She looks around. “Now what’s a lady got to do to get a drink around here?”

  Trey steps forward. “I’ll get us something, Mary Lou. You go sit down.”

  “All right!”

  They disperse in opposite directions and I sidle closer to Penelope.

  “She befriended my mother?” I murmur.

  “Yeah… She does that.”

  “Does that count as shade?”

  Penelope shakes her head with a smile. “No.”

  I sigh. “Damn.”

  She hooks my arm and we walk over to take our seats.

  Penelope rests her head on my shoulder and leaves it there for the entire elevator ride up to the 25th floor.

  “I’m so tired,” she says.

  I cradle an arm behind her back to keep her propped upright. “Me, too,” I say.

  It’s been a long day. Almost too long.

  But it’s not over yet.

  She stifles a yawn. “Can you just like… carry me the rest of the way?”

  I laugh. “It’s not too far…”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “It’s like a mile, I swear.”

  The elevator stops with a ding and the doors slide open.

  I sigh and bow forward to lift her sunken body off the floor. Her sluggish hands instantly take hold of my jacket as I easily cradle her in my arms.

  Penelope chuckles. “Yessssss.”

  I laugh and carry her the rest of the way to our room.

  Room 2507. The same room I stayed in for weeks while my knee healed. The same room where Penelope and I made love for the first time and stayed up all night eating veggie burgers and watching baseball.

  Has it really been a year already?

  “Penny,” I whisper outside the door.

  She hums in acknowledgment.

  “The key is in my breast pocket.”

  She reaches in and slides it out. I keep a tight grip on her as she leans over to swipe it through the reader. The electronic light flashes from red to green and she turns the knob to let us inside.

  “Thank you,” I tell her as I nudge the door open.

  I carry her in and the door closes behind us. I navigate in the dark, using my memory to easily make my way over to the bed across the suite.

  I slowly lower her down onto the mattress. She sprawls out almost immediately and I carefully slide her shoes off and stick them on the floor by the foot of the bed.

  For a moment, I just watch her. I flash back to that first night we slept together — really slept. We laid together like puzzle pieces, perfectly meshed in every way. Talking, laughing. Kissing until su

  I silently glide over to the window. The shades are drawn, so I tug them open a little to see the view outside. City lights rhythmically pulse and flash in golden patterns and in an instant…

  I completely change my mind.

  The plan was to take her up to the roof. We were to stand there and watch this view from the top down, just as we did the night I first snuck her up there. I would take her in my arms and hold her and kiss her until I drop down on one knee. A perfect proposal in front of a perfect view.

  But that’s wrong.

  This. This is the perfect view.

  I turn away from the city and admire Penelope on the bed. She’s rolled onto her side and rests with one hand nestled between her cheek and the pillow.

  This. This is the memory I’d rather have.

  I kick off my shoes and lower myself down to lie beside her.

  “Penny?” I whisper in the dark. “Wake up.”

  Her eyes shift beneath her lids. “What?” she asks.

  I caress her cheek. “Wake up,” I say again.

  Penelope responds, her eyes gently flickering open and she smiles at me. “Hey,” she says. “What time is it?”

  I don’t look away from her. “I don’t know,” I answer.

  She rises up and balances on her elbow to meet my gaze. “Are you okay?” she asks.

  I smile. “Perfect.”

  I lean forward and her head instantly tilts up to fit our lips together perfectly. I kiss her softly, igniting a fire deep within me and making my pulse quicken even more.

  I slide my hand into my pocket and thumb the velvet box inside.

  “Penelope,” I whisper.


  I swallow. I take a breath. I picture the last year of our lives and the next forty ahead of us.

  I pull out the box and I lay it next to her hand on the bed between us.

  “Will you marry me?” I ask.

  Penelope blinks but she says nothing. She leans back in and kisses me again, completely ignoring the velvet box.

  “Penny?” I ask, her lips pressed against mine.

  Still, she says nothing.

  I shift back, my heart veering into palpitations territory. “Penny?”

  “Shh.” She crushes her lips on mine one more time and she laughs. “I’ll let you know in a minute.”

  I kiss her back while we laugh harder.

  This is why I love you, Penelope Warren.


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